In the Forgotten Realms it is called "iol" or "violet stone". [4], An opaque black or white gemstone, or with bands of black and white. [3], This gemstone is reputed to ward off spells.[2]. [8] Cat's eye agate is reputed to protect the bearer from spirits. Opals are also the most delicate gems commonly worn. [4], An opaque brownish of casserite, worth around 10 gp. [4], A rare high-grade translucent zoisite which flashes in three different colors depending on the angle of the light: purple, red, and blue or green. Jet Information. Small stones are worth 400 gp and often used to adorn weapons.[4]. [4], A soft, translucent yellow or orange gem native to Faerûn. [4], A folk belief holds that this gemstone gives the wearer the powers of a dragon's sight. [4], A soft, transparent yellow or green gem native to Faerûn. Shop Onyx. Can use Influenced items (excluding gem) to yield Star of Wraeclast on influenced base. [2], A tiny transparent gem native to Faerûn. dnd 5e onyx beast The Onyx Tower was a tower in the Marsh of Chelimber in the Western Heartlands. Technically a type of oligoclase. [4] It is sacred to the dwarven deity Gorm Gulthyn. Also called smithsonite. [4], A transparent golden gemstone formed in ancient times by solidified tree sap. Even then, many factors affect the gem's final value, including color, clarity, impurities and the shape of its cut. In the Forgotten Realms, larger specimens are valued as highly as emeralds due to their beauty and rarity. [8] Followers of the drow deities Lolth and Vhearaun believe that finding this gemstone is a sign of their favor. [4], A transparent yellow-green of fiery yellow gemstone worth around 1,000 gp. [8] The clearest bright green emeralds can reach in the range of 5,000 gp. [4], A rare sparkling transparent gemstone worth 200 gp when free of inclusions. Onyx is the black form of chalcedony, a cryptocrystalline form of quartz. (large fist size) 4,856 carats: 2 lbs. Appraising the value of a gemstone often requires a level of skill, so unlike coinage they are not widely used as basic currency. An opaque brown or yellowish-brown semi-precious stone common in Faerûn. Its violet variety is known as yanolite. In other lands, it is known as scheelite. Also known as amazonstone. [4], An opaque gray-black gemstone worth around 10 gp. Rules Information [8], A soft opaque blue gemstone, often with veins of pink, white, cream and yellow. Worth around 3,000 gp. Over one hundred varieties of gemstones have been identified and named. More valuable than a standard sapphire, and worth around 5,000 gp. [8] Considered sacred to the god Hextor. It is worth around 100 gp. [4], A hard, translucent green or brown gemstone worth around 100 gp. [8], A large semi-precious stone found in many colors, worth around 50 gp. Manual: 1: Onyx Amulet Onyx Amulet Requires Level 20 +(10-16) to all Attributes: Can be of any rarity. [2] Followers of the drow goddess Kiaransalee believe that finding chalcedony is a sign of her favor,[13] while black chalcedony holds that significance for Vhaeraun. The diamond golem is a rare creature composed entirely of that mineral. Onyx deer stand 5 to 6 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh more than 800 pounds. Jewelry, art objects and magic items are often inlaid with gemstones. [4], The archmage Mordenkainen's Obsidian Citadel is named for this mineral, as is the rare obsidian dragon. Read More: Opal Information. [7], A durable reddish-brown or pale brown gemstone also known as microlite. [4], A valuable transparent white gemstone worth upwards of 5,000 gp, although small quarter-carat offcuts worth as little as 50 gp are used as spell components. Worth around 1,000 gp, less valuable than a pure ruby. It is rarely found in large crystals, and as such is only worth around 50 gp per stone. Sometimes yellow or pink, sometimes gold or silver. I am a player in a D&D 5e game with 4 other players and a Novice DM. Also known as unionite, thulite, or pink zoisite. [2], A soft translucent yellow gem highly prized in the Forgotten Realms, where it is worth around 100 gp. [4], A valuable soft green gemstone unique to Faerûn, where it also called "shield-stone". [8] A folk belief claims that moonstone causes lycanthropy. Worth around 1,000 gp. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In order to overcome the weight loss in addition to the cost of cutting, a cut gemstone is more valuable than rough. [11], A very small translucent pink gem worth around 100 gp. [5], A translucent gemstone, typically citrine, amethyst, or smoky quartz, with parallel lines of golden goethite in it. It is sacred to the deity Gorm Gulthyn. [11], Milky or white quartz caused by trapped water or gas bubbles, worth around 10 gp. [8] Also known as binghamite. Orl. Worth around 100 gp. [4], A transparent opal with a play of color, worth around 1,000 gp. [5], An opaque gemstone of black bands, also called psilomelane chalcedony. [4] It is sacred to the duergar deity Deep Duerra. Can be found in solidified lava flows. It was often used for sculpting figurines (including the magic onyx dog). The prices and descriptions below are the typical for a typical gemstone. [2] Sapphire is sacred to the duergar deity Deep Duerra. [11], A rare pure black pearl worth around 500 gp. Obsidian is sacred to the drow deity Vhaeraun.[11]. [1][2][3], There were "nine secrets" that could be enchanted to become an ioun stone and onyx was one of them. Improve this question. Found in great blocks in the mountains of Faerûn. [2] Followers of the drow goddess Kiaransalee believe that finding this gem is a sign of her favor. [8] It is reputed to aid horses. It is worth around 4,000 gp. [5] Often gray or bluish-violet. [8] It is reputed to make the bearer immune to poison. Known in some worlds as wulfenite. Legend has it that they are the crystallized tears of necromancer-kings, and visions of the past can be seen in them. A valuablue transparent deep bright green gemstone, worth around 1,000 gp. If they're fancy 5,000gp diamonds, maybe it works so well they steamroll the next encounter and it busts open a door that otherwise requires great Strength checks, exhaustion, traps - but then it goes berserk! Base value x 5,000: 64: 2″ Dia. Also known as staurolite on other worlds. It is sacred to the dwarven mother goddess Berronar Truesilver, whose followers believe them to be her solidified tears. Worth around 10 gp. [4], A translucent pink gemstone traded in large quantities in the Forgotten Realms, where it is typically worth around 10 gp. [4], A rare, translucent mineral also called stibiotantalite, worth around 100 gp. [4], An opaque turquoise gemstone worth around 10 gp. Worth around 50 gp. [4], A brittle, transparent gemstone worth around 50 gp. [6], The lesser drow deity Vhaeraun was known to occasionally send onyx to show his favour or disfavour to his followers. [8] Agate is reputed to provide safe and resful sleep. For example, a miner who follows the god Hextor and unexpectedly discovers a vein of malachite may believe it is a sign that his deity is pleased with him. [8] Onyx is used as a component of the spell animate dead. Value A very hard transparent gemstone native to the world of Faerûn. Unique to the Forgotten Realms, and noted for its property to periodically emit light. Value Only, the sword was a farewell gift, and acceptance signified the knight's resignation from Elfriede's service. 5th Edition Statistics[4] More valuable than its common blue counterpart, it is worth around 50 gp. It was often used for sculpting figurines (including the magic onyx dog).A typical specimen had a base value of 50 gp. Worth around 10 gp unless cut into a faceted gem, which is difficult due to its fragility and softness, but worth 50 gp. It is sacred to the dwarven mother goddess Berronar Truesilver, whose followers believe them to be her solidified tears. Diamond is said to work in magic that makes the bearer invulnerable to undead. 2nd Edition Statistics[1][2] [4] Webstone, also called spiderweb obsidian, has lines running through it. The most priceless of gemstones are worth as much as one million gold pieces, although these are exceedingly rare, and most adventurers will go their entire career without ever finding one.[2]. Worth around 50 gp. [8] In folk belief, Alexandrite is reputed to give good omens. [4], A gem worth between 50 and 75 gp per carat. [4], An opaque dark grey gemstone with patches of green flash. [4], A variety of sparkling quartz found in shades of gold, green or blue. It is sacred to the deity Gorm Gulthyn. [8] The topaz dragon is named for this gemstone. Worth around 50 gp. Also called benitoite. [27] They are worth around 5,000 gp. [3], A rare translucent gemstone which is colorless, yellow, or green, and worth around 500 gp. An opal doublet … Many gemstones also have religious significance to the followers of certain deities. Onyxes have straight, nearly parallel bands or layers of color, which allow skilled gem carvers to cut away material to create cameos and intaglios with extraordinary depth and contrast. [9], An opaque dark gray gemstone with red flecks. Basic Information Pearl. D&D 5e Epic Boons. Another variety, snowflake obsidian, has flower-like radial patches. Opaque, smooth gems, opals are pale blue with green and gold mottlings. [5], A translucent yellow or white semi-precious stone worth around 50 gp. The acquisition of a boon might visibly transform a character. Technically a form of sphalerite, which is also found in yellow, orange, red, and dull brown. [3], Ravenar is a rare black variety of tourmaline native to Faerûn, where it is worth around 1,000 gp and often inlaid in daggers and the like. The command phrase of "good doggy" is etched in Elvish on the bottom of the statuette. [4], A softer translucent blue gem found in small sizes, worth around 500 gp. [8], A transparent blue or bluish-white gemstone worth around 1,000 gp. [29] It is worth around 100 gp. [2], A transparent pale green, blue, brown or red gem worth around 100 gp. Obsidian with golden inclusions is called "gold sheen", and worth as much as 50 gp. SevenSidedDie. Opal Gemstones. [8] It is sacred to the dwarven deity Gorm Gulthyn. [8] It is reputed to grant invisibility, and may in fact be a component to potions of invisibility. Join our mailing list below to download a FREE gem ID checklist tutorial. [2], A variety of opaque agate, formed of chalcedony with thin lines of iridescent goethite in colors of red, brown, gold and green. Skilled gemcutters cut it into a twenty-sided polyhedral shape, giving it the appearance of a snowflake. It is reputed to ward off evil spells. Base value x 50,000: 8: 3″ Dia. In large cities, the value of gemstones can fluctuate considerably based on the fashions of the wealthy.[4]. Indian. [12], A rare, transparent, colorless gemstone, worth about 50 gp. [5][6] A typical specimen had a base value of 50 gp. [7], A translucent striped gemstone. They are part of the gemstone dragon group, and are the second strongest dragon of this type. [4], A red or orange gemstone native to the Forgotten Realms, worth around 1,000 gp. [3], Gemstones are typically cut into polyhedral shapes. [8] Red tourmaline is worth slightly more than other colors, averaging 125 gp per carat. Worth around 1,000 gp,[8] although a single star sapphire the size of a fist exists in the hoard of the dracolich Dragotha with a value of 12,000 gp. [4], A semi-precious stone worth around 50 gp. [2] It is sacred to the drow deity Vhaeraun. Easy to work, and often used in crafting. [8] It is reputed to bring good luck. Worth around 10 gp. A transparent pale yellowish-brown gemstone worth around 50 gp. [2] It is sacred to the dwarven deity Gorm Gulthyn. [11], A rare, transparent and extremely had gemstone native to the world of Faerûn, where they are also known as "frozen tears". [3], Argonite, a soft, translucent yellow gemstone. Also found in a deep rose variety called piedmontite. The color shifts on the angle of light, appearing purple, red, and blue or green. It is sacred to the dwarven mother goddess Berronar Truesilver, whose followers believe them to be her solidified tears. Worth around 50 gp. Now worth around 100 gp. [2] Followers of the drow goddess Eilistraee believe that finding moonstone is a sign of her favor. [4] Worth around 50 to 75 gp per carat. Onyx. Note regarding uncut gems. [5] It is reputed to protect the bearer from magic. [2], "Heliodor", a golden beryl, is worth around 400 gp. Amethyst is reputed to prevent drunkenness. [4], An opaque form of rhyolite with red, brown, tan, or purple bands, worth around 10 gp. [4], A gem worth around 150 gp. Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement by a character with 18 Strength and 16 Intelligence). If they're crappy 10gp onyx gems, maybe it only works for a few rounds until it explodes in a burst of necrotic damage. [3] A variety of spodumene, also called hiddenite in its emerald green form. Orls occur in the softest rock as sharp-edged, spindle-shaped, symmetrical crystals. Once the gem(s) have been given, Kelhar will allow the player to kill any of the gemstone dragons, and will demand additional payments once the player expends all of their allotted kills. [7], An extremely rare gemstone native to Faerûn, and worth around 500 gp. [4], A transparent pale blue-green gemstone worth around 500 gp. [9], A transparent deep purple gemstone worth around 100 gp. Players can store up to 60,000 kills at any given time. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [4], A transparent clear red gemstone worth around 5,000 gp. [4], A piece of opaque black volcanic glass, worth around 10 gp. Focusing on the harmful aspects of gems, the assassin order of gem knights, specialize in killing with deadly precision, weakening their foes before the murder. [11], A rare translucent lustrous black gem, with glowing highlights. Onyx article at Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. [4], A pearly white opaque gem, often found in rectancular bars one foot long or more. Opal. [4], A rare golden gem also called "honeystone", worth around 1,000 gp. Onyx is a type of chalcedony, which is itself a form of microcrystalline quartz. Worth around 10 gp. All gems listed here are round faceted and have the same depth as their diameter making them roughly spherical (think 20 sided dice). [4], A translucent brown or almost clear gemstone, also called "cross stone" or "fairy stone" in the Forgotten Realms, where it is frequently worn as jewelry. Many magic items are made of or inlaid with diamond, including the cartographer's amulet,[15], crystal of adamant armor,[16] armband of maximized healing,[16] ring of positive protection,[16] runestaff of frost,[16], earth elemental gem,[17] staff of frost,[18] chaos diamond,[19] helm of brilliance,[20] staff of walls,[21], headband of epic intellect[22] shard of the sun,[16] crown of stars,[23] crown of Yarus,[24] Franklyn's Incredible Chariot,[25] and the Moaning Diamond. Fancy stones are further divided into fancy (worth around 100 gp) and precious (worth around 500 gp), while gemstones are divided into gemstones (worth around 1,000 gp) and jewels (worth 5,000 gp or more). [4] It is reputed to improve the bearer's cunning. Dungeons and Dragons uses any standard 7-dice set.In fact, the 7-dice set is the gaming standard because of D&D. The colors of these gems fade with time.[4]. Cookies enable you to enjoy certain features, social sharing functionality, and tailor message and display ads to your interests on our site and others. [8] The psionic amethyst dragon is named for this stone. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oubliés (French), Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, [2], An opaque gemstone ranging from orange to red-brown. [4], A translucent pale green stone which occasionally has rings or bands when cut. [4], A brown opaque semi-precious stone, sometimes tinted red or green, and having silvery spangles. A total of six onyx dragons are located in the gemstone cavern under the Shilo Village mining site. Gemstones are traditionally divided into four categories which determine their value: ornamental stones, such as malachite and lapis lazuli, worth around 10 gold pieces; semi-precious stones, such as onyx or moonstone, worth around 50 gp; fancy stones, such as amethyst and topaz, worth around 100 gp; and true gem stones, such as emerald and diamond, worth upwards of 1,000 gp. [2], A transparent white, gray or yellow gemstone. In Faerûn, it is typically fashioned into polished teardrop shapes used to adorn cloaks.[4]. Onyx. Value Using the onyx in this manner does not destroy the gem. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. [4], A soft opaque gemstone occurring a great range of colors. [4], A translucent gemstone with a circle pattern of gray, white, brown, blue or green. Historically a popular black gem, jet has declined in popularity in modern times. Amber amethyst. [2], A brown quartz worth which occurs in tiny spheres worth around 10 gp. These crystals are of red, tawny, or orange hue, Pearl [6], An opaque black gem made of meteoric glass, worth around 10 gp.[4]. The cheapest ornamental stones such as obsidian are worth around 10 gp per carat, while valuable gems such as diamond and ruby are worth around 200 gp per carat. Worth around 10 gp. [3], An opaque agate with white markings resembling frost. As a result, it is only worth around 50 gp. [2], A type of opaque quartz with dark brown wavy patterns, worth around 10 gp. Also called pollucite. The emerald dragon is named for this gemstone. [12], A rare transparent deep blue spinel worth around 500 gp. Worth around 2,000 gp. Most gem forms are polished as cabochons and beads for use in bracelets, necklaces, earrings, and as costume jewelery. [8] It is reputed to grant courage. [8] A folk belief holds that coral can calm weather, provide a safe river crossing, cure madness, and stop bleeding. Also called sodalite or ditroite by the technically-minded. A translucent green gemstone worth around 50 gp. Value [7][8], Unenchanted onyx was believed to cause bad luck when worn or carried. [8] Irregular freshwater pearls are worth only around 10 gp. [4], An opaque white opal which becomes transparent and iridescent in water. Onyx is an opaque agate of black or white hue or bands of both colors in straight lines. While it is merely a superstitious folk belief that simply possessing a gemstone grants any magical benefit, there is some truth to it, as gemstones are often used in the production of expensive potions and inks used in scrolls,[2] as well as vital components of various spells. [11], A transparent yellowish-green or pale green gemstone worth around 100 gp. [3] Called phenalope in Faerûn, where it is typically worth 50 gp. [8] It is reputed to ward off undead. Some have streaks or patterns running through them, while others are pure. Search GM Binder Print / Generate PDF Visit User Profile Epic Boons These boons are extraordinary powerful and represent the gradual transformation of a character into something resembling a demigod. They are also used as animal carvings and cameos. Also called hexagonite, and technically a variety of trmolite. [8] It is reputed to give luck in travelling and protect the bearer from plague and fire. When found in purple, it is known as purple rosaline. Worth 300 gp. Gemstones are weighed in carats, with most weighing only one or two carats. Also called love stone, except in the Forgotten Realms, where that name refers to saganite. Yahsat@52.5e. Contact Info. [8] It is reputed to aid understanding of problems, kill spiders, and boost magical abilities. [26], A hard, dark gem worth around 100 gp per carat. [2] Diamond or diamond dust is a vital material component of many spells, including chromatic orb, greater restoration, glyph of warding, clone, gate, imprisonment, nondetection, raise dead, revivify, resurrection, sequester, stoneskin, symbol, and true resurrection. [8], A translucent blue gem with a white star-shaped center. [2], A smooth, spherical and extremely hard opaque sea-green gem found in huge fist-sized chunks worth 5,000 gp. [8] It is reputed to give the bearer skill at music. [8], A translucent pink gem worth around 50 to 75 gp per carat. Moonstone. Onyx deer are generally passive creatures and only attack when threatened or when their herd is threatened. The Onyx Mastiff Statuette is a Figurine of Wondrous Power that Vox Machina obtained in the Feywild.1 The archfey Artagan, posing as a satyr named Garmelie, tried to steal it from Vex'ahlia.2 The dog was summoned in "Cloak and Dagger" (1x68)3. Easy to work, it is also known as amblygonite. Dungeons & Dragons Lore Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Also known as fluorspar. Worth around 100 gp. Gemstones are small pieces of mineral crystal or similar hard substance prized for their appearance and rarity. [5] It is sacred to the dwarven deity Dugmaren Brightmantle. [2], A soft, opaque gemstone with bright red or orange sparkles, worth around 10 gp. You can create a pearl that you may use to change the damage type of any spell to cold damage. The mineral is also called hambergite. Also called cacoxenite. [4], An opaque green mineral with light and dark bands, worth about 10 gp. It is worth around 50 gp. Gemstones have a wide variety of physical traits, including size, hardness, color, and translucency. [4], A translucent meteoric glass worth around 50 gp. As minerals, gems are generally resistant to fire, although lightning is known to destroy gemstones. A folk belief claims that it causes discord between enemies. [1], Even the least valuable semi-precious gemstones are worth around 10 gold pieces. We were 4th level characters at the time, hadn't been getting a lot of monetary reward for our dungeon crawling, and we've been beating up the undead for a side quest for a nice lich. Worth 1,000 gp. Worth around 10 gp. [4], An opaque lustrous white sphere formed by aquatic creatures. [8] It is reputed to ward off disease. It may be brown, blue, white or red. [11], An opaque pale yellow gemstone found in deserts, worth around 10 gp. [8] It is sacred to the dwarven deity Gorm Gulthyn. Worth around 10 gp. When the gem shatters, the wielder of the onyx spear is immediately slain, and animates 1 round later as a juju zombie. This alarm reveals the direction of the paired black onyx gem as long as it is within 1,000 feet, as locate object. [4], A hard, transparent gemstone found in small crystals worth around 50 gp. It is also known as albite or pigeon stone. [8], A soft, clear crystal worth around 10 gp. [4], According to a folk belief, beryl wards off enemies. [4], A gemstone reputed to protect people from spells. [4], A bright yellow variety of zircon worth around 50 gp. [2], A transparent pale blue gemstone worth around 10 gp. [2], A transparent brown variety of zircon worth around 50 gp. Gems 10gp. [4], A white gemstone worth around 1,000 gp. [8] It is sacred to the drow deity Vhaeraun. Elminster has confirmed this suspicion. [4], A transparent gem in colors of red, brown-green, or violet. Worth around 50 gp. [5] Worth around 100 gp. Gems around in inch across are worth 100 gp. Shop Opal. [4], A rare yellow stone. They are is sacred to the dwarven deity Dugmaren Brightmantle. [28], A translucent pink or yellowish-white stone, with mossy gray or green markings. It is sacred to the dwarven deity Gorm Gulthyn. Worth around 10 gp. [4], A translucent greyish-green gem of volcanic origin, worth around 10 gp. Also called phenakite. [11], A rare translucent pink or colorless gemstone native to Faerûn. Worth around 100 gp,[8] although the violet variety can reach 500 gp or more. [4], An opaque red-and-white banded gemstone. Besides for all the named varieties that are used as gems, the translucent gray and blue forms of Chalcedony have recently gained much popularity. [4], A transparent red, red-brown, or deep green gem worth around 100 gp. Black onyx stones. Quarts (blue) hematite. Over one hundred varieties of gemstones have been identified and named. If the black onyx is used as a material component in a necromancy spell, the bearer of the white onyx receives a mental alarm. Also called thomsonite, lintonite, comptonite, ozakite, eye stone, or fire rock. [4], A gemstone worth around 50 gp. At a minimum to play you'll need one each of: 4-sided dice, 6-sided dice, 8-sided dice, 10-sided dice, 12-sided dice, and 20-sided dice. The process of cutting and polishing it results in size and weight loss. [8], An opaque white gemstone worth around 50 gp. Also called novaculite. Usually in coal seams as black masses and lumps. Flashes greenish-red or brownish-red if faceted correctly. For example, if a gem, which weighs 1 carat, may cost $500, but if all things remain equal the same gem at 2 carats may cost upto $2000 per carat just because a 2 carat Gem would be rarer than a 1 carat Gem. Worth around 10 gp. [4], A transparent golden yellow gemstone worth around 500 gp. agate azurite. [8] It is sacred to the drow deity Vhaeraun. Onyx Gemstones. [4], A soft white, cream, fawn or brownish-pink iridescent gemstone related to moonstone, native to the Forgotten Realms. [4], A translucent semi-precious stone, often found in vivid green, and worth around 50 gp. Rarely found in blue and purple, and large stones of that color command a high price. It changes its color depending on the direction of sunlight. Worth only 10 gp due to its extreme softness, which makes it impractical for most jewelry. [4], A translucent white gemstone with a pale blue glow. Also called lucinite or peganite in some worlds. Also known as kyanite.[4]. Assassin Training. A red bright-red teardrop-shaped gemstone unique to Faerûn, worth around 1,000 gp. [8], An extremely soft, brilliant, transparent gemstone. An opaque light pink stone worth around 10 gp. The Malachite Throne of the Great Kingdom was carved from a single huge cursed block of this mineral. [4], A hard, transparent semi-precious stone which is sometimes tinted yellow. Related to the moonstone. Also known as datolite, and can be found in pink, where miners of Faerûn call it "sugar stone". [7] It is noted for the magical property to absorb electricity. An opaque blue stone with yellow flecks. [2], A soft, translucent green or yellow stone, also known as apatite. [6] Onyx gems were used by wizards to animate dead as zombies or other undead servants. The black onyx gem on its own is worth 50 gp as a spell component for animate dead and similar spells. Onyx Blade (5e Equipment) Weapon (greatsword), legendary (requires attunement by a character with 18 Strength and 16 Intelligence) Elfriede, the eldest amongst her sisters and leader of the Sable Chruch, bestowed this sword to her knight. Opal Doublet Gemstones. [11], An opaque deep black gemstone worth around 100 gp. Typically worth 10 gp,[4] or around 50 to 75 gp per carat. Nature - gems, precious metals; Religion, History - art (depending on the subject) Investigation, Perception - everything else; I should note, I am intentionally trying to make appraisals non-trivial. Gems 50 gp . [11][12] Similarly, black onyx was sacred to the Chultan demigod Eshowdow, and he valued unholy items made of it.[13]. Called danburite in some worlds. Worth around 10 gp. 50 gp Worth around 50 gp, about the same as transparent quartz. The most valuable form of that mineral is star diopside, with green star diopside worth 100 gp or more. [8] It is sacred to the drow deity Vhaeraun. by IronRule. [3], Purple diopside is known as violane. Onyx was part of the agate family of ornamental stones but was considered a semi-precious stone when found in pure black, pure white, or in straight bands of both colors. Onyx [8] A folk belief holds that it wards off possession. It is sacred to the drow deity Vhaeraun. [8] It is reputed to ward off enchantments. Onyx isn’t all that valuable, and 50 GP is a whole pound of gold: really a decently high hit die creature should require the placement of an Onyx bigger than its actual head inside its eye socket/mouth. [2], Jade buried for a long time can ruen red or brown, where it is known as tomb jade, and worth around 1,000 gp. The yield from even well-shaped rough material is typically only about 25%. [4], A translucent pale yellowish-green gem, worth around 50 gp. This likely isn't addressed in the rules because not every DM would do this. Although jet jewelry has been long associated with mourning, this organic gem can be made into large, eye-catching beads, carvings, and even faceted pieces. Worth around 50 gp. [4], A soft, emerald-green gemstone, rarely found in large sizes. An exceedingly rare few weigh as much as a thousand carats. It is rarely found in blue, which is even more valuable. [29] Worth around 100 gp. Follow edited Feb 22 '15 at 4:31. [4], A gemstone found in fiery yellow or rich purple, and worth around 1,000 gp. Physical contact with onyx helped reduce complications and pain during childbirth. [2] Black jasper is sacred to the drow deity Vhaeraun. If the gem is held by anyone other than the spear’s wielder when the wielder is slain (and the gem shatters), the creature holding the gem gains 1d8 temporary hit points , a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength , and a +1 bonus to its effective caster level . It is worth around 50 gp. Worth around 10 gp. [4] It is sacred to the drow deity Vhaeraun. 50 gp Data Value; Name: Jet: Crystallography Amorphous. Worth around 50 gp. Worth around 10 gp. A transparent dark green gemstone worth around 500gp.
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