Thank you Lorita. This then repeats the story of a goddess and a god, their marriage and the god’s resurrection (since she was the first to see him after). Ramakrishna is a great saint of modern India and a fervent devotee of Mother Kali. Where does this intense activity come from? Carr grew up in San Diego and has recently returned after a career as an art professor at a number of colleges and universities and then as the Dean of an artschool in Philadelphia. Jan 20, 2017 - Examples of the Sage Archetype: historical figures, celebrities, and fictional characters who exemplify the archetypes, examples of brands, suggested colors, etc. The Hindu concept of divinity differs from the Western notion of gods and goddesses associated with specific and limited powers and spheres of influence. She found the story of the ‘virgin son’ born of a ‘virgin mother’ somewhat unreliable and directed her suspicions towards the removal of both the feminine and sexuality from our belief system. Proceed to the Original through its Radiance. She is the Supreme Self, the only self, and my true self — the “me” which manifests as personality in the world. She is nature: the world of the senses. If you can accept the idea that there are more lives to live than just this one, then we have all been mothers. The consort of Vishu the preserver, she represents material and spiritual wealth and well-being. “My Mother is the principle of consciousness. If you are interested, you can also check the blog on the Knights Templar and Goddess Connection: She was a wonderfully exotic looking black woman with waist-length hair wearing middle-eastern clothing, heavily jeweled and formidable looking. Her dance genuinely summoned the goddess. As devotees of Shakti, the divine Mother, we should find her sacred presence everywhere. I like to introduce them in stages as they might be too much for some readers but I love them too. This inner voice, or inner guru as it is sometimes called, is a tricky thing. Who knows? Enchantress / Wild Woman Archetype Kali is the goddess of spiritual transformation. down into the messy shadowy underworld. Her dance genuinely summoned the goddess. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings for an example of a situation archetype. A careful study of ancient mythology will reveal that a singular “mother, maiden and crone” Deity is nowhere to be found in ancient myth. We can never quite tell if they are really looking at us or not. Love, Joanna, Wonderful Sundari, I love this type of exploration into the Devine feminine. She exists in images and statues to be worshiped and meditated upon. Empty, because ultimately, it is nothing but the ceaseless play of consciousness, without form, substance, or duration. She is sensual, abundant and bursting with fertility. Males may function as mothers in certain circumstances, as may other family members or relatives. If we have been doing intense spiritual practice, we can even visualize God or Devi as our guru and ask him or her what to do. We were utterly helpless as infants: if she had not protected us, we would not be here. Also, there is much to this story which I could not cover in one blog. It is also argued that specific liturgies lead to idolatry and to the weaknesses and potential divisiveness of religious practice and spiritual dogmas. My spouse and I were emerging from a department store in a huge shopping mall in Maryland, when I spotted Mother Kali. Or, if you prefer, you can say that it is all hydrogen and specks of dust. An example is provided on the answer sheet. She thought it might be the two dancing apprentices, but they were far from the real thing, like ordinary devotees next to a master. The night sky between the stars is perfectly black. I remember seeing Mother Kali dancing in a shopping mall. Mythological archetypes can be found in characters such as the hero, the villain, the trickster and the mentor, as well as in thematic concepts such as quests, death and rebirth. After all, we ARE it. But, as I watched the black woman dancing, a story came into my head from a biography of Vivekananda. PS I will be in Brisbane to be a part of documentary film soon so if time permits perhaps we could catch up for a snack? I am searching for truth and at the end, whoever The Black Madonna is, he still is the Divine Feminine, a Goddess. > An Overview of Divine Feminine Goddess Archetypes. I will definitely share more of the conspiracy theories. For Goddess Archetypes N-Z Here you will find information on the following archetypes: The Nun, Prostitute, Queen, Rescuer, Scribe, Servant, Shape-shifter, … as the preserver, and Devi, who embodies the creative or manifesting force in the universe. Fantastic exploration of the origin of the Black Madonna (of Czestochowa) . I was planning to write next two blogs on the Compassionate Goddess and Goddess and Nature but after that more serious and unorthodox investigating is lined up so stay in touch and let’s explore ?. Devi, a term from the Hindu religion and philosophy means goddess. Thank you for this wonderful blog post~!! Joanna, I want to know more conspiracy’s anything…I will tell you why… She is never without action. I am excited to be a new follower of yours. If you are particularly attached to one of the traditional stories about Mary Magdalene or the story of a goddess or the divine feminine – please be aware that I am going to go to some alternative and strange territories for the sake of curiosity and investigating possible truths. Whose work? Mother is more than a biological entity, a creature that gives birth to us; she may not even be female. Archetypes of masculinity present in our collective unconscious, personified by mythological Gods. But it is also true that the divine Mother gives her devotees what they secretly want in their heart of hearts, with all the joys and sorrows that come with an involvement and identification with the manifest world of space and form. , the divine Mother, we should find her sacred presence everywhere. Devi is beauty, as well as the creative expression of intelligence or consciousness. Because ... Black Goddess Characterized by sensuous beauty, this woman is one to whom the protagonist is physically attracted and —, Jeffrey Carr has been active with meditation and spiritual practice for over forty years. Email me Thank you for your insightful comment, Brad. He has been a disciple of Gururaj Ananda Yogi for over 35 years, and is a long-term student and practitioner of Tibetan Buddhist and Dzogchen traditions. Carr grew up in San Diego and has recently returned after a career as an art professor at a number of colleges and universities and then as the Dean of an artschool in Philadelphia. Some of his artwork can be seen here: . Kali is related to Kala, or time. Later, the goddess/bride in these ancient stories also resurrects the groom/god after he has been sacrificed. If it seems preposterous or silly, just accept it as a poetic conceit. ” the image and function of the Mother, whether or not that person happens to be a biological mother. With hope, fear and expectations, we love her, and she, through her divine grace, returns this love. I love them too ?. When our relationship with a mother is damaged or incomplete, we may feel damaged or incomplete as human beings. Mary Magdalene is a source of fascination for me, as I am deeply convinced that we lack an intelligent and truthful representation of the divine feminine. Keep in touch. The god has horns, which in mythology symbolises the reflective light of the Moon and Resurrection. As such, she is the ultimate reality: another way of experiencing the Lord Shiva. So, who or what is it that we invoke, when we invoke the divine Mother? She was a wonderfully exotic looking black woman with waist-length hair wearing middle-eastern clothing, heavily jeweled and formidable looking. It is one of the terms or metaphors used when discussing the divine. 7 benefits of working from home; Jan. 26, 2021. To have a human mother means to have a relationship to a person who brought us forth out of her body, who cared for … wouldn’t the good catholics of Poland be surprised! Something about Mary Magdalene: Recovering the Central Figure of In Early Christianity. Devi is associated with death and transformation as much as she is associated with birth and protection. We can only lose ourselves in astonishment at the beauty and majesty of this world, which she creates. I myself heard a similar inward voice that day, warning me that I can decide nothing. I myself heard a similar inward voice that day, warning me that I can decide nothing. She is the enjoyer: the knowing aspect of consciousness and the experience that experiences itself. I also have a youtube channel as Dr Joanna Kujawa where I occasionally post videos. As such, she makes the forms of consciousness possible: language, meaning, and the awareness of ourselves as individual ego-minds encased in the body. In this sense, we create our mothers as much as our mothers create us. The Goddess is not only offering the other god the Fruit of Life but also a refreshment of Energy. It is fascinating to see what emanation of form the symbol/archetype will take and how each aspect expresses the same message; for example Ether’s emanation of forms can be, a black oval, the Dark Moon, the Snake and the Dark Goddess and all of these, tell the same story and, in fact; the unconscious sees all as the same living symbol. This is symbolized by the Sleep of Brahman. Reality in this sense means to experience the inner and outer presence of THE PRESENCE, as my own guru once put it. To have a human mother means to have a relationship to a person who brought us forth out of her body, who cared for us when we were at our most helpless and vulnerable. As the goddess Lakshmi, she manifests as our livelihoods — as abundance, grace, beauty and charm. Much of this is instinct, built into the structure of our bodies and nervous systems. Perhaps most importantly, Devi is the archetype of the Mother as a primordial symbol in all cultures and at all times. Their feminine counterparts are experienced as, , the creative expression of the cosmic absolute. Character-wise, it's the part of the personality that embodies everything a character, called the 'Self', doesn't like about himself, the things he denies and projects on to others. All of us are related to everyone else through being mothers. Life survives only by the grace and protection of mothers. I am longing now to get out…May Mother gather me soon to Herself never to come back any more. It discusses the history behind the different archetypes. Lovecraft) Comics. She is akhanda satchidananda; indivisible Reality, Awareness, and Bliss. Gururaj, after a lifetime spent actively doing all the things in the world that he was born to do — teaching, fathering, meditating, being the guru to many of his devotees — wrote a mysterious poem of resignation shortly before his death. The Goddess Siren. Goddess News. And in many mythologies, this potent female archetype is one with the Earth Goddess herself. Starbird concludes, as per St. Bernard’s of Clairvaux (11th-12th century influential saint who outlined the rules of the Order of the Knights Templar)  suggestion, that Mary Magdalen was the same as Mary of Bethany, who, like goddesses from earlier traditions, anointed a god before their marriage. By Kenzie Reiber and Jordan Drexler. The night sky between the stars is perfectly black. Example Characters Books/Novels. Due to their beauty and manipulating ways, the temptress acts as a beguiling complication in the hero/protagonists journey. Thank you so much Katarzyna and I agree :). It is also a little known fact that the Black Madonna has for centuries been the most worshipped holy image in Poland. Shub-Niggurath (H.P. We smile or cry or demand care of our mothers, and they respond as best they can. This is a sacred and beautiful concept. Archetypes of femininity according to Jung. Vivekananda was the world-famous disciple of Ramakrishna. Is he floundering, or is it the world that flounders? ). Out of this divine union arise the self and the object of awareness. Saraswati represents our ability to express and represent our symbolic and metaphysical universe. I would like to know more. The siren archetype can be found in stories written centuries apart, and sirens usually appear as women whose beauty prevents the hero from achieving his goal. , she manifests as our livelihoods — as abundance, grace, beauty and charm. The experiences that we had at the beginnings of our lives have created our deepest memories and associations. Devi is the manifestation, out of the emptiness of pure potential, of our lives and us. I could not agree more and I love Joseph Campbell. Perhaps most importantly, Devi is the archetype of the Mother as a primordial symbol in all cultures and at all times. It can be argued — and has been — that ritual worship or the worship of deities is not essential to spiritual practice. One’s Goddess archetype — similar to an astrological sign — at the very least offers a conduit to conversation and understanding about ourselves and the world around us. The manifest universe is doing a very good job of manifestation, whether we like it or not, and we get to be included in it. Many people have issues or problems with their parents, or have misgivings about the mothering role that they themselves are expected to play. Some of them might sound strange but as Elaine Pagels wisely noted in The Gnostic Gospels, so are the scriptural stories in all major religions – except that we are just accustomed to them. Shiva can be thought of as the unmanifest potential of the universe, the energy substratum out of which time, space, and causality come into being: picture the image of, in His cosmic dance of creation and destruction. Joanna, She is Devi or Durga to the Hindus, the Universal Mother out of which all other manifestations of the goddess originate. Finally, she exists in liturgies and prayers to the Goddess. The Divine Mother is our lives and in many ways, she is us. Many scholars, including Joseph Campbell and Jung, noticed the ‘missing’ feminine link — in Western religions especially. Feb. 3, 2021. Finally, she exists in liturgies and prayers to the Goddess. In fact, this primary relationship is the foundation of individual consciousness. She is causality and Karma. I’m so happy I’ve stumbled upon you while seeking the Holy One…! Ase’Ase’Ase’ ???? The Divine is represented in such figures as Christ, Goddess, Buddha, Zeus, or Mother Mary. There is an awe and mystery about the divine feminine that includes mother but also includes other forces that act upon us in our psychological and biological forms. Exceptional, thank you! I do my spiritual practices every day, without fail, as an expression of my devotion and love. We can do nothing by ourselves. is “I AM”: ultimately, this is all that God really is. In her research, she found that in ancient times both the feminine and sexuality were considered sacred. No spam - we promise! She is the centre where spirit and matter merge, at union between polarities light/dark, feminine/masculine, heart/mind, intuition/logic, and so on. Starbird also believes that all evidence suggests the marriage in Cana where Jesus turned water into wine was actually his own marriage to Mary Magdalen. It doesn’t sound especially positive or “life-affirming.” But who are we to affirm life — or anything else, for that matter? Reality in this sense means to experience the inner and outer presence of THE PRESENCE, as my own guru once put it. Ever think the world was one way and then get a dose of harsh reality? As I watched from the upper balcony, she shot a quick glance around at the assembled shoppers. Archetype of the Goddess A great deal has been made by some authors of the enormity of the difference between the man and the woman. They also noticed that this link was present in ancient traditions but had been edited out then reinterpreted when misogyny was prevalent in Biblical times. Campbell gives a wonderful example of some artefacts from Sumeria. Starbird was puzzled by, She also discovered the ancient ritual of, More recently, some researchers, with Starbird the most famous, have pointed to, Explorers, Writers, and Other Creative Strangers, Nomadic Tendencies: a History of Wanderlust. A Kali in Every Woman - Motherhood and the Dark Goddess Archetype : This article tries to unravel the mysteries entwined with Goddess Kali - popularly described as the Goddess of Evil by those who are not familiar with this dark fierce Goddess. I absolutely would like to hear more on the conspiracy stories. In Sumeria, Campbell says, the Goddess was much more than Mother Earth. Meditate on it. The divine union of Shiva and Shakti is the union of manifestation and the un-manifest source. I remember seeing Mother Kali dancing in a shopping mall. But if you are interested, there is a great deal more, including tales of the Templar and some other wonderful ‘conspiracy’ stories. We all have a deep psychological imprint of mother. In nature, beings are born in all sorts of ways, and not necessarily through a biological female. Everyone has a mother: all embodied beings are born, and to be born means to have a mother. The meaning of. This is true even for the many organisms that are born from eggs. It is our own nature that propels us into the world, into action and into endless activity. There are as many ways to experience the divine Mother as there are devotees to experience her. Sending love and appreciation, And that Goddess is no other than myself: not myself in my ego dream of separation and division, but in her true guise as the Mother itself. More will be coming now . No beings come from nothing. Goddess News. For example, anger might manifest as tightness in your neck and shoulders, sadness as an ache in your chest, fear as a knot in your stomach, and joy as warmth in your heart. The male deities Vishnu, Brahman and Shiva are metaphysical absolutes. The Catholics have their Trinity, and the Jews simply state, “I AM.” This is Consciousness as Being. The Cathars happened to be viewed as heretics for several reasons, one of them being that they believed Mary Magdalen/Magdalene was Jesus’ wife and bore him a child — a dark-skinned girl called Sara. He is a Full Teacher in the American Meditation Society (, , a Senior Teacher in the Tibetan Buddhist Center of Philadelphia (, , and has completed a two year program in the Clearlight Meditation Teacher Training program of the Clearlight Meditation Institute (. And, like many scholars and researchers, he turned his attention to the Sumerian story of creation. I was inwardly reciting a hymn to Kali: “. She is the enjoyer: the knowing aspect of consciousness and the experience that experiences itself. This said, shortcomings in real mothering are not necessarily relevant to a meditation on mothering itself. If we are lucky, and sufficiently wise, it is our divine natures we are invoking and not just another form of the bewitching and misleading ego consciousness: this latter entity is merely the voice of our fears, doubts and illusions. The original sun is attributeless Reality, nirguna brahman, boundless awareness alone. More recently, some researchers, with Starbird the most famous, have pointed to Mary Magdalen/Magdalene as the latest manifestation of this archetype. Thank you for your encouragement so I can return to the delicious conspiracies ? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Mother is best experienced directly, not through concepts and ideas. Just like the Archetype Quiz, the Feminine Odyssey course was very thorough. She is Formless and Un-manifest: out of her arise both the inner world of thought and perception and the outer world of objects and attributes. Mother and I exist just for each other: God and her devotee. ABOUT THE AUTHOR, JEFFRY CARR: Jeffrey Carr has been active with meditation and spiritual practice for over forty years. Thank you so much for the encouragement :). It signifies the feminine aspect of divinity, god, or consciousness. In fact, this primary relationship is the foundation of individual consciousness. The removal of the feminine principle from the Christian story is very damaging and deranging on some many personal and collective ways. Joanna Why would we want to deny its personification as gods and goddesses? Subsequently, when the Christian male dominated, and found the goddess cult so revered by the so-called 'pagans', the Christian males, unable to eradicate the goddess reverence, instead, canonized her as St. Bridget. The Mother Archetype is glowing. His work made it possible for later teachers like my guru. I am overwhelmed. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughtful and knowledgeable research! “Remember, the archetypes, the sisterhood, and the ceremonies are all simply tools to help women accomplish the most arduous and important work of all: to intimately know oneself,” says Ware. In delusion we call world–neither I nor Thou nor you, it is all He the Lord, all one.”, (Quoted in The Life of Swami Vivekananda, Vol II, pg. Isn’t that just like all incarnations of divinity? Parvati can be thought of as the force of Prakriti, the manifested universe of name and form. Two of her brightly dressed apprentices were slowly dancing arm in arm to entertain the crowds of holiday shoppers with a choreographed routine. And if we want to go even deeper into this, so, apparently, was the Queen Sheba, who was called ‘dark and comely’. The Dark Goddess As Archetype Introduction The Dark Goddess is often called Baphomet, who is described, according to the aural tradition of the Order of Nine Angles, as: a sinister female entity, The Mistress (or Mother) of Blood. Thank you for your wonderful comment :). Shiva can be thought of as the unmanifest potential of the universe, the energy substratum out of which time, space, and causality come into being: picture the image of Shiva Nataraja in His cosmic dance of creation and destruction. What exactly is connoted by the term “feminine” depends upon what religion, philosophy or spiritual disciple you are referring to. God alone does everything. #3: Put the emotion into words It can be argued — and has been — that ritual worship or the worship of deities is not essential to spiritual practice. A certain kind of male frog, for example, receives the eggs from the female frog and then incubates the eggs and tadpoles until the baby frogs are born from the male’s side pouch. Kali is represented as standing on top of her consort Shiva, who represents a transcendental absolute reality. Personally, I like to experience the spiritual reality as a feminine presence, as Devi, especially in two forms: as Mother Kali and as Tara, the liberator and protector. In nature, beings are born in all sorts of ways, and not necessarily through a biological female. As such, she is the ultimate reality: another way of experiencing the Lord Shiva. It is one of the terms or metaphors used when discussing the divine. Chanting, japa, or repeating mantras in ritualistic worship are not things that appeal to everyone. In her famous book, The Woman with the Alabaster Jar, Starbird argues that Mary Magdalene was not named so because she came from the town of Magdala but rather her name was originally Mary Magdalen (Magdaler in Hebrew scripture means the ‘Tower’ or the ‘Daughter of Jerusalem’). Devi, a term from the Hindu religion and philosophy means goddess. More and more, I find the evidence and hidden clues that we are not told the whole story and that we need to unearth what we can and re-write the story of the Feminine Divine and our Divine origins. I like to think of her as everything that forms the entire fabric of our existence, both inner and outer experience. Visit our beautiful outdoor studio on Adams Avenue in Normal Heights. In this part of the wiki we're talking about character archetypes. Life produces life, and life nurtures life. She is always still and is always in motion. Secondly, it is also where the Goddess is truly predominant and powerful, in contrast to where, again, the later traditions (including the Biblical tradition) reversed or repressed the status of the Goddess. The archetypes listed here in boldface type are just a few of the many ancient patterns that exist in human consciousness. are just a little exercise to cleanse the mind, I have enough of it. The Hindu concept of divinity differs from the Western notion of gods and goddesses associated with specific and limited powers and spheres of influence. Sexuality and Spirituality: Can the Gnostic Gospel of Philip Bridge the Gap? She also holds the severed head of a male demon that has had the temerity to challenge her. It has a renewed resonance in new age circles, invoking Celtic mystery goddesses, Hindu deities like Kali or Durga, ancient Mediterranean goddesses like Astarte, Aphrodite and Hecate, earth mothers, and gentle healing feminine archetypes of all descriptions. Who, finally, is Mother? Shiva and Parvati are two aspects of the same reality, in the way the West has devised the metaphor of matter and energy as two expressions of the same underlying reality. In the story as I remembered it, Vivekananda is concerned about restoring a ruined shrine to Kali, whom many Hindus worship as the mother of the universe. Who, finally, is Mother? Well, to start with, in all cases the goddess was referred to as ‘dark’. It is God Himself. For example, under Roman rulership, many of the Celtic goddesses were taken over--such as Brigit, who seemed similar to the Roman goddess, Minerva (Greek Athena). Personally, I like to experience the spiritual reality as a feminine presence, as Devi, especially in two forms: as Mother Kali and as Tara, the liberator and protector. Goddess News, Spiritual Blog, Divine Feminine, Dr Joanna Kujawa, Spiritual Detective :). It talks about the symbolization of the Goddess in Art and the linkages with motherhood and love in tandem with fierceness and a violent image. “The whole world is a mere child’s play — preaching, teaching, and all included. It signifies the feminine aspect of divinity, god, or consciousness. Joseph Campbell, for example, points out that there has always been more to the archetype of a goddess than viewing her as Mother Earth. Hecate (Marvel Comics) Nyx (Marvel Comics) Folklore/Mythology. This truth is timeless and sacred – and it may not be confined to just this life. This truth is timeless and sacred – and it may not be confined to just this life. Think of her as she is portrayed in a. , infinitely full and voluptuous. The gods and goddesses manifest as archetypes simply because it is in our nature as human beings to manifest them. Ramakrishna is a great saint of modern India and a fervent devotee of Mother Kali. One way is to allow the manifestation of the divine Mother in ordinary life. Pingback: Manifesto of Mary Magdalene | Dr Joanna Kujawa. These are all good points — and yet, the presence of the divine in one’s life is as powerful and potent an expression of our humanity as is our reason and our human love. Thank you my gorgeous friend. I can do nothing. Everyone has a mother: all embodied beings are born, and to be born means to have a mother. Situation Archetypes in Literature. She demands only our attention and our devotion. As we all know, there is nothing really out there.
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