animation-name: Up 4s; if(parseInt(size) <= 14){ 03. .nav li:last-of-type { padding: 4px 8px; .info { content:''; tip_follows_cursor:true, overflow:hidden; Set in a vast array of Disney and Pixar worlds, KINGDOM HEARTS follows the … border-width: 8px 10px 0; display:none; -webkit-border-radius: 0px; position: absolute; text-align:center; letter-spacing:2px; transition:.6s; } background-color:#747a7b; } -webkit-transition:.5s; max-width:100%; padding:14px; overflow-x:hidden; $('body').css('font-size', '16px') border:1px solid #ddd; .topinfo a{ Opens in new window. font-size:1em; overflow-y:auto; Text Post posted 4 months ago. } position:relative; position:relative; } border:4px solid #fff; border:none; border-radius:4px; .posts img { the link takes you to the permalink page. #albumart img{ @media screen and (max-width: 800px) { 05. } padding:20px 10px; Controls - tumblr controls, selection, and scrollbar ::-webkit-scrollbar-button { .topinfo a{ background:#888; the link takes you to the permalink page. .tags a { border-radius:8px; display:inline-block!important; display:none; position:relative; display:none; /* link posts */ } background-size:17px 18px; } #container { Kingdom Hearts is a series of action role-playing games developed and published by Square Enix (formerly Square). } align-items:center; Sidebar - sidbear, description, icon -moz-border-radius: 0px; aside .otherlinks a:hover:before { } } border:none; } position:fixed; padding:10px; padding-right:10px; .posts, ol.notes { 04. content: ''; margin-left:4px; width:calc(50% - 44px); } width: 10px; #sidebarim img{ padding:10px; border-color: transparent #7F7F7F; max-width:420px; Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep (Video Game 2010) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. text-align:right; background-repeat:no-repeat; Opens in new window, Text Post posted 12 months ago. margin:0px 10px 0px 0px; .chat:nth-of-type(odd) { transition:.6s; margin-left:130px; #search form { height:40px; 259 likes. .food .tet{display:block; z-index:999999; color:;} letter-spacing:2px; background:#fff; padding:2px; Responsive } } left: -16px; color:#000; padding:10px 12px; transition:.6s; } .avatar-square img{ padding-top:6px; background: #eee; /* Gecko Browsers */color:#000; .avatar-circle img{ background:#222; .spoons { /* pagination */ border-radius:100%;…. } color:#747a7b; 5 out of 5 stars (380) $ 16.00 FREE shipping Favorite Add to 35.5" Kingdom of Hearts … .nav li:last-of-type { } background: transparent; .thing li:before{content:'\e04f'; Controls - tumblr controls, selection, and scrollbar } background-size:17px 18px; map planner Yukihiro Taniguchi ... motion designer: background modeling Kazuyoshi Tashiro ... director: localization team Sonoko Tokoeda ... motion designer: background modeling Ryo Tsurumaki ... event … } z-index:99999999; color:#222; } #sidebarim img{ display:none; max-width:600px; #sidebarim { width:60%; width:auto!important; .otherlinks a:hover { z-index: 1; } display:none; } letter-spacing:2px; .otherlinks a { } This page containt the ideas for Kingdom Hearts games by Square-Enix and Disney. border-color: #000 transparent; this post is blacklisted because it contains multiple-words and is not fully visible on the index page. Doctor Otto Gunther Octavius, otherwise known as Doctor Octopus, is a supporting antagonist in the Kingdom Hearts Unlimited Saga, first appearing in "A Year of Misery" as a super-crime lord operating in … #egg:hover { animation-name: egg; The final version will also include an elastic band. Opens in new window, Text Post posted 11 months ago. background: #FFFFFF; Anime Character Design Scott Pilgrim Pics Disney Magic Character Kairi Kingdom Hearts … /* tool tips */ border-width:0px; transition:.6s; font-style:italic; transform:translate(0,0); #albumart{ background:#fff; } padding:2px 14px 2px 10px; transform:translate(-10px, 0); position:absolute; margin-left:70px; top:32px; Due to airmail shipping being blocked from Japan to America and much of the rest of the world, we couldn’t produce one and feasibly get it to people in time as mail by ship can take up to 4 months. Responsive - Media queries height:40px; } } left:0px; overflow-x:hidden; background:#222; General outline: none; /* blacklist box */ .topinfo { } .user a { color:#2b2b2b; display:none; } font-size:.9em; CSS editing directory background-repeat:no-repeat; position:relative; Applications are now closed! background: #57585d; } aside { .speechbubble:before .speechbubble content: ''; border-radius: 100%; var size = $("body").css("font-size"); float:left; padding:30px; display:none; } line-height:150%; max-width:300px; border-radius:2%; position:relative; border:none; .nav .fa, .nav .th { left:0; font-weight:bold; transition:.6s; See the … ------------ */ width:25%; color:#000; 10%{transform:rotate(20deg)} font-family:honeybee; position:fixed; ol.notes .like:before { list-style:none; } } transition:.6s; 06. $('body').css('font-size', '16px') border-radius:100%; top: 17px; // do something Our first sample is in! display:inline-block; line-height:150%; position: relative; /* ------------ .linkp a:before { Text Post posted 1 year ago. font-family:MonotypeCorsiva; display:block; left: 10%;} .inactive:after{ background: #eee; /* Gecko Browsers */color:#000; height:16px; margin:50px auto; font-family:helvetica; -moz-border-radius: 0px; margin-left:calc( / 2); I absolutely cannot bring myself to write in it. i {color:#888; font-style:normal;; } transition:.5s; } padding:8px; **/ Responsive - Media queries ------------ */ width:96px; height:96px; } padding:10px; } } border:none; } the link takes you to the permalink page. border-color: transparent #7F7F7F; font-size:.8em; { It's where your interests connect you with your people. } margin:auto auto auto auto; .otherlinks { .player { background:#b0b0b0 url( } .topinfo img { #search form .query { Saved by Sarah Hester. background-color:#fff; left: -15px; height:30px; width:24px; margin-left:-20px; transition:.5s; } display: block; width:100%; #sidebarim { font-size:1.2em; } {"@type":"SocialMediaPosting","url":"https:\/\/\/post\/187134967068\/kingdom-hearts-planner-2020","mainEntityOfPage":true,"datePublished":"2019-08-20T04:25:06-04:00","author":"khplanner","image":{"@list":["https:\/\/\/96a47f7f1544f3fda145ba5a589cc3bf\/f82c7014462d68e3-fe\/s540x810\/eedc61ef475fdd4120fc2357339562ba5f1b40a3.jpg","https:\/\/\/34c0f2dcd1151419d33ec89d1a822c4b\/f82c7014462d68e3-a7\/s540x810\/8e087ffc22081e325bb176029233482ad2310f42.jpg","https:\/\/\/fc6ed203446a8bc3606034b90e2a7f1d\/f82c7014462d68e3-11\/s540x810\/b76ce8edb4d181b5a07681e021fe70426e4c7c01.jpg"]},"headline":"Kingdom Hearts Planner 2020","articleBody":"Hello, fellow Keybearers!\nOur first sample is in! position:relative; margin-top:10px; opacity:1; border:1px solid #444; z-index:4; It’s a new year and we’re looking for new artists for the 2021 Kingdom Hearts Planner! top:-80px; transform:scale(.94); } Kingdom Hearts Planner Team. .nav { .multiple-words .tet3{ border-style: solid; i {color:#888; font-style:normal;; } margin:4px; font-family:Garamond; display:flex; .speechbubble:after left: -15px; .info { ::-moz-selection { left:-10px; Misc - header, blacklist box, meters Sabine Ach Dec 15, 2020. border-radius:30px; } border-radius: 0px; color:#222; Find Me on Social Media. .avatar-circle img{ Posts - container, posts, post styles
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