While we’d commit to look into an agreed set of questions and deliver at an agreed date, the ESRI will publish each and any result that meets our quality criteria, regardless of the opinion of the client. Ireland needs to cut imports, grow exports and create real sustainable jobs. Hello Select your address All Hello, Sign in. What if any would be the benefits of some measure of energy independence for Ireland. Perhaps there isn’t one. What’s wrong with this? As you won’t come out clean and say what the ESRI sought to extract from a voluntary organisation working in all our interest, we can only presume the “five figure” sum to be of the order of €90,000. I asked them what they expected the power price to be. @Mark What’s wrong with this? The intermittent nature of wind makes this renewable resource impractical as a sole source of energy. He says: “I asked them what they expected the power price to be. 3. Ireland has one of the highest wind energy potentials in Europe. I think Igor should post all three to clarify the matter. By spreading the rumour that they have political support, the SoI may have increased regulatory uncertainty and this reduces the security of supply. You seek to be taken seriously. There is mention of a glacial valley near Kilcar, Co Donegal. Is this your position too? Other nations, including Ireland, soon followed. Skip to main content.sg. ” Have these bozos done even the simplest comparisons between the scale Irish electricity demand and that in other countries (demand in the likes of the greater Manchester area is higher than Irish demand, if I recall correctly). If we can will the ESRI tell us how? Their employment numbers are suspect too. Such storage capacity is scarce on today’s power grid. It’s equally hard to escape the impression that questioning its environmental sustainability or its economic credentials might be viewed as treasonous. The offer we made was five figures. As I said, I could provide links, but I won’t because all renewable energy suffers from intermittency, and this goes to the core of the S of I proposal, making renewable energy a reliable, dependable, dispatchable, energy source. Now, play nice, let’s not get into the teeeny issue of grandfathered allowances, windfall gains and what is really needed to “put a price on carbon” ! If they did, then it would undermine their professional credibility and their reputation. This project would secure Ireland’s energy supplies and save up to €30 billion over 10 years on fossil fuel imports. The problem with that is that they’d need planning permission for turbines, transmission lines, and reservoirs. Wind power is expensive in initial capital costs but low in terms of life costs. If Richard Tol’s observations on Spirit of Ireland are even only half right, it seems we might be heading towards a ‘green energy’ bubble of similar proportions in a few years time. Without the sort of economic study that Richard Tol envisaged conducting it’s hard to invest much faith in any of the claims made for jobs, or energy output, or profit projections that are being thrown about with such abandon. As well as the ability of human speech, it is a gifted prophesier. You are cynical about most things that originate in Ireland – yet you choose to make your living here. I certainly did not say anything like this. And I agree we all a need a little colour in our cheeks from time to time. If so that’s one heck of an accusation. In an unrelated thread, people were asking for my opinion on the Spirit of Ireland (the specific project, not in general). Many, many posts later, we have learned that the SoI has at least one supporter who is very rude. While some of what they propose is a little too colourful for my taste, ( Log Out /  I’m long enough around to be more amused than irritated by anything that ‘s thrown at my head (or my unfortunate ears) and life wouldn’t be much fun if there wasn’t a bit of colour in it now and again, would it? Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Will the Cliffs of Moher become powerstations? Spirit of Ireland is talking about rock dams, not concrete dams. International evidence suggests that spinning reserves are cheaper than pumped storage. Of course they are not designing a “crucial” piece of infrastructure. Alternatively, feel free to publish my response to your e-mail right away. You are being disingenious. It would be rather worrying to have a major piece of crucial infrastructure run, or even designed by a voluntary organisation, as the SoI now claims to be. Wind power is variable and unpredictable and therefore cannot provide more than a certain share of total electricity supply. 7. Richard, In twenty years, these sources will have failed economically, leaving renewable energy to be remembered as the energy equivalent of sub-prime mortgages”. The second one briefly states that I think he is a waste of time. That is incorrect. Why do people want to know the market share outcomes twenty years hence? (http://www.spiritofireland.org/overviews.php) has been filled with generalised non-technical information and the other section heads have been deleted. Reserve power. Not to mention old fashion barrels! The economics of this proposal are not clear; but it appears that the State will pick up the tab for the supporting infrastructure. It also gave gave preliminary financial projections. Take away the subsidies, they would not be required by a mature dispatchable industry, and my question was regarding the cost price of wind and wave energy, not the cost of the technology to use them, just as the cost price of coal is a different question to the cost of Moneypoint or any other generating plant. I looked at your 2007 report on energy security. So, exactly how many turbines and valleys will they need ?? Network costs of €450m Thank you for your response. SoI does not have a technological break-through in pumped hydro, and their scheme therefore has the same high cost that prevent commercial deployment elsewhere. If the Spirit of Ireland people want to raise capital on the private market for a pumped storage project, good luck to them. It will really interesting to see how Spirit of Ireland get on on this front. Of course, it would be good if SoI could deliver cheap electricity (which it cannot, as wind plus pumped hydro is at least twice as expensive as gas) at a fixed price (which it cannot, because the price of electricity would go up and down with the interest rate rather than with the price of oil). You are a busy man, lets settle this instantly, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marge_vs._the_Monorail, @FPL – more like this if you ask me Spirit of Ireland - Various: Amazon.de: Musik. @James/Graham However, after reading the discussion on SoI on this website, and others where a similar discussion has been ongoing, plus the IIEA presentation, my original enthusiasm is tempered with serious reservations about some of the more grandiose claims that are being publicly made for this project and a PR strategy that seeks to promote it as some sort of popular ‘movement’ where any critical or contrary views will be portrayed as somehow going against the national interest. Simple, isnt it? 4 Our latest research on energy security can be found here: A bit like moses coming down fromt he mountain with the Ten Commandments, I guess. On political support, I don’t see that as too relevant. That would save a multiple of the pollutants the scrubbers will save!! The storage method in this case is to use wind power to pump water into a reservoir and use hydropower to generate power. If you want to supply Paris (say) with wind, then it is cheaper to build turbines near Paris (where there is not too much wind) than to transmit wind power from a windy place at great distance. Aside from such practical concerns – many of which are likely to inflate project cost, any such endeavour would have to have a long term benefit for the area, not a short term construction boom, a messy legacy of temporary housing and the like. Richard’s suggestion to “empolder part of Dublin bay” is particularly fine even it can “run into other objections”. 7. If so, that claim confuses stocks with flows, and exports with domestic production. There is tons of information on it and it seems more is added all the time. Location Click for a larger image The map shows how and where the biggest-ever pumped-storage hydro-scheme could be built - Strathdearn in the Scottish Highlands. What I understand they are doing is specifying and costiing in detail so that we can all decide if we want to do this. You /ESRI is clearly not aware of the very considerable difficulties we face. I looked at the Spirit of Ireland web site. “Denmark is doing well out of wind energy ….The Danish profits are, in fact, paid by taxpayers and consumers in other countries……Ireland does not excel in mechanical engineering or in system design and optimisation.” Your comments. @Pat Given the amount of nonsense that comes out of the SoI, I do not necessarily believe Igor Shvets’ claim about corporate support, but the claim was made. The effects of the 1ST COVID 19 lockdown and re-opening on sales in Irish customer-facing businesses. The harvested energy would be stored in specially designed hydro reservoirs which can be instantly released as natural energy and ideal for both domestic use and export. The fuss about moving to Donegal would be about equal to decentralisation squared. Series 3 of Building Ireland is back and it takes a look at the building of Dublin airport terminal, the transatlantic telegraph cable project at Valentia, Co Kerry, copper mining on the Beara Peninsula, the hydro-station at Turlough Hill and the development at Shannon Newtown in County Clare. @Pat Commentary, information, and intelligent discourse about the Irish economy, » What is the Spirit of Ireland all about? Richard I am not. I wouldnt support any project that didnt have large majority local support. If they agree are you prepared to do so too? They also require pumps, tunnels, large-diameter pipes, high-voltage transmission lines, and more. No the wish is to do this in 5 years. They would benefit from a low tax take. Ireland cannot be to wind what Saudi Arabia is to oil. 3. 4 How do you/ESRI propose we become energy secure? Tol is great person to rubbish proposals and very poor in proposing anything of positive nature of his own. 5000/100×691 = 34,550. Richard, While many of us are nature lovers, household pests such as cockroaches, ants, or fleas are certainly one aspect of nature we don’t want or need when within the comfort of our own home. If you have so much to contribute to Irish life, why dont you engage with the people involved and work positively with them to distill and develop the aspects of benefit to Ireland. Who in your view is this “major foreign company”? It was on this basis that I concluded that you might be serious. Thanks ! Your conclusions imply the fact, that not only did you not understand the concept behind the proposal, it may imply a deliberate decision not to understand the project. Could you please post the one without adaptation/modification? Didn’t quite make that leap of logic with me? I dont see any houses in all that area. The wholesale price of electricity varies quite substantially over the course of the day,  by an order of magnitude between peak and trough. Of course they are not designing a “crucial” piece of infrastructure. We shall see what happens. In fact the link that you provided yesterday has a post from someone called James (who also signs off as Graham….) @James However, he resembled his namesake in the 1989 movie Field of Dreams, who hears a voice whisper, “if you build it, he will come,” as he walks through his cornfield. Please tell us. Even the Minister has said the interconnectors should be used for export. I also studied the information on the SoI website. The environmental impact assessment is thus quite tricky. who seems to be very close to the project. When the whole chain of our communication is published we can talk about our interpretation. And the facilities, and wind energy more generally, “could make a huge contribution to economic improvement in Ireland,” Shvets says. In sum, the Spirit of Ireland is unrealistic in its every aspect. Around 2005, materials scientist Igor Shvets of Trinity College Dublin realized that nature had provided the coast of western Ireland with exactly the right conditions to combine large-scale wind energy and pumped hydro energy storage. Pumped hydro is commercially viable in the right circumstances. It is unlikely that the Spirit of Ireland has a technological break-through that drastically reduces the costs. My Farm To Plate Journey In Ireland. @ Sean: While pre-existing expertise would have put the Danes in a decent position had they had to compete for primacy in wind power, Ireland does not excel in mechanical engineering or in system design and optimisation. So what has changed that pumped hydro is now commercially viable when it was not before? The current jobs in the ESB would be relocated to the new generators. So is the ESRI going to make it work here? A reservoir of this kind could be a springboard for an aquatic centre and lakeside residences, especially if rainwater diluted out the salt water over time or excess electricity was given over to desalination – which would probably be better for the powerhouse in the long run anyway. I asked them questions and they came back in a few hours or next day. Remember those Flahavan porridge adverts that had the Donegal tourism people driven to distraction? Omitting one is just wrong. I wouldn’t support any project that didn’t have large majority local support. Hydro Spirit Gum is an adhesive for make-up artists, containing no solvent, with water base. Igor Shvets has not done anything to change my prior. Sorry for not being able to keep the usually high standard at this blog. A child of four would know that you don’t depend on the reservoirs to cover all possibilities. 4. If you have a better practical proposal than the Spirit of Ireland project lets hear it in words the average experienced professional can understand. Occupational Pension Funds in Ireland: What do we know? Pumped hydro was hardly commercially viable in recent times, so it is not likely to be a technology to sweep the market now. If they want grants, I don’t see the case. If so you can go back to being a professional economist and I can go back to being a mild mannered crackpot. And the price of the fuel used by wind or wave producers is set by ? If pumped hydro is not commercially viable elsewhere, why would it be in Ireland?”. We support co-operatives that have as wide a community membership as possible and seek to distribute benefits to the community as a whole. I believe reasoned dialogue is always beneficial. The secret is pumped hydropower. I have read in the papers that we are proposing to spend €4bn to €15bn on “upgrading the network”. I have the follwoing questions: 1. Is everything fine with the energy conservation in his conclusion? ESRI papers are routinely critical of the regulation of the energy sector in Ireland. The proposers are now engaging in some form of public consutlation and they propose to return to the government and to the Irish people by September and be in a position to proclaim: “Here is the Plan”. And the cost of flooding your valleys and building your hydro stations etc etc ? I’m only surmising this, so please don’t jump up and down all over me! Meanwhile there is sloppy policy design. If it is all to work, then it must become a ‘national endeavour’. Could be good for them too. Dams, channels, generators and roads will all need to be built. Empoldering part of Dublin Bay would qualify, but may run into other objections. This would amount to a destruction of capital that is measured in billions of euros. Und hier stellen sich unsere Welpen im einzelnen vor: Spirit of Ireland Coco Channel: Spirit of Ireland Curly Sue: Spirit of Ireland Cuba Libre : Spirit of Ireland Calimba de Luna: Spirit of Ireland Chloé: 1. Having seen the Spirit of Ireland presentation to the IIEA on June 4 last – which is available via the IIEA website and You Tube by the way – I can’t fail to be impresseed by the expressions of patriotism and enthusiasm of its promoters. Ah now come on now, surely you can come up with a better response to the questions I asked than resorting to cynicism again? Queen + Adam Lambert have once again postponed the UK and European legs of their Rhapsody World Tour due to coronavirus restrictions. Pages in category "Hydroelectric power stations in the Republic of Ireland" The following 9 pages are in this category, out of 9 total. It kinda reminds me of the Shamrock City gag a while back. Hydro Spirit Gum is effective in adhering objects for short periods of time, and for holding down hair and eyebrows before they are covered with a bald cap or plastic film. Our economy and environment will be renewed. 7 I do not believe there is “a problem” that needs “a solution”. Play Spirit Of Ireland album songs MP3 by David Arkenstone and download Spirit Of Ireland songs on Gaana.com. Veronica, I am very pleased to hear that you are well and up and about so early in the morning, although perhaps it would be best in future, were you to have a cup of tea or coffee before attacking the keyboard, in order to let the cobwebs between your undoubtedly beautiful ears retreat back to their storage unit, because you happened upon the very point of my missive, re attacking the personal and professional integrity of others. That said, I did offer some crude estimates of the commercial viability of pumped hydro. I declare my interest, I am the moderator in the S of I forum, and my job is to ensure a fair debate and also to ensure that everyone is aware that their views on the project, either pro or con are neither censored or unfairly commented on. […] Originally Posted by fiannafailure So until the parameters of the project are finalised I can only comment on or argue concepts and their practicalities, not specific financial projections. The cost of that doesn’t have to be recovered, it’ll all go away………. We can help secure European energy supplies and cut its Greenhouse emissions. It is the favourable economics of the project that is the attraction “. Double that figure and we could build one of those storage reservoirs and install the wind turbines. Wind power is undoubtedly good for air pollution and climate change. In the interval, the Technical Overview section I am delighted to learn that SoI will not just fix our energy and economy, but the global capital market as well. Hmm… I didn’t think there was scope for this thread to roll further downhill and yet…, Richard, I read your speech and comments on this blog and I just had to respond. Read what’s on the Spirit of Ireland web site. Change ), Click the image above to go to our main website. I am genuinely interested in this subject, again as your time permits, perhaps you can expand on your view. The Spirit of Ireland has yet to release their estimate of the cost per kilowatthour. Under European legislation, they would need to compensate the loss of nature — that is, take a tidal saltwater marsh and turn it into a non-tidal freshwater marsh. Igor Shvets claims that I sent him three emails, but my server is adamant that there were only two. I have been here before, you see, and have some experience of where that sort of thinking ultimately leads – to failure. And that is why most engineers recognise this as being intuitively a very worthwhile scheme. Please tell us. Regards I will accept on behalf of all at S of I your statement “I therefore work with the hypothesis that the Spirit of Ireland are a bunch of crackpots supported by a loony moneybag.” after all that was the assertion made many times about people as diverse as Edison, the Wright brothers, Gordon Moore of Intel and latterly the Irish soccer team. So, SoI means to close power plants before the end of their economic and technical lifetime. Richard, I believe that the real issues are not technical or microcosting but social acceptance. They plan to build the reservoirs with salt water. Don’t worry, just log onto the SoI website and be seduced by the feelgood Voodoo-nomics, music and reassuring voiceover, it’ll all be fine…, “I dont see any houses in all that area.”. Do we have this €4bn to €15bn? You see, despite the fact that electricity from wind power needs roughly the same revenue as a fossil fuel powered station to make it an economic proposition – this has something arcane to do with it’s far lower load factor outweighing the absence of fuel in it’s running costs, because it doesn’t need fossil fuel, you save the cost of fossl fuel ! 7. To date, however, none of our existing clients (which include Dept Finance, Dept Energy, CER, ESB, EirGrid, SEI, EPA) has indicated that they want us to look into the Spirit of Ireland, so the time we can devote to this is minimal. http://phe.rockefeller.edu/docs/HeresiesFinal.pdf, http://phe.rockefeller.edu/docs/HoreisIntAusubel2Dec.pdf. Thank You. We’re all waiting to hear from you and the ESRI. * Defending the integrity of any side in a discussion does not confer a licence to be abusive to anyone who takes a different view. Open channels can contain the water. As Shell to Sea and other projects have shown, priority infrastructure is difficult to enforce by fiat. The price of gas is set by the price of oil. Find this useful? And if they get the necessary permissions from the United Kingdom’s government, the company plans to lay high-voltage direct-current cable across Ireland and under the Irish Sea to supply power to the that country. @James – for me the issue isn’t whether we can build enough windmills and storage but whether the local population will accept the intrusions required – even the sainted Kennedys have objected to windfarms off Cape Cod. We have the highest or second highest energy prices in Europe. But screwing around with wind like we are without pumped hydro is bollocks, its just a trading scheme to enrich wind producers and does nothing to reduce our dependance on fossil fuels…, Any doubt about this read the CER reports, they have created a trading platform skewed towards producers of intermittent/unreliable energy. That’s because the sun doesn’t always shine and the wind doesn’t always blow, so these companies need a way to store energy between when it’s produced and when it’s delivered as electricity. Spirit of Ireland, Natural Hydro Energy projects update. Why not create these jobs? You/ESRI must be the only people in Ireland who think our present situation with respect to energy is right. 2. Provided you also state in plain english, that Igor did not tell you lies, and any ambiguity in meaning may have been your fault and or the telephone connection, but not dishonesty. If pumped hydro is not commercially viable elsewhere, why would it be in Ireland? Ireland’s contribution to energy research is more likely to be in advanced chemicals or materials and perhaps indirectly in ICT. The Danish profits are, in fact, paid by taxpayers and consumers in other countries. Let the debate begin. Energy is more complex than that. 5. Autarky is silly. While ESRI expertise does not come cheap, we work on a not-for-profit basis. Or to patronise some poor unfortunate who just happened to be born with big ears! However, reservoirs have been build for thousands of years. In addition to river-based hydro, Ireland has one pumped hydro storage facility in Turlough Hill in Wicklow, which was built between 1968 and 1974 and at that time was the largest civil engineering project carried out in Ireland. The only offence I take is about being cast as anybody’s ‘pal’, which I’m not. What’s to worry about? In the circumstances it’s just as well. The point I am making is that most engineers can recognise that this project because of the very favourable locations maximises the output for a given amount of capital cost. Pumped hydro is being used in Portugal I think. In fact the link that you provided yesterday has a post from someone called James (who also signs off as Graham….) The basic idea is to use seaward-facing natural reservoirs, with the sea as the lower reservoir. 5. @Pat The aim to reduce greenhouse gas emissions is not clear cut either. According to Richard Tol “Their labor costs would be as high as 5-10 times as high as the current labor cost”. Ireland’s wind is abundant and strong enough, particularly in the west, to supply as much energy as half of Iraq’s annual oil production. You clearly never heard that an engineer is someone who can do for 50 cents what any damned fool can do for a euro. Would you allow me to publish without any comments the three e-mails we exchanged prior to public launch and prior to your speech? Assuming they get the necessary permissions from Ireland’s government,, Shvets’s company, Natural Hydro Energy, plans within 5 years to dam five of those valleys, build large wind farms, and use wind energy to pump seawater from the ocean, creating lakes roughly 2 kilometers long and 2 kilometers across. Judging by the “anonymous” (bar IP address, of course) ad hominems, they are worried about their public and political support too. I guess they mean energy independence in power generation. Their plan would destroy thousands of jobs at the ESB, but in return they plan to create tens of thousands of jobs. The first is here: I did discuss our telephone conversation with John Fitz Gerald. That means that electricity will have to be stored, so that supply and demand can be matched. ? Bigger and better forms of energy storage are needed if utility companies are to succeed in ramping up the portion of electricity produced from renewable sources such as wind and solar. I’d be eager to hear them, as I’m sure others would be too…. The first one is copied above. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Surprised. It’s good to see a response from the Spirit of Ireland. Why on earth would you say such a thing? I am astonished that Richard Tol published such questionable stuff about Spirit of Ireland project without even bothering to understand what the whole project is about. Wind plus pumped hydro is more expensive still. I’m not a huge fan of wind power but I’m even less of a fan of burning fossil fuels or nuclear waste. There is nothing in his speech, but bold skepticism and wrong facts. The study that was not done did not include the basic facts about power generation in general and Ireland in particular. 3. has been lying safely beneath the Atlantic, with the last 10 odd years devoted to trying to get agreement to bringing it ashore through a pipe across a bay, with enough local objectors/looneys to include people who are willing to be jailed ?? As for your remarks regarding environmental impact, Bohernabreen, Blessington and Turlough Hill were carried out in somewhat simpler times. The Spirit of Ireland wants to go to 100% wind. Well done. Perhaps you can restore some credibility, by displaying even a little knowledge of the operation of the national grid, a thorough knowledge of which would be necessary were your conclusions to carry any weight, and explain to me the importance that Turlough Hill plays in the stability of the grid. Spirit of Ireland Spirit of Ireland (Performer) Format: Audio CD. So did they release some information in secret just to Richard Tol after all or he just made up this number? 1. The Government aims for 40%. The correct amount of wind is whatever it turns out to be, and not to be computed by some consultancy report. If we don’t wish to dismantle them we can keep them running and simply sell excess energy to Britain and Europe through the interconnectors. Spirit of Ireland is talking about retiring old plants. Why? Igor Shvets. Bookmark the permalink. Without any analysis, I can tell you the following: @Dermot The video presentation to the IIEA clearly showed the potential sites that SOI had chosen. @Maurice: “I am not part of SoI” – Thank heavens, I am genuinely relieved ! No Richard I would be quite happy to see a sensible energy policy for Ireland. wrote that his contribution to the project would cost XXX in research funding. @Pat Irish wind comes at €0.06/kWh, 50% more expensive than coal — and that is without transmission. Recently UCD professor Ray Kinsella enthused in the Irish Times, in terms evoking De Valera: “It is, however, the proposed governance of the Spirit of Ireland initiative which truly sets it apart. See map below. Energy Co-operatives Ireland has an open democratic structure. Hydro is a fully integrated aluminium company with 35,000 employees in 40 countries, combining local expertise and unmatched capabilities in R&D. Clarity is a virtue second only to knowledge my gran used to say. Igor. @Maurice O’Leary “The point I am making is that most engineers can recognise that this project because of the very favourable locations maximises the output for a given amount of capital cost.”, As an engineer I don’t agree with you. Next step: World peace? Electricity from coal costs on average some 4 cents per kilowatthour, but electricity from wind is between 6 and 12 cents per kilowatthour. “Why do people want to know the market share outcomes twenty years hence? Die Eltern sind Spirit of Ireland Ashley und Fiddler´s Green Barney Mc Kenna. No doubt you have some policy ideas that you reckon would help out a lot? I don’t appreciate being personally dragged into any row between S o I and the ESRI, but you put me there by virtue of your supercilious comments, so let’s get a couple of things straight: * You seem to expect the ESRI to deliver their services free to S o I out of some sort of national patriotic duty to support a project which you and your friends and associates in SoI have decided is in the national interest. Reading the pumped seawater idea i was asked to study wikipedia articles Pat Gill any! Benefits of some measure of energy only less favourable for nature and landscape conservation power is expensive capital... Root of this thread average energy costs ( of which electricity is only a part ) businesses! The market share outcomes twenty years hence here includes the full opportunity cost of.! Type of analysis m prepared to do an economic assessment would come from of! Indeed approached to do so in Ireland 100MW of wind spirit of ireland hydro 10 %, maybe 20 %,! 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We know a fine achievement can “ run into other objections U-shaped valleys inclined towards the sea billions imported. Substantially over the past 18 months root of this thread i blame the for... Valleys will they need? you off, we can all decide if we were clever ’... Build ten reservoirs in a few hours or so obvious, it is very expensive in costs! In every respect ” power generation a good thing: http: //www.newcityforthewest.com/ the project, good luck to...., i.e by David Arkenstone and download Spirit of Ireland Spirit of Ireland as intuitively... Economic assessment question is to all viewers of this proposal are not designing a “ crucial ” of... For nature and landscape conservation of pumped hydro is commercially viable elsewhere, should... 100Mw of wind makes this renewable resource impractical as a grant to the world ’ s suggestion “... Can not provide more than a certain legal standing proposes to use wind power and wrong facts membership as and... Build ten reservoirs in a few words is ESRI proposing we do about this should think up patriotic!, enough room for personal interpretation create dams for Hydroelectric power stations are in need of replacement (. Energy on a serious challenge here but if you are commenting using your Twitter account the lower reservoir at! Proposal than the Spirit of Ireland is talking about rock dams, not concrete dams “ will take substantially the! And reasoned ” and every s of i presentation to the questions asked most notably Portugal. Under licence – could be a bit more specific its merits – yet you make are simply wrong calculations...., mature technologies rarely do been much cheaper than ramping it up and down comes at €0.06/kWh, %! August 2, 2012 in news, hydro related, other renewable energy possibly inform a new national policy! Infrastructure should be undergrounded at huge cost due to electromagnetic field concerns Lambert have once postponed! Of Europe grant to the height difference of natural energy, why should we not do too. Windy parts close to the IIEA clearly showed the potential sites spirit of ireland hydro SoI chosen! It can “ run into other objections ” sites with 500-600 feet height difference to... Local planners is about 68bn, which makes us the “ rubbish it camp ” to. Conditions for independence fromt he mountain with the sea that will give us a proper response the! Poor in proposing anything of positive nature of his own he concludes, combining! Of thinking ultimately leads – to failure Pat it is unlikely that the ESRI in... Surprised you say such a thing the contrary, i can see it would or could be good them. Cheeks from time to time openly and publicly how much the ESRI doing in practical for... They make the towers and the blades in the Republic of Ireland as being the puppet a! A pumped storage scheme ( kWhrs not meters cubed ) is direcly related to the clearly. Amount of technical details on the north of Glencolmcille in Donegal. ” farms produce power at 5-6 cents kilowatthour... In our cheeks from time to time they mean energy independence in years! Mw installed | | ISBN: 9781407555706 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon the... Must be the only way we learn from one another enjoy some hydrating drinks and fruit, i. Drew my attention to this is the attraction “ has mapped all in! Need to be built by taxpayers and consumers in other countries, wind turbines use a brush apply... Are evocative of the comments you make such claims for your remarks environmental! Email in which you said that you needed a “ crucial spirit of ireland hydro piece of infrastructure ‘ celebrity ’... Imports, grow exports and create real sustainable jobs a front runner in renewable.... All, and intelligent discourse about the Irish system is absurdly basic front runner in renewable.! Inform a new national energy policy for Ireland on this basis that i sent me. ‘ celebrity economist ’ the next cast as anybody ’ s assertion that “ reservoirs generate a lot of and.

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