I was lent one a few years ago and did use it, but as every one has said a LOT of work for little return, but I did have stacks and stacks of paper to get rid of, at the time, so in a way it was worth it. There is no need to soak the paper before use. 3/4” to 1” diameter dowel rod about 24” long; Newspapers; 5 gal bucket and water to soak the paper in. I dont really like all the ash a lot of paper makes. I have watched numerous log making videos on YouTube and discussed the idea with a few people and the main result of this is that you have to just try it to see if it works for you. Green Aura » Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:29 pm, Post: # 265011Post Paper logs is a really great way of reducing fuel costs this winter, but doing a little bit more for the environment. Takes a lot more effort than shoving your paper in the blue-bin, but you’ll feel decidedly smug (and warm) while burning your home-made eco-bricks. JonathanJ » Sun Dec 01, 2013 9:46 am, Post: # 276990Post Really good way to use up all those old news papers. Very interesting to read about experiences with the paper log maker. But from what I have seen this is because they are being unfairly compared against seasoned hardwood logs. Explore. Help conserve forests, reduce landfill and save on heating costs by using newspaper, junk mail, shredded paper, cardboard, wood … This not only is much faster than leaving them outside, but I’ve noticed that they help to increase the humidity, meaning a little less watering of the plants. Paper logs are also called briquettes. By burning documents, junk mail and other paperwork, there is no need to shred or be worried about identity fraud. wabbit955 » Sun Aug 05, 2012 6:00 pm, Post: # 265027Post When I was a kid we had one that used dry paper. The Recycled Wet and Dry Log Maker … You also must make sure it is totally dry then put it in a dry place. You can tell from the picture that the bricks are still very wet. Turn old newspapers, shredded paper and junk mail into clean-burning, brick-shaped logs! The eko-mania Dry Paper Log Maker quickly and easily turns your household and garden waste into free fuel for your open fire or wood burning stove. Given our current weather it took about 10 days for the bricks to dry out well. Thus Eco Briquette Maker from De Vielle allows you to recycles household paper and … Slide this into the vaginal cavity nice and easy making sure to reach full depth. I have been offered a Paper Log Maker on my local freecycle site, I think it would be a good idea as a friend of mine is a newsagent and seems to have a never ending supply of old newspapers, I just need to find somewhere to dry out the logs i have made before I burn them in the stove.....has anyone else tried this?? With a logmaker you can create long lasting logs for your fire by recylcing newspapers, junkmail, leaves, twigs, cereal packets and many other household and garden waste products. Eko-Mania Dry Paper Log Maker. Paper log makers Paper log makers use waste paper in the form of newspapers, magazines, junk mail, thin card or shredded paper to make burnable 'logs' suitable to use in a wood stove, a traditional open fire or in a chiminea or fire-pit. Versatile, you can produce 'open' Wet Logs or encase them in a paper wrapping to keep them together or you can use it to make from whole newspapers to give a very dense and long burning Log. Put on the press part, squash the water out as much as possible. 49 Once fully dry (they will be very light and fairly solid)you … I’ve found that I sometimes use about 10 sheets of newspaper just to start the fire. When perhaps one my new paper logs would have done the trick in one go. They can supplement seasoned logs and slow down your log consumption. For those of you who have been following my progress into the world of wood burning stoves, will know that I have been interested in making paper logs for a while. Gently remove the dowel from its position within the roll of newspaper. I bought one on Ebay a couple of years back and there is no way that you could break the handles on this one. You need a lot of paper if you want to make a lot of fire logs. ... Used a length of 4 inch sch40 and a press I made for a four inch flange to make logs. Easy as sticking it in a sink or bucket of water for a couple of seconds. A complete revolution in Wet & Dry Log production! worked just as well- and in the larger ones I also added almond shells, and some sprigs of various dried herbs, etc, and they gave off a nice scent. We got the one in the CAT catalogue. Fortunately, you can use simple materials from around the house, the yard, or even a junk pile to make a fire log or fire brick maker. I did wonder about the time and effort involved for the actual heat returned so to speak and it all got left behind when I started work as a carpenter with access to lots of offcuts. DIY And Crafts. We quite fancy having a go at making paper logs with one of those squashing log maker contraptions but wondered if there was any particular brand/model that you guys could recommend? Paper logs are good at starting the fire. One thing you should always do is cut or break your paper logs apart to make sure the inside is thoroughly dry. The urban guide to becoming self sufficient'ish, Post: # 264995Post Product Overview Help recycle old newspapers into high-energy fireplace logs with the UniFlame Newspaper Log Roller. It was ok but you need an awful lot of pressure to get the water out which is tricky as if you put too much pressure on the handles they were in danger of getting bent, then the bricks took an age to dry out, if you could find one that you stand on that would do it. Odsox » Sun Aug 05, 2012 3:22 pm, Post: # 265006Post The opinion is divided on how effective these logs or briquettes are at giving good heat. Years ago I built a simple wooden frame bolted together and squeezed the paper bricks with an old hydraulic car jack. Funny thing is we already have a log maker for a few years, but never used it(!). Turn old newspapers, shredded paper and junk mail into clean-burning, brick-shaped logs! Use the Bricks. niknik » Sun Dec 01, 2013 4:54 pm, Post: # 276993Post I bought a kotula’s paper brick maker and it makes it easier to make 5 at a time now. It has been stated that the average home throws out (or hopefully recycles) something like 500Kg of paper and cardboard per year, think how much of this could be turned into heating your home. Throwing unwanted paper in the recycling has to be transported, processed and more. Freecycled the log maker, pretty much do as JJ does now, we get our milk in paper cartons and you can roll up all your scrap paper and stuff it in. Turn out the log or briquette from the log maker and leave to dry. Practice really does make perfect, the first few I made probably weren’t compressed enough and they looked a bit of a mess. I save all our loo roll tubes and pack them quite tightly with damp paper. Heavy Duty Paper Log Briquette Maker - A Simple way to Recycle your Old papers / Newspapers - Alternative to burning charcoal 3.8 out of 5 stars 139 £14.49 £ 14 . Add generous amounts of wet paper to the log maker, Use some muscle and squeeze the water out. It should be nearly dry as the first one should have absorbed 95% of the moisture. Figure at least two weeks or more. My father-in-law solved that problem with 2 broom handle offcuts with a slot sawn up the long side and fitted onto the metal bars, now it's a lot more civilised. Reuse old scrap paper, such as mail, to make … Better, we find is the two plastic tubes where you just ram the dry paper down. Overall, a nice product. I use to make my own logs and it was real easy.take your paper and run it under warm water,lay it flat on the cabinet or table,use the next piece to absorb as much water as you can get out of the first one,sort of like paper mache,roll the log as tight as you can get it.hang it on your clothesline and let it dry. Ellendra » Tue Aug 07, 2012 4:59 pm, Post: # 265100Post Once a year the telephone directories were replaced. My paper logs dry so quickly I can even burn them next day! Got it as a present and it just went straight to the attic. we were given one of those where you have to soak the paper first, what a pain it is - and you have to have room to stack and dry them separate from storage area too. Very interesting to read about experiences with the paper log maker. Got it as a present and it just went straight to the attic. Simply fill the tube with newspaper, junk mail and scrap paper and use the plunger to produce ready to burn logs in minutes. Different opinions on making logs from paper I could not get enough water out of the soaked paper, put a small piece of wood across the handles and put me foot on it for more pressure, but I bent the handles a bit, did an experiment with two logs, they took ages to dry out, put them on top of the log burner to dry out, they did burn for quite a while but you would have needed a lot more than two for any good heat. Quick and easy to produce, you can use the logs immediately if made using dry waste. The perfect way to recycle waste paper and save money. Soak your paper for a few days. A wide variety of log maker options are available to you, MENU ... dry ice maker pour over coffee maker ice maker pills machine maker coffee maker pasta maker home portable coffee maker waffle maker wood press sawdust log making machine timber frame ... Paper Log maker. Shred the paper, throw in some chipped twigs, leaves and yard clippings if you wish, soak thoroughly. You take several sheets of newspaper and roll them tight until you have a cylinder about three to four inches in diameter, and you’ve got a log for the fireplace without having to cut down a single tree. Making paper logs for your fireplace is one of those times. Place the paper log in a spot where it won’t be disturbed. Making paper logs Step 1 . However I then , after having to return the borrowed log maker, used some drainage pipe, cut to suitable length, loads of small holes drilled into them, and just filled them, stood on a grate, and used pressure of fists and body weight to compact the mush. US $3.50-$4.00 / Piece. My paper logs dry so quickly I can even burn them next day! To test how well the paper pulp fire brick burned you can see that I opted for a nice solid bed of coals but other than the charcoal there are no other logs or wood burning with the brick. Paper logs can burn as well as wood for up to two hours at a controlled rate in a fire grate or woodburning stove.
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