Weather Stations – All sensors and the Sensor Mounting Shelf are compatible with either the original Vantage Pro or the new Vantage Pro2. Each transmitter can support up to five sensors, including an Anemometer, Rain Collector, Temperature Probe or Temperature & Humidity Sensor, UV Sensor and Solar Radiation Sensor. ** Only if one transmitter has Leaf Wetness only and one has Soil Moisture (Temperature probes allowed on both). Our innovative integrated sensor suite combines our rain collector, temperature and humidity sensors, anemometer, solar radiation sensor, UV sensor, sensor mounting shelf, and solar panel More Buying Choices $302.13 (25 new offers) Davis Instruments 6153 Vantage Pro2 Wireless Weather Station with 24-Hour Fan Aspirated Radiation Shield and LCD Display Console. Leaf Wetness & Soil Moiture/ Temperature Station. Die Vantage Pro 2 ist ein Wettermess-System, welches für professionelle Zwecke, insbesondere der Landwirtschaft, entwickelt wurde. Does not require periodic maintenance during the growing season. Measures the sunburning portion of the UV spectrum. The first weather station in its price range to use frequency hopping spread spectrum radio to transmit and receive data up to 1000' (300 m) line of sight. Item expected to ship in September 2020. Add sensor transmitters to your WeatherLink Live, Vantage Connect, Weather Envoy and Vantage Pro2 Console to create a custom network of sensors designed to measure your specific environment. Watermark® soil moisture sensor uses electrical resistance to measure the moisture level of the soil. $655.00 #6810. Solar Radiation Sensor. They can use AC power from the wall or it can use batteries as the primary power. (Already included with Vantage Pro Plus and Vantage Pro2 Plus.) For use with Vantage Pro and Vantage Pro2. Page 13 ID. Updated 1 year ago by Drew deCarvalho. Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit werden in einem geschützten, gut belüfteten Gehäuse gemessen. Hier finden Sie das Wetter von Neumarkt - Messwerte von einer Davis Vantage Pro 2 - 6163 - hier klicken !!! Shipping fee & tax will be calculated after shipping address is provided. Shipping fee & tax will be calculated after shipping address is provided. A fully-populated station can have two Leaf Wetness Sensors, four Soil Moisture Sensors, and four Temperature Probes. This station is known for providing accurate readings and t… For improved accuracy, temperature and humidity sensors are housed inside a radiation shield. 0.14 mA (average), 30 mA (peak) at 4 to 6 VDC. Sensor Transmitters are the building blocks of your custom network of sensors. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. Qty: Add to Cart. ADDITIONAL STATIONS & SENSOR OPTIONS Take your Vantage Pro 2 station to the next level by adding a leaf and soil station, extra temp/humidity sensors, UV & Solar Radiation Sensors. Davis Instruments Part# 6450. Vantage Pro/Pro2 Soil Moisture Sensor & Temp Probe; Specification Sheets; Vantage Pro/Pro2: Soil Moisture Sensor (6440) Spec Sheet; Installation Diagrams; Vantage Pro2 Console Receiving Data from up to 8 Different Transmitting Stations In stock. A wireless range up to 300 metres from Console to Sensor Suite. Your card will be charged when the item ships. Be sure to allow up to a minute for the ID number to display on the screen. All rights reserved. The wireless range is up to 300 m line of sight.Typical range under most conditions is 60 to 120 m, depending upon terrain and the structural features of the building.The console may be powered using the included AC-power adapter or with three C batteries (not included). EnviroMonitor Node. The base unit is displaying obviously inaccurate data when I first install the system. documents, Vantage Pro/Pro2 Soil Moisture Sensor & Temp Probe, Vantage Pro/Pro2: Soil Moisture Sensor (6440) Spec Sheet, Vantage Pro2 Console Receiving Data from up to 8 Different Transmitting Stations. Copyright © 2021 Davis Instruments Corporation. 6450 Davis Solarstrahlungssensor Vantage Pro2 Davis Solarstrahlungssensor 6450 - Solar Radiation Sensor Der Solar Radiation Sensor 6450 ist ein Strahlungssensor der die Sonneneinstrahlung in Watt/m² und die Sonnenenergie in Langley erfasst. DO-86403-03. They can use AC power from the wall or it can use batteries as the primary power. All rights reserved. The Vantage Pro2 is the first and only weather station in its class to use frequency hopping spread spectrum radio technology to transmit weather data wirelessly up to 1,000 ft (300 m). Press and release 2ND, then press and hold SET. The Vantage Pro2 includes the console/receiver plus the integrated sensor suite with transmitter and solar panel. The Vantage Pro2 and Pro2 Plus can be upgraded with extra sensors including remote temperature and temperature/humidity stations, UV Sensors, Solar radiation sensors, remote anemometers, soil moisture/temperature and leaf wetness. Davis Vantage Pro2 Wireless Sensor Suite with 24 hour FARS (6323OV) Select a variable to be calibrated. Order Davis Vantage Pro2 Wireless Weather Station with Standard Radiation Shield (06152) at $395.00. They can be positioned indoors or outdoors and are capable of transmitting data up to 1,000 ft. (300 m). Der … *** Go to for supported sensors. For Davis Vantage Pro2 and Vantage Pro2 Plus Console. Dependable data transmission. 2 product ratings - Davis Vantage Pro2 ISS Digital Temperature & Humidity Sensor SHT31 (7346.070) $1,170.00 Product Type: Davis Vantage Pro2 ; Barometric pressure range: 26 to 32 in Hg ( 880 to 1080 mbar) Barometric pressure accuracy: ±0.03 in Hg (1.0 mbar) Mfg Part# 6152. Simply bury at the desired depth, then monitor moisture levels throughout the season. £0-£15; £15-£40; £40-£80; £80-£150; £150-£300; £300-£600; £600+ Product Features. Verifying Data from the ISS Sensors Use these steps to verify reception of ISS data at the wireless Vantage Pro2 console and to test the operation of the ISS sensors. While the options described below can mostly all be added to a complete standard VP2 station such as a 6152 or 6162 model (which is typically the most cost-effective way of buying an initial Davis station), they can also … #6328. All our Vantage Pro2 stations include sensors that are combined into one easy-to-install package. - 4 Temperature Probes, ‘’Shown’’ = Current conditions seen on the LCD display or WeatherLink, ‘’Logged’’ = Stored historical archive records on the Weatherlink Cloud. There is a wide choice of extra sensors and accessories that can be added to wireless Vantage Pro 2 stations to allow the design of sophisticated environmental monitoring systems. Sensor Suite Operating Temperature-40° to +150°F (-40° to +65°C) Non-operating Temperature-40° to +158°F (-40° to +70°C) Current Draw. Multi-layer filter provides a spectral response that c.. Our innovative 6322 Davis Vantage Pro2 ISS (wireless integrated sensor suite) combines our rain collector, temperature and humidity sensors, and anemometer into one package—making setup easier than ever and improving performance and reliability. Stainless Steel Temperature Probe with Two-Wire Termination, Leaf Wetness Sensor, Vantage Pro2™ and EnviroMonitor®, Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station, Complete Wireless Soil Moisture/Temperature Station. The Davis Vantage Pro2 is a professional level weather station with a large range of optional sensors to give a full range of climatic readings. A Vantage Connect with a Vantage Pro2 is a perfect pairing to get the critical data needed to make important decisions on your small farm. Solar Power Panel. Listen out with the Envoy or add another console. Extra Sensors: The wireless Vantage Pro 2 can add extra temperature, humidity, leaf wetness, and soil moisture sensors. We stock a large number of accessories to allow you to expand your Pro2 and Vue stations. Solar and UV Radiation Sensors for Vantage Pro/Pro2; Improved Rain Collector Cone (7852, 7857, 6450, 6490) UV and Solar Radiation Sensor Installation Addendum (6450, 6490) Specification Sheets; Vantage Pro UV Sensor (6490) Application Notes; Interpreting UV Readings The Soil Moisture Sensor must be connected via a Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station (#6345) (up to four sensors), or an EnviroMonitor Node. $305.00 $ 305. Some weather hobbyists or enthusiasts who like to watch and publish weather readings may also use this as a more involved home station. Use to monitor the level of surface moisture on foliage, with range from 0 (completely dry) to 15 (saturated). You can calibrate inside & outside temperature, inside & outside humidity, as well as any extra temperature/humidity sensor readings you have transmitting to your Vantage Pro2. The latest and most accurate Davis digital temperature and humidity sensor for the Vantage Pro2 range of external sensor suites... Quick View. Page 12 5. Additional Sensors Davis Vantage Pro2 Weather Stations In the Additional Sensors category you'll find more than 16 products, such as the Wind Vane for Anemometer, Stainless Steel Temperature Probe for leaf & Soil/Temp Station, Davis Wireless Leaf & Extra Filters Price. Vantage Pro 2 console display. Complete Wireless Soil Moisture/Temperature Station. Build a custom network of Davis sensors. Robust enough for large-scale agriculture and simple enough for backyard gardening. Add sensor transmitters to your WeatherLink Live, Vantage Connect, Weather Envoy and Vantage Pro2 Console to create a custom network of sensors designed to measure your specific environment. This is a digital temperature humidity sensor intended for Davis Vantage Pro2 units which began production in early 2016 and specifically have a manufacturing code which starts with AS or later ( e.g. Kategorien. The frequency-hopping spread spectrum Vantage Pro2 radio transmits and receives data up … Davis Vantage Pro2: Barometric pressure range : 26 to 32 in Hg ( 880 to 1080 mbar) Barometric pressure accuracy ±0.03 in Hg (1.0 mbar) Dew point range -105 to 130°F (-76 to 54°C) Temp accuracy (inside) 1°F (0.5°C) Temp accuracy (outside) 1°F (0.5°C) Temp range (inside) 32 to 140°F (0 to 60°C) Temp range (outside)-40 to 150 °F (-40 to 65°C) Product Type: Davis Vantage Pro2 ; Barometric pressure range: 26 to 32 in Hg ( 880 to 1080 mbar) Barometric pressure accuracy: ±0.03 in … The Vantage Vue or Vantage Pro 2 consoles can use 2 different sources of power. Der Windmesser (oben) und der Regen- und Temperaturmesser (unten). WeatherElement does not yet support extra sensors, bit the console does. Unterschiede zwischen der Davis Vantage VUE und der Vantage Pro 2. Wireless Leaf & Soil Moisture/Temperature Station. Buy Davis Instruments 6322 Vantage Pro 2 Wireless Integrated Sensor Suite and more from our comprehensive selection of Davis Instruments VantagePro2 Weather Station AddOn Sensors. Works with #6345. Save to shopping list Accessories Calibrations. The system may be displaying accurate data, but in a unit that you are not familiar with. In addition to weather stations we offer a complete line of weather instruments at extremly low prices including; Davis Vantage Pro2 Wireless Weather Stations, anemometers for wind speed and wind direction, barometers, thermometers, rain gauges, weather radios, lightning detectors, and weather or meteorological sounding and pilot balloons. Die Davis Vantage Pro 2 im Schnee: Die Außenstation besteht aus zwei Modulen, die in unmittelbarer Nähe zueinander angebracht werden. For improved accuracy, temperature and humidity sensors are housed inside a radiation shield. Support Davis Instruments 6152 Vantage Pro 2 Wireless Weather Station. The modern weather station console can display many readings, but there are considerable benefits from linking your weather station to a computer and experiencing the resulting power and flexibility from viewing via a computer display. Vantage Pro2 stations are engineered to withstand scorching sun, corrosion, 321 kmh winds, temperature extremes, and more. Vantage Pro2/Pro2 Plus: ISS Instruction Manual (6322, 6322C, 6334C, 6334) Download Direct Link. Allows you to display UV index, dose rate, and daily and accumulated dose. Highlights. Wireless Vantage Pro2™ Plus ISS with 24-Hr Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield. Bei diesem Set ist der Ultraschall Windmesser dabei. If your application needs your extra sensors reported to WeatherElement, … Temperature – ±0.5°C (±1°F) above -7°C (20°F) and ±1°C (±2°F) under -7°C (20°F) Humidity – ±3% (0 to 90% RH) and ±4% (90 to 100% RH) Dieses Kombi-Instrument misst über einen sehr großen Regenmessbehälter den Niederschlag und mit einem extrem genauen Windmesser die Windrichtung und -geschwindigkeit. $245.00 #6345CS. Select a variable to b… Davis Instruments, takes great pride in offering you a range of weather stations that are designed to provide the highest level of accuracy, reliability and ruggedness. Copyright © 2021 Davis Instruments Corporation. Extra Filters Price. AT, AU, AV, etc.). Wireless Vantage Pro2„¢ Plus ISSFor use with Vantage Connect, Vantage Pro2 and Vantage Vue consoles, Weather Envoy and WeatherLink. Soil Moisture Sensor, Vantage Pro2™ and EnviroMonitor® $65.00. Updated 2 years ago by Davis Instruments ... as well as any extra temperature/humidity sensor readings you have transmitting to your Vantage Pro2. The Integrated Sensor Suite (ISS) collects outside weather data and sends the data to a Vantage Pro2 … Davis Vatage Pro 2 6152EU.Ultra. 00 Low prices, fast shipping. Build a custom network of Davis sensors including soil moisture, soil temperature, leaf wetness, and more. The Vantage Vue or Vantage Pro 2 consoles can use 2 different sources of power. If you are not using AC power and are… Updated 1 year ago by Bruce Johnson Where can I find a detailed technical comparison of a Vantage Pro2 and Vantage Vue? Vantage Pro2 A customisable station with a wide range of options and sensors to help professionals and hobbyists measure, monitor, and manage weather data. FREE Shipping by Amazon. Stainless Steel Temperature Probe with Two-Wire Termination, Wireless Leaf Wetness & Soil Moisture/ Temperature Station (#6345), Complete Wireless Soil Moisture/ Temperature Station (#6345CS), with sensors: Davis UV Sensor. The Vantage Pro2 gives you full weather data as well as options for solar radiation, UV levels, and soil moisture and temperature sensors. After a moment, the variable you’ve selected begins to blink. $ 175. Die Wetterstation Davis Vantage pro 2 besteht aus einem hochwertigen Display und einer kombinierten Außeneinheit. - 4 Soil Moisture Sensors Vantage Pro2 is one of the more advanced weather stations by Davis and is suitable for a variety of purposes. 2. Get it as soon as Tue, Feb 2. Contact us for further information See the "Downloads" tab to the right for Technical Specifications. 00 $375 .00 $375.00. Hier befindet sich auch die Elektronik, die für den Versand der Wetterdaten zur Basisstation sorgt. $685.00 USD/EACH. It is more like a professional weather stationand can be used by farmers, schools, gardeners, restaurants, and sports institutes. Compatible with 2-Wire Termination Stainless Steel Temperature Probe (6470). The wireless Vantage Pro2 uses a solar-powered transmitter with battery backup to keep your data flowing. Die Messdaten ermöglichen zusätzlich die Berechnung der Evapotranspiration in der Vantage Pro II Konsole 6312. AeroCone Rain Collector (flat surface mount), AeroCone Rain Collector (VP2 Base for Pole or Post mount), Stainless Steel Temperature Probe with RJ Connector, Temperature/Humidity Sensor with Radiation Shield, Temperature/Humidity Sensor with 24-Hour Fan-Aspirated Radiation Shield, Solar-Powered Wireless Sensor Transmitter (#6332), AC Powered Wireless Sensor Transmitter (#6331). We offer a full 30 Day refund policy on our Davis Instruments Vantage Pro2 weather stations and weather instruments, … ... Davis Vantage Pro2 Rain Tipping Spoon upgrade 7345.147 released mid 2019. – Optional additional temperature and humidity sensors. Davis Instruments 6152 Vantage Pro 2 Wireless Weather Station. Quick View. Anemometer Transmitter KitProduct DescriptionWith Vantage Pro2, this solar-powered kit allows you to mount the anemometer in a different location than the integrated sensor suite (up to 1,000' (300M) from your wireless console/receiver).With Envoy8X, you can use this kit with any of our sensors … Some weather stations are set to display metric units by default. Davis Instruments 6490 UV Sensor for Vanatage Pro2 (Wireless) 4.6 out of 5 stars 19. Refer to the Vantage Pro2 Console Manual and apply power the console. Our innovative 6322 Davis Vantage Pro2 ISS (wireless integrated sensor suite) combines our rain collector, temperature and humidity sensors, and anemometer into one package—making setup easier than ever and improving performance and reliability.
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