-Mr. Burns encouraging his recycling employees, the residents of the Retirement Castle, to work harder "The Old Man and the Lisa". I don't approve of his Bart Killing Plan, but I do approve of his Selma Killing Plan. -Homer Simpson witnessing the kidnapping of President Clinton and Senator Dole in "Treehouse of Horror VII- Citizen Kang", "I am Clin-Ton. “I don’t understand why we have to build a ray gun to aim at a planet I never even heard of,” Marge Simpson said. He's the dumbest person in the slowest reading group! ", -Mr. Burns walking away after he's lost the Springfield Gubernatorial Election in "Two Cars In Every Garage, Three Eyes On Every Fish", "I can't believe it. He and musician Kanye West are the only no-party candidates running for president here. Bush received less of the popular vote than Gore while Bush received the … ", Voters justifying their votes for Mayoral Candidate "Sideshow" Bob Terwiliger (R) in "Sideshow Bob Roberts", "I don't think Bob won that election legally. Burns: People, if we meet this week's quota, I'll take you to the most duck-filled pond you ever sat by! My commentary on what is going on in the world, "An election!? Kang and Kodos. Partisan politics are tearing our country apart. (Kang and Kodos laugh maniacally). (Crowd boos) Kang: Very well, no abortions for anyone! “We’re supposed to act according to our consciences. -conversation between President Bill Clinton and Senator Bob Dole before Homer accidentally jettisons them into space in "Treehouse of Horror VII- Citizen Kang", Kang: The politics of failure have failed. It cost me $30.76 for two double sided signs, two yard stakes and shipping. Tomorrow, when you are sealed in the voting cubicle, vote for me, Senator Ka-- I mean, Bob Dole! To the offices of the World Book Encyclopedia! They can be classed as Anti-heroes and extraterrestrials. As Overlord all will kneel trembling before me and obey my brutal commands. 0 subscribe caption Report. ", -Mr. Smithers explaining why he is helping Bart and Lisa discover the truth behind Sideshow Bob's victory in "Sideshow Bob Roberts", "Oh, no! ", -Kodos disgusied as President Clinton in "Treehouse of Horror VII- Citizen Kang". ", Crowd: (murmurs) "He's right, this is a two-party system. With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Either way, your planet is doomed! Homer: Hey, if you don't like it, go to Russia. Kent Brockman (on TV): Senator Dole, why should people vote for you instead of President Clinton? Directed by Mike B. Anderson. Kodos: Smooth move, Space Lax. Homer: Lisa, being President is easy! If you and I are gonna whup these one-eyed space fellas, we're gonna have to set aside our differences. Mary Bailey responding to Mr. Burns' ad in "Two Cars in Every Garage, Three Eyes on Every Fish". There’s no bot like a robot! Dole: You got a point there, Bill. 9 Followers. We should vote for whatever we believe in,” Pierce said. ", -Jingle for Mr. Burns' campaign in "Two Cars In Every Garage, Three Eyes On Every Fish". Kang: [punches Kodos on the shoulder]—Jinx! He was portrayed by the late Arnold Moss. I'm pretty sure the PATRIOT Act killed it to ensure our freedoms. ", -Kodos disguised as President Clinton giving a debate speech in "Treehouse Of Horror VII- Citizen Kang". ", -Bart Simpson after discovering Sideshow Bob voter Edgar Neubauer is dead in "Sideshow Bob Roberts", "I've said it once and I'll say it again: Democracy doesn't work. ", Man In Crowd: "Well, I believe I'll vote for a third-party candidate. (receives applause), Kodos: I am looking forward to an orderly election tomorrow, which will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. Clinton: You know, Senator, being in suspended animation gave me time to think. Bart: "Hey four eyes, Vote Quimby! Permalink: Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons! Bart raises his hand, but Homer hits it down.) Advisor 2: Well, we've gone through her garbage. However, by the 2260s, he had achieved the rank of commander, and was assigned the command of his own D7-class battle cruiser. It’s a two-party system, you have to vote for one of us,” one of the aliens told the crowd. Bart discovers his Siamese twin in the attic; Lisa becomes a God after she accidentally creates life in a science fair project; Kang and Kodos plot to conquer the planet. White or transparent. Anyone from a species that has mastered intergalactic travel, raise your hand. Who do you like? (Lou and Chief Wiggum enter a squad car and drive off), -Ralph Wiggum is announced the winner of the Springfield Primary Election and trying to determine what party he should run for in "E Pluribus Wiggum" (this made me laugh and shudder all at the same time), "This doesn't happen in America. Zumwalt ran for the. It's a two-party system - you have to vote for one of us! (chuckles). End Communication. “I don’t understand why we have to build a ray gun to aim at a planet I never even heard of,” Marge Simpson said. Kodos: Anyone from a species that has mastered intergalactic travel, raise your hand. Kodos: Now we are in charge! His campaign team includes a fellow tech entrepreneur, a data privacy activist, and the musician and philanthropist Akon. Pierce acknowledges he won’t win the presidency this year, but he already is making plans for another independent bid in 2024, with hopes of engaging other no-party and third-party candidates in down-ballot races. You’ve destroyed the totality of existence. The government might find out what library books I take out! Moe: How many people want to abolish democracy forever? ", -Lisa Simpson after learning that a crooked Senator is arrested, tried, and jailed all in the same day in "Mr. Lisa Goes To Washington", Kent Brockman (On TV): And on a scary note, the Presidential Primaries are just a few months away. Clinton: Together, we can lead America into a new Golden Age! Lou: Not so fast Kent. 1 History 2 Quotes 3 Trivia 4 Navigation After an exotic fungus ruined the food supply on the Federation colony world Tarsus IV, Kodos was able to engineer a vote of no confidence in … Add the PDF files from the link. (high-fives Bart), -Ralph Wiggum is announced as the winner of the Springfield Primary Election in "E Pluribus Wiggum". hide. When he disappeared you, you stayed disappeared. Be warned, there will be massive bashing of some characters, so be prepared for controversial topics. Chief Wiggum: Go ahead, Ralphie, you've invited to two parties: one with a donkey, and one with an elephant. One of their best episodes was the season eight “Treehouse of Horror” vignette “Citizen Kang” that aired in 1996. Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons! Cut to Inauguration Day. It may not be perfect, but it's still the best government we have. The system actually works. Kodos the Executioner is a one-shot villain in the Star Trek franchise, appearing in the Star Trek: The Original Series episode "The Conscience of the King". -Electorate in Springfield discussing alternatives to democracy in "E Pluribus Wiggum". Mar 18, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Trevor Soderstrum. Permalink: Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons! In that classic, Kang and Kodos abduct President Bill Clinton and Sen. Robert Dole, the presidential candidates in 1996. 7 years ago "Well thanks for takin' care of Dole for me!" Chief Wiggum: Only one place to settle this! share. Nominate her for Women of Achievement! Do you know someone who should be celebrated for her work, ideas, impact on our community? All they want to hear are bland pleasantries embellished by an occasional saxophone solo or infant kiss. As a young boy, I dreamed of being a baseball. For now. ", -Kent Brockman after the US Congress defeats a bill to evacuate Springfield from destruction by a comet after adding another bill to support the perverted arts in "Bart's Comet", "Well, this reporter was...possibly a little hasty earlier and would like to...reaffirm his allegiance to this country and its human president. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 27, 1996. Lisa utilizes her wish to bring upon world peace, which results in Springfield destroying all of their weapons. And they're voting Republican! “Since I was a kid, the story has always been the same, it’s not even new material — you’re throwing your vote away; if you don’t vote for this then you’re voting for that. "Treehouse of Horror VII" is the first episode of The Simpsons' eighth season. It says in the Constitution, you have to be 35! Bart: The Constitution? More than 20 years later, the vote-shaming talking points haven’t changed a bit. Kang won the election and Americans are enslaved by aliens. Homer responded, “Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos.”. Hey lame-o, Vote Quimby! I'm your moderator, Larry King. Pierce was a young teenager at the time, but he remembers how third-party candidates were treated by political elites and the mainstream media. The line was pitched by George Meyer [25] and was even somewhat followed in later episodes as the writers tried to make Kang the more dominant of the two. Mar 18, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Trevor Soderstrum. (also receives applause), -Kang and Kodos disguised as Bob Dole and Bill Clinton giving their pre-election speeches in "Treehouse of Horror VII- Citizen Kang", Kodos: "It's true, we are aliens! Kang (on TV): It makes no difference which one of us you vote for. As they both laugh, their spaceship leaves off. They are green, octopus-like aliens from the fictional planet Rigel VII and appear almost exclusively in the Treehouse of Horror episodes. “First Kid,” where Pierce played the unruly son of a fictional American president, was released the same year America last had a formidable alternative presidential candidate — Ross Perot, who earned 8 percent nationally as a Reform Party candidate in 1996. Abortion for some, American flags for the others. Ow. You owe me a soda! save. But what are you going to do about it? Brock Pierce, an independent presidential candidate on the ballot in Iowa, got his start as a child movie star in the 1990s. The Gazette employs three staff columnists who live and work in Eastern Iowa, and also serve on the editorial board. Say it loud with a couple of Funny Election yard signs and flags from Zazzle! (Kang and Kodos each raise a tentacle. Sort: Relevant Newest # reaction # the simpsons # simpsons # bored # season 17 # the simpsons # laughing # aliens # tv series # treehouse of horror # the simpsons # abortions # bob dole # kang and kodos # american flags # … Politics as a theme explored on The Simpsons, the TV cartoon classic. (also receives applause) -Kang and Kodos disguised as Bob Dole and Bill Clinton giving their pre-election speeches in "Treehouse of Horror VII- Citizen Kang" Show of hands? {David punches Flanders}. Kang and Kodos. Kang won the election and Americans are enslaved by aliens. Carl: I could go for some kind of military thing, like Juan Peron. If you want them double sided change that on the print position (I have Kang on one side and Kodos on the other) Choose "Upload my Artwork" for the artwork type. Kodos: I am looking forward to an orderly election tomorrow, which will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. It originally aired on the Fox network in the United States on October 27, 1996. This anonymous clan of slack-jawed troglodytes has cost me the election, and yet if I were to have them killed, I would be the one to go to jail. Rick: this is what happened during the 2000 presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore. report. ", -Homer in "Treehouse of Horror VII- Citizen Kang" (if the election doesn't go your way, use this quote), President Nixon's Chief of Naval Operations, tries to vote for Obama but the machine is rigged to vote for McCain. We are rulers of Earth! Kang: (as Dole) Fooling these Earth voters is easier than expected. Kodos : (as Clinton) Yes. With the election approaching, they abducted both President Bill Clinton and challenger Bob Dole and assumed the candidates’ physical appearances. Grampa: Oh, hot-diggity! What's next, finding out what operas I go to? That's democracy for you! Kang won the election and Americans are enslaved by aliens. Kang is voiced by Harry Shearer and Kodos by Dan Castellaneta. Homer manages to reveal politicians are … Burns: Have you, uh, found any dirt on Mary Bailey? [When switched in] Kang: Stupid fool! Kodos: I am looking forward to an orderly election tomorrow, which will eliminate the need for a violent bloodbath. Kent Brockman (on TV): Well, a refreshingly frank response there from Senator Bob Dole! WILL THE REAL JOHN McCAIN PLEASE STAND UP? It seems over-the-top, but it might be true. The aliens in their human forms appeared together at the Capitol, where our hero Homer Simpson pulled off their masks and revealed them as hideous space reptiles. -After watching Burns' campaign advertisement in "Two Cars in Every Garage, Three Eyes on Every Fish". Listen to Kang and Kodos | SoundCloud is an audio platform that lets you listen to what you love and share the sounds you create.. Decatur. Politics as a theme explored on The Simpsons, the TV cartoon classic. Kodos: All right, then. Lisa: Ralph can't be President! 4.0k. Here, evil aliens Kang and Kodos pose as Clinton and Republican nominee Bob Dole as a way to take over the American government. ", -Barney Gumble about to watch Mr. Burns' election ad at Moe's in "Two Cars In Every Garage, Three Eyes On Every Fish", "Only a moron wouldn't cast his vote for Monty Burns! In it, Kodos says to Kang that the game has "become tiresome", so Kang suggests they under the "ultimate game disc", which is basically Pong. ", -Lisa Simpson questioning the results of the Mayoral Election in "Sideshow Bob Roberts", "I've never gone behind Mr. Burns's back before, but Bob's ultraconservative views conflicted with my... choice of lifestyle. ", Krusty: "Well, he did frame me for armed robbery, but man am I aching for that upper class tax cut. 110 comments. The confusing patchwork of ballot access laws and legal challenges from partisans make it pretty much impossible for an independent candidate to get on every ballot. -Burns talking to his political team in "Two Cars in Every Garage, Three Eyes on Every Fish", "My worthy opponent thinks that the voters of this state are gullible fools. Well, I'M a Burns Booster. Maybe Ohio, but NOT in America! adam.sullivan@thegazette.com; (319) 339-3156, Promise and peril for the Patriot Party in Iowa, How not to respond to an attack against democracy, More than one way to advance marijuana in Iowa Legislature in 2021. White or transparent. Kang: It’ll be fine. View Entire Discussion (9 Comments) More posts from the TheSimpsons community. I hate every ape I see, from chimpanA to chimpanZee. Kang & Kodos: that is correct. A self-described “Bitcoin billionaire,” Pierce is trying to develop a high-tech, left-right fusionist platform. Remember when Democrats supported free trade? “Oh, no. Aliens, bio-duplication, nude conspiracies. Kang & Kodos: that is correct. Posted by 9 days ago. Bush received less of the popular vote than Gore while Bush received the … j. Presented with murderous aliens on the ballot, most American voters still would vote to uphold the two-party system. “It’s true, we are aliens, but what are you going to do about it? But tonight I say, we must move forward, not backward; upward, not forward; and always twirling, twirling, twirling towards freedom! Lou: The father of the nuclear navy? In "Treehouse of Horror VII", Kang introduces Kodos with "This is my sister Kodos". In the seventh annual Treehouse of Horror episode, Bart discovers his long-lost twin, Lisa grows a colony of small beings, and Kang and Kodos impersonate Bill Clinton and Bob Dole in order to win the 1996 presidential election. Directed by Mike B. Anderson. Screenshot. "Treehouse of Horror VII" is the first episode of The Simpsons' eighth season. We should not be voting out of fear. Kang: This is the most boring game in the Universe! Kodos: And with all the steroids they take the players look like freaks. (TOS: "Day of the Dove") Kang: [punches Kodos on the shoulder]—Jinx! Join us via Zoom for a free virtual edition of Pints & Politics, Thursday, February 25th at 5:30 pm. We need to make them work again! That's one of those deals where they close the bars, isn't it? As if! Homer (mockingly): Ooh, the PATRIOT Act is so terrible! Kodos: Hooray! Your superior intellect is no match for our puny weapons! Flanders: Hi-diddly-ho! Homer: I hope Burns and I can count on your support, honey. Kang and Kodos. The dead have risen! Kent Brockman interviews Kang in Bob Dole disguise on TV in "Treehouse of Horror VII- Citizen Kang", The American Political Process in 18 seconds…, "My fellow Americans. Pierce is one of nine presidential candidates on the ballot in Iowa. Kang and Kodos are two fictional aliens and are the antagonists of some Treehouse of Horror episodes. Bart discovers his Siamese twin in the attic; Lisa becomes a God after she accidentally creates life in a science fair project; Kang and Kodos plot to conquer the planet. The Simpsons Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes. That's how they got me to vote for Lyndon LaRouche! Homer: These candidates make me want to vomit in terror! The Simpsons: Hit & Run Kang won the election and Americans are enslaved by aliens. Choose from thousands of unique designs or create your own today. Anyone from a species that has mastered intergalactic travel, raise your hand. I, however, prefer to rely on their intelligence and good judgement. With Dan Castellaneta, Julie Kavner, Nancy Cartwright, Yeardley Smith. Kang and Kodos, recurring alien characters in the series’ Halloween specials, came to Earth and demanded to know who the planet’s leader was. ", -Homer Simpson after Propostion 24 passes by overwhellming support in "Much Apu About Nothing". [Results Screen Quote] Kang: It's about time the Earthlings failed to stop us! Public money should be for people, not for institutions. Allen’s treatment of the public makes us wonder if her next statement will be, “Abortions for some, and miniature America flags for others.”. Marge: Sorry. 34 Tracks. You owe me a soda! (also receives applause) -Kang and Kodos disguised as Bob Dole and Bill Clinton giving their pre-election speeches in "Treehouse of Horror VII- Citizen Kang" Much of Kang's early career is unknown. Lisa: And Ralph is only eight years old! DOOMED! Pierce will only appear on the ballot in 16 states, making him ineligible to win the Electoral College. The Simpsons Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes. (pins on a Burns campaign button) Ow! It’s astutely summarized by a Simpsons “Treehouse of Horror” episode that aired the week before that 1996 election. Advisor 2: And so far, the only negative thing we've found is from some guy who dated her when she was sixteen. THERE IS A LOT GOING ON AND YOU HAVEN'T POSTED ANY... ELECTION NIGHT IN AMERICA 2010: US SENATE. From storm to recovery, more than 150 full-color photos and moving stories in this hardcover keepsake. Add a wire stand ($1.29) if you need one and add everything to the cart. When a man in the crowd said he might vote for a third party, the other alien replied with a laugh, “Go ahead, throw your vote away!”. 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