Sa particularité est d’avoir depuis le début de ses activités conçu et fabriqué l’intégralité des haut-parleurs qui équipent ses enceintes. 00 Dynaudio Hub Wireless Transmitter for XEO and XD Speakers $ 299. Hey there! They are amazing! A battle for Dynaudio bragging rights - who will win!? Nothing much to report here. 2,000 € On en a jamais assez des bonnes choses. This got me seeking some heavier bass tracks and out came Daft Punk’s Random Access Memories, with a few other tracks from Katy Perry’s Prism and Sia’s This Is Acting thrown into the mix. Special indeed Actually, when I unpacked the Special Fortys, I was reminded not of the Contour 20 but of Dynaudio's no-longer-available Focus 110, two of which reside in the office of Stereophile publisher Keith Pray. Not in terms of the review process – they were, appropriately, in-house for several weeks – but in terms of the enjoyment these superb speakers brought to every listening session. It’s an ideal match. Learn how your comment data is processed. It has a 52mm aluminium voice coil and a new strontium carbonate Ferrite+ ceramic magnet system. GearSources: Sony HAP-Z1ES HDD audio player; Technics SL1200 Mk3 turntable with Hana SL cartridge; triple 12AX7 tube-based phono stage with step-up transformer; Toshiba notebook running Windows 10 and jRiver Media Centre; M2Tech Young DAC; Chord Mojo DAC/headphone amp / Amplification: Odyssey Audio Tempest preamp; Odyssey Audio Kismet monoblocks / Speakers: Magnepan .7 / Cabling: DH Labs SilverSonic USB cable, Clear Day Double Shotgun speaker cables, an assortment of pure silver interconnects. + Clean, smooth sound without being overly dry nor analytical; good midrange presence with room-shaking bass.– Conversely, bass limitation noticeable due to excellent presence slightly higher up.Sound: 9/10Value: 9/10. SETTING UPThe Evoke 20 will still require stands, and a pair of four-pillar 24-inch stands was used to that effect. The pair I tested were finished as Walnut Wood. Som er på 18 cm i Evoke 20 og 14 cm i den mere kompakte Evoke 10. It depends on how you set it up! Ljudbilden försvinner bakåt och instrumenten framträder med massor av rymd m... Det var vel komponist Claude Debussy som sa noe sånt som at “musikk er rommet mellom notene”. It also looks really sharp with its clean and simple lines and a choice of four colours – Black High Gloss, White High Gloss, Walnut Wood and (the review sample’s) Blonde Wood. Evoke est pour vous. Looking at the Dynaudio's Evoke 50's and need to test out Sonus Faber Sonetto's. It just so happened I was listening to the 24-bit/44kHz version of The Beatles’ Abbey Road 1999 remaster (ahead of the remixed album’s 50th anniversary release) before switching speakers and the first few notes of Come Together gave me quite a surprise! Le score moyen reflète l’avis de la communauté des experts sur ce produit. Clear Message. In my rather narrow room, the Evoke 20s had about three-and-a-half feet of rear space and were as far from the side walls as possible (18 inches in my case) and about four feet apart. Familiarity with where speakers sound best in my room aside, they sounded good from the get-go and only required minor adjustments to achieve better coherence. IT may arguably be easier to build a cost-no-object speaker than a mid-range model. However, with their DARC series, Gauder has launched a leap forward in innovation. Read review. Dynaudio Evoke 10 & 30 Review. I've been recommended the Exposure XM5 amp with Cocktail Audio N15D as a network streamer. Placement will be room-dependent, but wisdom dictates you should give it some room at the back since it is rear-ported. The speakers themselves feel very substantial and well put together. Your email address will not be published. We now measure and review equipment for free! Photo: Dynaudio. Forum Donor. I have been wanting to add a pair of small speakers to my large Klipsch Cornwall III’s when I wanted that more magical experience only a small speaker can give you but the only problem is, every one I try sounds so bad compared to my Cornwall … May 2019 (98%) 11 Reviews . The Focus 110 used to sell for … A few loose objects began to rattle and the bass was felt right in the chest, things in my room started to rattle, yet the Evoke 20s retained superb control of the bass. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. There was plenty of weight behind it, prompting me to play the track a few more times at much louder volumes. 08/20/2019 Gauder Akustik DARC 60 Review In the world of hi-fi, innovations usually emerge with baby steps. Cerotar-diskanten er helt ny, med en ekstra indvendig dome kaldet Hexis, der bryder resonanser op. According to the Alex Newman, one of the acoustic designers responsible for the Evoke series, the second do… Required fields are marked *. The new Dynaudio Evoke 50 wins at the 2020 Sound + Image Awards in the 'loudspeakers of the year, AUD 5.000 to AUD 10.000' category. Le home cinéma. That said, the amount and depth of bass produced relative to these small boxes will be beyond what you’d expect. The tweeter is an all-new design, with trickle-down technology from Dynaudio’s top-of-the-line Confidence speakers. Pour le salon. The LYD have o L’enceinte bibliothèque Dynaudio Evoke 20 est légèrement plus imposante que sa petite-soeur Evoke 10, à laquelle elle oppose un woofer de plus grand diamètre générant un grave plus profond. Dynaudio Evoke 50 has more low frequencies, and it feels better. Evoke 20 est une enceinte sur support conçue pour la plupart des espaces. Read our KEF Reference 1 review . – Conversely, bass limitation noticeable due to excellent presence slightly higher up. Et, bien sûr, son design danois a fière allure, où que vous soyez. Generally, though, I found the Evoke 20s quite forgiving of placement and with a large sweet spot. Pourtant, certaines le peuvent. The beguiling manner in which they unfold the layers of the music to reveal the hidden details without sounding overly-analytical is to me is the trademark of a high-end speaker. The entire woofer cone – including the dust cap – is crafted from a single piece from MSP (Magnesium Silicate Polymer), a proprietary material Dynaudio has been using for decades. Its powerful 18cm mid/bass driver ensures it can flex its muscles when there’s heavy lifting to be done, while its 28mm soft-dome tweeter takes care of the fine detail. Phillipe Jordan’s Beethoven symphony cycle conducting the Vienna Symphony Orchestra was recorded in the legendary Musikverein, and the pair managed to throw a wonderfully spacious sound with great depth, height and width that extended way beyond the speakers. Highly recommended. La pièce d’écoute. Like all new Evoke models, it features Dynaudio's new 28mm Cerotar tweeter with the new Hexis inner dome. Même pour la chambre. Average score from owners of the product. 07/16/2019 Matthias Böde. Son puissant haut-parleur médium/grave de 18 cm lui permet de montrer ses muscles quand le besoin s’en fait sentir, tandis que son tweeter à dôme souple de 28 mm s’occupe des plus petits détails. Dynamiken är gnistrande, här finns allt på plats, Vissa andra högtalare kan ha ännu mer aggressivitet i rytmerna. Enjoy! Read our Dynaudio Contour 20 review. La marque danoise Dynaudio est une figure de proue dans le monde des constructeurs d’enceintes acoustiques depuis plus de 35 ans. My time was way too short with the new Confidence 20. Yes, there is great complexity involved and technical acumen needed to come up with true innovations in speaker design – but embodying the designer’s inspiration can be easier when unrestrained by limitations of cost. The Dynaudio Evoke 20. Une vraie hi-fi, partout. Dynaudio’s Emit series is their latest entrant into the hotly contested affordable end of the market. Pour conclure l’année 2018, Dynaudio dévoile une toute nouvelle ligne d’enceintes Hi-Fi baptisée "Evoke". The fact that you won’t have to break the bank to get a pair is only more reason why the Dynaudio Evoke 20 should remain high on your shortlist. Evoke 20 est une enceinte sur support conçue pour la plupart des espaces. The range is made in Denmark, so it’s not beer budget, but the three stereo models and a centre channel in the range are the most affordable that the company makes. Det var väl kompositören Claude Debussy som sa någonting i stil med att ”musik är rymden mellan noterna”. Walnut Wood. Og efter at have hørt Dynaudio Evoke 20 er det let at være enig. Dynaudio Evoke 20 | Enceintes Hi-Fi & monitoring | Retrouvez toutes nos publications, meilleurs prix et bons plans, avis et actualités sur ce modèle. My room is 13'x19'x8'ceiling. Its powerful 18cm mid/bass driver ensures it can flex its muscles when there’s heavy lifting to be done, while its 28mm soft-dome tweeter takes care of the fine detail. I love that connectivity and get the sense that Dynaudio really cares about their workmanship as I hefted the speakers in place. One drawback, though, was that they could not reach down to the really deep notes – particularly noticeable in a descending bass line. Also impressive was the Evoke 20s’ ability to throw a deep and wide soundstage. The drivers work in tandem to give a frequency response of 40Hz-23kHz, with the crossover point at 3200Hz. Scroll down and see all reviews for Dynaudio Evoke 20 bookshelf speaker. Other Areas of Interest . Af udseende er Evoke 20 umiskendeligt Dynaudio, men med mere afrundede hjørner end på tidligere serier. Click here for details. SOLD: Dynaudio Evoke 20 - White High Gloss - 1149€ Thread starter VintageFlanker; Start date Jan 10, 2021; VintageFlanker Major Contributor. Cette toute nouvelle gamme d'enceintes s'appuie sur des technologies de pointe directement issues de nos enceintes haut de gamme, notamment pour les finitions, la technologie des haut-parleurs et la conception. Price: €2,000Malaysian price: RM11,000Malaysian distributor: CMY Audio & Visual Sdn Bhd (+603 2143-9406) / Find your distributor. The KWI 200 has the. Og etter å ha hørt Dynaudio Evoke 20 er det lett å være enig i dette. Evoke 20 is a full-size stand-mounted speaker designed for almost any sized space. Dynaudio Confidence/Evoke series. TestSeek will regularly send you survey invites to your email, you choose if and when you participate. Evoke 10 (£1400) is a compact two-way standmounter with a 14cm long-throw woofer. 07/16/2019 Dynaudio Evoke 10 & 30 Review Average score from experts who have reviewed this product. We have tested the small compact as well as floorstanding models. Jan 10, 2021 #1. McIntosh MA252 integrated amplifier – a hybrid with vigour, Hifiman TWS600 wireless earphones – staying out of the way, The pain in the pleasure… restoring a vintage turntable, Auris Audio offers exotic Tangenta HAWK tonearm, McIntosh MHA200 headamp… tube-y treat for your headphones, offers streaming, DSP on B.dac EX, The Pandemic, The Arts, and The Situation, Martin SC-13E… fret not over the higher notes, Sadowsky and Warwick announce licensing deal, Roland RP302… your family-friendly digital piano, The making of a Taylor guitar – a sustainable and ethical process, Godin Acoustic Series… keeping it premium, Fender announces the American Ultra series, Penang House of Music – still a mountain to climb, Dynaudio Evoke 20 speakers – sweet Danish delight. A magnetically-attached rubberised cap protects the entire dome, and coloured bright yellow, so you can’t possibly miss and forget to remove it before playing. THE LAST WORDThere’s much to like about the Evoke 20s. Enkelte andre højttalere kan have endnu mere aggressivitet i rytmerne. Det var vist komponisten Claude Debussy, der sagde, at musik er rummet mellem tonerne. Everyone can play their favourite Evoke 50 sound. I'm about to buy a pair of new speakers (either the Dynaudio Special Forty or Evoke 20) and need to pair them with a amp. Truly, both speakers are blooming brilliant, it was fun to do this one! Lydbildet forsvinner bakover, og instrumentene står med masse plass imellom seg.Evoke 20 ha... Det var vist komponisten Claude Debussy, der sagde, at musik er rummet mellem tonerne. A nice touch is how Dynaudio has protected the tweeter during transport. ... Serbian Hi-Files magazine reviews Evoke 20 and has some very nice things to say – which we will happily share with you. Admittedly, bass is not the Magnepans’ forte, but the Evoke 20’s bottom-end grunt took me by surprise. Case in point when I temporarily connected an iPhone playing material off Spotify – even at lower resolution, it did not sound overly compromised. I'll mainly be … The filter functions help you to find the best products. A two-way rear-ported design, it features an 18cm Esotec+ woofer and a 28mm Cerotar tweeter, with a single pair of hefty speaker posts at the back. They are 85-90% of the Contour series and less than half the price. These new model Dynaudio Evoke speakers, in comparison to their (already fine) predecessors, have a deeper and tighter bass, with a more communicative and open treble. DYNAUDIO Evoke 20. Reviews of Dynaudio Evoke 20 bookshelf speaker: Images. They acquitted themselves wonderfully with female vocals, too, with Carole King sounding ever-so-beguiling on her Tapestry album. Dynaudio Evoke 30. Your email address will not be published. Videos. These are very well made and nice looking in piano black. Forums. Evoke 20 is a full-size stand-mounted speaker designed for almost any sized space. It isn’t the exact same tweeter, of course, but the most important design element is the same, which is that the 28mm fabric dome sits just on top of a hidden ‘inner dome’ in a geometry that Dynaudio calls a ‘Hexis’—and if you look carefully at the fabric dome, you can just see the dimpled surface of the sub-dome underneath. Les meilleures offres pour Dynaudio Evoke 20 sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! Reviews of Dynaudio Evoke 20 bookshelf speaker, Här finns det massor av luft och det musikaliska rummet sträcker sig bakåt och inåt mot en avlägsen horisont. My amp is a Sugden SPA-4 Class A and and LA-4 pre Amp. The key is the control of the low frequency. This Danish-based manufacturer has an ace up its sleeve, though – a 40-year legacy of making speakers of distinction to fall back on. Read our B&W 805 D3 review. Product literature is easy to locate right beneath the top flaps making it easy to get started. I would have preferred a wood finish but at 20% off for an open box, I'm not $450 enthusiastic about the wood. Straightforwardness and professionalism without fuss have always been the hallmarks of Dynaudio loudspeakers. They al… 0 / 0. One review I read of these speakers proclaimed them as the best bookshelf speaker Dynaudio has made. DYNAUDIO EVOKE 20 standmount speakers + Clean, smooth sound without being overly dry nor analytical; good midrange presence with room-shaking bass. And, of course, its Danish design looks fantastic wherever you put it. Both drivers have rather elite pedigrees, though. Michael Lang. “The drivers in the Evoke are the best to date. I wanted to upgrade my studio monitors and decided to try a pair of the Evoke 20's for mixing / mastering. Hexis er taget direkte fra de nyeste Contour- og Confidence-serier og findes ikke i andre Dynaudio-højttalere. Users-0 Reviews. La nouvelle colonne Focus 260 est un bel exemple de ce savoir-faire et de cette expérience acquise depuis plus Jan 10, 2021 #1. LISTENINGSwitching over from the resident Magnepan .7 speakers to the Evoke 20s, the stand-out difference was in the bass. hilroy48 12 September 2020 23:58. It’s an ideal match. The Dynaudio Evoke 20 is a highly capable and revealing loudspeaker that let’s you know exactly what’s going on in the music but does so in a warm, relaxed fashion, this doesn’t stop music that’s frantic or intense sounding the way it was intended but it means that less refined recordings don’t sound harsh or … Dynaudio came to Bristol armed with two new speaker ranges in the Confidence and Evoke. Sound: 9/10 Og efter at have hørt Dynaudio Evoke 20 er det let at være enig. TestSeek a recueilli 11 avis d’experts pour Dynaudio Evoke 20 bookshelf speaker et la note moyenne est de 98 sur 100. What about the new „Evoke“ series? What the Evoke 20s also displayed was an ability to smooth over even some less-than-ideal material. Hello there, I ordered a set of these, and they will be here in 4 weeks. Others gave them rave after rave. I have acoustic panels on the walls as well. First of all, these speakers clean up all the small residual problems I had with my cheaper speakers. Cliquez sur l’onglet ci-dessous et utilisez Testseek pour voir les notes, les prix de produits et les conclusions. Evoke 50 can be played until the low frequency is full, or it can become a compact and robust low frequency. The Evoke 20 is a rather large bookshelf design that measures 380 x 215 x 307mm (h/w/d) and weighs 9.9kg. Hidden behind its soft dome is something Dynaudio calls the Hexis – an inner dome that is supposed to aid air flow, smoothen frequency response and minimise resonances. Mais, on a beau essayer, certaines choses ne rentrent pas dans notre salon. have collected 11 expert reviews of the Dynaudio Evoke 20 bookshelf speaker and the average rating is 98%. Joined Sep 20, 2018 Messages 1,769 Likes 3,989 Location Paris. Speakers come in big brown cardboard boxes short on special opening experiences. Top this off with the mid-range being one of the more competitive speaker segments and you have an idea of the challenges facing the Dynaudio Evoke 20. Her er der masser af luft, og det musikalske rum strækker sig bagud og udad mod en fjern horisont, Dynamikken er strålende, her er alt på plads! Top 5 Good family sound system visit my site to take discount, sale off, review it. In the case of the Evoke range, it has filtered down technologies from its higher-end models into the design, and for all intents and purposes, Dynaudio has done a sterling job. 0 / 0. And, of course, its Danish design looks fantastic wherever you put it. Not everything is about bass – although they possess a visceral punch, the Evoke 20s are able to sound smooth and lush when the music calls for it. You can feel that “someone” versus “something” made these. The fit and finish of the speaker are impeccable. See all comments (6) 6 Comments Comment from the forums. Playing pianist Arthur Rubinstein’s rendition of Chopin’s Nocturnes, the Evoke 20s superbly reproduced the maestro’s delicate touch and the crescendo swells in his performance. With the adjustable bass reflex hole foam, Evoke 50 has a reasonably high sound quality. evolve theme by Theme4Press • Powered by WordPress. Audio Equipment For Sale or To Buy. Evoke 20 (£2000) is the larger of the two Evoke standmounters. The Contour 20 is an elegant-looking, two-way, stand-mounted speaker, and now I'm about to audition another: Dynaudio's Special Forty. The electronic synth bass from these tracks shook things up even more, but the Evokes remained steadfast. The cabinet has non-parallel side walls and tapers to a narrower back panel. We have the Evoke 20 standmount and Evoke 30 floorstander available for demonstration. Scroll down and see all reviews for Dynaudio Evoke 20 bookshelf speaker. Evoke 10 "A clear statement from the North" Evoke 10 stole the limelight on the cover of STEREO magazine. have collected 11 expert reviews of the Dynaudio Evoke 20 bookshelf speaker and the average rating is 98%. A mid-range speaker, however, has to achieve a very high level of performance sonically, but it has to be manifested without breaking the bank. Och efter att ha lyssnat på Dynaudio Evoke 20 är det lätt att hålla med. Some toe-in was applied so each speaker fired slightly off the side of each ear in my listening position about six feet away.
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