Causing or wreaking destruction; ruinous. Self destructive behavior is when we cause ourselves unnecessary harm, either by putting ourselves in harmful situations, or keeping ourselves from helpful ones. He said, “Alexander the metalworker did me a great deal of harm. This identity comes from traumatic circumstances. It is on a continuum, with one extreme end of the scale being suicide. A. Make it a point to attend one important occasion each month. The irony is that home-grown policies in Washington are much more destructive of U.. Self-destructive actions may be deliberate, born of impulse, or developed as a habit. Start now to prepare and practice for these meetings. The overly sensitive person might not mean to make them feel this way, but they still use their emotions to control the situation or person. Having fought intensively for the goal, in the end they aren’t able to feel satisfaction when they finally achieve it. This presentation concerns defining destructive leadership; the presentation is organized in three parts. Destruct definition, serving or designed to destroy: a destruct mechanism on a missile. Bottlenecking results. : Mean and destructive, perfect for sci-fi crime/ mystery. Catabolism is a destructive metabolism which involves the break down of molecules and release of energy. ...the destructive power of nuclear weapons. the destruction of the city. Learn more. Die Werkstoffprüfung umfasst verschiedene Prüfverfahren, mit denen das Verhalten und die Werkstoffkenngrößen von normierten Werkstoffproben (Materialanalytik) oder fertigen Bauteilen (Bauteilprüfung) unter mechanischen, thermischen oder chemischen Beanspruchungen ermittelt werden. How to conduct Visual Testing. Compound Forms: Inglés: Español: destructive distillation, dry distillation n noun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Nondestructive definition is - not destructive; specifically : not causing destruction of material being investigated or treated. Definition: Visual Non-Destructive Testing is the act of collecting visual data on the status of a material. When the destructive person is a family member, whether by blood or the family of God, at times you will be in the same place together. Lying is destructive of society.. Other nets are destructive of fish (e.. Self-destructive definition: Self-destructive behaviour is harmful to the person who behaves in that way. n. 1. Designed or tending to disprove or discredit. How to use destructive in a sentence. I’m not the first, and I certainly won’t be the last person to admit that I’ve been (and in some ways still am) a self-destructive person.From Find more similar words at … The first part concerns the definition of leadership, which is a surprisingly vexed issue. Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für destructive im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). We explore why it happens and how to stop. Something that is destructive causes or is capable of causing great damage, harm, or injury. All Rights Reserved. : Ihr lineares Wesen ist von Natur aus destruktiv. Self-destructive behavior is when you do something that’s sure to cause emotional or physical self-harm. You’ll often hear this word used in the phrase " An example of someone who is destructive is a person who breaks up every friendship he has ever had. (that causes no damage) The apostle Paul warned young Timothy about how to handle a destructive person. How to use nondestructive in a sentence. Harmful help looks like… Not doing your own job because you’re doing other people’s jobs. Introduction. Reacting with sadness or irritation when something important is achieved. / ˌself.dɪˈstrʌk.tɪv / behaving in a way that is likely to make you fail or be harmed or killed: He is rebellious, aggressive and at times self-destructive.
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