The Thai cat breed is not as well-known as their more popular cousin, the Siamese. All dog breeds from Thailand. So, you may need to wait for a litter of kittens to become available, and place your name on a waiting list before they’re even born. The eyes are large and peridot green in an adult cat, but kittens have muddy, amber or golden-green coloured eyes which gradually change as they become adults, at two to four years. One of the largest cat breeds - the Norwegian forest cat is also known as a “Weegie” for her fans is the official cat breed of Norway. The Burmese cat is a breed of domestic cat, originating in Thailand or Myanmar, believed to have its roots near the present Thai-Burma border and developed in the United States and Britain. Derived from the Wichianmat landrace, one of several varieties of cat native to China and brought to Thailand (formerly known as Siam), the original Siamese became one of the most popular breeds in Europe and North America in the 19th century. Lets start by remembering that in Thailand, it is one breed that comes in many different colors. Physically speaking, the Persian boasts of a round face, short muzzle, and comes in a wide variety of colors. In Thailand, this cat breed is considered a bearer of both fortune and good luck. Origin: Siamese Cat is a very common breed found in Asia and is actually derived from the different varieties of cats which are native to Thailand. The Korat cat is a silver-tipped blue-grey, short-haired breed of domestic cat with a small to medium build and a low percentage of body fat. Trustworthy breeders will also be happy to provide references from previous purchasers. Cat breeds originating in Thailand (8 P) Cat breeds originating in Turkey (3 P) U Cat breeds originating in Ukraine (1 P) Cat breeds originating in the United Kingdom (2 C, 5 P) Cat breeds originating in the United States (37 P) This page was last edited on 19 September 2019, at 02:28 (UTC). They have elegant physical features that make them appear as if they are always groomed. Featured Image Credit: liliy2025, Pixabay. Birman Image Credit: spoba, Pixabay. Whether your cat lives indoors or is allowed outside, you’ll want to make sure that you provide plenty of opportunities for them to play and exercise. Chances are, you won't be seeing these kitties at your local pet adoption. According to The International Cat Association: “The Thai is the breed dedicated to preserving the native pointed cat of Thailand in as close to its original form as possible.”. This breed is really the forefather of the modern Siamese and comes with a colorpointed coat, striking blue eyes, and a vocal nature. The Korat is a natural breed, and one of the oldest stable cat breeds. It’s also a good idea to ask for information about what health tests that the parent cats have had and if you can see the results. If you’re convinced that the Thai cat is the perfect breed for you, then perhaps you’re already researching breeders and talking to your family about your new addition. Korat cat has a beautiful heart-shaped head and beautiful, very large, round, olive green eyes that give her a pretty innocent look – in defiance of the fact that these cats are notoriously intrusive, demanding and stubborn. Thai cats are intelligent, affectionate, playful, and vocal. The hair shaft colour increases to a deeper blue and the tips are silver, especially on the muzzle and toes. Breeding to focus on exaggerating the angular features of the more modern Siamese cat also led to them developing certain health issues, including kidney problems, cardiovascular issues, and facial defects. Their natural beauty unsurprisingly made them a … If you think that you have the time and energy to devote to a Thai cat, they will pay you back one hundredfold. Its body is semi-cobby, and unusually heavy for its size. They are: Cymric ; Foldex; Sphynx; Tonkinese; Colour and appearance are essential to potential cat owners, but that doesn’t seem to be the case always. The Khaomanee or Khao Manee cat (Thai: ขาวมณี – meaning “White Gem”), also known as the Diamond Eye cat, is a rare breed of cat originating in Thailand, which has an ancient ancestry tracing back hundreds of years. While most of us are familiar with the appearance of the Siamese breed, this is a result of generations of selective breeding carried out since the 1950s. The breed was recognised by the World Cat Federation in August 2004, and at that time its name was changed from “Thai Bobtail” to “Mekong Bobtail”. They are muscular, athletic cats of moderate foreign type and are reputed to be active, communicative and intelligent. They love to be close to their owners and will talk to you throughout the day. Alongside the aforementioned Siamese kitties, people adore Korat cats, native to Thailand. Jovana Rikalo/Stocksy United. Another of the most playful cat breeds, as well as being one of the prettiest, is the Siamese cat.This breed first appeared in present-day Thailand and were originally called Thai cats. The Siamese has helped create many other breeds, including the Oriental Shorthair, Sphynx, and Himalayan. Until recently, Korats were not sold, but only given as gifts. The Khao Manee Cat Club was granted GCCF pre-affiliation at the Council meeting on 26 October 2011. We did not include these in this article because they are unattainable for most in America. Do NOT follow this link or you will be banned from the site. The Thai cat breed is an ancient cat that has long been revered in their native Thailand. Siamese cats are extremely social, having traits like being warm and faithful, qualities that many people associate more with dogs. Over the years, the wichienmaat has stayed true to its original breeding, which is still seen today in Thailand where it remains a popular cat. In Thailand, they’re known as the Wichienmaat. The Thai cat is also referred to as the Wichien Maat.
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