3) What bothers Claudius and Gertrude about Hamlet's dress? Explain the meaning of Hamlet’s first line, “A little more than kin, and less … 37. What news does King Claudius announce at the opening of scene two? Claudius decides to send Cornelius and Voltimand with a letter to the king of Norway, requesting he restrain his hot-blooded young nephew. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? 8. In the beginning, Horatio and Marcellus see an apparition. 8. B. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? (lines 27-39) 10. Hamlet is upset for two reasons. 8. B. In Act I of Hamlet, Claudius sends them to Norway in order to meet with the … 9. question. He sends them to England to ask for money. To give a letter to the king or Norway, Fortinbras' … Tags: Question 5 . What does King Claudius tell Hamlet? 13. 4) Why does Claudius want Hamlet to remain at court? What does the King tell Hamlet? Explain why Hamlet says, "Frailty, thy name is woman!" 4. A. They’re black, indicating he’s still mourning his father; they feel he should have moved on by now due to the … Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? FreeBookSummary.com . 5) About … He sends them to Norway to ask the King to keep Fortinbras from going to battle. Continue to Question #10 What is Laertes' advice to Ophelia? Know someone who can answer? He tells Hamlet that Hamlet should not grieve so deeply for his father's death; it is time to think of other things. D. His recent marriage. What does … 4. What does the King tell Hamlet? He is an old man who doesn’t know what Fortinbras is planning. Identify King Claudius, Queen Gertrude, Laertes, and Polonius. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? Where is Hamlet's first soliloquy? 8. Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway? Their names are Cornelius and Voltimand. To Elisnore to get revenge. 9. Cornelius and Voltimand are ambassadors for the crown. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and voltimand? 11. (lines 27-39) These two men are found in Act I, Scene 2. 6. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? 7. What are they? 4. He is wearing all black which is depressing to them. Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway? Ambassadors Voltimand and Cornelius are sent by Claudius to deliver news to the "impotent and bed-rid" King of Norway that Fortinbras plans to invade Denmark. 12. Sweden for reinforcements. Why does Claudius want Hamlet to remain at court? What does Hamlet decide to do after he hears Horatio's news? Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway? What news does … Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? (line 146) Home Hamlet Q & A Act 1 Scene 2 Hamlet Act 1 Scene 2. what impressions does claudius give the audience of his relationships to each of the following charachters: Hamlet(His brother), Gertrude, Members of the court, Fortinbras, old norway and cornelious and voltimand. C. Become king. What do Claudius and Gertrude want Prince Hamlet to do? In Hamlet, where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? What does Laertes ask King Claudius and why does he grant it so easily? He sends them to Norway to ask the King to keep Fortinbras from going to battle. What does the King tell Hamlet? 10. Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway? What bothers Claudius and Gertrude about Hamlet's dress? What request does Claudius and Gertude make of Hamlet? 6. He wants to go to france Laertes is not the next in line to the throne 4. What bothers Claudius and Gertrude about Hamlet's dress? What news does Horatio bring Hamlet? 9. What does the King tell Hamlet? 0-1. 5. Who do the soldiers/guards want to tell about the ghost? SURVEY . 10. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? 10. 8.what does the king tell hamlet? What news does … 7. 11. 4. 14. What bothers Claudius and Gertrude about Hamlet's dress? What are they? To Norway to make sure the King there knows what Fortinbras is up to. Cornelius and Voltemand are Danish ambassadors sent by Claudius on an urgent diplomatic mission to Norway. Hamlet Act I, Scene 2 questions. To deliver the letter he’s written to Fortinbras’ uncle to stop his nephew’s siege. What news does King Claudius announce at the opening of scene 2? 7. Cornelius and Voltimand return from their trip (2.2.59) and report that the king had been aware of Fortinbras' gathering of troops, but he thought the attack would be on Poland. 2) Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway (lines 27-39) ? 7. About how long has Hamlet's father been dead? Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway? Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway? (lines 27-39) 10. 8. 8. 12. Report This +1. Why does Claudius want Hamlet to remain at court? 6. He has married Queen Gertrude, his late brother’s wife. 12. Get an answer to your question "What news do voltimand and cornelius bring back from norway? Marcellus is present when Hamlet first encounters the ghost. Report This. What does Hamlet decide to do after he hears Horatio’s news? D. He sends them to Rome to get the Pope's blessing for the upcoming battle. Norway to ask the King to keep Fortinbras from going to battle. About how long has Hamlet's father been dead? C. He sends them to Norway to ask the King to keep Fortinbras from going to battle. Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway? Voltimand and Cornelius - Courtiers whom Claudius sends to Norway to persuade the king to prevent Fortinbras from attacking. Asked by Anonymous on 18th May, 2010 about Hamlet Study Guide. He sends them to the King of Norway with letters asking the King to try to keep young Fortinbras from going to battle. To Norway to make sure the King there knows what Fortinbras is up to. He sends them to Sweden for reinforcements. 9. What does the King tell Hamlet? A. That he needs to be done with mourning for his father, that the continual mourning makes him look weak, and that he wants Hamlet not to go back to Wittenberg. His speech concluded, Claudius turns to Laertes, the son of the Lord … What are they? Cornelius. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? Q. D. (Act 1, Scene 2) Norway. What does King Claudius say he is in mourning over? On what mission does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? What does young Fortinbras want to do? 8. (Act 1, Scene 2) Assistant- Chamberland to the King. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? 6. C. The death of his brother. 9. 20 seconds . Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway? What bothers Claudius and Gertrude about Hamlet's dress? Marcellus and Bernardo - The officers who first see the ghost walking the ramparts of Elsinore and who summon Horatio to witness it. Norway Voltimand and Cornelius return from _____ and tell Claudius that the old and ailing King promises not to attack Denmark and Fortinbras swears to it Claudius … 9. 13. 13. 11. What bothers Claudius and Gertrude about Hamlet’s dress? He sends them to Rome to get the Popes blessing for the upcoming battle. A. What are they? 8. 0-1. That he needs to be done with mourning for his father, that the continual mourning makes him look weak, and that he wants … Identify King Claudius, Queen Gertrude, Laertes, and Polonius. Hamlet is upset for two reasons. 6. He mentions that young Fortinbras has written to him, rashly demanding the surrender of the lands King Hamlet won from Fortinbras’s father, and dispatches Cornelius and Voltimand with a message for the King of Norway, Fortinbras’s elderly uncle. He sends them to Sweden for reinforcements. Create an account to start this course today 12. answer choices . answer. The King of Norway is Fortinbras’s Uncle. He sends them to England to ask for money. To send a letter informing Fortinbras's uncle of his plans that he probably doesn't know . B. 10. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? Who is Polonius? What are they? The King of Norway is Fortinbras’s Uncle. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? What does the King tell Hamlet? Claudius does. England to ask for money. The King of Norway has the power to stop Fortinbras from going to war. Identify King Claudius, Queen Gertrude, Laertes, and Polonius. 5. Who do the soldiers/guards want to tell about the ghost? 5. Who do the soldiers/ guards want to tell about the ghost? What does young Fortinbras want to do? Why does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand to Norway? 7. 11. The King of Norway has a nephew named Fortinbras. What does Laertes ask of King Claudius? Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? 10. To deliver the letter he’s written to Fortinbras’ uncle to stop his nephew’s siege. The King of Norway has a nephew named Fortinbras. 12. Why does Claudius want Hamlet to remain at court? (lines 27-39) ‘ To talk to Fortinbras jr’s uncle to stop his nephews war plans 3. The reason that Claudius is sending them to Norway is to ask the King of Norway for his help. Hamlet is upset for two reasons. The reason that Claudius is sending them to Norway is to ask the King of Norway for his help. 7. About how long has Hamlet's father been dead? What bothers Claudius and Gertrude about Hamlet's dress? What does the King tell Hamlet? 1 answers. Hamlet is upset for 2 reasons. answer. ..." in History if there is no answer or all answers are wrong, use a search bar and try to find the answer among similar questions. He's dressed in all black and its depressing them. 1) What news does King Claudius announce at the opening of scene 2. Share a link to this question via Google+, Twitter, or Facebook. The death of his son. Reynaldo Polonius talks to _____ about Laertes Polonius sends Reynaldo to Paris to spy on Laertes and to take his money and messages Where does Polonius send Reynaldo? Stay close to them. He sends them to the King of Norway to tell him about Fortinbras plan to wage war on Denmark. He has written a letter to the King of Norway that he wants Cornelius and Voltimand to deliver. (Act 1, Scene 2) Going back to college. Hamlet is upset for two reasons. Where does Claudius send Cornelius and Voltimand? What bothers Claudius and Gertrude about … To send a letter informing the head of Norway about Fortinbras plan. Go back to school. +1. 11. Voltimand is the ambassador to the King of Norway from the King of Denmark. Why does Claudius want Hamlet to remain at court? What news does … 15. He says … (lines 27-39) 10. What news does Horatio bring Hamlet? What news does King Claudius announce at the opening of scene 2? 8. 9. The death of his father. Identify King Claudius, Queen Gertrude, Laertes, and Polonius. What does young Fortinbras want to do? He has written a letter to the King of Norway that he wants Cornelius and Voltimand to deliver.
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