Bread 2. Experimenting method Observation Bread 4 (wet), dry place Bread 3 sunny area Bread 2 The results of the experiment will remind you that you should always wash your hands. Aside from the control piece, the soap and water slice was the only piece of bread that had no mold on it. Who ever thought that moldy bread would lead to a the development of modern antibiotics? 2. Essay Example on Bread Mold Lab Report I also expect that near to the end the moisture will reach its highest level and will not grow anymore. Bread Mold Experiment. Bread Mold Experiment. Bread mold experiment is a fun science project, where one can observe the growth of a live organism on household bread! Quantitative Observations- Count how many colonies of mold that have grown in a 24-hour period. A classic inquiry-based science experiment all jazzed up for your class! Bread mold science project science: In tandem with the nutrients, bread is typically kept in warm and moist labeling and sealing all containers before the experiment began. Idaho school’s moldy bread hand washing experiment goes viral after ‘disgusting’ results ... Yellow and black mold had begun to take over the bread. Learn more with these three bread mold experiments! This lesson asks your students to work through the steps of the scientific method as they determine whether white bread or wheat bread, with or without preservatives will grow mold the fastest. Were you surprised by the results of your experiment? Lab Report/Bread Mold/REVISED The purpose of this experiment was to look at two ways bread is stored in the home kitchen, in a cupboard and in the refrigerator. For you to obtain meaningful results, you must follow the right bread mold experiment procedure. Rubber band 5. my hypothesis was right that the bread 3 will grow mold faster. There's nothing worse than finding a moldy piece of fruit in the bottom of a bag. CONTROL CLEAN DIRTY Illustrate the bread samples for your group. Hypothesis: I hypothesized bread mold would grow faster if the bread was exposed to water. More cultures that you might know used mold … Bread Mold Lab Purpose: The purpose of this lab was to test the effect of water on bread mold growth. Scale 8. It was hypothesized that bread would stay fresher and be slower to develop mold when stored in the refrigerator. Materials: 1. Conclusion Comparing to my results, bread mold will grow better in direct sunlight and will also grow better in humid area. Seizers Procedures: Day 1 1. The experiment, “ The Effect of Mold Growth on White and Wheat Bread Air Exposed and Contained” is an experiment that observers mold growth on white and wheat bread, air exposed and contained in a airtight sandwich bag, for a four week period of time. The data from my experiment show that 11 drops of water does not help the growth of bread mold. CONTROL CLEAN DIRTY Charting & Graphing Data: Chart the number of mold colonies that have grown throughout the experiment. Atwood Machine Lab Report Essay Sample. Bread Mold Lab Report Bread Mold Lab Report Bread Mold Lab Report . If you are pursuing a biology course, you must at one point in time be asked to conduct a bread mold experiment. Even hand sanitizer, which we might think as a substitute for hand washing, showed evidence of mold. Water 4. Variables Dependent variable : my dependent variable is the mould Independent variable : The moisture Controlled variable : The temperature, the type of bread, the exposure to air and light. Writing a lab report is one of the most efficient ways of showing the results and conclusions of a bread mold experiment. Plastic cup 3. Plastic wrap 6. Share this activity . Next, create a line graph for the data you’ve collected. Activity. Light 7.
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