For roof sheathing that stands the test of time, it’s tough to beat Plytanium plywood, only from Georgia-Pacific. Buy Pluma Ply Poplar BB/BB Fire Rated Garnica Plywood DSI. Product Overview. The lowest flame-spread rate (0 to 25) is perm… The fire rating is maintained throughout, even if cut, drilled or damaged. Created with Sketch. Fire-retardant plywood for use in specialist regulated environments. . Get help from your local APA Engineered Wood Specialist, offering free consultations for construction professionals. Here’s a quick explanation of some commonly used fire safety terms and their implications for building construction. The smoke developed index for plywood panels averaged 130 or less, with occasional panels up to 200. Because APA often supplied panels for tests, some specifications still list APA-rated panels as the approved sheathing in these assemblies. In general, plywood is rated according to the number of defects or blemishes that you will find on the surface. Control No. Philips Bugle-Head Coarse Thread Sharp Point Polymer Coated Exterior Screw (1 lb./Pack) $8.97. And it contains panel installation recommendations for typical construction applications. Please Note: Prices, promotions, styles and availability may vary by store and online. The wood strands are mixed with resins, arranged in layers for design strength and stability and bonded under heat and pressure. Fire-retardant materials will catch fire but are treated to slow down the spread of flames and limit smoke. APA Rated Sheathing 2. 11H7. Custom grade, thickness, and dimensions available. If someone says “fire rated plywood,” they probably are referring to the product known as FRT plywood. Table 3 covers APA Sanded and Touch-Sanded Plywood Panels. View as: 2 3 4. Untreated wood-based panels such as plywood, OSB, MDF & Chipboard typically achieve a Euroclass D or E rating. 1. The American Wood Council (AWC) recently updated Design for Code Acceptance (DCA) 3, Fire-Resistance-Rated Wood Floor and Wall Assemblies, which describes how interior and exterior wood-frame walls and wood I-joist floors can be used to meet building code requirements for fire-resistance-rated assemblies. Fire-rated plywood is a type of plywood that has undergone treatment with fire-rated chemicals. CONTACT HELP DESK > APA REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES. While APA doesn’t currently recommend FRT glulams, we understand there are some treaters producing this material. Grip-Rite #9 x 3 … Nonetheless, FRT plywood cannot be substituted for gypsum wallboard in listed fire rated assemblies. Grip-Rite #9 x 3 in. Class . Also can I use a 24/0 on 16" o.c. APA-The Engineered Wood Association is a nonprofit trade association focusing on helping the industry create structural wood products of exceptional strength, versatility and reliability . Plywood Features Fire Rated, Pressure Treated Pressure Treated Wood Yes Wood Species Spruce Warranty / Certifications. What does all that mean? When unusual circumstances require additional protection, the designer’s options include protected construction, heavy timber construction, and treated construction. Most frequent applications are elevator cab interiors, auditorium ceiling boards, interior wall panels, wall partitions, museum case goods, and screens. APA has developed several resources describing these options. Many of these advances have changed and improved wood construction's acceptance by building codes and insurance rating agencies. The best known flame-spread test is the "tunnel test" which has been adopted as ASTM test Standard E-84. "CDX" should only be used for applications as outlined under Exposure 1 above. Flame-spread rating of 25 or less, even after 30 minutes of test time. The rating is determined through testing methods prescribed in the building code and is expressed as an “X”-hour fire resistance rated assembly. This 24-page publication provides hard facts about what's available, what's acceptable, and what's best practice. Adhesive Bond Classification 5. Fire-Rated Systems, Form W305, is designed to bring you up to date on what are considered today among the most cost-effective fire-rated construction systems you can design or build -- wood and wood structural panels systems. Plywood APA Rated Siding is often used for shear wall sheathing. For plywood, fire retardant treatments are impreg-nated into structural sheathing plywood manufactured under either PS 1–83 or the performance standard of the American Plywood Association (APA) PRP-108. 40-Year Preservative Warranty . Philips Bugle-Head Fine Thread Drywall Screws (5 lb.-Pack) $19.97. LP ® FlameBlock ® is an ICC-ES evaluated component of 1- and 2-hour fire-rated wall assemblies and roof deck applications. Some FRT plywood products are only certified for Type V construction. Download Technical Note: Calculating Fire Resistance of Glulam Beams and Columns, Form Y245, for more detailed information. We often get requests for plywood which is BOTH fire-retardant treated as well as being treated with regular pressure-treated preservative. columbia forest products plywood. studs. This allows it to resist ignition and can slow the spread of fire significantly. (a) ASTM E84 tests conducted in 1985 and 1989 for APA by an approved independent fire test laboratory demonstrated that nonveneer APA Rated Sheathing and APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor panels, such as oriented strand board (OSB), also Precisely defined, FRT plywood has been impregnated with fire-retardant chemicals in accordance with American Wood Protection Association Standard U1 to have a flame spread of 25 or less when subjected to a 30-minute test. Fire Performance • The surface burning characteristics of unfinished OSB panels have a Class C or Class 3 rating based on U.L. Fire Retardant (FR) plywood is commonly used for wall linings, partitions, display panels, etc where specified. Fire retardant treatment is mostly helpful for containing smaller, cooler fires, as it retards surface flame spread. The rating stamps for plywood and oriented strand board (OSB) lumber are provided. Fire rated panels can be supplied to a Euroclass B or Euroclass C fire performance as required depending upon regulatory requirements. Class III or C Building Code Compliance: PS 1-09 Other Certiications:. In many cases, ordinary wood-frame construction with plywood or other wood structural panel sheathing provides ample fire safety and is completely acceptable. Code Fire Classiication: . Flame-spread ratings for various materials are given in the table below. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. APA-Rated Sheathing Pressure-Treated Plywood. The stamp has a lot of information as well. f. Plywood APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor with sanded face. The Design for Code Acceptance Series is free to download; visit AWC's "Fire Safety" webpage for DCA and many other fire safety resources. The leading resource for information about engineered wood products. Fire-rated wood’s safety attracts buyers, can reduce insurance costs, as well as can help save lives. . Download Uniform Vertical Load Capacity of Glulam Rim Boards® Subject to Fire Exposure, Form TT-124. £90.00 (Inc) £75.00 (Excl) Ideal panel for construction projects of restaurants, auditoriums, schools and other public buildings. Write the First Review Questions & Answers . Performance description. Download a free PDF from the APA Resource Library. A Fire-Retardant-Treated backboard will be designated with a fire-rated stamp “branded” or “stamped” along the edge or center of the plywood — “UL FR-S Plywood 1780 R-7003.” I always look for the stamp. APA-The Engineered Wood Association is a nonprofit trade association focusing on helping the industry create structural wood products of exceptional strength, versatility and reliability . When I can't see it I have no choice but to note it on the report. For more information on FRT glulam, download Technical Note: Fire-Retardant-Treated Structural Glued Laminated Timber, Form TT-127. Plywood may have an even number of plies, but it always has an odd number of layers, each layer consisting of one or more plies, or veneers. But, at a high enough temperature, FRT doesn’t make much of a difference. There are several options to meeting IRC requirements for fire protection of I-joist floors. Plywood pressure-impregnated with fire-retardant salts is able to inhibit combustion. x 4 ft. x 8 ft. APA-Rated Sheathing Pressure-Treated Plywood. Table 3 applies to sanded grades such as A-D and B-D. The 3/8 in. The approved, rated ULC or Factory Mutual assemblies, which may contain fire-retardant plywood as a component, would have the hourly resistance rating. For more information on FRT plywood, including code references outlining where FRT may be used in lieu of noncombustible materials, such as exterior sheathing in Type III walls, download Technical Note: Fire Retardant Treated (FRT) Plywood, Form K320. where can I get this material near columbia SC Asked by DIAW October 31, 2018. Never substitute FRT materials for other materials with a similar fire hazard classification in a UL fire rated assembly. Get the latest information on APA member products, locate a member manufacturer near you, and download publications from the APA products section. APA PERFORMANCE RATED PANEL COMPOSITIONS Plywood Plywood is the original wood structural panel. Grip-Rite #8 x 1-5/8 in. Please Note: Prices, promotions, styles and availability may vary by store and online. In many cases, ordinary wood-frame construction with plywood or other wood structural panel sheathing provides ample fire safety and is completely acceptable. APA RATED SIDING is available with Span Ratings of 16 and 24 oc. Performance Category 3. 3/4 x 4 x 8 Fire Retardant Plywood Sheathing. This plywood has been grade stamped and third party inspected to ensure quality. Columbia Forest Products 1/4in. These panels are bonded with adhesives qualified for exterior ex-posure. This PureBond Walnut Plywood Project Panel features plain-sliced … Untreated wood-based panels such as plywood, OSB, MDF & Chipboard typically achieve a Euroclass D or E rating. Glulam performs very well in the intense heat of a fire, where temperatures can reach 1,650 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. As treatment may cause checking or other impacts on the strength and stiffness of the glulam, designers should request a code report for approval. Note: Exposure 1 rated plywood, commonly called "CDX" in the trade, is sometimes mistaken as an Exterior rated sheathing and erroneously used in applications for which it does not possess the required resistance to weather., a free resource for building designers and construction professionals in search of CAD (computer-aided design) details for wood-frame construction, includes several fire rated system details, including: one-hour combustible floor-ceiling and roof-ceiling assemblies; one-hour combustible load-bearing wall assemblies; two-hour load-bearing wall systems; and wood structural panel heavy timber roof construction. Table 1 shows you how to read and understand the stamp that makes up the label. h. For other specialty flooring products, including marble and slate, please refer to the finish floor A fire resistance rating, often shortened to “fire rating,” measures the length of time that a structure can continue to perform its function when exposed to fire. Fire Rated Plywood Garnica Fire Rated Plywood is the perfect panel for building projects in pubs, auditoriums, libraries, schools, hospitals, theatres, museums and other public buildings. Philips Bugle-Head Coarse Thread Sharp Point Polymer Coated Exterior Screw (1 lb./Pack) $4.37. The APA Product Support Help Desk is a free service available to answer your questions pertaining to the specification and application of engineered wood products and systems. Fire rated means that that plywood will burn more slowly than untreated wood, which carries many safety benefits. APA’s PS1-95 is an important standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood . APA Rated Sturd-I-Floor panels are designed specifically for single-floor (combined subfloor-under-layment) applications under carpet and pad, and are manufactured with Span Ratings of 16, 20, 24, 32 and 48 inches. Hi, Can someone please explain the APA stamps on plywood mean...for example mine says 24/0 exposure 1 220. When treated in accordance with AWPA Standard U1, FRT plywood qualifies for a lower flame spread rating—at least as low as gypsum wallboard—and has a reduced fire hazard classification. That means that in the unfortunate case of a building fire, this plywood will burn slower than untreated plywood which allows for more time for the fire to be put out. 19/32 in. To check for specific shear values, refer to the APA Engineered Wood Construction Guide. To view them, visit I-Joist Fire Assemblies. APA Rated Sheathing, 32/16 Span Rating, 15/32 inch, 4x8. Hanson Plywood offer a range of panels manufactured with an A1 rating (see below). Fire-Retardant Treatment. It includes the wood species, veneer grading, adhesive bonds, panel construction and workmanship, dimensions and tolerances, marking, moisture content and packaging. Structural plywood is usually a lower grade of plywood -- "CD." Despite slowing surface spread of flame, fire retardant treatment has little effect on the rate at which plywood will degrade through its thickness when subjected to an elevated heat source. Exterior grade fire retardant treated plywood is a great choice when starting a building project. Both the 2012 and 2015 versions of the International Residential Code (IRC) include fire protective membrane requirements to enhance the fire performance of residential floor systems.
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