save. To find the Dinklebot you’re going to want to head to Promethea and then into Skywell-27 area of the planet. I already reached the ball boss but I fast traveled out to go do some side missions, and I have no idea how to get down from the top level of Skywell! The map above shows, where you have to take a ladder up to reach the Typhon Log. This thread is archived. 1 year ago. These include: Finding two dead claptraps to salvage; Find the Target of … Typhon Log: "Ambush on Skywell-27" - How to get there. share. level 1. This thread is archived. save. report. User Info: tonysparks. User Info: Eraldus. share. Borderlands 3 Skywell-27 Challenges Completing these challenges rewards you with experience points and customization options so it is a worthy side quest to jump into and earn something. 6 comments. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Jump up on the rocks to the left of the spire and you can jump to the … report. I went back to beginning part where you fall down that long chute. New comments cannot be posted … hide. In our Skywell-27 Challenges Guide we will help you find all of the collectibles like Dead Claptraps, Typhon Tapes and more. User Info: Dr Jackal. There doesn't seem to be a way to exit, no fast travel stations. Archived. Posted by 1 year ago. 4 comments. How do you get to it? Keep in mind that the whole area has low gravity, so … How do you get to skywell 27? tonysparks 1 year ago #1. what map connects with it? This Typhon Log is right after the Incinerator on Level 2 of the map. Son, if you really want something in this life, you have to work for it. Theyre about to announce the lottery #s. User Info: AndyReklaw. 2. hide. 3 - "Ambush on Skywell-27" Typhon Log: "Ambush on Skywell-27" - Ladder Location. Go to Skywell-27. Slot machine, skywell 27. Now quiet! How to leave Skywell-27 after the boss? Claptrap #1 - How to get there - Skywell-27 Claptrap #2 is on the second level of the map - one level down from the fast travel point. 67% Upvoted. While you're in the area, Skywell-27 has three other crew challenges you might want to knock out before you exit the area. I think its at the end of the Skywell-27 map, but the door there is locked for me, despite … Skywell-27 has some of the most deviously hidden Typhon Logs that we’ve seen so far. Undefeated lifetime. How do I get to the lower layer of Skywell 27? AndyReklaw 1 year ago #2. Head inside the hanger and take out the Maliwan goons, then use the location barrier beside the ship to head up to the laser. You can spawn in at the fast travel point and then if you can either head to the location we’ve marked or try to make your way to the closest save point and then begin farming. Go to Main Gate. Borderlands 3 Skywell-27 Typhon Other Challenges. After the incinerator, there are some sort of Crew Quarters. best. You’ll likely get the marker for the first one in Maliwan Modulars before you can get to it. 80% Upvoted. Dr Jackal 1 year ago #1. I think its at the end of the Skywell-27 map, but the door there is locked for me, despite ha… I beat it and want to farm, but haven’t found a single video or web post showing where on the map and what location it is in. Eraldus 1 year ago #2. Dead Claptrap 1 Location The first Dead Claptrap is tied to a giant moon spire. Close. Sort by. Also, see our Atlas HQ Challenges Guide. Now that you’re on the asteroid, follow the markers heading down to the main gate of the laser facility. Thanks! Slot machine, skywell 27.
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