[4]:606, Uthman produced a standardized version of the Qur'an in 652. 113 & 114), "The Genesis of the Authorized Redaction of the Koran under the Caliph ʿUthmān", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Abdullah_ibn_Masud&oldid=1002071040, Sahabah who participated in the battle of Uhud, Articles needing additional references from November 2015, All articles needing additional references, Articles with multiple maintenance issues, Pages using infobox saint with unknown parameters, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, That he accused Uthman's scribes of adding three extra, That he preached a sermon in Kufa in which he called Uthman's standardized Quran a "deceit". Am I anything more than a man whom you have killed? "Creation of a fixed text.' For these reasons, Islamic scholars rejected the notion of Abdullah ibn Masud rejecting suras. Uthman became angry with both of them; in 646 he recalled Saad, extracted the money from him, and replaced him with al-Walid ibn Uqba. 'Uqba—the ruler of Kufa. However, when he died, al-Zubayr b. al-'Awwam could restart the wages for his family. [4]:304, The Muslims remarked one day that the Quraysh had never heard the Qur'an being recited clearly, and that someone needed to make them listen to it. Upon his return from Abyssinia, Ibn Mas'ud went to Medina to which the Prophet (s) had already migrated from Mecca. [16]:110, Uthman did not pay Abdullah's pension for the rest of his life. [2]:115[4]:147 Abdullah returned to Mecca in 619 with Abdulrahman ibn Awf. After the conversion, he was admitted as a servant in the Prophet's (s) house. His mother was Zainab bint Madhun. He thought of replacing Abdullah too, but in the end he decided against it. A man came to “Abdullah ibn Masud” and said: Did your Prophet tell you that how many caliphs will be after him? For example, ibn Masud was influential in Kufa, so that is where his version was common. – Ibn Abbas states, “That which I have taken from the Quran is from Ali Ibn Abi Talib” – Need to be cautious as to the transgression by the shia who have made claims about narrations from Ali (ra) of the Quran, which are not associated with him. Family. They asked him for milk, but Abdullah said he could not steal from his employer. According to some sources, Ibn Mas'ud first sought the rulings of fiqh in the Quran and the Prophet's (s) tradition, and if he could not find anything there, he issued a fatwa in accordance with his own opinion. When 'Umar died, Ibn Mas'ud went to Medina and pledged his allegiance to 'Uthman b. He seized his beard and asked, "Are you Abu Jahl?" According to reports, Ibn Mas'ud did not comply with the order and was therefore beat at the command of 'Uthman. He brought it to Muhammad, proclaiming, "This is the head of Allah's enemy Abu Jahl!". [10] Umar called him "a box full of knowledge". [4]:116, As a youth, he worked as a shepherd for Uqba ibn Abu Mu'ayt. [1]:289, Abdullah ibn Mas'ud was born in Mecca in about 594[2]:121 a son of Masud ibn Ghafil and Umm Abd bint Abdwadd, both of whom were from the Hudhayl tribe,[2]:14 believed to be slaves,[3]:16 or otherwise of low social status. [4]:304,337–338, Abdullah also fought at the Battle of Uhud, the Battle of the Trench and "all the battles,"[2]:116 including Tabuk. He specified in his will that none of his daughters should be married off without their own knowledge. [2]:116[4]:338 After the battle, Muhammad ordered the warriors to search among the corpses for his enemy Abu Jahl, who could be recognised by a distinctive scar on his knee. He replied: "That you kill your child out of fear that he would join you in food." Also Abdullah bin Masud used to read: “Surely I am the Bestower of sustenance, the Lord of Power, the Strong,” instead of, “Surely Allah is the Bestower of sustenance, the Lord of Power, the Strong.”33. After the Prophet Muhammad (s)'s demise, he took part in the Battles of Ridda as well as in the Conquest of Syria. Abdullah Ibn Mas'ud When he was still a youth, not yet past the age of puberty, he used to roam the mountain trails of Makkah far away from people, tending the flocks of a Quraysh chieftain, Uqbah ibn Muayt. Allah's Messenger said to us: "Bear witness to this. With regards to the traditions of Usul al Kafi that Minhajj had quoted, we should point out that these traditions have been deemed by the Ulema to be weak narrations. 'Abd Allah was born in Mecca. Quran Uthman ibn Affan and the canonization of the Quran. [4]:143 Abdullah, as a foreigner whose allies had withdrawn their protection, was vulnerable to this persecution. When Uthman instructed Abdullah to obey al-Walid in everything, Abdullah resigned his post. [2]:14, Abdullah had a brother, Utba,[4] and at least two wives in Muhammad's lifetime. One of the reasons why 'Uthman was upset at Ibn Mas'ud was that he attended the burial of Abu Dhar al-Ghifari and said prayers on his corpse in al-Rabadha. The companions of the Prophet were together one day in … He took part in the Battle of Badr and killed Abu Jahl. After this, Ibn Mas'ud stayed in Medina for 3 years—he was not allowed to leave the city—and he died in Medina two years before the murder of 'Uthman. He never considered his opinions to be true all the time; he always considered the possibility of errors. "[14], Umar allotted Abdullah a pension of 6,000 dirhams, and he was said to be very generous with his money. According to al-Tabari, there is a report from Sayf b. [7] He once asked him to recite; when Abdullah protested, "Should I recite it to you when you are the one to whom it was sent down and revealed?" Before his conversion to Islam, he used to live in the house of Arqam. [3]:156 Much later, Abdullah ibn Masud's variant readings were discussed on equal terms with the Uthmanic text by al-Farra (d. He returned to the Muslims with the bruises on his face, saying, "I have never despised Allah's enemies more than I do now, and if you like I will go and do the same thing tomorrow." 'Affan, Ibn Mas'ud had a quarrel with Sa'd b. Abi Waqqas and thus he was summoned by 'Uthman to Medina. Abdullah fought at the Battle of Badr. Abdullah Ibn Masud said, “I recited from the Messenger of Allah seventy surahs which I had perfected before Zaid Ibn Thabit had embraced Islam.” (Gilchrist, Chapter 3. Justlettersandnumbers 22:42, 12 April 2014 (UTC) Oppose as proposed IIRC, Wikipedia avoids the apostrophe forms. After a while, 'Umar dismissed 'Ammar and appointed al-Mughira b. Shu'ba in his place. And I would not have ceased asking more questions but out of regard. Tell me how the battle went." He answered: Yes, He did. It is said that Ibn Mas’ud was displeased by the finished product; in particular: When Uthman's agents came to Kufa to burn all the variants, Abdullah hid his copy from them. However, Umm Abd's mother, Hind bint Al-Harith, was from the Zuhra clan of the Quraysh, and Masud made an alliance with her brother. His parents name was Masud ibn Ghafil and Umm Abd bint Abdwadd, both … Then Abdullah struck off his head. al-Falaq and an-Nas/nos. [1]:69–70, f325 Sometime later, Abdullah ibn Masud went on a pilgrimage to Mecca. 10) Imam Tibrani. Abdullah, in his capacity as treasurer, lent a sum of money to Saad ibn Abi Waqqas, the Governor of Kufa, and when he was unable to repay it, they quarreled. There are new scholarships (such as Schacht) who investigated the role of Ibn Mas'ud and his companions in the formation of fiqh in Iraq and especially in Kufa. The description for these prayers according to Abdullah ibn Masud (Radi Allahu Anhu) is they are prayed in four units without a Tasleem between them, which would had made them 2 then 2. [3]:50–51 Al-Walid also tried to misappropriate state finances, but Abdullah refused to comply with his demands. He said: there will be twelve chieftains after me, as … He lived in the desert of Al-Rabadha. In Dammen McAuliffe, J. The Codices of Ibn Mas’ud and Ubayy Ibn Ka’b , p. 66 – citing Ibn Abi Dawud’s Kitab al-Masahif , p. Isn’t there any man to recite it so that they may hear it?’ Abdullah immediately asked to be taught "some of these words," and Muhammad began to teach him the Qur'an. While Ibn Mas'ud was in Medina, 'Uthman cut his wages from the treasury. He counted himself as the sixth person who converted to Islam. These include scholars such as Ibrahim al-Nazzam and Abu Ja'far al-Iskafi from the Mu'tazili school, Abu l-Qasim al-Kufi, al-Sayyid al-Murtada and the author of al-Idah from Imamiyya and Abu Ya'qub Yusuf al-Warjilani from Ibadiyya. [2]:120 Abdullah wore white clothes, and could be recognized in the dark by his distinctive, high-quality perfume. Muhammad b. Ahmad al-Maqdisi considered the reason why he leaned towards the Hanafi school to be that Abu Hanifa relied on the views of Imam 'Ali (a) and Ibn Mas'ud. Abdullah burst into tears, exclaiming: "The apostle was right! In the early days of the Prophet (s)'s call to Islam, he converted to Islam because of a miracle he saw from the Prophet (s). There are reports in some Imamiyya hadiths implying that Ibn Mas'ud was a Shiite. In Jami’ Tirmidhi, ‘Ubaydullah bin ‘Abdullah is recorded to have said: “Abdullah bin Mas'ud disliked Zaid bin Thabit copying the Musahif, and he said: 'O you Muslim people! This page has been accessed 38,614 times. Later his mother[5]:201 and brother[4]:147 also converted to Islam. When 'Uthman ordered Zayd b. Thabit to collect the Qur'an in order to provide the official version of the Qur'an, he ordered Ibn Mas'ud to turn in his version of the Qur'an in order to be destroyed along with other non-official versions thereof. And since his mother was one of the Sahaba, he was also called "Ibn Umm 'Abd". He then went back to Kufa and called people to pledge their allegiance to 'Uthman. One of his best known hadiths on this issue is the one prognosticating the appearance of Imam al-Mahdi (a). Uthman granted this request, although the exact value of the pension is disputed.[2]:122. He replied: "Jihad in the cause of Allah." hater of Ahlel Bayt). He replied: "That you associate a partner with Allah, who created you." The Qur'an says in 15:87 "We have given thee seven of the oft-repeated (verses) and the great Qur'an." Ibn Masud’s reaction: Let’s first study the narration that shows Ibn Mas’ud’s reaction to establish what his grievances were. [5]:202, Around 642 Umar appointed him as a preacher, treasurer and magistrate (qāḍī) in Kufa,[15]:5–6,14,16 saying: "I have preferred you with him over myself, so take him. His servants removed Abdullah so violently that they broke two of his ribs and, amid loud protests from Aisha, he had to be carried home. He was present at many occasions in which Quranic verses were revealed. Al-Nazzam rejected some of his hadiths and Dirar b. His real name was Abdullah and his father's name was Mas'ud. Ibn Masud's version of the Quran was thus perpetuated to his students. There happened to come 'Abdullah b. Mas'ud who stayed at Qanat, and 'Abdullah b 'Umar wanted me to accompany him for visiting him (as 'Abdullah b. Mas'ud was ailing), so I went along with him and as we sat (before him) I asked Ibn Mas'ud about this hadith. Salaam, This is a good attempt on resolving this debate. Naturally, since Muhammad told people to go to Ibn Masud if they wanted to learn the Quran, many Muslims studied under Ibn Masud. He said: "What next?" "[23], There are also narrations from Abdullah where he explicitly refers to suras 113 and 114 as surahs, for example: "Excessively recite two surahs. According to one account, Ibn Mas'ud was one of the four people from whom the Prophet (s) recommended others to learn the Quran. According to a report from al-A'mash (d. 148/765), in the early 2nd/8th century, the 'Uthmani Mushaf ('Uthman's version of the Quran) was not common along with the version of Ibn Mas'ud, but within half a century, 'Uthman's version succeeded Ibn Mas'ud's such that in the middle of the 2nd/8th Only few people had records of the latter reading. According to Ibn al-'Abbas, he was one of the few companions of the Prophet (s) who did not abandon him in the Battle of Uhud. Abdullah ibn Umar (R.A.) was the son of the second Caliph Umar ibn Khattab (R.A.) and a brother-in-law and companion of Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.). [11]:444 The following traditions are among those attributed to him. [2]:119 His mother was also granted a pension of 1,000 dirhams. He had read the Qur'an for some people and they wrote it down. Abu Jahl replied, "Can there be a man superior to the one you have killed or one whom his own folk has killed? He walked into the mosque, where Uthman was speaking, but the Caliph broke off his speech to insult Abdullah. The aforementioned variant, for example, was included in the codex of Talha ibn Musarrif, one of Ibn Masud's students in Kufa. Their quarrel spread to their individual supporters until they became two "wrangling factions" in the city. Abu 'Abd Allah Muhammad b. Mahbub and Ibn Salam—the well-known Ibadi scholars in the 3rd/9th century—considered Ibn Mas'ud as one of the Sahaba in whom Ibadiyya has its origin. 'Umar according to which he was in charge of protecting the booties in the Battle of Yarmuk. Thus 'Uthman asked Ibn Mas'ud to go back to Medina. Gilliot, C. (2006). According to the Shia, eventually, Uthman recalled Abdullah to Medina. [2]:115 When land in Medina was allocated to the immigrants, the Zuhra clan was given an area behind the mosque, which included plots for Abdullah and his brother Utba. He taught the Quran since when the Prophet (s) was still alive. We do not deny that these traditions e… One tradition states that Muhammad made a pact of brotherhood between Abdullah and Muadh ibn Jabal; but according to another, Abdullah's brother in Islam was Al-Zubayar ibn Al-Awwam. According to what al-Nawawi collected, there are 848 hadiths cited from Ibn Mas'ud, 64 of which are cited in both Sahih al-Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, 21 of which are only cited in the former and 35 are only cited in the latter. I asked Allah's Messenger which deed was the best. Twenty years later, he said he wished he had died at Tabuk.[4]:608. He was also one of the first Muslims who immigrated to Abyssinia. He migrated from Mecca to Medina and participated in the Battle of Badr. He lived in Syria for a while and was occupied with judgeship and teaching the Qur'an. Ibn Mas'ud was the first person, after the Prophet (s) himself, who read the Quran out loud for polytheists and was offended by them because of this. Different schools of fiqh in Kufa were influenced by Ibn Mas'ud and they were sometimes proud of being so influenced. His lineage goes back to the Banu Hudhayl tribe, but since his father was allegiant (halif) of Banu Zuhra, he also came to be known as the "allegiant of Banu Zuhra". [2]:121 He also had a son named Abdul Rahman. His exegeses of the Qur'an were cited by later exegetes of the Qur'an from different branches of Islam. Abdullah, son of Masud – The name he is most commonly known by in reliable English-language sources. He took part in many of the Prophet (s)'s ghazwas (battles). ابوعبدالرحمان عبدالله بن مسعود بن غافل بن حبیب الهُذَلی, Ubayd Allah b. al-Abbas b. Abd al-Muttalib, Umm Kulthum Daughter of Prophet Muhammad (s), Al-Mughira b. al-Harith b. Abd al-Muttalib, Righteousness of the Companions of the Prophet (s), https://en.wikishia.net/index.php?title=%27Abd_Allah_b._Mas%27ud&oldid=153124, Articles with quality and priority assessment, C grade priority and b grade quality articles, Abu 'Abd al-Rahman 'Abd Allah b. Mas'ud b. Ghafil b. Habib al-Hudhali, The material for this article is mainly taken from. They said, ‘By Allah, the Quraish have never heard the Qur’an being recited to them before. The Codices of Ibn Mas’ud and Ubayy Ibn Ka’b , p. 66 – citing Ibn Abi Dawud’s Kitab al-Masahif , p. Muhammad said: "Why are you laughing? Abu Rafi' said: I narrated this hadith to 'Abdullah b. He replied: "Prayer at its appointed hour." He issued so many fatwas that were written down in one big volume by his pupils. I am sure he (this Shia person) does not hold Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (ra) in reverence so isn't it good that someone bad, according to Shias, was cut off from receiving any allowance from the Muslim treasury? You walked alone, you died alone and you will be raised alone!" Many of the prominent Tabi'un (the companions of the Sahaba) in Kufa, learned to read and recite the Quran with Ibn Mas'ud such as. [2]:117[6] He worked as a personal servant, taking care of Muhammad's bedding, toothbrush, sandals and traveling hygiene. However, Ibn Mas'ud's hadiths were deemed remarkable in many of the early works of Imamiyya, especially his hadiths concerning the virtues of Ahl al-Bayt (a) and imamate, such as the well-known hadith of Nuqaba' Ithna 'Ashar (twelve leaders) to which some Imamiyya scholars appealed in order to demonstrate the Imamate of the Twelve Imams (a). With these people, it is damned if you do, damned if you don't! They even considered Ibn Mas'ud's version of the Qur'an as their official version thereof. Thus, Abdullah Ibn Umar did not do anything wrong by the criteria of Sunni faith, though it may seem unacceptable according to Shia belief. I said: "Then what?" The Muslims told him that he had already done enough, "for you have made them listen to what they don't want to hear". [4]:141–142, Abdullah and his brother Utba were among those who emigrated to Abyssinia in 616. Even some prominent Sahaba, such as 'Abd Allah b. al-'Abbas, learned the Quran from him and followed his reading of the Quran. He thought of replacing Abdullah too, but in the end he decided against it. [11]:444[19] He justified his own version of the recitation by reminding people: "I recited before Allah's Messenger more than seventy suras of the Qur'an. When the Quraysh realized that he was reciting Muhammad's teaching, they began to hit his face, but he continued to recite. However, I refer you to Muqaddimah – Tafsir Nizam ul Quran by Allah Hamiduddin Farahi, where he has elegantly pointed out the reasons for Ibn Masud not having Al-Fatiha and the last 2 Surahs mentioned in his Mushaf. As he passed through Al-Rabadha, his camels almost trod upon a funeral bier. He was in addition a strong and courageous fighter, one who became deadly serious when the occasion demanded it. ʾAbū ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ʿAbd Allāh b. Masʿūd b. Ghāfil b. Ḥabīb al-Hudhalī (Arabic: ابوعبدالرحمان عبدالله بن مسعود بن غافل بن حبیب الهُذَلی), (d. 32/652-3), known as ʾIbn Masʿūd (Arabic: ابن مسعود), was one of the companions of the Prophet (s) (Sahaba) and a narrator of hadiths and an exegete of the Qur'an in the early days of Islam. There is little information about the details of Ibn Mas'ud's life after the demise of the Prophet (s). After the Prophet (s)'s demise, he taught the Quran in Medina and Kufa for a while. There is a not much recognized version of the hadith known as al-'Ashara al-Mubashshara (ten people who were given the good news of going to Heaven) in which Ibn Mas'ud appears among those ten people. 207/822).[21]. Ibn Mas'ud is known among Sunni Muslims as one of the prominent Sahaba. [2]:119,120 He was reported to be sociable and willing to speak out to put people at ease. And the Almighty and Exalted Lord testified it: All those who call not unto another god along with Allah, and slay not any soul which Allah has forbidden, except in the cause of justice, nor commit fornication, and he who does this shall meet a requital of sin.
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