While the results of leadership are identifiable, the means of these results are as dynamic as the constituents themselves. This links with Schon’s (1983) identification of two types of reflection: reflection-in-action, thinking about things while you are doing them and reflection-on-action, thinking about things after the event. I came up with the following: Based on the learning theories that we have explored, I would say that a Connectivist approach to teaching is how I learn best. Use the next few minutes or so to draw something that you see in your mind's eye or hear in that still, small voice. 4.7 88 customer reviews. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Privacy Policy. /files/includes/snippet-important-message.txt, Stress-Relieving Designs to Color and Display, CD or tape of meditative music, and player, Blank paper and color markers for drawing, Small oval, circular, or rectangular mirrors for all participants, Permanent markers in a variety of colors, craft decorations, scissors (including left-handed scissors), and glue, Obtain meditative music such as Pachelbel's. Handout 1, Action-Reflection Model; Pens or pencils; Preparation for Activity. Ask them to choose a mirror to decorate and take home as a reminder that reflection is a tool of our Unitarian Universalist faith. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Your personal vision-mission 2. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. With the limited… See the Resources section for sources for small mirrors. Activity 3: Self Evaluation / Reflection In the final step of this webquest, post your reflections based on the following questions into the comments section below. Although I excel in the environment where teachers guide their students to facilitate learning, having access to a variety of different sources makes a tremendous impact on my learning and exceeds a constructivist approach. Color your way to relaxation while creating works of art. Distribute blank paper and color markers. ACYMAG2 Reflection Activity #3 Term 1, AY2020-2021 Upon learning the balanced scorecard framework developed by Kaplan and Norton, you are to prepare your own personal scorecard, incorporating the following elements: 1. Activity 3: Reflection And Expression. Write a 2-paragraph reflection paper regarding the content of the poem. In a 2-3 page reflection paper compare your spiritual gifts and personal leadership skills to traits you see are important for managers/leaders. Reflection Activity 5. At least three perspectives linked to your vision-mission 3. Why would you use it? Set out the mirrors and decorating materials on worktables. Online Collaboration Tools. Use the reflection questions to have your students reflect on the year and set goals for the next year. The aim of this reflection is to identify possible exclusion and inclusion features that have affected you. Activity 3- Reflection Hello everyone, Just wanted to start off by apologizing for the audio problems I encountered during Voice Thread which in return might of made things a little difficult for everyone. Reflection Questions Worksheet - KS3 / GCSE. 2. Reflection Questions. What are you planning to do with it? I decided to choose an Elementary School in my School District which created a website for their library. Perhaps it will be an abstract expression, or maybe a picture of something. When you turn off the music, invite participants to share an image that came to mind, or how the reflective experience made them feel. These online conferences are a great way to encourage learning, as they are engaging, practical, and fun! I was asked to write about which learning theory best suited my learning needs, and how it can be implemented in the classroom. REFLECTION: 1.Imagine your self organizing your classroom .In what grade/ year level do you see yourself in?What routines and procedures would you consider for this level?Why? Activity 3: Blog Reflection What have you learned from the analysis? 1.3 - Activity planning and reflection. ... Save for later. Note: Permanent marker can be rubbed off the mirror's surface with a finger until the marker ink dries, which takes about an hour. Watch this video to understand an experiment that helps us understand the laws. By analyzing individual components of a concept, putting it all together in one big summary really aids in my understanding. Activity 2.2 Reflection General feedback video 3. The children experience using expressive media in a meditative atmosphere, as they draw in response to their own inner reflections and decorate a personal mirror to keep. Reflection Activity #3. – John 3:16. Gather the group in the Council Circle space. The Animal Planet Web Page. Allow some discussion. Remember a time when you felt especially included, engaged and appreciated in your personal or professional life. Updated: Nov 12, 2014. ppt, 3 MB. Reflection Activity 3. About this resource. (617) 742-2100 | info@uua.org. Unit 2 - Whole class dialogue and effective questioning. After a few minutes, invite the participants to withdraw from their reflective mood by turning down the music briefly and telling them they have 30 seconds more to draw. Gilly Salmon's 5 Stage Model Course design instructions Template Examples Activity 3. Recall a situation in which you felt especially excluded, alienated and invalidated. As much as we would like to describe how to be a leader deterministically, it … This certainly complements the resources provided by teachers, as I am able to quickly scan, condense, and pick out the relevant information I need, in a very small amount of time. From this verse, I can appreciate God’s love for us and His will for the salvation of us. Links for Online Collaboration. Include responses to the questions below in your paper: Direct the children to the worktables where you have set the mirror-decorating materials. Social Media. by m1mackay | Feb 6, 2021 | LRNT 525 | 0 comments. In writing, please include the ideas and philosophies of Wojtyla, Buber, Habermas and Levinas on intersubjectivity and dialog to aid in your reflection. It resonates within me by the fact that Connectivists are concerned with the capacity to know more, as opposed to the process. Introduce the concept of the Action-Reflection model, as described in liberation theology by Gustavo Gutierrez. Did you know that light follows certain laws of reflection? The 3-2-1 is a quick reflective activity that encourages students to reflect on a course experience and organize their thoughts and identify areas of confusion or concern. Model your own reflection. ( Log Out /  Designing an Online Course . Thus, information obtained from Twitter is very quick and easy. I would like to start off today's reflection by summarizing my points in case you had a difficult time listening to the audio. Change ). Info. Activity 10.3 Class 10 Science, Light Reflection and Refraction. Reflection (Activity 3) I chose a Kahoot for my third activity as it is fun to compete with friends, and also uses your brain to choose the correct answer. Do a little brainstorming about what activities tied to your learning objectives that you might include in the design of your lesson. Then ask the participants to get into a comfortable position for listening and drawing. Part of Toolbox of Faith. Created: Oct 30, 2011. Activity 3 Reflection page 6 7 Assessment page 7 9 ASSESSMENT Additional from HISTORY Government at St Ignatius High School 1.6 - Leadership for Learning. In a hands-on way, students explore light's properties of absorption, reflection, transmission and refraction through various experimental stations within the classroom. Connectivist technologies are everywhere, despite how it feels! I think this is a very beneficial skill – one that I certainly have learned best from. I feel as though I have achieved nothing when I am unable to provide any context for any information that I pass. Reflection Questions. Suggest that the children refer to the drawings they have just made, or even cut out and paste parts of their drawings, to decorate their mirrors. )Imagine yourself organizing your classroom n the future. Unit 1 | Activity 3 | Leadership Reflection. Lastly, online resources such as the UofA Libraries Database or even Wikipedia are excellent places to research information. Answer the questions after watching the two videos below. Explanation: A concave mirror finds its use in a headlight and telescope. 1.4 - ICTs in interactive teaching. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. As a student, I find that I understand concepts most clearly when I am able to see the big picture. I love having context for things that I learn about, and sources for online websites are a great way to fill in all the gaps. Brief procedure: Activity 10.3 asks us to bring a concave mirror, find its focal length; and observe the position of the created image. ( Log Out /  When the speaker omits a detail, someone else in the group says\"gotcha\" and continues. Answer any questions. Reflection Activity 7. To understand absorption, reflection and transmission, they shine flashlights on a number of provided objects. Self-Assessment. At least one objective per perspective 4. Materials for Activity. 1.5 - Introduction to Leadership for Learning and effective use of ICT. Many of these pages now have forums, where users are able to write down their own comments and have others respond to their ideas. Reflection. FREE end of year reflection activity for grades 3-5! Reflection Activity #3. Construct ray diagrams to show the formation of the image obtained when the the following letters are placed in front of a plane mirror (Do not use colours as recommended in video 2 … Also, since there is a limit of 140 characters per tweet, that information will be very concise. Especially now in a university setting, this ability is crucial to maximize efficiency when researching information for assignments. From the book Aisha's Moonlit Walk: Stories and Celebrations for the Pagan Year, by Anika Stafford (Boston: Skinner House, 2005). Copy Handout 1, Action-Reflection Model for participants. As this is what I will be focusing on for my final project, I felt that it would be useful to look at what my collegues were doing with their library sites. Take some time to reflect, and write two short paragraphs or discuss the topics with a colleague or friend. 3. The facilitator or participant starts to tell the storyof the day. ANDULANA,JENNILYN B. The game consists of 22 players and there’s 2 teams with 11 players per team. 24 Farnsworth Street | Boston, MA 02210 Tell the children you... Minister: At this time, we would like to introduce a special ritual. What images does the music bring to mind? Activity 3 Reflection Due No Due Date Points 5; Submitting a discussion post; Available after May 14, 2014 at 10pm What are the things about critical thinking that have caught your attention and provided you with inspiration or intrinsic motivation as a teacher of your subject/grade? Activity 3 Reflection by mattandrw. Any questions? To understand refraction, students create indoor rainbows. ( Log Out /  There are no \"right\" or \"wrong\" answers, ratherit is a way to promote sharing of details and feelings, and to point outdifferences in experiences and interpretations. Generally, teachers who practice Connectivism always ensure that they foster a student’s ability to differentiate good, useful information from outdated, inaccurate data.
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