English words for 柴 include firewood and chai. to send to commission messenger mission. If you literally translate "Gong Xi Fa Chai", it would mean "wishing you enlarge your wealth." Here are 2 possible meanings. Chai Har Subah Pee Jatee Hai meaning in Hindi is चाय हर सुबह पी जाती है।. His descendants adopted this character as … Tai chi of tai ji (vereenvoudigd Chinees: 太极拳; traditioneel Chinees: 太極拳; pinyin: tài jí quán) is een van oorsprong Chinese vechtkunst, die nu veelal beoefend wordt als neijia, innerlijke bewegingskunst.Tai chi wordt beoefend voor zijn gezondheidsbevorderende eigenschappen, maar ook als een vechtsport voor zowel zelfverdediging als voor het uitschakelen van opponenten. The word "chai" (used in many languages to refer to various teas) is derived from this Chinese word. Eye Exam; Glaucoma Treatments; Cataract Surgery; Laser Vision Correction; Contact Lens Fitting; Diabetic Retinopathy Treatments; Multifocal Intraocular Lenses Details / edit; English Taiwanese Dictionary. Chai definition is - a beverage that is a blend of black tea, honey, spices, and milk. sw Upesi, chai ikapendwa sana miongoni mwa Wajapani hivi kwamba miaka 400 baadaye, “desturi rasmi sana” ya kutayarisha na kuandalia chai, yenye kuitwa chanoyu, ikawa kawaida ya kitaifa. 拆. chāi. What is the meaning of mu cang chai in Chinese and how to say mu cang chai in Chinese? Judaism, like a number of religions, emphasizes the importance of life. Updated: December 27, 2016; January 1, 2017. Chinese English Pinyin Dictionary. Check synonyms, origin, and translation of Urdu word in simple Hindi language. 柴 ( chai / chái ) (English translation: "firewood") as Chinese character including stroke order, Pinyin phonetic script, pronunciation in Mandarin, example sentence and English meaning First Published: January 2006. | Native Audio Pronunciation | Examples & More! . 茶 ( cha / chá ) (English translation: "tea") as Chinese character including stroke order, Pinyin phonetic script, pronunciation in Mandarin, example sentence and English meaning Chai Har Subah Pee Jatee Hai Meaning in Hindi. (classifier cái) chai • a bottle one million dongs Synonym: củ; Adjective . 茶 also means camellia, as Asian teas are often based on the leaves of camellia plant varieties. 差. chāi. mu cang chai Chinese meaning, mu cang chai的中文,mu cang chai的中文,mu cang chai的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by ichacha.net. Contextual translation of "sa chai" from Malay into Chinese (Simplified). The family name is the first character, and the remaining two characters are the given name. The same surname is Sài in Vietnamese, and Si (시, sometimes spelled as Shi, See, Sie, Sea) in Korean. The British word tea comes from a regional dialect of China. The etymology of the word tea can be traced back to the various Chinese pronunciations of the Chinese word 茶.Nearly all of the words for tea worldwide fall into three broad groups: te, cha and chai, which reflected the history of transmission of tea drinking culture and trade from China to countries around the world. The word "chai' translated from Hebrew to English means "life." After Suharto came to power, his regime created many anti-Chinese legislations in Indonesia. Read on . Learn more. Thai law did not (and does not) allow identical surnames to those already in existence, so ethnic Chinese formerly surnamed Chua incorporating words that sound like "Chua" and have good meaning (such as Chai, meaning "victory") into much longer surnames. Chái (Chinese: 柴; Wade–Giles: Ch'ai, also spelled as Tsai, Tchai) is a Chinese surname. Chai Name Meaning Chinese : from the name of Gao Chai, a disciple of Confucius during the Spring and Autumn period (722–481 bc). Currently in US, chai refers to a milky tea with a milder version of Indian spice. Translation for 'chai' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations. Example sentences with "chin-chai", translation memory. Grow your vocabulary with Urdu to Hindi or Hindi to Urdu dictionary. bab.la arrow_drop_down bab.la - Online dictionaries, vocabulary, conjugation, grammar Toggle navigation have premonition. Within the Jewish faith, the word "chai" possesses both numerical and symbolic meaning. Leng Zai is more commonly used among Chinese, while Leng Chai is more commonly used among Malays and Indians, it’s just a matter of pronunciation.. Leng Lui meaning: In Cantonese it’s written as 靚女 which means pretty (girl).. Henry Golding can be considered a true blue … [1] As of 2008, it is the 127th most common surname in China, shared by 1.35 million people. Sometimes, especially in Mainland China, the given name is just one character. Chái (Chinese: 柴; Wade–Giles: Ch'ai, also spelled as Tsai, Tchai) is a Chinese surname. Show Strokes. Example Usage. . Find more Chinese words at wordhippo.com! • Chai (wine), a shed for storing casks, common in Bordeaux Disambiguation page providing links to topics that could be referred to by the same search term, Center for Human-Compatible Artificial Intelligence, Commission for Healthcare Audit and Inspection, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chai&oldid=1005776093, Disambiguation pages with given-name-holder lists, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Disambiguation pages with short descriptions, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 9 February 2021, at 10:30. No translation memories found. The Symbolic Meaning of Chai . 新年快樂 (simplified: 新年快乐, pinyin spelling xīn nián kuài lè, pronounced sseen nee-ahn kwhy luh) is Happy New Year in Chinese.. 新年 (pinyin spelling xīn nián, pronounced sseen nee-ahn) is New Year. Most Chinese characters have a meaning that can be translated into English, but Chinese names are often not fully translatable. Showing page 1. Chinese names are usually made up of three characters. The same surname is Sài in Vietnamese, and Si (시, sometimes spelled as Shi, See, Sie, Sea) in Korean. translation and definition "chin-chai", Min Nan Chinese-English Dictionary online. [2], For the surname spelled Chai in Wade–Giles, see, 101-200 Most Common Family Names in Mainland China, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chai_(surname)&oldid=965537723, Articles containing Chinese-language text, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 July 2020, at 22:32. chai meaning: 1. tea 2. a type of drink, made originally in India, consisting of tea made with spices and usually…. The Meaning of Xi Jinping's Chinese Dream Winberg Chai and May-lee Chai* Abstract This short essay explains the significance of Xi Jinping's use of the word "dream" (meng) in his inaugural policy pronouncement as the new leader of China in 2013. Chinese New Year, perhaps the most widely celebrated holiday in the world, typically takes place in January or February, after the Gregorian New Year on January 1.Whether you'll be spending it in China or in a Chinatown in your own city, knowing how to wish people a … click for more detailed Chinese translation, definition, pronunciation and example sentences. to tear open to tear down to tear apart to open. chin-chai . The Hebrew word consists of two (2) letters in the alphabet: Chet (ח) and Yud (י). welcome to my channelJhina's world happymehappy you happymemy blossom flower kung hei fat chai#shortsplease like subscribe and sharethank you everyone Leng Zai (or Leng Chai) meaning: Leng Zai comes from the Cantonese word 靚仔 which means handsome (boy). Need to translate "虿" (Chài) from Chinese? CHINESE New Year is nearly upon us, and with it comes a whole host of superstitions which will apparently dictate how the next 12 months will play … Originates from cha, the Chinese word for tea. chai (of skin) callous add example. chaiyo in Chinese : :猜约…. jw2019 en Soon, tea was such a favorite among Japanese that 400 years later, a “highly formalized ritual” of preparing and serving tea , called chanoyu, became a national institution. Most Chinese languages, including Mandarin and Cantonese, referred to the stuff by a word that is pronounced like “chá.” But other dialects, including Min … Learn Chinese with the Mandarin Temple Online Dictionary: 瘥 chài | Translation | Etimology | Write it! Chai is listed 325th in the Song dynasty classic text Hundred Family Surnames. How do you say it in Mandarin Chinese? Jews are encouraged to be good, ethical people, or mensches, exhibiting such traits as kindness, thoughtfulness, and selflessness and remaining good-natured, enjoying the time that they are given on Earth.A common Jewish toast is “L’chaim!” which means “To life!” Happy New Year!
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