Kaysing also claimed that the F-1 engines used were too unreliable so NASA instead put several B-1 rockets inside each of the F-1 engines. Bush reportedly spent a whole 8 hours being president before Reagan decided he’d recovered enough from his surgery to start being president again. In this case, in 2002, a 72 year old Buzz Aldrin punched Bart Sibrel who is a “we never landed on the moon” conspiracy theorist, “documentary” maker, and cab driver. (Which I haven't played through yet) call-of-duty … It also could be interpreted that Article II, Section 1, Clause 6 of the U.S. Constitution did allow for such when the president was unable “to discharge the powers and duties of the… office”. Alliances between countries to maintain the power balance in Europe were tangled and not at all secure. Mat Best: Thank you. As to how Kaysing before him came to the conclusion that NASA faked the moon landings, the story, at least as Kaysing tells it, is that in the late 1950s he managed to view the results of a highly secretive internal study conducted by NASA on the feasibility of man successfully landing on the moon that concluded, in his own words: “That the chance of success was something like .0017 percent. Me neither. A plan was quickly drawn up, this time using paratroopers from the 511, The target would be the University of the Philippines campus-turned POW camp at, Los Baños. For the Front Page of the Observer, use the Red letters, and … Author Joe Haldeman on How the Vietnam War Gave Him ... 6 ridiculously awesome depictions of Space Marines, ranked. “The F-35 was at a distinct energy disadvantage in a turning fight and operators would quickly learn it isn’t an ideal regime… Though the aircraft has proven it is capable of high AOA [angle of attack] flight, it wasn’t effective for killing or surviving attacks primarily due to a lack of energy maneuverability,” he continued. The first installment in his Civil War trilogy is The Black Flower, a New York Times Notable Book. We feel obligated to point out here that, as previously mentioned, he also used this fire as evidence of NASA lacking expertise to get a man to the moon… Meaning according to Kaysing this fire was somehow both intentional to murder a few astronauts and also accidental owing to NASA’s incompetence. Mat Best: For sure. Both sides believed they were fighting for freedom—though their definitions of this freedom differed greatly. Well, we've cracked the code and present it to you. Then-Lt. Stanley Vejtasa on right as a member of the Grim Reapers, VF-10. We don’t know how long we’re going to be here. Numbers Station Broadcast (Brick in the Wall) Mac Tonight Offline TFA Offline See all 8033 collections (some may be hidden) 65,485: Unique Visitors: 46,253: Current Subscribers: 2,454: Current Favorites: Subscribe to download TFAAT CoD Black Ops II SWEPs - … There’s no best way to describe the rivalry between the branches of the American military to an outsider. “I want to avoid getting into a dogfight, but if I had to I’m going to be able to outmaneuver most other aircraft,” he said. This led to the loss of over 600,000 lives and, ultimately, the assassination of President Lincoln in 1865. Said Kaysing, “They — both NASA and Rocketdyne — wanted the money to keep pouring in.” As to how he knew this, he goes on “I’ve worked in aerospace long enough to know that’s their goal.”. to unlock the floppy disk and access the mission with all the information necessary. But when the Civil War places them on opposite sides of the battlefield, tensions reverberate through their relationship, their families, and the rest of Jakes’ bestselling trilogy. There the Japanese were holding over 2,000 Allied personnel, mostly civilians who were caught up in the Japanese onslaught of late 1941. But the F-35 program and its role in dogfights hadn’t been as well figured out back then. Finally, he hit two more on a third pass, leading him to believe that he had downed six. Kowloon City, Hong Kong. Viewed 101k times 5. In the video, the F-35 pilot takes the plane inverted, hits a tight loop, and appears to pause in mid-air as he enters a flat spin that makes his hundred-million-dollar jet appear like a leaf floating down towards earth. But if you live it, that’s a different story. Is this relevant to anything other than the single Cryptic messages are still broadcast in Cuba at random times to this day. Mat Best: No. WATM: What did that transition look like for you? Mason: Why don't you ask Hudson? All of this would happen nearly simultaneously. Amidst all the shooting and espionage, Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War also manages to throw a few puzzles and brain teasers to stay true to the theme of their game. You don’t have to marry the first stripper you see in Jacksonville is all I’m saying. The intent would be to draw the Japanese attention away allowing the paratroopers to escape with the prisoners. If you’re a Marine Corps legal clerk, maybe slow your roll on calling anyone “Chair Force.” On an Air Force base, you’d still be derided as a nonner, which is as close to POG as the Air Force gets. Whats going on? Faced with the prospect of serving time in a prison camp or in the Union Army, they choose the latter. The radio station from which these messages were broadcast roamed the Gulf of Mexico, avoiding detection. After all, it wasn’t an airman that put Mackie Hall next to Sh*t Creek. He’s walking into the WATM office as the author of his newly released memoir, Thank You For My Service, and he has something powerful to say to us all…(spoiler alert). Wake up, let’s go f*cking work.” And so it really just transcribed into me talking to people, having influence, and people said, “I want to know Mat’s whole story.” And really for me, the only way to tell my entire story is to put it on paper. So I’m just proud of it, and I want to share that experience that I’m not a victim. Overall, 8 million service members died during the duration of the war, and 21 million were injured. Look, I get it. He was credited with sinking at least five ships including a carrier and damaging seven more, making him one of the very few pilots who can claim ace status against ships. Despite many, many presidents having serious health issues and occasionally being incapacitated during their time in office (generally largely kept from the public eye at the time), only two have actually used this power in the over half a century since the 25th Amendment was ratified. And, indeed, from a practical standpoint, Nixon and Eisenhower’s cabinet did take over his duties when he was incapacitated. After eating the no doubt delicious sandwiches, Aldrin and Armstrong put on some space suits and pretended to walk across a fake moon set while reading out some, to quote Kaysing, “well-rehearsed lines” in a performance he called “not great” but “good enough”. And, just for fun, likely because of some of the medications he was on, he seemed particularly prone to infections. Seriously, wtf is that? So it’s always there, and I’ll always be a part of the community for sure, because I just want to see it be successful. After six weeks on release, Activision reported that Black Ops had exceeded $1 billion in sales. The result is a humanizing study of war, and of the men who fought unwaveringly for their ideals. Kaysing doesn’t explain how NASA came up with such a precise figure given all the unknown variables at the time, nor why he put the qualifier “something like” followed by such an extremely exact number. Not exactly a best-seller, Kaysing’s book nonetheless laid the ground work for some of what would come after, with the idea further gaining steam in part thanks to the 1978 film Capricorn 1, which shows NASA faking a Mars landing and then going to any lengths to keep it a secret. 1st Lt. Jefferson DeBlanc flew F4F Wildcats against Japanese fighters and bombers. Kaysing continued to assert that the moon landings were a hoax right up until his death in 2005, in between writing books on cookery, motorcycle safety, farming, taxes, survival, how to subsist on very little money, and travel guides, as well as making occasional appearances on such shows as Oprah expounding on his conspiracy theory work. Leave a legacy you can be proud of, not some trash whose readers will doubt your sanity.”. Battalion arrived at the camp in their Amtracs, the fight was all but over. And I think people are finding that out on Instagram, where they have followers, and they have certain engagement metrics, but they’re not able to influence a message or a culture or something like that. And it’s okay to enjoy life. Ferdinand was the nephew of Emperor Franz Josef and heir to the throne of Austria and Hungary. This is all despite the fact that it’s never been easier to definitively debunk Kaysing’s various assertions. Model of Soviet Lunokhod automatic moon rover. Moving swiftly on, NASA officials also apparently had others killed, including safety inspector at North American Aviation Thomas Baron who wrote a report on NASA safety protocol violations after that tragic Apollo 1 fire. The Treaty of Versailles also established the League of Nations to help prevent future wars. As the Allies liberated the Philippines, the decision was made to attempt a rescue effort at the Cabanatuan Prison. This article originally appeared on Explore The Archive. In this story, the first grunt to hear the term was unfamiliar with its history and instead took it as a compliment. People will say, “You started a company called Article 15 Clothing.” I’ve got a good conduct medal, man. On each occasion, Vice President Dick Cheney was acting president for a little over 2 hours at which point Bush resumed his duties. The example gives the following code: 4, 8, 1, 0, which corresponds to the city of Boston. The Call of Duty series has rarely neglected the game’s campaign mode, other than in Black Ops 4. A sequel, Call of Duty: Black Ops II, was released on November 13, 2012. This, of course, has nothing to do with Kaysing, but we figured we’d mention it as we like to deal in facts and reading Kaysing’s various works has us feeling like we need to be cleansed a little by saying things that are actually true about NASA in this period. He either loves it or is just trying to struggle through another meal. I can look back at losing friends and being like, “This is why I’m here. Mat Best: At least now in the workings of Black Rifle, I’ll always be part of the military for sure. Other presidents had more or less done similar things before when necessary, but always in secret, so as not to publicly reveal their medical issues. I mean you can do videos, you can chat about it, but a lot of people just see the extension of my personality through the entertainment and the skits that I do, which I fully enjoy. They were led by 1, Simultaneous to the landing of the paratroopers, Filipino guerrillas from the 45. Ours was New York, which corresponded to the numbers 4,0,1,6 on the Numbers Station Broadcast. But despite the F-35’s impressive moves and ability to win dogfights, Berke said he’d stay on mission and try to score kills that take better advantage of the jet’s stealth. I put a lot in this book that no one’s ever known. Okay, say we get into a war with China or something, then those might be useful. We then looked at the Numbers Station Broadcast again, and Boise was marked with the numbers 7,4,5,6, so I realised that the red number we needed was 74. The Numbers Station Broadcast can help you solve the first two pieces of evidence. And, for some reason, these futuristic warfighters are almost always called the same thing: “Space Marines.”. Whether they did or not, we did find in our research looking for that report that NASA conducted a feasibility study on the proposed designs for several manned rockets immediately prior to Apollo program to decide which contractor to use. His ace-in-a-day mission came on December 5, 1941, when he was leading two squadrons on patrol in Africa. For Call of Duty: Black Ops on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "A Cryptanalysis of the Numbers Broadcast (Spoilers)" - Page 2. By the time the balance of the 1. So that’s the story I wanted to tell. So how was he able to run the country in this state? His greatest one-day total came on September 18 when he made a run on balloons and downed two, then killed two of the German fighters that came up to kill him, and then spotted and killed a German reconnaissance plane on his way back to U.S. lines. That said, it is thought by many historians that her claim that she never made direct presidential decisions herself is at best stretching the truth and at worst a blatant lie. As for why NASA would bother with the charade, he claimed NASA worked in tandem with the Defence Intelligence Agency to fake the moon landings to one up those pesky Russians. So I just started making YouTube videos to make five people laugh, and five turned to a thousand, a thousand turned to 100,000 and it kind of snowballed effect. Especially when it comes to the most cliche statement in the history of veterans, “Thank you for your service.” A statement that has been awkward and fallen flat to so many veterans is now Mat’s source of strength. – 52 – 56 – 60 Answer: ?? He led his four-plane flight against 15 enemy bombers and successfully shredded three of them in a single dive. You know the opening cinematic with the sexy lips lady who is reciting a numbered code into a shortwave radio transmitter? Kowloon City, Hong Kong. Ours was New York, which corresponded to the numbers 4,0,1,6 on the Numbers Station Broadcast. Since its release in November 2010 Activision have reported over $1 billion in profits from Black Ops Sales alone. I went through a pretty deep and heavy transition and learned a lot about myself, what I wanted to do. Call of Duty: Black Ops’ campaign takes place during the cold war in the 1960’s, with the multiplayer maps for the game based, and often taken directly from, the single-player campaign. Over 100 Fascinating Facts About U.S Presidents Past and Present ... 6 reasons why Marines hate on the Air Force, 11 facts you should have learned about World War I, How World War I ushered in the century of oil, 6 incredible facts about ‘Flying the Hump’ in World War II. Mason: Why don't you ask Hudson? We spent a lot of time getting ready to go to the moon. For example, while the president is sleeping, and thus in an unconscious state, they are most definitely “unable to discharge the powers and duties of [the] office” until someone wakes them up. When a 26-year-old Confederate soldier is wounded, the bond he forms with a medic gives him hope for a brighter, post-war future. And thanks TC for deciphering. And I think what I didn’t do when I got out, I didn’t plan for anything. Mat Best: I needed an outlet creatively. How numbers stations like the ones in ‘Black Ops’ worked . Edward O’Hare was a legend in early World War II, and his most famous battle came just months after the attack on Pearl Harbor. The second phase consisted of the landing and assault by the paratroopers. This rescue, often referred to as the Great Raid, liberated over 500 prisoners from Cabanatuan on Jan. 30, 1945. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War [Xbox One] - XBOXONE. And so going forward, I’ve always tried to plan, plan for the worst, expect the best, kind of thing. (U.S. Air Force photo by Samuel King Jr.). By 1923, 53 European nations were active members of the League of Nations. The first to depart for the mission were the men of the division reconnaissance platoon who set out the night of Feb. 21 in small Filipino fishing boats. I had not journal entries, but I guess you could say that I documented some of the worst times in my life, because I didn’t ever want to forget how crappy it felt. I’d bet my life on it.” Not all is lost, however, because he states, “I know personally that Trump knows the moon landings are fake and he’s biding his time to reveal it at the end of this term, or at the end of his second term if he’s re-elected.” So, rest easy everyone, the truth will come out soon enough apparently. Let’s focus on the big stuff, health, well-being, and all that. All these "small" additions to the game affirms that Treyarch was really dedicated to this game. How can this game have 1.3 million players online but I can't find one game? Compelling and jam-packed with action, Cain at Gettysburg is a fascinating tale of battle, bravery, and brotherhood that no lover of Civil War history should miss. First is the Encoded Message to Qasim and second which you will already have by now, is the Numbers Station Broadcast. They refueled and rearmed and headed out for another mission, this time finding a group of dive bombers attacking at the beaches. Can't get into Player Matches anymore. The map contains many long sightlines in the lobby, on the roof, and across the parking lot, but it also hosts close-range combat in the hallways around the central broadcasting room. You either get indoor plumbing or the F-35, but you can’t have both. In 2001, the United States tried the Cuban Five on the charge of spying for Cuba. Every Marine is a rifleman, sure. It's stuff like this that makes this game so much better than MW2 and several other CoD games. No? He went after the rear bombers on the right side, first, downing two of them quickly with bursts through the engines and fuel tanks. While watching, Kaysing recalled the supposed NASA study he’d seen all those years ago, as well as that engineers he’d worked with at the time in the late 1950s claimed that while the technology existed to get the astronauts to the moon, getting them back was not yet possible. Among those evacuated was Frank Buckles, a World War I veteran, who would go on to be the last living veteran from the conflict. Numbers stations are incorporated into BBC Radio 4's 2019 adaptation of H. P. Lovecraft's The Whisperer in Darkness by the same writer. So I just used humor to kind of offset that, get their head in the game, realize we’re here for a mission. Shaara’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel recreates the bloodiest battle in American history: Gettysburg. Follow @TodayIFoundOut on Twitter. Despite this and certain very pressing and far reaching matters being decided, like whether the United States should join the League of Nations, he refused to give up his position- a key point discussed when the 25th Amendment was being drafted a few decades later. WATM: I didn’t even write that joke but yes, it makes me happy. The only other president to bestow the powers of the presidency on their vice president was George W. Bush in 2002 and later in 2007, each time so that he could have a colonoscopy. We’ll have much, much more on all this in an upcoming article on How Do We Know Man Really Walked on the Moon? Mat Best: Yeah, I think that’s a loaded question, but it’s a good one. WATM: Can you give us a brief intro about you? In very short order the raiding force had overwhelmed and secured the prison. These prisoners then described their horrific treatment as well as the atrocities of the Bataan Death March. And don’t even get the astronauts started on the paltry government salary they earned in doing all that and the hilarious lengths they had to go to to provide some semblance of a life insurance policy for their families should the worst happen during the missions. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. It’s not hard to figure out who jumped on a bandwagon when a team started to get good. President Woodrow Wilson wanted peace, but in 1917, Germany announced that their submarines were prepared to sink any ships that approach Britain. "Investigate the extent of Project Nova by investigating one of Dragovich's former associates." First up was a potentially life threatening problem in Addison’s disease, where the adrenal glands don’t produce enough of certain essential hormones. In the trilogy that has sold millions of copies, John Jakes examines how war can disintegrate even the closest of bonds. 1. Balloons in World War I were extremely dangerous, well-protected targets, and Luke developed a reputation as a fearless balloon buster. At the same time, the 45th Hunter’s ROTC Regiment of Filipino guerrillas attacked three sides of the camp. There’s also the little problem that the clusters of B-1s he described couldn’t have fit in the F-1 engine bells and you can see footage of the F-1 engines working as advertised, with no clusters of engines anywhere in sight. These would then be used to transport the prisoners to safety. These would then be used to transport the prisoners to safety. Clive Caldwell is the highest-scoring ace in Royal Australian Air Force history and was credited with 28.5 kills in World War II. Science Fiction - Soldiers & Space Marines, Space Exploration ... Start Collecting! During these times, he did attempt to take sick days by having Attorney General Herbert Brownell Jr write up a document passing off some of the powers and duties of the president to Vice President Richard Nixon. Hopefully we never find out. Follow @TodayIFoundOut on Twitter. Catch Riggle’s Picks every week in the fall on Fox NFL Sunday, usually about twenty minutes before the NFL games air. Two years later, Germans protested against the French possession of Morocco. According to retired Lt. Col. David Berke, who commanded a squadron of F-35s and flew an F-22 — the US’s most agile, best dogfighter — the jet has undergone somewhat of a revolution. The economy in Germany was beginning to collapse. By February 1945, the cruel and inhumane treatment by the Japanese against their enemies was well known. Meanwhile, The Galvanized Yankees tells the widely unknown story of a group of captured Confederate soldiers. The man who shot Ferdinand and his wife, Gavrilo Princip, was a Bosnian revolutionary. Austria-Hungary took over Bosnia, a former Turkish province, in 1909, which angered Serbia. There was nothing wrong with BDUs. WATM: Obviously, you put a lot of time into doing this. The Bold Cavaliers stars Confederate General John Hunt Morgan, whose cavalrymen wreak havoc on Alabama. Eisenhower was essentially bucking the trend of keeping it secret and trying to set a precedent to make the whole thing official. The flat spin is “not an effective dogfighting maneuver, and in some cases, you would avoid doing that.”, (U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Joshua Kleinholz). Why would they do this when the whole Christa McAuliffe thing was supposed to be a publicity stunt to get the public more interested in space travel, science, and what NASA was doing? How to decode the Black Ops Cold war floppy disk and complete Operation Chaos All you need to do now is select "Decrypt Floppy Disk" and input your code and passphrase from the puzzles you solved. “I doubt that any airborne unit in the world will ever be able to rival the Los Baños prison raid,” said Gen. Colin Powell. While some of them have been proven false, others are impossible to debunk — but a select few are very much true. In any event, Kaysing would later assert that he determined from this report that there’s no way NASA could have improved these 0.0017% odds in the time between the results of this supposed study and the moon landings about a decade later. For a while, I thought I really missed war, but what I really missed was the camaraderie and the brotherhood that was enveloped in that experience. A lot of Marines are going to see combat. But O’Hare’s wingman experienced a gun jam, and so O’Hare had to go after eight Japanese bombers on his own. ... A surprising number of people who play Black Ops have never even tried the single player campaign - … He’s tired of your whining. He also states that along with cheese sandwiches, NASA provided the men with buxom showgirls while at Area 51. He then states that all three men orbited the planet while pre-recorded, not live, footage was shown on Earth. But if there’s anyone who could stand their own against (most) aliens hordes, it’d be them. Credit: Treyarch / Screenshot: Erik Kain. – 13 – 15 – 16 Answer: ?? – 52 – 56 – 60 Answer: ?? Way to represent the Air Force, Chuck. U.S. Army Air Corps 2nd Lt. Frank Luke downed 18 targets in a single month in World War I. One well-known numbers station was the E03 "Lincolnshire Poacher", which is thought to have been run by the British Secret Intelligence Service. Colonel James E. Swett earned the Medal of Honor in World War II as a first lieutenant when he killed seven enemy planes in one day. The other, equally ingenious method was the use of numbers stations. Gone but not forgotten, Kaysing’s ideas have actually gained in popularity in recent years, particularly among younger generations according to various polls, such as one done by space consultant Mary Dittmar in 2005 showing that 25% of people 18-25 doubted man had ever walked on the moon. You won’t ever catch him in a jersey that doesn’t belong to a Kansas City Chiefs player. The red and black have separate patterns. Kaysing goes on that at one point one of the trio got into a fistfight with someone in broad daylight over a stripper. Thousands of German citizens were starving because of British naval blockages. And that’s why at Black Rifle, we try to hire so many veterans, because they come from such a diverse background, that they have so many applicable skills that a lot of civilians don’t have. Others were loaded into the Amtracs at the camp and transported back across the lake. A Serbian terrorist group, the Black Hand, planned the assassination. Heinlein might not have been the first to describe Space Marines, but it’s his description that stuck. That’s why I laugh. Duncan of the United States Marine Corps once defined a grunt as, “a term of affection used to denote that filthy, sweaty, dirt-encrusted, footsore, camouflage-painted, tired, sleepy, beautiful little son of a b*tch who has kept the wolf away from the door for over two hundred years.”. Just look at the Army-Navy Game. For real. It was first broadcast from Bletchley Park in the mid-1970s but later was broadcast from RAF Akrotiri in Cyprus. In a nutshell, among other things, it provides that if the president ever gets so ill that they cannot physically perform necessary presidential duties anymore, their vice president can become the “Acting President” on their behalf until they’re able to resume their duties. The flat spin move is often used by F-22 and Russian fighter pilots to show off the intense ability of their planes to sling the nose around in any direction they wish. During that time, 116,000 US service members were killed in action, and 204,000 were wounded. Let’s actually impact people rather than just say that. Mat Best:You were happy with that one. GzzzBzzz: 1: 7/31 2:16PM: Is anyone out there? The 2010 smash-hit video game Call of Duty: Black Ops featured many of the conspiracy theories surrounding the Cold War. With that, we had the codes 4,0,1,6,7,4,5,6, so we inputted 4016 in the first prompt and then Boise (not 7456!) The young gunner targeted the fuel tanks that sat between the German pilot and navigator, killing five over the beaches and helping kill two more. If anything, it gets worse. It took two trips to get all the internees across the lake and a third to evacuate the last of the assault troops, but at the end of the day 2,147 prisoners were liberated from the Los Baños prison camp. O’Hare unfortunately met his end in 1943 while defending a carrier from a night raid. Despite, to put it mildly, straining credibility on pretty much everything he said from start to finish and him providing absurdly specific details, generally without bothering to provide any evidence whatsoever backing up these claims and changing those specific details frequently over time, Kaysing’s book and subsequent work nonetheless helped spawn the still thriving moon landing hoax conspiracy theory. I am an internet influencer. GIR was making good progress against the Japanese and had successfully established blocking positions by late morning. The single-player campaign in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War experiments with a number of new mechanics, twists, and ideas and introduces a unique mission structure to Call of Duty. Look at the mission objectives and see the full list of numbers. Every conspiracy theory origin story needs at least some shred of credibility from the person starting it to get the fire going. Germany was also required to surrender its African colonies and limit the size of its standing military. to coincide with not only a changing of the guard shift but also morning formation for both the prisoners and Japanese soldiers. Kowloon was his mission. What does it take to become an "ace"? That’s how we do in real life. Edward O’Hare was a pioneer of naval aviation who earned a Medal of Honor when he killed at least five Japanese bombers in just minutes. It if wasn’t obvious by now, we love our Warhammer 40k Space Marines. And it’s pretty cool to see a lot of other influencers in the military making people laugh, doing callback jokes to basic training, just creating that military experience so we can not relive it, but have those fond memories of service post-service.
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