While all this might be considered common knowledge, the winding waters of the famous river have many intriguing facts that you might not know. Here are ten of the most fascinating ones. Omo Kibish - site of 195,000-year-old remains of homo sapiens 2. E-Mail: weyouface@gmail.com, SEO & design مسوق الكتروني  خبير سيو © Copyright 2020, All Rights Reserved, cheek our tripadvisor profile @ Hurghada lovers Tours, hurghada lover | Come & Enjoy weather in hurghada egypt, Hurghada Excursions | Hurghada Tours online. While the Nile River is often associated with Egypt, it actually touches Ethiopia, Zaire, Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Sudan, as well as Egypt. The First Cataract: Aswan Waterfall, Aswan Dam, and The High Dam. Streams and taps: which were common methods of ancient irrigation. In the Nile River Valley government, the all around ruler of the people was the Pharaoh. The Nile River flows over 6,600 kilometers (4,100 miles) until emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. 3. 1. Among these are: The construction of early settlements that led to city-building Agriculture ruled their economy. The Valley of the Kings: Located on the west bank of the Nile River near Luxor, is the Valley of the Kings. What civilization was located on the Nile River Valley? Web. The third cataract: It was called “Tombos” in the past. Here we notice that mid or late autumn is the appropriate time for planting winter grain plants, the most important of which are barley and wheat. How long is the Nile River? On the religious and mythological side, the Egyptians considered that the waters of the Nile were the tears of Isis, who was crying for her husband, Osiris, and we find this echo in the naming of Isis and her sister Nephthys as the two (two). Canopy: The West River, which is now the Rosetta branch. The Pharaoh was believed to be a god, which gave him complete control over everything in his empire. Jan 9, 2019 - See the Glog! Since the time human civilization and habitation evolved, the mention of this river can be found. Awash Valley - site of 160,000-year-old remains of homo sapiens 3. The Nile River Valley Civilization is surrounded by the Red Sea to the East, a desert to the west, the Mediterranean Sea to the North and mountains to the south. So grab your passport, suncream and shades, and check out our fascinating Nile river facts…. Today, the river continues to serve as a source of irrigation, as well as an important transportation and trade route. The Nile Valley. Ancient Egypt. Like all of the major sights in Egypt, especially the Giza pyramids, Karnak has a sound and light show that is offered in several different languages. Q-What are 3 facts about the Nile River?A-Interesting Facts about the Nile river: The Nile River is the longest river in the world, The Nile flows into the Mediterranean Sea., The Nile has a length of about 6,695 kilometers (4,160 miles), Its average discharge is 3.1 million litres (680,000 gallons) per second. It creates an interesting mix of old and new that can only be found in Luxor. View Trip, Safaga Shore Excursions: Overnight trip to Luxor from Safaga port visiting Luxor Temple, Karnak temples and Valley of the Kings and more. The Nile River provided sustenance to Egypt for around 3000 years. These most famous ancient sites were the grand burial sites of the pharaohs that built and rebuilt Visit the old Bibleotheca Alexandrina and e, Waft along the fabled River Nile in time-honored Egyptian style on a private 60-minute 'felucca' boat ride in Cairo. Ancient Egyptian civilization. It flows northward more than 4,000 miles (6,437 km) from its main source at Lake Victoria in central Africa, to the Mediterranean Sea. Ancient Egyptian civilization. What are the 4 ancient river valley civilizations? Semliki Harpoon (90,000 BC) - oldest harpoon 4. Gondolas, Nile waterfalls, or the six waterfalls, are the waterfalls that formed the Nile, and there are five of them in Sudan and one in Egypt, which are: Irrigation engineering in ancient Egypt developed markedly with the expansion of the cultivation process and the ability to control the flood of the Nile through the constant flood time at the beginning of the year. Nile River Valley Civilization. Know, Know more about Alexandria Attractions and the most significant sites around the city, and top Alexandria Places to V, Egypt Pyramids Facts: Egypt has more than 100 pyramids, each one has a unique different story. The third period of strong central control, known as the New Kingdom (1549—1069 BC), was center on the southern capital of Thebes. It is the stem, the delta is its flower, and the Fayoum Oasis has a small bud attached to it … It was also said that it resembles a palm with its fronds spread in the shape of a delta. The divided the heavens into 12 divisions in the south sky.12 divisions in the north sky and 12 divisions in the center . How long is the Nile River in ancient Egypt? The Nile River spans almost 4,175 miles (6,719 km), crosses nine countries throughout Africa, and is widely regarded as the longest river in the world. The Nile is one of the most famous rivers in the world. There were other important cities and religious sites scattered up and down the Nile Valley where the monuments of the pharaohs and great temples of the ancient religion were built and where impressive ruins can still be viewed today. Practice: Egypt. Related posts: The Facts about the Nile River The Facts about the Nile River Visiting the Blue Nile River Blue Nile River Guide The Blue Nile. Read to know Information about Luxor Attractions and all of the most sig, Cairo is the capital of Egypt and the largest city in the Arab world. The river was used greatly for trade and travel, and was also used as protection. The importance of the Nile River in the ancient Egyptian civilization cannot be overstated. The fourth cataract: the waterfall of the Meroe reservoir between Meroe and the Manasir desert. Ancient Egypt. The flood comes as it extends the land of Egypt with silt and water, then recedes from it in the most suitable time for planting these plants, even if they were planted and germinated, the winter rainy season in Egypt had begun. The Nile River Valley: nile river, The Nile River Valle | Glogster EDU - Interactive multimedia posters Located on the west bank of the Nile River near Luxor, is the Valley of the Kings. Earliest Civilizations of the World: Around 3500 B.C., the first cities developed in Mesopotamia– located in the river valley of the Tigris and the Euphrates. Discover History Irrigation Engineering & Irrigation Methods That Were Used by The Ancient Egyptians As Pharaohs and More. I hope the article Nile River Valley Civilization will be liked and learn more about the secrets of ancient Egypt from the site. Nile River Watershed, base image courtesy of Imagico 1. They mark the sites of other ancient capitals from which pharaohs once ruled the entire region and the sites of religious cults, where the gods of Ancient Egypt were worshipped from the Early Dynastic Period into the first centuries AD when Christianity gradually replaced the ancient religion as the popular faith of Egypt. Ancient Egyptian civilization. “The flood of the Nile used to come in late summer and early autumn, even if this last season of the year progressed, the flood waters began to recede from the sides of the valley and its deltas. Read to know where is, Several civilizations that had lived and practiced agriculture along the river since the 6th millennia BC were united, © 2020 Copyright to Luxor and Aswan Travel. Egypt Nile River Facts. The Nile valley is in truth a gift to civilization by the people of Egypt themselves. My love or my love), and the Book of the Dead states that the Nile was born from (Ra) that is, from the sun, and by that it is the light. For thousands of years, the river has provided a source of irrigation to transform the dry area around it into lush agricultural land. Going through this list of top 10 disturbing Nile River facts, it is evident that the Nile River is a weighty issue. The civilizations of the Huang River valley and the Nile River valley were similar as both were ruled by dynasties. Weapons, Tools, and Technology. The precinct of Amun contains all of the most famous sections of the Karnak complex, including the dizzying Great Hypostyle Hall. Archaeologists have been sweeping the area of the Valley of the Kings for centuries, and till now it continues to surprise them. How do Sea Levels Rise; T he shape of the Nile River Valley resembles a lotus flower, the ancient Egyptian symbol for the regeneration of life. Booking us - Mobile WhatsApp: +201112596434 Recent Articles. The Nile River Valley Civilization was a specialized bureaucracy which means that their government was ruled by many men and organizations. The flooding of the Nile was sustainable but not perfectly reliable, creating the belief in gods and social stratification. Google Classroom Facebook Twitter. with its peak period ranging between 2250-1750 B.C. Small dams (weirs): which were built in the width of the river water in order to reduce the velocity of water flow and increase its absorption. Al-Tanousheh: It is called the tomb, and it consists of a hollow wheel divided into rooms that perform the function of pots in the waterwheel, and it is closer to what is known as (the waterwheel). For thousands of years, the river has provided a source of irrigation to transform the dry area around it into lush agricultural land. were discovered at the site, supporting claims that ancient Nubia was known for its fabulous gold deposits. This hall that consists of 134 massive columns is one of the most impressive places in all of Egypt. The Nile Valley and the Delta, the largest oasis on the face of the earth, were created by the world’s second longest river and seemingly inexhaustible resources.. Weapons factory (70,000 BC) - early commerce and industry 5. The Second Cataract; Wadi Halfa waterfall. The reliability of this version of history is questionable, but it is generally accepted that several civilizations that had lived and practiced agriculture along the river since the 6th millennia BC were united at this time under the influence of the capital at Memphis. They had marketplaces which had pigs, cattle, other livestock and fish from the Nile. https://www.historymuseum.ca/cmc/exhibitions/civil/egypt/egcgeo3e.html One of the fruits of that integration was that the Nile land became fully fit to be a cradle of the old winter crops. Beliefs. On the Nile River in the northern state of Sudan, there is the Tharath area near the city of Delpho (Delco), and in front of it a branch of the El Nile River branches out at the third cataract, and in front of it a branch laden with the bounties of the river. The Nile River Valley . That location makes it one of the hottest spots for exploring ancient Egyptian history. Nile River, the longest river in the world, called the father of African rivers. There were seven branches of the Nile in the Delta that mentioned the classic writers, of which only two remain. Long canals: which were dug to bring the waters of the Nile to depressions close to it, such as the Faiyum Depression and the Bahr Youssef Canal. The sacred name of the Nile was (Jaabi) and the general name was called (Abur), which is derived from the word (Ur) (Yor), meaning river, and the name of the Nile was mentioned in Lower Egypt with the word (bumpy). Karnak temple is divided into three compounds: the precinct of Amun, the precinct of Mut, and the precinct of Montu; however, for most visitors, the precinct of Amun is enough, as it is the largest of these three compounds. When did the Nile River Valley Civilization begin and end? A dynasty is understood as a sequence of rulers from the same family, usually in the context of a feudal or monarchical system, but sometimes also appearing in elective republics. Read this Aswan Travel Guide to know Information about Aswan attractions and all of the most si, Asking about Luxor Egypt Points of Interest? It is the most famous site for the unique collections of tombs and breathtaking ancient ruins. The Nile River spans almost 4,175 miles (6719 km), crosses nine countries throughout Africa, and is widely regarded as the longest river in the world. The show takes place 3 times a night, but you should consult your tour guide or your hotel about the languages of the various showings. This is most evident in the areas of Luxor Temple and Karnak Temple Complexes. Several centuries later, the strength of this central control and the influence that Memphis held over trade route to the south and northeast to the Levant led to the beginning of the Old Kingdom (2686—2181 BC). The length of the Nile River equals one-tenth of the length of the circumference of the Earth; however it takes the simplest and most beautiful forms, it is almost straight. Ancient Egypt under their control over the centuries, but the architectural legacy of this powerful ancient civilization was not limited to these sites alone. A horde of gold grinding stones dating between 2,000 and 1,500 B.C. With such a long length, the Nile River is speculated to be the longest river in the world. Ishango Bone (20,000 BC) - oldest mathematics 6. 1) Found in northeast Africa, the Nile has long been recognised as the longest river in the world – stretching a massive 6,695km! This is thanks to the ancient pharaohs’ efforts to immortalize themselves. The pyramids near Cairo and many monuments in and around modern Luxor (ancient Thebes) stand out as wonders of the ancient world. The modern city was built up right along with these ruins. The Nile River Valley Civilization was split into three main eras that were: The Old Kingdom, the … This makes it the longest river in the world! Google Classroom Facebook Twitter. You are going to have a private to, Safaga Shore Excursions: Private tours from Safaga Port Visiting Cairo and luxor for 2 Days 1 night visiting Giza Pyramids in cairo ,Luxor Temple,Valley of Kings and Coloss, Enjoy Cairo To Alexandria Day Trip, Visiting rock-cut Roman catacombs, the ruins of a Roman temple complex, and Qaitbey Citadel. The Eltel River is the longest river in the world, with a length of between 6825-6738 km, followed by the Amazon River in Latin America. 30 Enchanting Facts About the River Nile That Will Stir Your Curiosity The river Nile is one of the ancient rivers of the world. Ancient Egypt and the Nile River Valley. The temple’s complicated layout alone dwarfs every other site that you will visit in Egypt. It would take several days to explore all of the archeological sites in the area. Civilizations emerging along the Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Indus, and Yellow Rivers transformed nomadic societies into permanent dwellers through processes that included common elements. 29 If all of the tombs here where open to visitors it would be nearly impossible to actually make it to all of them, but thankfully the possibility of such a huge task is eliminated for you. Safaga Shore Excursions Tours: One day tour to luxor from Safaga Port Visiting the Highlights of luxor West and East Bank that includes a visit to The power centered on Memphis eventually waned, fractured, and then was reestablished again to begin the Middle Kingdom (2134—1690 BC) when power was based at a capital near modern-day Fayoum. Located in North Africa, it flows through 11 countries, including Kenya, Congo, Sudan, Uganda, and Egypt, before it eventually drains into the Mediterranean Sea. Although these civilizations’ development cannot be attributed to geography alone, it is exceptionally significant for three primary reasons: food, transportation or navigation, and defense. Email. The Nile River Valley Civilization were Polytheistic people. Nile River Map - Nile River History. 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It winds from Uganda to Ethiopia, flowing through a total of nine countries. This system also gave the Egyptian people the opportunity to transform their agriculture from rain-fed agriculture that depends on rain to one that depends on irrigation. Irrigation engineering in ancient Egypt and the Nile River irrigation methods that were used by the ancient Egyptians as pharaohs. They built those enormous buildings to show off their power and authority. The Greek historian Herodotus is often credited with stating that Egypt was “the gift of the Nile.” Flowing into Egypt from an elevation of 6,000 feet above sea level, Nile waters deposited silt, natural fertilizer, along its banks in Lower Egypt, turning the land green and agriculturally prosperous. We’re off on an exciting adventure to northeast Africa to learn about one of the world’s most famous rivers – and you’re coming with us! The Nile River has played an extremely important role in the civilization, life and history of the Egyptian nation. Hence the Nile valley civilizations. Nile River Valley Civilization: On the religious and mythological side, the Egyptians considered that the waters of the Nile were the tears of Isis, who was crying for her husband, Osiris, and we find this echo in the naming of Isis and her sister Nephthys as the two (two). Hurghada Lovers website help you to find Best time for rest and relaxation in Hurghada ELGouna Red_Sea Tours Trips & Hotels Beach real estate investment and more, Nile River Valley Civilization | Facts Nile River Ancient Egypt. Learn more about the Nile River, including its hydrology and its plant and animal life, in this article. In the Nile River Valley government, the all around ruler of the people was the Pharaoh. Amazing pictures from the period. N.p., 12 Sept. 2011. This is the currently selected item. Tweet. They are: We must be careful not to confuse a ridge (waterfall) with a gondola (boat); The gondola is an Italian wooden boat, which was famous in Venice. While all this might be considered common knowledge, the winding waters of the famous river have many intriguing facts … It's famous for its ancient monuments. It is a long column that is based on a high axis and is used to lower and raise a bucket filled with water from the river or canal. 12 Interesting Facts About Life in The Nile River Valley Posted by By Megan Reed | August 5, 2014 Comments Comments (0) Almost no other ancient culture, aside … Dams: such as the Lahoun Dam in Fayoum, which was famous for its roaring waterways. It is the most famous site for the unique collections of tombs and breathtaking ancient ruins. We can divide the lower Nile Valley into a group of regions (from the south): Nile River Valley Civilization – The seven branches of the Nile: Nile River Valley Civilization – Six waterfalls (gondolas): Egyptian Art History & Industry in ancient Egypt civilization. The Nile was also a theocracy, controlled by the clergy. The Hittites and Ancient Anatolia. The Nile river used to provide the ancient Egyptians with fertile land. The soil along the Nile was rich with different growing crops, which are wheat “the main Egyptians staple food”, papyrus “that were used in paper, baskets, and sandals”, and flax “that was used in manufacturing linen clothes for clothing”. The majestic Nile River flows north from the headwaters in Burundi to the Mediterranean Sea, a distance of 6,650 kilometres. Today, the river continues to serve as a source of irrigation, as well as an important transportation and trade route. It's only recent that the first known navigation team successfully followed the river from beginning to i… And unless the facts are addressed sooner rather than later, then future conflicts will arise. The Nuba Region (Southern: Northern Sudan, Northern: Wadi Halfa and Aswan). The facts and history of the Nile River, what are the seven branches of the Nile, the six waterfalls, the six gondolas, and more secrets of the Pharaonic civilization. It rises south of the Equator and flows northward through northeastern Africa to drain into the Mediterranean Sea. This is the currently selected item. Ancient Egypt and the Nile River Valley. The Nile River is actually 6695 kilometers(4184 miles) long. Additionally, the area around Luxor and the opposite bank of the river are dotted with a wealth of other temples and tombs. This amazing city has been given the nickname, “the world’s greatest open-air museum”. Nile river facts. Practice: Egypt. The Nile Valley is made up of fertile land along both sides of the Nile River. 2. One of the most well known river Nile facts is the river's ability to produce extremely fertile soil, which made it easy for cities and civilizations to spring up alongside the banks of the Nile. In the Nile Valley River Civilization the geography was extremely convenient to its people. The Pharaoh was believed to be a god, which gave him complete control over everything in his empire. The Nile River Valley used the Nile for food and water, it was also the source of irrigation for the farmers. In relative isolation from possible attacks from the sea and from the invaders of the sparsely populated desert, the ancient civilization of the Nile River Valley was formed on the banks of the upper Nile River in Africa. Although every river is relevant for … With the exception of some turns – over a span of 2750 miles and barely diverging throughout its run by more than 250 miles, even to see the estuary located in the same line as the source’s meridian, it was said to resemble a lily of a twisted leg. At each site sits a wealth of knowledge about the ancient Egyptian world and heritage. A "civilization" means a society with large permanent settlements featuring urban development, social stratification, specialization of labor, centralized organization, and written or other formal means of communication. Almost always the priests were the Pharaoh's advisers. That location makes it one of the hottest spots for exploring ancient Egyptian history. Though the ancient Nubians possessed no formal writing system or even urban centers to support their trade, the Nile River provided a wealth of resources and trade options. Their beliefs evolved slowly over the centuries and gradually developed into a complete world that was shared between them. ; The Indus Valley Civilization(flourished between 2500-1500 B.C. By: Victoria Deskins & Colton Horn. The Nile River imposed its order on Egyptian life, so agriculture and life in Egypt were organized according to its rhythm, and one of the most important characteristics of this system was the stability of tidal times in its waters, as the date of the flood required people to join hands and team up in order to counter the danger of flooding by opening channels and canals and strengthening bridges. The Nile River flows over 6,600 kilometers (4,100 miles) until emptying into the Mediterranean Sea. Although they are further from the population centers of Cairo and Luxor, these sites are no less impressive or important to the history of Ancient Egypt than the more famous sites at Giza, Karnak, and Luxor and the Valley of the Kings. Ancient Egyptian civilization. Thus, two elements were integrated in Egypt, namely the flood element and the winter rain component. The winding Nile is the world's longest river. Common Developmental Trends in Ancient River Valley Civilizations. The Hittite Empire and the Battle of Kadesh. The Nile was also a theocracy, controlled by the clergy. Irrigation engineering was represented by the following aspects: Written by: Tamer Ahmed Abdel Fattah, Egypt, Researcher in the history of Egyptian civilization – SEO online tourist e-marketer. Central Egypt (or Northern Upper Egypt and Middle Egypt), The desert regions on both sides of the Nile, The Pelosi: River of God Ra (Eastern Branch), Al-Fatniti: The river of the god Amun, which is now a branch of Damietta. Settle aboard a comfortable, white-sailed ', The Red Sea coastline has grown into a popular beach destination for tourists passing up the wonders of the Nile Vall, Lake Nasser Travel Guide provides information and facts about where is lake nasser, the monuments along its banks, an, Cruise ships arrive year-round in Egypt at several ports of call both along the northern Mediterranean Coast and in t, Where to Go in Aswan? The hot desert surrounding the Nile was hot, and it protected Egypt from various trespassers. Essentially is was protected on all sides from enemies which made it a great spot for a civilization. The Nile river is the longest river in the world. The Nile floods once a year, leaving behind black sediment. Usual farming tool of the Nile, called the Shaduf. Herodotus said about him over the centuries that he was the grantor of life to Egypt and that it was becoming a barren desert from other than him. In Mesopotamia, civilizations formed around the Tigris and Euphrates River valleys, in China, the Yellow River valleys, in India, the Indus River valley, and in Egypt, the Nile River valley. The Hittite Empire and the Battle of Kadesh. Shadouf: which was used to raise the water of the river to the fields higher than it. Both sides of the Nile are covered in the remains of temples and funerary complexes of the ancient civilization of Egypt. Making river bridges, which tried to control irrigation operations. ). Ancient Egyptian civilization was created and greatly influenced by the Nile River. Today we still admire the monuments that these great kingdoms constructed. Email. The Nile Valley and the Delta. Going into a detailed description of the different elements that make up the complex is a near endless. It is surely an enormous ancient temple. The word (Nile) is of Greek origin and means river. Facts Sources: "The River Nile Facts" "NILE RIVER VALLEY CIVILIZATION." Comments. This development was the beginning of nearly three thousand years of history during which thirty successive dynasties would control the Nile Valley, but not always from Memphis. Basin irrigation: which used to be by setting up basins to absorb the flood water and then use it to irrigate farms. The richness of the finds here in the Valley of the Kings has kept archeologists busy for nearly two centuries. Nile River Facts “Egypt is the Gift of the Nile” is an old saying passed spontaneously through the minds of most people all over the world without paying attention or realizing its real meaning.To achieve the meaning of this saying, you have to recognize what is the Nile River? The Fifth Cataract: the waterfall north of Marwah, “Bajrawiya”, along the Atbara River. The Sixth Cataract: Al-Sabalqa waterfall. These unusual people, thanks to the uniquely protective Nile River Valley, had the opportunity to develop differently from Europe and the East. A river valley civilization is an agricultural nation or civilization situated beside and drawing sustenance from a river. ; Followed by Egyptian Civilizations in the Nile River Valley beginning around 3400 B.C. According to the official history of a 3rd century BC priest, a king named Menes united the various kingdom of the Nile Valley for the first time under one government around 3100BC, beginning what archaeologists refer to as the Early Dynastic Period (3050—2686 BC). When Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, wrote these words, Egyptian civilization had been going successfully for thousands of years without foreign interference. It seemed that those rains in the Neolithic period and beyond were more abundant than now, so they nourished the winter plants until they had completed their growth, then the rain stopped and the harvest season arrived. When was the Nile River valley civilization? There is an ancient Egyptian name for it, which means “yama’a”, meaning “pain.”. 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