no one ever told me about Disney and it's evil but i gradually began to sense it on a level that is more instinctive than anything else.. What prompt me to post was the mother who's daughter was missing. How the Disney executives have figured out how to steal land all across the U.S. Over the years Walt Disney has developed several very sneaky reliable techniques to acquire land… Disney works with government officials and local bankers to line up special deals so they can succeed in their plans… Disney set up three banks in Napa, CA. “Just prior to W.W. II, the FBI recruited Walt Disney. I mean who would do that?! Disney subtly works in deep occult things, such as the All Seeing Eye on the cover of the book, the little girl promising the cat (who is a familiar spirit) that her descendents would always care for it (true, because the cat was a generational spirit)… Bette Midler as lead witch, in her witch costume, which has some Mother of Darkness symbology on it, states as she gets ready to take the life force from an innocent girl, ‘We want to live forever, so we take children’s lives.’ This is wholesome entertainment for children? Most of the sequences… are what New Age cinema was intended to be!’ The power of the movie to influence the mind stands out… was a box office flop… but then it was made for the occult world anyway. Names were supposed to have been called down to City Hall on Main street of the children who had been seperated from their parents. Rise up! They manipulate people's need for belonging, convincing people that Disneyland was meant to be. My friends and i tried to follow because we id not know what to do and because we were NOT AWARE the other girls were stealing (at least a that time) because i approached the man with the neighbors daughter whom i had rode with asking what was happening they grabbed me too. They were not known as Disney then, but because they came from the French Norman town of Isigny, they took the name d’isigny, and anglicised it to Disney… Locals in the Napa area do not trust any of the Disneys, especially the Roy O. side of the family. Poisoned Swine Flu Vaccine: CIA 666 FOX NEWS Prepares The Minds of Americans to Receive or Revolt! ], … the close associates of the Disneys are very revealing. A Grand Dame or Mother of Darkness often worked with the Illuminati programmer as an assistant programmer… When a three to four year old is shown Fantasia on a hypnotically-prepared and controlled LSD trip, the colours and effects… are increased about 1000 times. The paper trail proves otherwise. The Bass’ sold their stake in Texaco back to the oil co. and then used this money to bolster Disney. SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS: CODEX AND GENETICALLY MODIFIED FOOD LABELLING, AMERICANS PANIC NEEDLESSLY AFTER OBAMA LIFTS BAN ON AIDS PATIENTS. Walt’s Masonic brother Carl Laemmle offered Walt a good deal to help him recover from Henry Cohn’s abusive control… but Carl wanted the copyright to, MCA, headed up by Illuminati kingpin Lew Wasserman gained a monopoly over the American film industry with the secret backroom deals that they made with Ronald Reagan’s Screen Actor’s Guild and Petrillo’s American Federation of Musicians… Frank Sinatra and Walt Disney were both friends of Ronald Reagan, and all three believed in mind-control. film Wild Palms which depicts Illuminati mind-control and life… The film depicts how children are kidnapped, switched at birth, programmed via cartoons, programmed to kill and use stun guns etc. THE SECRET NOAHIDE LAWS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER! Jon Heely, 58, of Santa Clarita is accused of abusing the girls ten years ago. Shirley MacLaine is not what she appears. OVERCOMING the NEW WORLD ORDER of ANTICHRIST. I can vouch for the Disney and Assembly of God programming.I grew up in it. It gets in the way and … Bob Hope and others participated in a Disney special on Oct. 29, 1971… From the time of its opening until Oct. 12, 1995… ½ a billion people visited… and includes the EPCOT Centre…, The EPCOT Centre was another dream of Walt Disneys… Experimental Prototype Community of Tomorrow. What they put my family through for six hours will never be forgotten. What are the Advantages and disadvantages of null curriculum? No one told me, I knew, also I saw the covering for beauty and the beast and saw the penis on the VHS I was livid, no one pointed it out to me but the Holy Spirit did. HELL'S BELLS - THE ROAD TO DESTRUCTION FOR PLANET EARTH! I did not realize this until I got back to the Hotel but I had walked so much I had blisters all over the bottom and side of my feet. My daughter said that she rode a train underground that took her to the Gerber lost and found children area. The closeness also came from the Bank of Italy’s close ties to the B’nai B’rith and ADL…. These are not GPS enabled like a cell phone, they are on their own Disney network, and they are reliable tracking devices that can actually give a reliable location of the child. RUN FROM THE CURE - ANOTHER SIMPLE CANCER CURE! What would you say the qualities deeply esteemed by the people of those time? The judicial system turns a blind eye to whatever Disney police do. This type of abduction is the most dangerous. The only full-time African-American during Walt’s lifetime was a black shoe-shine man… Arthur Babbitt claims, ‘On more than one occasion I observed Walt Disney and Gunther Lessing there [at Nazi meetings], along with a lot of other prominent Nazi-afflicted Hollywood personalities…’, In the final panel of the Mickey Mouse comic strip of 6/19/40 a swastika appeared. … Fantasia which premiered on Nov. 13, 1940… was a financial disaster as a movie, but was an Illuminati programming masterpiece. They would have an increasing presence within the Bohemian Grove membership… The film makers and the Mafia both had power and money. Cal., gave Disney an award from Parent’s Magazine for Walt’s ‘work with children’… In the 1930’s, the Illuminati Bank of America financed Walt Disney… quietly created from the Bank of Italy which was controlled by the same oligarchy that has run the Knights of Malta and renaissance Venice… When Snow White was successful, Walt announced a monster party for all Disney workers at Lake Norconian, near Palm Springs, southeast of San Bernardino, CA… Under the full moon, the Disney male and female workers… had what amounted to a Roman orgy…, After the success of Snow White, Disney chose Pinocchio to follow it. i remember being or feeling threatened when he told me ow pretty i was and asked me my heritage. One Disneyland Security Supervisor said, ‘There is no Constitution at Disneyland. A real good laugh for the programmers of a little child. A look at notorious kidnappings over the past century and a half shows how attitudes have changed. was in the Rothschild’s hard to enter Opus 1 when the jury arrived at a decision in O.J. ATHEISM IN CRISIS - THE CREATOR GOD IS BEING SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN! This shop was less than 20 feet from where I last say my daugher. Walt Disney Studios Chairman Joe Roth is in charge of Walt Disney as well as subsidiaries Touchstone, Miramax, and Hollywood Pictures, which were created to camouflage the Disney production of adult films…, Roth oversaw Disney’s subsidiary Hollywood Pictures Evita film. Wells Masonic forecast of the New World Order entitled Things to Come… and the film Invaders From Mars. UNITED STATES AND THE WEST ON THE WAY OUT! SILENT WEAPONS FOR QUIET WARS - CELL PHONES AND CANCER! A few years later, one of the BBC’s most popular radio jingles was a little ditty called ‘Aunt Aggie and the BBC.’ When the recording of this harmless slogan was reversed, a hidden message was found: ‘LIVE IN SIN. Later in 1983, they renamed it Snow White’s Scary Adventures. In the 1950’s the Illuminati began organising covens on the west coast and began solidifying their power. What is the Difference? Their movie, Return from, ‘Control of commodities [such as entertainment] and access to commodities translate into control over people. His impotency to carry out normal sex may help explain his secret sexual habits. Did Disney help or abuse him? I have lived here 5 years and never heard of one happening. ZEITGEIST THE MOVIE DECEPTION - 99% TRUTH 1% DANGEROUS LIES! It is very typical for Mafia families in south, Saul Steinberg made what looked like the beginnings of a sincere hostile takeover of Walt Disney through Reliance. The elite would rather give us BREAD & CIRCUS than an education.). Star Speeder is another great programming location at Disneyland. Actually Capital Cities has long been a CIA front company, so the merger placed Disney squarely within the CIA ranks, although it has been in bed with them for the entire CIA’s history. It might be interesting to point out that when the original, One of the after dark shows is IllumiNations which consists of music, fireworks, erupting fountains, special lighting, and laser technology done at the World Showcase Lagoon… a remake of, Beatty… This actor is from the Illuminati Beatty family and starred in Disney’s, “Shirley Temple Black sat on the Disney board of directors (74-75). “… Warren Buffett. HOUSE OF ESAU - CHILD OF WROTH - ROTHSCHILD! Michael Marien, Bethesda, MD: World Future Society, p. 91 describes Disney: ‘Control of commodities [such as entertainment] and access to commodities translate into control over people. Many people pay Disney to get their children out of a Disney cell, and never get due process of any law. AMERICAN CHILDREN TAUGHT TO SING PRAISES TO BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA! Lendvest’s parent was InVest which has operated in the U.K., Switz., Saudi Arabia and Paraguay… Lendvest has been an international CIA-Mafia drug running operation, with Illuminati overtones and connections to it…, “Vincent Price… has been one of the major influential occultists who has provided the world with many occult horror books and scripts… Price’s good friend John Hay Whitney is an Illuminati kingpin and vice-pres. DEATH OF THE INTERNET AS WE KNOW IT - 2012, BLACK AMERICAN POLICE OFFICER ADMITS: "THIS AIN'T AMERICA NO MORE", ONE THIRD OF BRITISH NURSES SAY NO TO SWINE FLU VACCINE. Disney offers ‘fairy-tale’ wedding packages. “Michael Eisner, the President of Walt Disney Co., initially rejected Alien Encounter for not being scary enough when it was being considered as an addition to Disney World. Wesley Ernest Disney, a 32° Mason and Shriner, who was a U.S. of the Pilgrim Society and was raised into the Illuminati through the Yale Scroll & Key fraternity…, The Osmond Brothers. Examiner, Buffett himself owns 24 million shares in Disney. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature. Employees at Disney did not have titles; it was faceless egalitarianism with an all powerful dictator Disney at the top. With the Mob and the Illuminati behind him, and driven by indebtedness to them, Disney began to achieve outstanding results in animation… They knew even in the ‘20’s & ‘30’s what had to be accomplished in the secret Great Plan for a New World Order. I mean poor kids watching something they think is all good when it's really something pretty much Devil-like. … one ex-worker… 10 years with Disney, was caught discussing his divorce with another worker. With enough votes on the board, they sent Ron Miller packing. It is clearly Oz, utopia as a marketing device.’, “… The impact of the Disney brothers is monumental. THE SATANIC UNITED NATIONS and their LUCIFER TRUST PUBLISHING COMPANY. Disney is good at what they do, ... “Find your darkness, child,” her voice rang through my mind loud as early morning church bells, “Out of darkness comes light. Although the name ‘Illuminati’ is not used, if viewers substitute the name ‘The Fathers’ with ‘Illuminati Fathers,’ they will get an insiders view of life at the top. They dont make you happy. “After the Bass brothers joined the Disney management (and became one of Disney’s major stockholders), they soon joined sides with Roy E. in a management fallout over whether Disney should buy Gibson Greeting Card Company. Steven Rockefeller and Walt Disney travelled and spent time together with Dr. Hadley Cantril, an establishment expert on human behaviour… America’s Most Wanted has a fairly large file on children who have been kidnapped at Disney Amusement Parks. My Mother, two children age 6yrs and 8yrs old, and myself visited Disney World 27 yrs ago. From what this author has learned from some sources about Walt’s non-public life as a hidden sadistic porn king, it raises questions about other parts of his life. In Disney’s The Little Mermaid the castles are male sexual organs. In spite of draconian measures of secrecy, numerous lawsuits (Fed. Many have asked why Pinocchio was chosen by Walt. The Illuminati and Mafia knew that Walt had the ability to get the job done that the Great Plan called for… One co-worker of Walt wrote, ‘Walt made a simple statement, that you can lick them with “product” if you make your product good enough...’, “... Freemason Dr. Rufus B. von Kleinsmid, pres. In that short… time, the kidnapper had drugged the child, cut his hair different, and put a different shirt on him. have vast underground facilities…. In 1954, Walt was promoted to Special Agent in Charge (SAC) which means others reported to him… In 1993, when news broke about Walt Disney’s FBI membership, ex-CIA head Webster worked with the Disney family to cover up… Webster went on TV and had interviews to spread the fabrication that Walt was not connected to the FBI. My mother to stay at the ice cream shop and I went looking for my daughter. film Wild Palms which depicts Illuminati mind-control and life… The film depicts how children are kidnapped, switched at birth, programmed via cartoons, programmed to kill and use stun guns etc. “Most people are aware of Jim Bakker’s $265,000 payoff to Jessica Hahn to keep her sexual services to him a secret, his long-time homosexual relationship with his right hand man David Taggart, and his prison sentence. Isn't it our responsibility to bring that about?" They charge large fees, and know every trick in the book to rob people of their estates and their living trusts. WORLD WAR ONE - THE 6000 YEAR WAR ON HUMANITY. The main topic at the studio by the staff… was Walt’s bizarre behaviour – he would not be available until late afternoon, when he would emerge from the studio’s subterranean maze of tunnels… In England, Walt spent time with the British royal family and met privately with the Masonic prophet H.G. It doesn’t take any imagination to realise that if Disney carried out mind-control programming above and below ground, that they would need tight security forces to protect their secrets. Walt spent many of his nights at the Disney Studios… He’d go weeks on end without stepping foot on the Holmby Hills estate and seeing his family. It is how Disneyland has manipulated me. ATTACKS CHINA. Trinity Broadcasting Network., HIS ROYAL VIRUS PRINCE PHILIP: “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.” It is public knowledge that his Jehovah’s Witness family has been very abusive mentally and physically to their children… Bette Midler has been Disney’s main actress… she is possibly a Monarch mind-controlled slave… She has gone on tour for Disney without making money… The movie Hocus Pocus does some hocus pocus of its own. When the chief engineer’s routine airwave test was reversed, it gave praise to Lucifer! Responsible forestry of redwoods. SWINE FLU HOAX UPDATE - BEWARE OF VACCINE! ABC under the auspices of Disney produced a lengthy 140 min. i was taken there by security, i was about 11, i went with a neighbor and other kids. In the cartoon entitled, Walt used the Le Sacred u Printemps (the Rite of Spring) music for, A retired Navy admiral Joe Fowler was in charge of constructing both, According to CIA informants opposed to the N.W.O. AMERICAN PIG HEADED PRIDE BRINGS DOWN THE NATION, FOREIGNER IN THE WHITE HOUSE: BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA - ROTHSCHILD CANDIDATE. Originally, Ron Miller (Stanford Univ. One Missing Child Is One Too Many. One thing I disagree with is the leash. )… on July 31, 1995, Disney merged with Capital Cities/ABC, with Disney in nominal control. She is friends with Satanist Stephen Nance who has provided her with some of her teachings…, The CIA has programmed many of their New Age Slaves to adore Shirley MacLaine. Hardcore visitors can get Annual Passports…. In reality, many visitors… begin the day enthusiastic and after a day of hot sun and waiting in long lines with large crowds for imitations of reality… are zombie-like and looking forward to getting back to their hotels… Some of the spooky events like Snow White’s Adventures, or the oversized heads of the Disney characters walking around can leave the little pre-school children terrified and dazed for the rest of the day… Alien Encounter is a… feature that invites tourists in for a ‘demonstration of interplanetary teleportation.’ When the ‘demonstration’ as planned ‘breaks down’ an ‘alien’… appears… and terrorises the audience. In one cartoon Mighty Mouse is shown without comment clearly snorting cocaine. Here we have a boy with no soul, who is told if he works hard he will be given one… The script was definitely changed to have a storyline far more useful to mind-control programming… Both Snow White and Pinocchio have occult type ‘deaths and resurrections’… Although Walt was financed by the Mishpucka (Jewish Mafia), he didn’t like the idea. President Bush Snr. I would love to hear from others that had the same or similar experiences. In the cartoon entitled The Goddess of Spring, the goddess Persephone is captured by Satan as his bride and sent to the underworld with the agreement she could return to Earth six months of each year. I mean I still do like it but not as much just cause of this. Disney amusement parks have been granted draconian powers wherever they have been built! Quite a few actual programming codes were said during the film, for instance, ‘down, down, down through the pool of tears…’ and ‘we’re going to go down the yellow brick road now.’ The movie was created by Bruce Wagner, who obviously is an insider concerning trauma-based mind-control. Also in 1935, the Queen of England [U.K.] (who… is Illuminati, involved in drug trade, and is involved with the leadership of Freemasonry) and the Duchess of York (also Illuminati) selected Mickey Mouse chinaware as gifts for 600 children… There is no doubt from the record that powerful people wanted to promote him. Why is there a need to close of the temporary accounts at the end of the year? of So. In his book, What’s Wrong With Christian Rock? “Disney is perhaps the epitome of Illuminati abilities to create images… the sinister side… has been carefully hidden. What is becoming problematic in these statistics is the increase that is occurring in the area of parental child abductions. Ronald Reagan and Petrillo in turn worked with the Mafia’s Council of 9 (which included Anthony Accardo and Sam Giancana), which at one point divided the U.S. into 24 Mob territories… On Feb 11, 1987, Walt Disney Co. was reincorporated in Delaware… the only state that allows total corporate secrecy. - Teaching Series, SOME MIND BLOWING INFO FROM MARK BLITZ - THE DEPTH OF MEANING IN HEBREW WORDS. “In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.”,, WELCOME TO THIS "ORCHESTRATED" PRESENT CRISIS, THE ABHORRENCE and HORROR of FALSE PROPHETS. ‘We did go to Alien Encounter… The pre-show is deceiving. We FREAKIN' COUNTED ON YOU AND YOU BETRAYED US! It was racially elitist too. grad.) OBAMA - BIDEN = OSAMA BI(NLA)DEN. i was there a long long time, then nothing until i was in a room with other kids and my mom came. The deeper alters of Illuminati slaves who are programmed… for spying, blackmail, seduction and assassination, are given programming to live in a fantasy world… Much of this type of programming has gone on at Disneyland. At the… meeting, attended by about 300 overlords and soldiers, the heads of the family clans discussed their crime family agendas. The general answer is zero. When the chief engineer’s routine airwave test was reversed, it gave praise to Lucifer! The Beautiful Truth - The World's Simplest Cure For Cancer! Illuminati member Robert Strauss has been a lawyer connected with drug running and the mafia. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON AT DENVER AIRPORT? More On The Cancer Deception - Stuff That Big Pharma Does Not Want You To Know! There is more – much more to the sordid affairs which swirl around Roy Disney. Please take time to read through this whole report and learn about Disneyland's massive, top secret, underground network of tunnels - and what they are used for! - Maurice Strong, multi-billionaire Luciferian co-founder and first head of UN Environmental Programme, opening speech, Rio Earth Summit 1992. POLICE AND MILITARY AGAINST THE NEW WORLD ORDER! IRREDUCIBLE COMPLEXITY - A CHALLENGE TO ALL ATHIESTS/EVOLUTIONISTS! Why is it so important to the FBI and CIA to cover up that Walt was an FBI agent? Mickey Mouse tee-shirts… worn by natives all over the world… a large segment of humanity… esteem these amusement parks as the highlight of their life. Family abductions usually involve parents taking their children. March 7, ’42 in NY) came from old American money… rich merchants and lawyers. But to think that they made it all sexual and evil...i'm starting to have second thoughts. Disneyland and Disneyworld are world famous and the pride of America. MAIN PAGE MESSAGE: Click here to continue reading... the film industry - and I include Walt Disney in this - are controlled by Satanic Freemasonry. Top movies about child abuse/domestic violence. They think to themselves, "Something intelligent and greater than us had to create this." “Shirley Temple Black sat on the Disney board of directors (74-75). by the Postmaster General, Lloyd George’s friend, F.J. Kellaway… Perhaps one of the best Christian writers to expose the Luciferian inspiration of the BBC is the American author, Jeff Godwin. How do admirals fit into the power structure? They entrusted their children to him. DEPOPULATION AGENDA - UK POPULATION MUST FALL TO 30 MILLION! THE ELUSIVE BIRTH CERTIFICATE OF BARACK OBAMA. Walt Disney World opened on October 1, 1971, at a cost of $400 million. A PALE HORSE - CODEX ALIMENTARIUS UPDATE. BARACK HUSSEIN OBAMA'S ELUSIVE BIRTH CERTIFICATE - HERE IT IS!! When the British broadcasting Corporation was first set up in 1923, an experimental station called 2MT was established. After the procedure a grandmotherly type of woman leads the girl to recovery, softly speaking, reassuring her of her decision. His impotency to carry out normal sex may help explain his secret sexual habits. (This author has an underground catalogue… The catalogue offered a film of Madonna performing an actual blood sacrifice.) Thank you for your knowledge and research. Was Shirley an early example of brain-stem scarring to get geniuses? JUDGE FOR YOURSELVES! Some of the next full length animated films to come out were: The Three Caballeros (1945), The Adventures of Ichabod & Mr. Toad (1949), Cinderella (1950), Alice in Wonderland (1951), The Story of Robin Hood & His Merrie Men (1952), Peter Pan (1953), 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1954), Sleeping Beauty (1959). why i don't know. Her adopted name MacLaine (reportedly her mother’s maiden name) is a pun on McLain, VA where the CIA programmed her. The benefit for child slaves is they get to caddie and sexually service elite perverts… Michael (bn. Arvida (sold to Disney for $200 million) would profit from developing Disneyland in Florida and Disney would profit from the new financial strength that getting Arvida would provide. (a member of the Church of Satan) and Frank Sinatra (a mind-control slave handler) driving the pint sized Disney cars at the Autopia ride. THE STATE OF THE WORLD - IS IT ANY WONDER! If Disney was such an up-building wholesome atmosphere, and this child actor had everything going for him, why did Bobby become a methamphetamine addict at 17 and die within just a few years? At that time, Melodyland was a rich heavily infiltrated charismatic church, with its share of programmed multiples. (Considering the mind-control programming done to these Osmond children, these TV shows were a cruel joke.) - Extract taken from my book, The Best-Laid Schemes O' Mice An' Men..., page 577. W.G. ARTIFICIAL DNA MAKES IT EASIER FOR THE "CRIMINAL" JUSTICE SYSTEM (read SEWER) TO HAVE YOU FRAMED! A major stockholder in Walt Disney. The trusts and the wills for the families were made up by Stanford University grads. God meant Disneyland to be a part of your life. It’s a New Age witchcraft film through and through…. YELLOWSTONE PARK - GIANT EARTHQUAKE IN THE MAKING? NO MAN MAY BUY OR SELL SAVE THAT HE HAD THE MARK OF THE BEAST, 2012 AND THE SO-CALLED LOST BOOK OF NOSTRADAMUS. Quite a few actual programming codes were said during the film, for instance, ‘down, down, down through the pool of tears…’ and ‘we’re going to go down the yellow brick road now.’ The movie was created by Bruce Wagner, who obviously is an insider concerning trauma-based mind-control. ... A teenage hustler and a young man obsessed with alien abductions cross paths, together discovering a horrible, liberating truth. The god of Freemasonry is Lucifer -, as they freely admit to in their publications for high ranking Masons, "In 1922 Godfrey Isaacs established the British Broadcasting Company Limited (BBC) which was given monopoly broadcasting rights over. At the end of the nite after the Park had closed I was still looking for my daughter and I told security that I was not leaving until I found my daugher.Twenty seven yrs ago people did not carry cell phones. The, The Osmond Brothers. ... How many home invasions and robberies and abductions he'd helped facilitate just for a few thousand bucks. HISTORY CHANNEL DOCUMENTARY VALIDATES CHEMTRAILS AND WEATHER WARFARE. BYE BYE SOVEREIGN STATES - HI NEW WORLD ORDER! THE ELITE SPEAK - TWO YEARS LEFT & THE FALSE ENERGY CRISIS: LINDSEY WILLIAMS. i was once a Disney Fan. The fact the movie was made shows the arrogance of the programmers beliefs that their criminal acts in programming thousands of little children will not be exposed, and that people will be too stupid to realise that what is put out as fiction is actually mirroring what is happening. She was also the main actress in Disney’s Dick Tracy film which is reported to be used for mind-control… The Disney press release announces… ‘Mickey Mouse is going heavy metal.’ Disney’s album Black Acid Devil was due to hit the music stores Oct. 30, 1996 during Halloween time. All I have to say to you disney is...F$%* OFF! IS AMERICA CHRISTIAN? Why don't libraries smell like bookstores? )… In recent years, Disney decided they wanted to build another amusement park (called California Adventure) across from Disneyland…, Anaheim’s City Council was enthusiastic about the expansion in spite of lots of local opposition. DO NOT SELL YOUR SOUL TO DIGITAL TV! Later, televangelist Bakker began building Heritage USA, which was to be a big money resort. Both Donny and his sister Marie are programmed multiples… who have been subjected to a lot of abuse. The Luxembourg/ Belgium branch of Bank Nacional de Paris issued a bearer bond that was connected to the Lendvest drug running operation. NEW WORLD ORDER = ANCIENT SATANIC DISORDER AND BLOOD SACRIFICE MADE LEGAL! Director: Pascal Laugier | Stars: Jessica Biel, Jodelle Ferland, William B. Davis, Stephen McHattie. Safra’s bank sent Lendvest lots of crisp new $100 bills. Coerse children that the Bible isn't true or doesn't matter, all you need is Sorcer's Apprentic Mickey. The Queen is in captivity simply because she and her people believe in black and white (which represents good and evil). If you look at the script, the puppet maker’s wife is taken out of the original script and there is an emphasis on the little wooden puppet… becoming a flesh and blood son to the man who had created him. They say disney is where dreams come true but I think what they really mean is where nightmares come true. THE UNITED STATES - A NATION OF DRUG ADDICTS! 40. MEXICANS FLOODING INTO U.S. - COREXIT DESTROYING BOATS & FARM PRODUCE. Their goal was to have someplace that people from all over the world could come to without raising any suspicions, and a place which would be the perfect cover for many of their criminal activities. Richard Rosenberg, a later pres. ABC under the auspices of Disney produced a lengthy 140 min. Now I feel pretty good about that.’ (Thomas, Bob. Simpson’s case. Warren Buffett is part of the Ak-Sar-Ben fraternity and Monarch slave abusers who were exposed in the Nebraska Savings & Loan scandal. He has been on the board of directors of the Illuminati’s PepsiCo… He was also a board member of the Illuminati-Mafia run MCA… He has also been known to threaten people using Mafia terms… reporter Anita Busch who was investigating Ovitz got violently sick from the MSG in her food as she interviewed him. Disney has volunteered representatives of this office complete access to the facilities of Disneyland for use in connection with official matters…’ Historically, we now know that Disney’s use for ‘official matters’ included mind-control. For instance, Kenneth Anger in his book, In the final panel of the Mickey Mouse comic strip of, 1918 – J. Edgar Hoover is busily involved with the prosecution of draft dodgers… it crosses his desk the case of Walt Disney forging his parents signatures to join the army.
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