Cera: Saint Cera, also called Cyra and Ciar was an Irish abbess. Aine – (AW-ne) Old Irish: aine “brilliance, wit, splendor, glory.” Aine was the daughter of Fer I (Man of the Yew) and queen of the fairies of south Munster; was believed to live at Knockany (Cnoc Aine, “Aine’s Hill”). Actually this is the Irish version of the English name "Olive", which is derived from an ancient Latin name. Your choice of Catholic Confirmation names says something about you. St. Brendan the Navigator is one of the trinity of Irish saints (the other two being St. Brigid & St. Patrick) Brénainn, Breandán: 9 Jan, 11 Jan, 8 May, 16 May, 27 Jul, 1 Nov, 27 Nov, 29 Nov, 1 Dec, 8 Dec, 13 Dec: Bricín: m: BRIK een: dim. If you donate just $5.00, the price of your coffee, Catholic Online School could keep thriving. The nunnery, Teyche-Telle, was built around 625, but Cera went on to found another monastery, Kilcrea, in her native province, Cork. Thank you! It is the feminine form of Fionn. Bronach, Bronagh: Pronounced Bro+nah Americanized: BronaCounty: Down. The ultimate A-Z list of Irish girl names, complete with name meanings and origins for all Irish baby girl names. Caitlin, Cathleen: Pronounced Koit+leen, Kath+leen (the Irish form of St. Catherine). The bell can still be heard in the Star of the Sea Church in Rostrevor. In the 19th century, after a storm, a bell that is said to be the bell belonging to St. Bronagh was found in a tree. The top Irish name for girls in the US is the surname-name Riley, a departure from the days when Kathleen and Bridget reigned as the most popular Irish names for girls. Here is a list below. While there are many beautiful Gaelic baby girl names, many are also incredibly difficult to spell — and to say. In fact, both boys and girls wear the name well, although it is starting to become a more popular female pick. As you can imagine, these numbers represent a lot of work. In this article, we are going to share male and female dog names for Celtic puppies.If you have an Irish dog breed, or you love Irish things, then you love this article to share with friends. Fiona. Alana - (ah-LAH-na) Anglicized versions include: Alaina, Alannah, and Alanna. All materials contained on this site, whether written, audible or visual are the exclusive property of Catholic Online and are protected under U.S. and International copyright laws, © Copyright 2021 Catholic Online. It only takes a minute. With the name meaning “power, vigor, virtue,” you’ll be giving your daughter some great essentials. The 100 most popular Irish Girls Names are shown in the table below. Check out this list of pretty Irish girl names from A-Z with their meanings. Female Catholic Patron Saints There are many Female Catholic Saints who are patron saints of various causes including St. Anne for Grandmothers, St. Rita for Loneliness, St. Cecile for Musicians, St. Camillus for Nurses, St. Dorothy for Brides, St. Margaret for Pregnant women, St. Anna for Mothers and St. Juliana for Poor people. Prompted by her father’s push for her to marry, she scarred her face to deter any potential suitors, choosing to consecrate her life to God. This Irish name means "stranger," and while traditionally it's a boy name, Gael could be used for a girl. Lives were written of the two foremost male and female Irish saints: there are two lives of Saint Patrick in The Book of Armagh and there is a life of St. Brigid (late 5th / early 6th century) – Vita Brigitae – by the Kildare monk Cogitosus. For information on the origins and meanings of these names, see the alphabetical list . Martyred in 305, her devotion to Jesus continues to be an example to Catholics all around the world, hence her special mention here. Check it out! So we’ve stuck to the early saints whose names have often been linked to even earlier Celtic heroines. On the day her vocation as a nun was acknowledged by Bishop Mel of Armagh, her disfigurement disappeared and her beauty returned. Catholic Online is a Project of Your Catholic Voice Foundation, a Not-for-Profit Corporation. 26. [ Read: Spiritual Names For Babies] Irish Saint Names For Girls: 47. In Irish mythology, Aoife is known as the greatest woman warrior in the world. Haley. Harken. Haley means "ingenious," and works equally well for a boy or girl mini brainiac. Irish baby names evolved over the centuries based on the historical events of the time. Rather than go with a traditional dog name, you can pick a female Irish dog name that recognizes the culture and heritage of a storied country. Show the volunteers who bring you reliable, Catholic information that their work matters. Among the more unique saints’ names with style are Delphina, Inez, Theodora, and Zenobia. Irish Female Saints Names Áine (AWN-ye) Connected with fruitfulness and prosperity. Following her prayers, the town was saved. © Copyright Aleteia SAS all rights reserved. If you are one of our rare donors, you have our gratitude and we warmly thank you. Nevertheless these 10 women, and the counties they are often associated with, have still had a huge impact on modern day Irish Catholicism, and their names would be a privilege to give your little lassie: Eithne: Pronounced En+ya Americanized: Enya County: Roscommon. From the time of the Celts to the Vikings, to the Gaelic classes, the Anglo-Norman invasion and the subsequent subjugation and then rebellion, the origin of Irish names can be very involved. Irish girl names are on very different popularity tracks in the US and in Ireland itself. Born in the 6th century, Bronagh is well known for the bell from Cell Brónche (the church of Bronagh) in County Down. The meaning of Katherine is “pure”. As a girl's name, Teagan ranks No. Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. St. Valentine: How a beheaded martyr became the poster child for romantic love, 5 Ways to show your spouse Biblical love this Valentine's Day, 4 heavenly Valentine's Day recipes for two, Buy One Get One 50% OFF - FREE Shipping $60+. Here are 20 of our favourite traditional Irish names with great meanings, for baby girls: 1. Saint Katherine served the Kingdom of God and spread the teachings of Christianity. If you donate just $5.00, or whatever you can, Catholic Online could keep thriving for years. They produce a top male and female favorite 100 Irish names as it were. Legend has it that when she was sentenced to death on a breaking wheel, it broke as soon as she touched it. Her namesake St. Brigid of Kildare carried her powers into the Christian era. The life of St. Cera, born in the 7th century, is often confused with another Cera born a century earlier. To all our readers, Please don't scroll past this. Caitlin, Cathleen: Pronounced Koit+leen, Kath+leen (the Irish form of St. Catherine) Although not an Irish saint, St. Catherine of Alexandria was hugely influential among Irish Christians. Celtic Dog Names: Are you looking for creative Irish dog names for female puppies?Do you want Scottish Gaelic dog names?If yes, then this article is for you. Yet, legend has it that when a town went up in flames, St. Brendan instructed the inhabitants to seek the prayers of Cera. With her powerful words, she converted many pagans, enraging the emperor Maxentius. Irish Lemanaghan: Meath saint 24 January: Mainchín mac Setnai: 6th century Munster … Brigid is celebrated for her generosity to the poor. Yet St. Eithne from Leinster was a 5th century saint who happened upon St. Patrick and his companions chanting the Divine Office next to the Well of Clebach while out with her sister, Fidelma. It was also the name of Israelite’s first high priest. Born around 287, Catherine had a vision of Mary at the age of 15 and converted to Christianity. Patron saint of Ireland, dairymaids, cattle, midwives, Irish nuns and new-born babies. 49. A beautiful name linked to many Celtic heroines and several saints. More Saints & Angels Saint Videos Saints Fun Facts Saints FAQs Latest Saint News & Updates All Saints' Day All Souls' Day ... Saint of the Day for Wednesday, Feb 10th, 2021. Support Aleteia with as little as $1. Story of a Name: Aoife and the Children of Lir, doomed to spend 900 years as swans. .css-tadcwa:hover{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;}Cerith Gardiner - @media screen and (max-width:767px){.css-ij9gf6 .date-separator{display:none;}.css-ij9gf6 .date-updated{display:block;width:100%;}}published on 03/07/18. List of Names of Female Patron Saints Christian Religion - Female Patron Saint's names list The term 'Saints' is used in Christian religions to describe a person who is perceived of being an example of great holiness and virtue and considered capable of interceding with God on … Deirdre. Reportedly the most beautiful woman in Ireland, she died of a broken heart after Conchobhar, the king of Ulster, killed her lover, and forced her to be his bride. The main female deity of the Celts, Brigid made the land fruitful and animals multiply, she blessed poets and blacksmiths. As a disciple of St. Patrick, Bronagh looked after shipwrecked sailors, and legend has it she used her bell to warn seafarers of any rising storms and to summon nuns to prayer. The Saints of Ireland. Abigail: St. Abigail was the Irish disciple and abbess of St. Abba. According to Irish legend, " Anglicized versions include: Anya, Anna, Hannah. Your gift is tax-deductible as allowed by law. The two girls requested to be baptized and received their First Communion. The names Hannah and Anna come from Mary’s mother and Jesus’ grandmother Anne. Saint Brigid was born Brigit, and shares a name with a Celtic goddess from whom many legends and folk customs are associated. Stemming from another popular Irish name, Colm, Colman means “little dove” — so perfect for any peaceful babe. With a rich history that dates back to 10,500 BC, Ireland is known for its gorgeous landscape, legendary folklore and joyful merriment. 545 Simple And Pretty Irish Girl Names … Female Saints Saint Feast Days by Month ... African/Black Saints Irish Saints Japanese Saints Martyr Saints. Traditional Female Irish Dog Names. The name dates back to a Welsh saint, but it's risen in popularity, thanks in … Saint of the Day for Saturday, Feb 13th, 2021. Louise: The name Louise means “famous warrior” and she a female saint who devoted her life to assisting Saint Vincent de Paul in serving the poor. The Saints of Ireland. Irish Background. Deirdre is the tragic heroine of Irish mythology. From Irish Saint names boy ideas to German, French, and names of Scottish origins, we present to you a list of popular saint names for your beloved baby boy. If Catholic Online has given you $5.00 worth of knowledge this year, take a minute to donate. This is the name of a patron saint and is still common in Ireland, especially in Connemara. Ireland, which was once known as the land of saints and scholars, has bred numerous saints, many of whom left their native country to Christianize the rest of Europe. Bridget: Bridget is the name of one of the most famous saints of Ireland, who went on to become the patron of her country. Irish Saint Feast Day Calendar : Here is the calendar of Irish Saints by feast day. Read More: Irish names that are almost always mispronounced in America. We need you. Along with Catherine and Teresa, other Saint names for girls in the US Top 1000 include Adelaide, Beatrice, Cecilia, Florence, Genevieve, Isabel, Lydia, and Matilda.
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