Please note that this article may contain affiliate links. Bona Mega ONE – as simple as it gets. You don’t have to spend as much time sanding between coats. We have sanded our birch floors. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. And, no you would not use a sealer. You may find that either or both work…or at least for now. 2. Non-yellowing with excellent build characteristics, Mega ONE functions as your one partner in wood floor treatment. If a homeowner is worried about scratches, you can upgrade to Traffic HD over Mega One. Anytime that you come into a house and see big scratches in the floor or damaged finish, those are good signs to use a high durability finish, like Traffic HD. Bona Traffic HD amberizes less. Not very good customer service, so I thought I’d reach out to an experienced coatings specialist…. Bona developed Mega One as an even easier product to work with than the original Mega finish. This means you can walk on it (socks only). But, a much easier and less expensive way to buy it would be on Amazon. You will at least need to do the full room. This is really helpful for those who are looking to move into a new house quickly as well as busy households with dogs. Traffic HD will go on thicker so that you can get a thicker finish in just two coat, which means that you won’t get as much coverage as what you may expect. Before using Mega One, always shake the container well. Allows the floor owner and contractor to meet various performance and appearance demands at an incredible value. But maybe Loba’s tech person is more helpful. Add one bottle of Mega Booster per gallon of Bona Mega and you get added long-term durability. After Mega One is dried, you can come back the next day, abrade, and then layer Traffic HD on top. you. felt pads, doggie socks). No additives to mix, no limited pot life, and no wasted finish. The paint is the sealer and the poly can not penetrate the wood once paint is applied.. If the finish absorbs into the wood, it can lead to other problems like panelization and boards being glued together. I would do the sealer + 2 coats of Bona traffic HD. Bona Mega ONE is a primer and top coat in one, suitable for heavy domestic and light commercial areas. Please note that the cost of polyurethane is only one aspect of the cost equation (you also have to factor in the labor cost for sanding/refinishing as well as the cost for the stain (if you are staining). Like the original, Mega One is a single component finish which means that there’s no waste. Working with tinted glazes (either alkyd or latex) yields a low sheen finish which still needs protection. We don’t want yellow at all and hope to use one that keeps it as pale(white) as possible. Bona really makes the best water borne polyurethanes, hands down. What’s the difference between Bona Mega and Mega One? If you’re within a percentage point of where you started, that means that 99% of the water has evaporated out and you can move on. Could you amend one or the other so they agree? Unfortunately, I can’t use a paint/poly combo, because what’s needed is a low sheen uv resistant waterborne or latex clearcoat, to provide protection over a decorative finish. Preferably a tough, high build coating that will wear like a commercial as opposed to res. Elizabeth – cats are a bit easier on the floors than dogs based on the way they walk and retract their claws on the floors. We don’t add poly over paint…because we are unsure of the results…and don’t want to mess up people’s homes. Overall, it’s a quicker moving in process than Mega One. Please read my guide lines in this article How long does it take polyurethane to cure which explains when you can move furniture back, when pets can walk on floors, put area rugs down etc. By having a sealer underneath the finish, you can avoid a lot of issues with Bona wood floor finish. But Bona traffic HD is the best in durability, lowest in VOC’s and least yellow out of all options. I am a landlord who sanded some very old floors. Mega One also holds up well to residential traffic. Perhaps the stain can be removed and then they can do a screen and recoat for the whole floor. I can’t seem to think of the name right now (I need more sleep). But, I would test these in a small area as I don’t know if they would look different on birch vs. oak. Bona Traffic Polyurethane vs Bona Mega. preventing scratching). Home » Featured Articles » How To Use Bona Wood Floor Finish – Traffic HD and Mega One. Please note that these are products I know/use and recommend to my customers. You can start off by coating with Mega One, then finish up with Traffic HD. With Traffic HD being a two component, many contractors coat the floor only to realize that they forgot to put in the hardener. How much longer? Then, going forward, you want to prevent this. The harder the floor gets before movers, kids and/or dogs walk on the floor the better. My floor guy has proposed sanding 2 oak bedroom floors and putting 3 coats of bona mega satin. As you apply the finish and reach the bottom of the bottle, the sheen may be different than what you first applied. Adding a third coat gives an extra layer of protection that may be right for some homeowners who are worried about scratches. Recently, named the Bona Premium Spray Mop as the best cleaner for hardwood floors. It depends how deep it penetrated YOu may need to do2 coats. And it is at least as tough as a high-quality oil-based polyurethane. The stair treads and risers were prefinished with the Bona Mega HD product prior to install. It is also safer to keep dogs off the floors for 14 days, too. If there’s only one coat of finish, over time it can be worn down to the raw wood, creating a lot of damage that would need to be re-sanded, not a recoat. And, to that, you can do a screen and recoat which is just a buffing + 1 coat poly. Eileen – 24 days is a bit of a random number. And, you may find this article handy on how to prevent scratches in hardwood floors. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Clear, non-yellowing formula. The short answer is Yes and Yes! felt pads, doggie socks, Ebook – What to look for when buying a home with hardwood, Bona Traffic vs Bona Traffic HD – Is there a difference, How to refinish hardwood floors gray – the right way, How to prevent scratches in hardwood floors, California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Policy. What about traffic areas which show wear,due to large dogs, but surrounding areas still looking good. If there is extra work (e.g. I recommend them as they are good products. Or I just better off paying extra cost of 3 coats of Traffic HD? Like all finishes, the dry time for Mega One and Traffic HD depends on the environment – if you have good circulation or if it’s a humid day. We try to have repeat customers and not angry customers. Bona Mega ONE is an easy-to-apply, forgiving product that offers high durability with exceptional scratch and scuff resistance and a five day full cure time. I would probably try nordic for the lightest/most natural seal. Is it “safe” to allow tenants with dogs? Please note that the cost of polyurethane is only one aspect of the cost equation (you also have to factor in the labor cost for sanding/refinishing as well as the cost for the stain (if you are staining). What’s the difference and which one is better? The solution to that is to screen and re-coat. Non-yellowing with excellent build characteristics, Mega ONE functions as your one partner in wood floor treatment. My designer discount at the paint stores usually more than offsets the cost for the hour consultation. And, the odor dissipates faster. For a professional grade floor finish that exceeds expectations, use Bona Mega. Depending on your household you will see differences or not in each finish. We have white oak that we want to use Bona natural seal. Still, this allows you to get to a thicker finish with less coats. Bona Mega ONE is a clear, waterborne 1-component finish that dries fast, is easy to use and provides high build for superior protection. Bona recommends using a sealer under their wood floor finishes. Reviewed in the United States on April 20, 2020. Because Bona Traffic has lower VOC’s, it just smells less. If not mixed thoroughly, you can end up with a “gradient” sheen, because all of the flattening agents are sitting on the bottom. Pete – 2 days can be doable with a water based poly such as Bona Meda, provided that there isn’t a stain. Bona Mega ONE is an exceptional water based floor finish specially designed for the needs of flooring contractors. Bona US announced the launch of Bona Mega ONE, a one-component finish new to the Bona Sealer and Finish System. Like Mega One and Mega, Traffic HD is a newer version of Bona’s original Traffic finish. After the sealer are we better doing 3 coats of Bona Traffic HD rather than 2?. If you’re wanting to use a penetrating oil, with the option of a poly on top, then you could try Bona’s Craft Oil. Bona Mega ONE simplifies the craftsman’s everyday life, making the job faster and easier with the quality you depend on. Bona Mega is a one-component 100% polyurethane water-based top coat that uses oxygen from the air as a Crosslinker thus the addition of an external Crosslinker or Hardener is not required. Also, make sure you or they have entry mats for front and back doors (both inside and out to reduce water damage (from rain and/or snow). Amy – Unfortunately, you will need to sand and refinish the full area. If you have any questions, you can also call Bona’s Tech Line at 1-800-872-5515. Bona Mega Clear HD takes Bona Mega to the next level. Watch the video above or keeping reading to find out how Mega One or Traffic HD may be the right finish for your next job. Verified Purchase. A seal coat, plus two coats of finish is the minimum that is sufficient to coat the floor. 3 coats is not necessary as the sealer is acting as first coat, so you have 3 already. Home; About; Listing; Services; Contact Us; Register; bona mega vs mega one It kind of sounds like that person got the products confused. How long does it take polyurethane to cure, how to prevent scratches in hardwood floors. Bona Mega Clear HD increases the physical performance and look of Bona Mega with the addition of a second component and the elimination of the amber tint. Just a thought from a guy who has done this for the first time. If you live in Westchester County NY, I offer color consultations to advise customers on paint colors and stain choices. The other benefit is that a sealer keeps the finish out of the wood. Drying occurs when solvents evaporate from the surface of the film, leaving it tack free. It sounds like the food may have had a chemical reaction with the poly. Also available in semi-gloss or gloss. Watch our full conversation about Bona Mega One and Bona Traffic HD, two popular Bona Wood Floor Finish products. I can never get a straight answer from the poly companies nor the paint companies…and that may be because their isn’t one. finish. So I want to help you, but I honestly don’t feel that I’m qualified to do so. I would call take pictures and call the manufacturer and let them know what the stain is and maybe they’ll have a suggestion for you. It also mimics the look that many homeowners with an oil-based finished floor are used to. Jim – Just 1 coat of sealer. I appreciate your time and quick response. As a general rule, Bona Traffic HD costs about twice as much as Bona Mega. Oh We have a big dog too Bona Traffic smells less. As a general rule, Bona Traffic HD costs about twice as much as Bona Mega.. And, there is a good reason for that as you’ll read below. One of the great things about Bona Traffic is that it is 80% cured after just 24 hrs and 90% cured at 72 hrs. VOC’s are Volatile Organic Compounds, and the lower the number, the better. 4. Aygee – I don’t believe I advised people to use Bona Traffic over paint. Bona Traffic HD has the hardening booster. It will easily buff down, assuring you that your next coat is actually going to adhere. You may also find that a few years from now that they slighty amberize. Watch Bona’s tutorial that explains the best practices for applying their wood floor finish. But, as a general rule, I’d venture that for the average household, it will probably give you an EXTRA 2 to 4 years of life. resistance to scratching) as well as chemical resistance. If that happens to you, let it fully dry out, then screen and re-coat it. Residential condo that faces s/SWThanks for advice. Before coating, scuff up the floor a bit and then you can coat with Traffic. Often dogs do cause more wear and tear. They used Bona Traffic as sealer. (maybe even sooner…but you know smaller dogs are closer to the floors than people are). Bona Mega ONE is innovated as an easy-to-use, durable, crystal-clear finish with high build. Traffic HD is one of Bona’s fastest curing finishes – fully curing in three days. After 72 hours, homeowners can move furniture back in (and once again, lift don’t drag). And, Bona Traffic HD is the best of the best. Mega One is meant to abrade fast to get to the powder point very quickly. Instead, I said it was the one most likely to work. You can also find some of these at the end of this article. 5. Bona Mega ONE focuses on simplifying the craftsman’s working day for quicker and easier jobs with great reliability. It is quick-drying and easy to abrade. While their finishes can act like a sealer, using a sealer gives more depth and an extra build layer. I’m wanting to go with Bona Traffic HD. How To Use Bona Wood Floor Finish – Traffic HD and Mega One, Give us a call at your nearest Master’s Craft, Why Ceramic Grain Sandpaper Will Save You Time and Money, Special offer for customers with credit terms. I have a floor refinishing proposal that includes sealer, two coats of Bona Mega and final coat of Bona Traffic HD .Does it makes sense? Mega One is also designed to be easier to abrade and have a better better build. That is odd. Bona Traffic HD cures faster. Bona traffic claims 7 days for curing, but we advise our customers to wait 14 days before putting area rugs down as it’s better to be safe than sorry. Outside of acrylic polishes and hard waxes you’re not going to have any issues as long as it’s fully cured.
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