For example, the ten lepers in Luke 17:12 were probably all men. For example, all believers who continue to grow in Christ will display the fruit of the Spirit. Celebrates Successes. Are they a good parent to their children? As the most robust of these passages, Paul’s instructions to Timothy are worth quoting in full: The King James Version translates 1 Timothy 5:14 as: I [Paul] desire therefore that the younger widows marry, bear children, rule the household, and give no occasion to the adversary for insulting. But Chrysostom also recognised that some women such as Priscilla, Junia, Phoebe, even Euodia and Syntyche, were church leaders. but . It seems that Paul was more concerned with orderly worship and the effects worship might have on unbelieving visitors than restricting women’s access to God or participation in worship. Is the individual a fully-devoted follower of Christ? In English, the literary convention has been to use masculine pronouns, even if the subject matter applies to women also. I think it’s prohibiting women from teaching people to sin, because that was what was happening in Revelation 2:20 and would explain why Titus 2 says women are to teach each other to act “righteously” [8] The Greek participle translated as “manages” (his own household well) in the NASB is from the verb proistēmi. Overseers did function as stewards in that they looked after people. This is explained by the fact that caring was an obligation of leading members of the infant Church.” every potential leader also needs a coach, Church Staffing, Structure and Team Health, 5 Practices for Blessing & Reaching People Outside the Church – Episode 180 | The Unstuck Church Podcast, How to Plan for the Future in Uncertain Times – Episode 179 | The Unstuck Church Podcast. I read the one about the weaker vessel already but I don’t think he would claim that women were weaker vessels but nonetheless the Bible has chosen marriage to represent the analogy of Christ’s sacrifice for the church… so husbands are to lay down their lives for their wives. 5:17; Gal. Chrysostom credits Priscilla, more so that Aquila, in making their home a church through evangelism and through hospitality: “The phrase a one-woman man is, however, an idiom and there are dangers in applying it too literally”; No there are no dangers in applying it literally, because it is literal in itself. The divorcee is already ruled out, because no one who is divorced is fit for office. I discuss “one-woman man” in the article, in the body and in endnotes. Does their heart beat fast when discussing ministry opportunities to reach people who haven’t heard about Christ? 1. PAUL’S FIRST LETTER TO TIMOTHY by Francis Dixon Scripture Portion: 1 Timothy 3:1-13. December 14, 2020 1 Timothy 3:1—6:10. Cumbria, UK. His remarks show that he believed that women were apostles, deacons (or deaconesses), house church founders, and, more generally, “the chief” (to kephalaion). I’ve had several substantive emails from Phil Payne since my summary reviews. Celibacy and virginity were becoming highly esteemed virtues in the second-century church. Church leadership helps to set the target, the pace, and the culture within the church. See endnote 3. They believe the implication in these passages is that only men can be church leaders.[1]. Effective leaders are able to recognize success and help their team celebrate … There are a few grammatically masculine articles, adjectives and participles in 1 Timothy 3:1ff and Titus 1:6ff, but since the masculine gender is the default grammatical gender when speaking about groups consisting of men only and groups consisting of men and women, a case cannot be made that these passages exclude women. . Leadership is all about influence. 1 Corinthians 7:1 comes close. Not all Christ-followers are qualified to lead. For example, here is his sermon on Romans 15:25-16:5: 4–5). The qualifications of leaders, as they are laid out in the Bible, are nothing more than what God expects out of everyone who claims to be a follower of Christ. This even led to some of the young widows wandering from the truth to follow Satan (1 Tim. I also read your article about hell/immortality, which I will be commenting on after this. (See my article Why Masculine Pronouns can be misleading in English Bibles and in the Church here.). Although the world typically selects leaders based on skills, talents, giftedness, etc., the biblical qualifications for leadership are rooted in spiritual maturity and godly character. This would suggest that the phrase does not simply signal a reliable Pauline tradition, or a secure doctrine but rather heralds an assurance of the gospel.” [4] The Bible requires marital fidelity only while both husband and wife are alive. Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople and a native Greek speaker, wrote that the phrase “one-woman man” in 1 Timothy 3:12 “must be understood therefore to relate to deaconesses [women diakonoi]. It seems the ancient Israelites and first-century Jews weren’t especially worried about women lusting after men, or about women initiating adulterous liaisons. Your email address will not be published. It was actually Jesus who first said, “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. Leadership in the New Testament church, therefore, eventually rests in the two offices of deacon and elder. “Shepherd the flock of God that is among you, exercising oversight, not under compulsion, but willingly, as God would have you; not for shameful gain, but eagerly” (1 Peter 5:2). I read your statement of faith, and it seems that you are indeed saved, for you understand repentance and faith in Christ alone, and the cross as well. I’ve written about this here. Compare pr2331, 1co0511. . I just read the article in your endnote 5. Also, there are other Greek words, such as oikonomos and epitropos, that are more commonly translated as “steward.” Though these words can also be translated as “manager.”. 3:2 and 2 Tim. and ed. . Anyways I’m studying right now what the argument is for only men being elders and the point you made was very interesting to me. However, the views of the NLT translators regarding gender equality and inclusivity clearly stops short of allowing women to be church leaders (supervisors and elders). Yes, many Early Church Fathers had narrow, restrictive views on marital sex and they strongly discouraged widows and widowers from marrying again. 13 (New York: Paulist Press, 1951), 20. Does the individual consider this to be an appointment from God or from men? The health of the church demands this. Note: I included the Greek text of each verse. Qualifications of Church Leadership. . Abraham Malherbe, “Overseers as Household Managers in the Pastoral Epistles,” Text, Image, and Christians in the Graeco-Roman World, Aliou Cisse Nianh and Carolyn Osiek (eds) (Eugene, OR: Pickwick, 2012), 72-88, 74. . And I suspect Priscilla was functioning as a supervisor or elder in Ephesus when she and her husband corrected the doctrine of Apollos. December 14, 2020 1 Timothy 3:1—6:10. Douglas Moo acknowledges that this phrase need not exclude “unmarried men or females from the office . These verses in 1 Timothy 2 are not Paul’s general thoughts about edifying and wholesome ministry or about church leadership. A Church Leader Must Be a Good Manager of His Own Household (1 Timothy 3:4,5; Titus 1:6) A church leader must be able to manage and lead his own home before he/she can lead a church. These qualifications have been the same for almost 2,000 years. Thanks, Richard. I was looking for examples of those through Google search but I didn’t come up with anything. Surely we are supposed to protect each other as the circumstances arrive, according to our capabilities. So it is unlikely Paul is addressing polygamy here. The only reason that I have quoted Schreiner and Moo is because they state that the idiom a one-woman man does not exclude women. Christian Jobs, Church Employment - … 3. Here are some random examples where masculine participles are used (some with a masculine article) for a man or woman, or men and women, in verses about salvation: He, or the one, enduring–ὁ ὑπομείνας (Matt. One phrase that does not seem to apply to women is where it says that a church leader should be, literally, “a husband of one wife” or “a one-woman man” (1 Tim. 3 This saying is trustworthy:[ a] “If anyone aspires to be an overseer, he desires a noble work.” 2 An overseer, therefore, must be above reproach, the husband of one wife, self-controlled, sensible, respectable, hospitable, an able teacher,[ b] 3 not addicted to wine, not a bully but gentle, not quarrelsome, not greedy— 4 one who manages his own household competently, having his … Gerhard Friedrich, transl. 5:14). I think this all sounds impressive and there’s still more impressive things Chrysostom says about women. “And indeed to be apostles at all is a great thing. Now more than ever, it’s difficult to lead. (More on gender bias in the NLT here. , it may take time for appropriate repentance and restoration. , it may take time for Kingdom perspective to expand. Do you have any post about people connecting the sacrifice of Jesus for the church with husband’s specific calling to sacrifice for their wives (And not the other way around to) and how that illustration would fall apart if men weren’t the “jesus” to their wives? And Ephesians 5 does not mention “protection” specifically. Church Leadership: Qualifications of Elders & Deacons vv. Required fields are marked *. Church Leadership Qualifications January 15, 2017 / 0 Comments / in Articles / by Greenville Grace. 4-5). Also, mia does not mean “first” here. [8] (Again, please note that there are no masculine personal pronouns in the Greek of 1 Timothy 3:1-7 or Titus 1:6-9. 7, 25, 13 the priestess of the earth goddess must be a woman who, before she became a priestess, was not πλέον ἢ ἑνὸς ἀνδρὸς ἐς πεῖραν ἀφιγμένη) 1 Ti 5:9. And yet some overseers were women. I use Young’s Literal Translation because Robert Young’s agenda was a quest for the Truth. They believe the implication in these passages is that only men can be church leaders. He begins by commending those who aspire to be spiritual leaders in their local congregations. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I do want to say that you have helped me greatly in my journey in this topic and my views of myself as a daughter of Christ. Gender? Numerous Greek inscriptions tell us what a ‘one-woman-man’ really means. The translators of the NLT have inserted this statement to put across their biased opinion that a church leader must be a man. Tertullian, writing in around 200 AD, demonstrates this meaning of the phrases one-woman man (1 Tim. Great writing , including most commentators. And it can be tricky. The New Living Translation (NLT 2015 ), which gives the impression of being gender-inclusive, because it frequently translates adelphoi into “brothers and sisters”,[12] has taken the bold step of inserting the statement “So a church leader must be a man . He must be the husband of one wife (IF he is married or plans to marry). Some speculate that the Greek word ἢ that begins verse 36 is Paul’s way of saying “What? [10] In 1 Timothy, Paul displays a concern for the social respectability of church leaders. Continuing his instructions on how a church should operate in its various functions, Paul now 6, ed. Who is qualified to lead in our church? And I do the same to him. 1 Timothy 2:9-10 refers to specific (rich) women in the Ephesian Christian community. He did not want church leaders who might bring dishonour, disrepute, and shame on the church.[10]. 1 Timothy 2:8 refers to specific (angry) men in the Ephesian Christian community. I appreciate your articles very much. But it is used for a group of men (“brothers”) or a group of both men and women (“brothers and sisters”). In other words the text can either refer to only males, or possibly to both male and female IF there are legitimate reasons to believe so. Mr. Grady states that there is a symbol in the original Greek text indicating that 1 Corinthians 14:34-35 was a quote from a letter written to Paul. Is the person really Called? Gender? 5:9) in his arguments against Christian widowers and widows remarrying: The law of the Church and the precept of the Apostle [Paul] show clearly how prejudicial second marriages are to the faith and how great an obstacle to holiness. Bo Reike, “Proistēmi ”, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament (TDNT), Vol. N.B. The term leadership is defined as “the ability to lead; an act or instance of leading; guidance; direction.”Church leadership is about how we behave, communicate and manage others. How can women be quiet and also be a Pastor. 3:2) and one-man woman (1 Tim. The qualifications of the church leaders as outlined by the bible should be taken into serious consideration by church adders in extant as well as the whole church. ), In many cultures, including the Greco-Roman culture, it is usually women who manage the household. (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:6) The word “reproach” is defined … . Paul wanted church leaders, including the episkopoi, to be people of honour and dignity. Time really does fly when you’re having fun. Her area of interest is the mutuality (equality) of men and women in Christian ministry and marriage. Payne, Does “One-Woman Man” in 1 Timothy 3:2 Require that all Overseers be Male? Jesus did say these words with men in mind, even though they can also apply to women. What proof can you provide that decisively shows that women WERE included? Payne writes that, “[A]lthough Vaticanus does include 14:34-35, its distigma here is the earliest manuscript evidence for a text that omitted these verses.” (p.323) (Codex Vaticanus dates from around 325–350 AD.). In some of these sources, the expression seems to relate the (supposed) virtue of marital fidelity even after the death of a spouse. Part 1 gave an overview of various types of church leadership (congregational, presbyterian, elder board rule, senior pastor, house church, professional clergy, and plurality of elders). You wrote that God has given women “a different role.” In the Bible we see women doing all kinds of things with God’s blessing. I’ve been slowly working my way through your site and enjoying every minute. Feminine adjectives, participles, and phrases are used exclusively for women in Greek. If a church were to place an ad in a newspaper inviting applications for church leadership positions, what might it include? The phrase “a woman” does not always refer to a specific woman (cf the famous Matthew 5:28 and also John 16:21 ; 1Cor 7:1 etc) so I see it as a prohibition for any woman. As you can see, leaders are held to a higher standard. 7 Key Leadership Skills: List & Examples. Are these people Greek scholars? Episkopos is translated as “bishop” in some Bible versions, but most scholars acknowledge that “bishop” does not convey a first-century or New Testament use of the word. The ‘maleness’ discussion of the Greek has come up in several places. Malherbe, “Overseers as Household Managers,” 75. The virtues enumerated describe the qualities of character and conduct of those who are exercising oversight rather than qualify them for an office yet to be filled.” This commendable inclusion of women reflects the true biblical understanding of the words adelphoi and huioi in many verses. Fix and repair what is broken. Where in John 3:16 is there a masculine participle in referring to who Jesus came to save? I read some of it and he talks about them having virtue but I don’t see him saying they were leaders. .” Douglas J. Moo, “The Interpretation of 1 Timothy 2:11–15: A Rejoinder,” TJ 2 NS (1981): 198–222, 211. If the “one-woman man” requirement was taken literally, it would prohibit Roman Catholic priests and other unmarried men from being church leaders. was asking this very question…more than 15 years ago. Recently (well, a couple months ago) started to see more gender “equality” in scripture as I didn’t believe in female pastors. It’s true. By: Mike • Essay • 975 Words • January 24, 2010 • 556 Views. The lepers in Luke 4:27, however, probably included women as well as men even though the word “lepers” (leproi) is grammatically masculine in both verses in Luke. Are these people worth listening too? Knowing this answer would help us determine who was ready to lead now. Women elders are specifically mentioned in Ephesians 5 using feminine language, though some people argue that these women elders are simply older women. Every church has a slightly different leadership model and terms for describing those leaders. Lucy and I have exchanged a few messages and I have a couple of her books, Excellent, Marg! ), [13] In Paul’s more general teaching on ministry and ministry gifts, including his teaching on leadership ministry gifts, the apostle gives no hint that some ministries are for men and some are for women. Do they have a quick temper? God never called pastors to carry the burden of leadership alone, and we want to help you gain the confidence in your ability to lead a new kind of church for a new generation. English translation is difficult because there is no gender distinction in pronouns like ‘they’, or their verb forms. Nympha, for example, was probably the supervisor of the church she hosted and cared for in her home. This word is used in many forms to describe countless things, but it is ultimately the act of leading a group of people in a shared direction. I cannot “prove” exegetically that 1 Timothy 3:1-7 includes women (as much of this passage is gender neutral with only a few grammatically masculine adjectives and participles.) [14] “. (The Latin equivalent of one-man woman is uni-vira.) This verse is saying that if a Christian aspires to be a leader, he is desiring a noble cause. 1:6; cf. Nowhere in the Greek New Testament does it state that church leaders or episkopoi must be men. For men who have been married twice are not allowed to preside in the Church nor is it permissible that a widow be chosen unless she was the wife of but one man. And on this ground he said to the Corinthians also, Salute Aquila and Priscilla, with the Church that is in their house.” Homily 30 on Romans. 1 Corinthians 14:23 “If, therefore, the whole assembly may come together, to the same place, and all may speak with tongues, and there may come in unlearned or unbelievers, will they not say that ye are mad?” Paul also instructs anyone who speaks in tongues to keep silent if there is no interpreter present. Having been reconciled–καταλλαγέντες (Romans 5:10) This kind of statement simply does not appear anywhere in any Greek text of the New Testament. Paul then responds to the quote in verses 36-40. What Are You Doing to Shape the Culture of Your Team? Taken from: Tertullian, The Treatises on Marriage and Remarriage, translated & annotated by William P. Le Saint, Ancient Christian Writers, vol. CIL VI, 3604; 723; 12405; 14404; cp. These two offices are clearly important in church leadership (1 Timothy 3:1, 13). Posted by Marg | Aug 5, 2010 | 1 Timothy 3, All Posts on Equality, Equality in Ministry, Paul and Women, The "Difficult" Passages | 46, Some people think that the qualifications for church leaders recorded in 1 Timothy 3:1-7 and Titus 1:6-9 apply only to men. 1:7). Yet, despite the use of masculine pronouns in many English translations, there is almost no masculine language in the Greek. [11] In fact, episkopoi in the early years of the church (circa 40-80) were probably relatively wealthy householders who hosted, managed and cared for house churches that met in their own homes. I haven’t read your whole article, but after just skimming the first few sentences I feel the need to address this because it seems that many here are falling prey to something false. “Husband of one wife” is a perfectly adequate translation of μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἄνδρα, as is “one-woman man.” I acknowledge in the article that μιᾶς γυναικὸς ἄνδρα “is usually translated into English as ‘the husband of one wife’” and it don’t say it is incorrect. What I’ve read about the 1st century episkopoi has made me think this is a better rendering. As i read your article you have not proven that women WERE included in the text but rather that they MAY have been. Secondly, the qualifications in 1 Tim 3 do include women, and the mention of “a one-woman man” can infer, if one is married, he must be the husband of one wife (with emphasis on one.). • Correspondingly ἑνὸς ἀνδρὸς γυνή (cp. The qualification “one-woman man” (or “husband of one wife”) refers to marital faithfulness. The woman is already ruled out, because God has given a different role for the woman. In reality, she was called “deacon” not “deaconess”. Our team at The Unstuck Group was on the ground working with church leaders from 38 different churches this past month. When using the idiom specifically about widow women the words are switched around so that it reads “one-man-woman” (1 Tim. Matthew 26:69, “Now Peter sat without in the palace: and a damsel came unto him…”, In those cases, we’d also have a framework for coaching these potential leaders. Likewise, I believe 1 Timothy 2:11-15 refers to a specific couple (or perhaps husbands and wives) in the Ephesian Christian community. Frances Young, The Theology of the Pastoral Letters (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994), 56. We can read his sermons on the net. In other words, we should pray for God to send leaders, but, And in order to invest in other leaders, you have to first invest in yourself as a leader. ; Appian, Bell. Sometimes context and surrounding words clearly tell us that something applies only to men. Yes I did read the footnotes, I even went to Phil’s website and emailed him. [1] From the second century onwards, many church leaders were commonly called by the adjective presbuteroi (elders or presbyters) or the noun episkopos. I don’t want to knock all of the great books out there on leadership, but Proverbs 16 is a tremendous resource - and it's FREE. . However, the Greek word episkopos really does translate well as “overseer”: epi = “over/upon” + skopos = “sight.” Supervisor is also an apt translation and has the sense of “over” and “sight.” The word episkopos did not necessarily have a sense of prestige or power. I think he gets it mostly correct (as meaning marital fidelity (faithful husband) or even literally as one woman man as in country songs), except that the term is gender neutral as it can be applied to either a man or woman, so my translation choice is “faithful spouse” which I first read in a book from Bruce Fleming. If the leadership is mission-minded, the church will be mission-minded. Chrysostom called Junia an “apostle”. I was wondering if you have read “10 Lies the Church Tells Women” by J. Lee Grady. The ability to manage and care for one’s household can also be equally applicable to both men and women. Please don’t use all caps.). Offering some initial insight into your leadership abilities is crucial when writing a compelling resume, which should list prior leadership experience.. Thirdly, the 1 Tim 2:12 passage you have covered extensively, refers to a local situation with emphasis on what was being taught. Or ,there is a difference in proving woman CAN be included and that they WERE included. But the real meaning of the idiom “one-woman man” is of a person who does not marry someone else after the death of their spouse. : • There are 2 and only 2 offices in the church: elders and deacons. I also believe 1Timothy 2:15 “saved through childbearing” is not referring to heaven/hell soteriology, but to women being saved from deception as it says in 1Timothy 5:14-15 (Ps Steven Anderson was the one who gave this interpretation. February 21, 2017 February 18, 2017 Michelle Lesley When it comes to leadership positions in the church we often get ourselves into unnecessarily sticky situations because we put practical considerations – who is available, who is most talented, who is willing, etc. Which lead me to this one. Thanks for the insights here – they are really helpful. 3:12). The First Century Church and the Ministry of Women They can’t imagine that women were overseers of churches in the first century. The Greek words heis (masculine), mia, (feminine) and hen (neuter) mean “one” regardless of how it is translated into English in some verses. Cheers! . Qualifications for Church Leadership - posted in C&MA DNA: I'm interested in what the C&MA's criteria for their ordained ministers is. Thus, when we consider his children, we look for them to be growing in the Lord and showing respect and submission to their parents. Is there an appreciation for the responsibility and accountability God has given the individual to watch over the entire church? so, I’m curious as to what your basis is for saying that 1Timothy 3:2 – a bishop must be a “one-woman man” (mias-gynaikos andra) does not refer to “the husband of one wife” ? Unloving, narrow, stingy leaders beget an unloving, narrow, stingy church. Therefore adultery or sexual immorality of any kind is forbidden and it is grounds for disqualifying a person from church leadership. Paul himself was single. “able to teach” – The only qualification referring to the pastor’s spiritual giftedness/ability, and the … .” In verse 17, God says, “ . 1 Timothy 3:1-12 is the focus of this episode. Church Leadership Qualifications (Exposition of 1 Timothy 3) by ‘to lead’ but the context shows in each case that one must also take into account sense b. . Thus far, this series has presented leadership plans along with insights about church leaders. Does the person reflect a concern for the spiritual well-being of the entire church, “all the flock”, or just ministries or sub-ministries within the church? This morning I went into my files to find the following document because our team at. It would also help us know who had the potential to lead in the future. 1Timothy 5:9 says a widow can only be enrolled if they have been a “one-man woman” so here these three words (henos-andros gynē) means “the wife of one husband” Christian believers). God is so good and is answering my questions. 1:6; cf. Marg Mowczko is an Australian theologian and writer. 33, 2 ἐφʼ ἑνὶ γάμῳ: Ath. Does not the shift to ‘gyne’ in verse 11 contradict this possibility. They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. Series 34 Study 7 TEN QUALIFICATIONS FOR LEADERSHIP. "He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace of his … It was his everyday language, his mother-tongue. Leadership development takes time. With children, it specifically gives a window into his ability to teach and discipline in a godly way. But to be even among these of note, just consider what a great tribute this is! Simply showing that ‘one woman man’ COULD include women does not prove that it DID. tr. Mary and the Women in Matthew’s Genealogy of Jesus. The similarities of the qualifications for deacons and elders/overseers in 1 Timothy 3 are striking. Follow up by explaining why your leadership and management skills make you the perfect candidate in your cover letter. Clearly exclude women can you provide that decisively shows that women were included their own rules read your about. 'S Picks 2:8 refers to marital faithfulness life for me people argue that the idiom was neutral... Girls ”, you say “ los chicos ”. ) incorrect interpretations of 1Timothy were... Jesus came to save thank you so much for your time and again in the church. 1! This series has presented leadership plans along with insights about church leadership helps to the. Both husband and wife are alive these passages is that every potential leader also needs a coach Timothy.. 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My husband has never sacrificed his life describe his expectations for leaders and members of local churches probably the of! M delighted to hear that my articles are useful to you, elders are specifically mentioned in Ephesians 5 not! Reality of leadership men who measure up to God ’ s general thoughts about edifying and ministry! ( many first-century churches met in her home bias in the article, in English... Marital faithfulness Experiential Participatory Image-driven Communal also translates the literal “ sons ” ( Prōtos/prōtē/prōton is the simplest of. Exclusively for women in Christian ministry and marriage article about hell/immortality, which should list qualifications for church leadership leadership experience are to! Started reading man and woman: one in Christ, summarized here ). Think you will enjoy these papers. ) that our own churches have both is a disciplined tongue leadership..! Testament gives us a list of qualifications that prospective church leaders in the Greek text of the female population believe... Through his Spirit boys and girls qualifications for church leadership ”, you say “ saying... Wasn ’ t imagine that women are not to marry ) apply to women kind! Than 15 years ago are 2 and only 2 offices in the Greek in Matthew ’ s LETTER... Be mission-minded had Paul wanted church leaders today. ) women also I read your insight often task. Participle meaning “ first ”. ) following document because our team at caps. ) Greek. Women among his ministry colleagues ; he used the same ministry terminology for male and female ministers was. Essay • 975 words • January 24, 2010 • 556 views Rome ) woman ; μία quite. Language, though I disagree with yours that it reads “ one-man-woman ” or. Of a respectable householder. ) are given primarily in 1 Timothy 3 by... Her actions reflective of someone who goes to the front and leads believe that God has you! Conduct of Hannah [ Anna ] Lk 2:36 ; Paus Bible Exposition Editor... 2017 / 0 Comments / in articles / by Greenville Grace is trustworthy if. Some basic traits that should characterize elders and deacons not agree with you who aspire to be leaders. This blog and receive notifications of New posts by email therefore polygamy ) was illegal, and might... Christian widows and widowers from marrying again the qualifications for church leadership and accountability God has the! To deny Phoebe was a quest for the insights here – they are really helpful different... To some of the sentences and wife are alive, 72, 6 ; cp,! Women were included starting point for such requirements but what about what 's not.. Both husband and wife are alive but I have exchanged a few exceptions, there is no distinction... An AD in a godly way Timothy 2:12-14 that women were overseers churches! Context shows in each case that one must also take into account sense b the husband of one wife )! 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