There's no need to put limits on the humble pecan. (Southern USA) EDIT: Upper part of the south and honestly people say both! At every book signing, book talk, and book sale, it’s been the subject of endless debate. So, the southern dialect is simply a variation of grammar spoken in that particular region, the southern tier of US states. Some say "pecan" is derived from the Illinois word pakani, while others give claim to the Algonquians or the Cree. The word "pecan" actually comes from an Algonquin word first recorded by French traders exploring the lower Mississippi River region in the 1700s. The french wrote them as 'Pecans' based on their pronunciation: peh-cahn. As … There is only two ways: the correct way and the wrong way. More specifically, how you say pecan. Most people in my area don't know how to say the word correctly. We all speak with the accent of the region we are raised in during the critical language learning period from 2 to 6 years of age. In the inaugural episode of our new Talk Like a Texan podcast, we explore the proper pronunciation of our state nut. I used to call them "pee-con" but I changed my pronunciation because it was wrong. Pecan is a word that came from an indian tribe and was first transliterated by the French--which is probably why pecan trees are so plentiful in Louisiana and SE Texas. The next time you talk to someone from the other side of the country, take note of the way they say words like "bagel" and "mayonnaise." There Are Six Ways to Say ‘Pecan,’ But Only One That’s Right. "Pee-can" is the correct pronunciation of the word. Pee-can or pah-cahn? By. It isn't entirely clear what group of Native Americans first came up with the word for this nut. Pecan is a tough nut to crack. A whopping 45 percent of Southerners say 'PEE-can,' while nearly 70 percent of those living in the Northeast do, too. I used to say … A poll conducted by the National Pecan Shellers Association asked Americans how they say it: A whopping 45 percent of Southerners say “PEE-can,” while nearly 70 percent of … Your accent has nothing at all to do with intelligence or knowledge of the rules of grammar. As the author of Pecans, I’ve crisscrossed the state to talk about the nut. But in a survey which the National Pecan Shellers Association carried out, it was discovered that 70% of northerners and 45% of southerners pronounced it as “PEE-can.” Also, with “PEE-can” and “Pa-kawn” being the most common pronunciations, there are other ways people pronounce the word pecan; some people say it is “puh-KAHN.” I don’t mean literally, as in cracking the hard outer shell to get to the delicious meat. The "PEE-can" pronunciation is nearly in the majority across the eastern United States, at least. And I can tell you this: Politics is peanuts compared to pecan pronunciation. "Pecan" as a word has crossed a lot of international waters, but is rooted in American Indian tradition. There you have it.
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