Located at 2 N. Main St. at the Historic Courthouse in Downtown Cleburne, the Recording/Vital Statistics Section of the County Clerk's Office includes a multitude of records including: Deed Records, Plats, Assumed Names, Livestock Marks & Brands, Military Discharge in Room B15; Birth, Death & Marriage License in Room 128 and Passport Acceptance in Room 131. These records can include land deeds, mortgages, land grants, and other important property-related documents. Cleburne TX 76033. Please call the County Planning Department at 913-715-2200 before recording deeds. See "Related Forms" below for complete PDF. Free viewers are required for some of the attached documents.They can be downloaded by clicking on the icons below. Johnson County Census Information Summary. Please include the following information if you are requesting copies of Deed Records: Type of document If requesting copies by mail, please enclose a cashier's check, money order or business check payable to Johnson County Clerk. The Johnson County Recorder of Deeds, located in Wrightsville, Georgia is a centralized office where public records are recorded, indexed, and stored in Johnson County, GA. Copies - $1/page, $5.00 for Certification plus $1.00 per page, $3.00 fax fee (in addition to copy fee). The purpose of the Recorder of Deeds is to ensure the accuracy of Johnson County property and land records … The County Clerk is responsible for recording and maintaining real property records. General Information: “The county recorder function is to maintain permanent public records involving a wide variety of instruments. Search Johnson County recorded land documents through this paid service. The Office of Records and Tax Administration is responsible for recording and maintaining records related to real property situated in Johnson County. Cleburne TX 76033, Overnight Mail Address:
Most Real Property Recording accepted at Cleburne only. See hours below. The selected property is outlined in blue. Free Search. Online County Records. All data is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. There are options for additional views of zoning, landuse, FEMA Flood Zones, and the most recent AIMS imagery, found at the bottom of the map. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. To search and request information from our office please head over to our General Rules for requesting information page. Each name in … In order to assist the public and keep our staff healthy, we are practicing social distancing and limiting the number of customers inside our office space for in-person transactions. The Johnson County Recorder’s Office has a web site for recorded real estate documents. Hours 8:00 AM-12 noon, 1:00 PM - 4:30 Monday through Friday except on Court Approved Holidays. Year. Hours 8:00 AM -12 noon, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Monday through Friday except on Court Approved Holidays. Pay Your Taxes Job Listings Health and Human Services Register of Deeds Economic Development County Administration Sheriff's Office Adoptable Pets Veterans Office County Holiday Schedule. For land divided, split or bought in a city, please call/contact the respective city planning department. No personal checks accepted. Find and View Land Records Utilizing eCCLlX With eCCLIX, a user can now view or print the documents filed by us. PO Box 1986
Any stamps or marks on the back of a page count as an extra page. If requesting copies by mail, please enclose a cashier's check, money order or business check payable to Johnson County Clerk. PO Box 1986
Marriage bonds are available from 1760, and marriage records from 1894. Users of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public information sources should be consulted for verification of the information. ANNOUNCEMENT: NEW RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM! Documents must have original signatures and notary seals or be a certified copy. © 2021 Johnson County, TX. The register of deeds has the power to take acknowledgments, administer oaths, and certify the same by his or her signature. Request a Johnson County 911 Address. MOST DOCUMENTS CAN BE CALCULATED AS $26.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND $4.00 FOR EACH ADDITIONAL PAGE. View an Example Taxcard View all search methods. ), Notice of Trustee Sale posted by Customer, Notice of Trustee Sale posted by Clerks Office, Assumed Name (each additional owner listed), Additional Names to be Indexed (in excess of five grantors or five grantees)price for each. Plat image must be legible for reproduction. Step 1: Choose a county: Step 2: Choose a search type: Step 3: The property maps represented on this site are compiled from information maintained by your local county Assessor’s office and are a best-fit visualization of how all the properties in a county relate to one another. Website Design by Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Real Estate Phone # 919-989-5160. Emergency Services District; Cities Readiness Program; LEPC; Animal Issues Committee; Public Information; Texas 811; Johnson County ARES; Weather; CASA Radar; AMR Johnson County Johnson County Clerk-Recording
Deed Search from Register of Deeds Contact Johnston County Government P.O. Face coverings are required. County and District Civil, Domestic, and Probate Records; Emergency Management. See hours below. Overnight Delivery Recording Address:
All information contained herein was created for the Johnston County's internal use. 2 N. Main St. Room 131
Attorney Web Access Form; County Clerk Court Records; County Clerk Property Record Search; Court Records - Attorney Access; District Clerk Court Records; E-Discovery - Attorney Access; Johnson County LEC Inmate Search The KERC, in accordance with the provisions of its authorizing legislation, used the electronic recording … Reset. Johnson County Register of Deeds 222 Main St., Mountain City, TN 37683 Phone (423)727-7841 Fax (423)727-9130. Box 1049 Smithfield, NC 27577 webstaff@johnstonnc.com. Located at 247 Elk Dr. Room 103 in Burleson, this office is able to provide assistance to qualified applicants who wish to obtain a Marriage License, Texas Birth Certificate, Johnson County Death Certificate, U.S. Passport Application and/or Photo or file an Assumed Name Certificate (DBA). The Recorder of Deeds office is governed by the state statutes of Missouri and records, maintains and preserves the real estate land records for Johnson County. These documents detail transactions involved in: real estate, mining, personal property, mortgages, liens, leases, subdivision plats, military discharges, personal bonds, etc. The Johnson County Property Records (Georgia) … ANNOUNCEMENT: NEW RECORDS MANAGEMENT SYSTEM! Texas - Johnson County Recorder Information. Cleburne TX 76033. 2 N Main St Room 131
Tax certificate info must match property description on plat and signatures must be notarized. B15 (South hallway at basement level) Cleburne TX 76033 (817-202-4000 x 1625). Requirements for recording - Original tax certificate from each taxing unit with jurisdiction of the real property indicating that no delinquent ad valorem taxes are owed on the real property. Address your request to: Johnson County Clerk-Recording PO Box 1986 Cleburne TX 76033. (817-556-6310 for Cleburne; 817-202-2968 for Burleson). KATHLEEN NIEVEEN is the Johnson County Register of Deeds. Recording Fees. You may begin by choosing a search method below. Plat copies $1-$5 (depending on size); Certified Stamp $5.00. Effective 1/1/14 - Filing Fees 11"x17" or 18"x24" - $46.00; 24"x36" - $71.00; each additional page $25.00. Vital Records Phone # 919-989-5161. Map Group Parcel Special Interest Subdivision Block Lot SHOW ONLY UNPAID: Search. BA. Cleburne TX 76033, Regular Mail Recording Address:
Effective 1/1/14 most Real Property recording fees are $26 for the 1st page and $4 for each additional page-no personal checks. Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Guidelines and Criteria for Johnson County Tax Abatement Policy, Registry of the Court & Custodial Accounts, Friends of the Johnson County Historical Commission, County and District Civil, Domestic, and Probate Records, Find Job Opportunities with Johnson County, Rules of the Justice Court, Judge Monk, Pct. If the plat, replat, or amended plat is filed after September 1 of a year, it must also have attached to it a tax receipt issued by the collector for each taxing unit with jurisdiction of the property indicating that the taxes imposed by the taxing unit for the current year have been paid.
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