They can run twice the speed of an average human. Also, the person who created this lion thread is the biggest troll. Dr. Earl Patterson, the physician who treated Seaborne throughout his life-or-death battle, initially gave Seaborne just six months to live. It wouldn't be able to fling you off. You wouldn't use the same argument against a bear would you? Why haven't you guys responded yet? The most you could realistically do from that is blind it, and at that point it already has its arms around you. I used to think a Silverback Gorilla was capable of killing a lion, but breaking the fight down and weighing both animals advantages, clearly shows that the lion should be heavily favoured in this match-up and would kill the ape. A silverback gorilla weights around 200 kg of solid muscle and pound for pound they are 3-4 times stronger than humans. Lol nothing to be proud of, I've debunked him, you, and two other people on this thread so far LOL. GORILLAS>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>CHIMPS. Lol was reading that Lion thread, had me dying. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. And a gorilla represents one of those times. “I tried to make David as comfortable as possible, and even gave him a helmet, but at that point the most we could do was pray,” Patterson added. For example, a gorilla can easily snap a thick bamboo cane , exhibiting a strength about 20 times greater than the average human. The fact of the matter is, as soon as it lays a hand on you, you're being rag dolled, as soon as it hits you, you're on the floor, as soon as it gets its arms around you, you're dead, and as soon as it bites you, you've lost half of your face. You have yet to prove that a human can't go blow for blow with a gorilla. Throw OP into a cage with a bloodlusted silverback and I will take bets on how long he lasts. The headlock wouldn't hold down the gorilla but it would choke the gorilla while it was running around. If you do that, you'd likely just piss it off. Usain Bolt averages a speed of 23 MPH over 100 meters, on a track. my grandad told my father the story , he heard it while in the army abroad , i know you wont listen of even care but thats true and is what would happen to any guy. I bet 99.9% of earth's population can't beat this guy: and this is not even a silverback gorilla. And a person isn't knocking out a gorilla with an elbow. If you dig your thump into its eye with all your might you would blind one of its eyes. Sorry, but professional martial artist beats gorilla 6/10 times. Oh no skill is not greater than strength every time, but gorillas aren't strong to the point in which human skill doesn't matter. 2. I would use the same argument with a bear. This topic is locked from further discussion. Good luck try chocking this one out: Gorilla has MUCH thicker bones. not a battle....even if it were, it would be spiteful. in. Gorillas neck aren't that thick, you can choke them out. Do you honestly think a normal bloke can hold down a gorilla? The boxing legend became the youngest heavyweight champion aged 20 back in 1986. Also, unlike humans, gorillas have small brain cavity / small skull, mostly filled with bones, so they can't be KO'd like humans easily. Here is the overview of silverback gorilla’s weight, strength, fight, size, and behaviors. 2 Thor's would have to weigh over 2000 pounds each to stop 1 arm from pushing them back. Gorilla fur won't prevent human bite from going through. In 1924 "Boma" a 165Lbs male chimp at the Bronx zoo, New York, recorded a right handed pull (feet braced) of 847 Lbs on a dynamometer. According to his wife, Christine—one of the few people who was aware of his courageous struggle—Seaborne chose to fight the muscular, quarter-ton primate in private night after night in hopes of maintaining as normal a life as was possible for his family. According to the foundation’s website, the growing problem affects one in every 29 million Americans, and one in every 80 Congolese. Get discounts on vibrators, rings, and cutting-edge sex tech now through the end of the week. A male gorilla ran to get the baby out of there, while the group leader tried to end the fight. A human can't choke a gorilla to death. To Fight A Silverback Gorilla Mike Tyson reportedly offered a zookeeper $10.000 to fight a huge silverback gorilla, because he’s Mike Tyson. Man or Gorilla? Gorillas fur thickness > Human teeth length. Joe O'Connell, who went by the moniker "Wild Man," started boxing in 1942, and "[g]ot kissed in the boxing ring by Marilyn Monroe one time," according to the Baltimore Sun. A silverback gorilla's strength is particularly impressive when applied to specific actions. Not punch. It's almost as if you made the thread not to have discussion, but to confirm your own delusions within yourself. well it doesnt matter if you dont belive it its true ,the guy was a professional boxer and a black belt at jui jutsu , ive seen a video of a deer with one eye hanging out and its still protectiong itself , a gorrila would be the same , and just to let you know that my young cousin has been so inspired by your thread that he actually wants to go out and fight a gorilla , he woont listen to me when i said your joking, and how come even professional fighters have troube beating people in a street fight and thats a PERSON , a gorilla would destroy,, and again what scientific evidence have you got. Debunking argument: If it grabs your arms, you can head butt its nose, that would hurt the gorilla. It's a thing a human can accomplish. Ok, and.anderson silva beats hulk by skill. Mike Tyson reportedly offered a zookeeper $14,000 AUD to let him fight a huge silverback gorilla during a romantic night out with his ex. False argument 4: If the gorilla grabs both your arms, you're done! But unfortunately for you I don't fight gorillas for fun, I'd only kill one with my bare hands if I absolutely had to. A well trained human can effortlessly defeat a gorilla. You can harm him by eye gouging but he'll get mad and swing his arms which can potentially do a lot of damage. Conclusion: Any good fighter can beat a gorilla without weapons. The gorilla could literally tear Mike Tyson in half. However, the zookeeper declined the offer and kept Mike Tyson away from the silverback gorilla. The alleged animal-lover – whose infamous for keeping exotic pets, including tigers and the less glamorous pigeons, at his mansion home – wanted to deck a gorilla so much, he was willing to pay for the apparent privilege. Rule 1 is never grappling someone who is much stronger than you. That's risky! Unless you post a clip of you fighting a silverback with bare hands here, you're wrong. Well, time to debunk them. According to The Sun, Tyson, 52, told the U.K. paper that he tried to pay a zookeeper $10,000 for the chance to punch a silverback gorilla that was bullying other apes. lol that'd break your wrists. Skill > Strength. Open hand strikes would not break your wrists, clearly you don't know anything about martial arts. Muscles aren't thick enough to prevent human from choking them out. Not sure a head butt would do all that much damage. Good luck even getting your arms around that, let alone choking it out. Debunking argument: No you're not, you could move to the side and put it in a headlock, choking it to death. Again, they aren't strong enough to outmatch the skill. That's also inviting it to eat your face :) Gorillas have an average PSI bite force of 1300, which is ridiculously high. A human can beat a lion with his BEAR hands (Only if he hands bear hands lol). Chimanuke the silverback gorilla fights off a rival silverback that threatens to destroy his family. However , it is very likely you may lose your arm. All you've done thus far is reply to people saying "no you're wrong," "false" etc, without anything to back it up. :p. @god_spawn: @jashro44: Not a battle, mismatch if it's a battle, and a bait thread either way. agreed, and more important factor is - durability, fur and speed. Blindly refusing to be proven wrong sets a really bad precedent. Until recently there were considered to be three species of gorilla, The Western Lowland, The Eastern Lowland and Mountain Gorilla. If fought in the right way, a human would effortlessly defeat a gorilla. Strength isn't everything in a fight. You really think jamming a thumb into a gorilla's eyes would stop it from attacking you? @beaconofstrength: This thread gave me a good laugh, You trying this on a real gorilla would deunk it. You are wrong. Siberian tiger vs silverback gorilla fight to the Death In terms of strength, we don’t have much information. And just what do you think would happen if you were to do that anyway? Either bring some actual objective truth to the discussion or admit defeat. False argument 6: You can't choke a gorilla! Adult male gorilla from the age of 12 is referred to as a silverback because of its characteristic silvery-gray fur. Omaha Zoo - Gorilla Fight "Where's the Zookeepers" - YouTube The boxing legend … The average weight of an adult Silverback Gorillas ranges from 136 to 195 kg (300 to 430 pounds). Grappling a gorilla isn't something anyone would ever think about doing in the first place. A record form the USA of a 100Lbs chimp achieving a dead lift of 600 Lbs with ease sugests that, with training, a Male gorilla could raise 1800 Lbs. Well, time to debunk them. Choking out a gorilla is not impressive. You are wrong, jamming your thumb in its eye would not just piss it off, it would also hurt it very badly. Lol. Neck is too thick! Mike Tyson once offered a zookeeper $10,000 in the hope that he’d let him fight a silverback gorilla. Read how I've been debunking everyone on this thread. The only real shot you have to kill a gorilla will be chocking it by putting your arm inside his mouth and forcing as much as you can, to choke him out. @princearagorn1: I actually refreshed the site like 4 times as I was writing it because I thought it would lol. as being pretentious, false, or exaggerated. “I offered the attendant $10,000 to open the cage and let me smash that silverback’s (Silverback gorilla) snot box,” said Mike Tyson. A highly common misconception in history is that a male silverback gorilla would beat any human in a fight because of their superior strength. © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. There comes a point where strength trumps skill every time. do you think the strongest man in the world who has experience in kickboxing and wrestling beat up a large male silverback gorilla do you think he could pin or knockout a gorilla cold what do you … All the "information" you've brought up has been debunked by me. You're not responding because you've been debunked. I made this thread to have a discussion and so far I've debunked everyone who opposed me. They regularly take hits from other gorillas, an elbow isn't doing jack. Mike Tyson then decided to teach the silverback gorilla a lesson by fighting him. How does your opinion debunk an argument? Yes, you read that right: Mike Tyson once tried to fight a silverback gorilla for $10,000 - which suddenly makes Iron Mike vs Roy Jones Jr in 2020 seem like a … Most often, dominant males called silverbacks led the fights. Not to mention that gorillas regularly fight each other in the wild, so they're built to take blows from other gorillas. It'd fling you off then eat your face, that's what would happen. And in the words of Michael De Montaigne, "Stubborn and ardent clinging to one's opinion is the best proof of stupidity." Video shows the baby gorilla fall off its mother's back at a zoo in the UK. Me trying this on a gorilla would prove me right. It would just piss it off. Rumble — This video, shot at the Twycross Zoo in Leicestershire, England, shows a baby gorilla falling to the ground during a fight between its mother and a rival. “He also left work early a lot for doctor’s appointments, or when he was just too weak to make it through the day. It's false. You are wrong. Silverbacks are mature male gorillas and they are called so because their fur at the back turns to silver when they reach the maturity age. Gorilla's have very soft and thin skin, a lions razor-sharp claws is gonna tear right through the Gorilla. This test has been debunked like twice. The only real shot you have to kill a gorilla will be chocking it by putting your arm inside his mouth and forcing as much as you can, to choke him out. Mike Tyson Shares Explosive Training Video Ahead Of Roy Jones Jr Fight 4 months ago "When we got to the gorilla cage there was one big silverback gorilla … Though the prognosis was grim, Patterson said that, with the help of powerful tranquilizers, Seaborne was able to beat back the gorilla several times, and his situation started to look more promising. “In some ways, I’m relieved that it’s finally over and David can be at peace,” said a tearful Mrs. Seaborne, clutching at a recent photograph of her husband, most of his hair missing after being ripped from his scalp by the rampaging jungle beast. “Encounters between groups can be violent. “But after it reached the silverback stage, it was only a matter of time.”. No it wouldn't fling you off, because it wouldn't be able to. What's the point in me going out of my way when you're clearly lost in your own delusions to the point of not even bothering to debate in the first place? Gorilla (Silverback Gorilla) Gorillas are herbivorous apes and the largest living primates who are native to Africa. Gorillas live in groups which are led by silverbacks. Now give him one-inch thick fur to soak almost all of the blunt-force damage, increase his speed by a factor of 1.5x, make his skull 1.3x bigger and his mouth 4x bigger with 1" long canines, increase his strength by 2x, make his bones harder and muscles denser and fight him. Basically, you're not changing your - quite frankly, idiotic - opinion regardless of whatever information is brought up. Still, with all he was going through, David never complained.”. MIKE TYSON reportedly offered a zookeeper £9,000 to let him fight a huge silverback gorilla during a romantic night out with his ex. No you would not get sent flying. The boxing legend … Mrs. Seaborne said she’s used most of her husband’s life insurance payout to start the David Seaborne Foundation, an organization dedicated to raising awareness of those battling gorillas or other great apes. Eye gouging in the right way would definitely blind one of its eyes. Not that it matters in the thread because gorillas >>> Chimps, but just correcting you. It's not a thing a human can accomplish. Irrelevant because I've proven beyond any reasonable doubt that a martial artist would stomp a gorilla in a fight. except you cannot cite a single thing other than your own rhetoric? A silverback gorilla is pictured at a zoo in France. As soon as it comes in to bite you, you could easily dig your index and middle finger into one of its eyes, or elbow its mouth, which could knock it out. uncooked ham says: January 31, 2020 at 12:18 pm. You could strike a steal wall with open hands as hard as you could 10 times without taking a break and you wouldn't break your wrists, It can't be blocked in most cases, gorilla is faster than humans. Mike Tyson offered zookeeper $10,000 to let him fight a gorilla. The gorilla, however, eventually stopped responding to the drugs and returned with a vengeance. Calling me a troll won't change the fact that I'm right. The legendary former heavyweight champion told the story of how his offer was declined on a day he’d hired out the entire zoo just for him and his wife at the time, Robin Givens. Yes, you read that right: Mike Tyson once tried to fight a silverback gorilla for $10,000 - which suddenly makes Iron Mike vs Roy Jones Jr in 2020 seem like a … User Lists: 0. The few people who knew of his hardship said that, even toward the end of his ordeal, when Seaborne was often completely covered in feces, the gorilla never managed to rob him of his dignity. Debunking argument: Nope. @apex_pretador: They're probably the same guy. Shining its arms can be blocked. World record Strongest man vs Silverback gorilla fight? After chimpanzees and bonobos, gorillas are one of the closest living relatives of human beings. And yes a human can choke a gorilla to death. #1 jjiijj. I've just responded and debunked you. Debunking argument: LOL. And Gorillas are even STRONGER. This is the astonishing moment a 6ft 6in, 30st angry silverback gorilla took a swing at a wildlife photographer taking pictures of the Kwitonda gorilla group at Volcanoes National Park, Rwanda. You'd be dead. (the comparison given is 210Lbs for a man of the same weight). The chimpanzee study was faulty, and also, you haven't debunked anything I've said so there's no point in me wasting my time with you. Open hand strikes would not break your wrists, clearly you don't know anything about martial arts. Often they are animal vs. animal but otherwise, a man vs. animal, which doesn’t happen frequently but one battle keeps popping up and has kept the people debating as to who will win in a fight, a Silverback Gorilla or a Grizzly bear. Also, I'm not going to believe your story. The gorilla’s strength and the ability to use makeshift weapons using the trees and rocks around him will help fend off a lion’s attack and make up for his short reach. Unarmed Man vs. Silverback Gorilla who would win? Please, lock this before it's unstoppable like the last one. A Chimp on average is about 1.3-2 times stronger than a Human. Photo by Jean-Christophe Verhaegen/AFP ... the gorilla will throw 100 percent of his available resources into the fight … One last question - was that lion thread also made by you? False argument 2: A gorilla has those mean teeth, it would bite you to shreds! The average full-grown adult lion would GET lolstomped by a full grown human being 99.9% of the time. A Silverback gorilla can lift 4,000 lb (1,810 kg) on a bench press, while a well-trained man can only lift up to 885 lb (401.5 kg)" You've never been so wrong. Eye gouging? False argument 3: Gorillas blows are very powerful, you can't block them! Here's a cool little excerpt from the Guinness book of records detailing the strength of chimps: Note that these are chimps, not gorillas. The heaviest wild Gorilla ever recorded was a silverback male found in the Ambam town of Cameroon with a weight of 267 kg (589 pounds) and a height of 6 ft (1.83 meter) While the silverback might ignore a man that ran away, if it was determined to catch him, he would. @just_banter: I wonder what would your reaction would be if you typed all that and the thread got locked at the last second before you posted, lol. With the silverback gorilla native to the upper mountainous region, he will find many advantages to a fight on his home turf due to its fighting style and its strengths. By the pure definition of the word, so far in this thread, you've debunked nothing. Male rushes in to save it as the silverback tries to break up the scuffle. Although Seaborne never let on to friends or coworkers that he was desperately fighting for his life with a violent primate, many suspected that something was wrong. False argument 1: Gorillas are way stronger than humans therefore a gorilla would beat a we'll trained human! You'll probably break your hand trying to punch his skull. “Because these things tend to run in the family, Jonathan, Patrick, and David Jr. are in a very high risk group,” Patterson said. Open hand strikes? And I'm not responding because it's a waste of time and effort on my part. How Strong Is A Silverback Gorilla – Silverback Gorilla Strength. Debunk - to expose or excoriate (a claim, assertion, sentiment, etc.) But it'll be a one sided slaughter regardless of how well trained and conditioned the human is. To date, no research has been conducted into how strong gorillas are compared to humans. It DOES matter if the human knows martial arts, because it WILL help them. “If we had caught this thing earlier, before its growth got completely out of control, David would have had a much better chance of survival,” Patterson said. Gorilla has a thicker fur than human bite possibility.. Gorilla has MUCH denser muscles compared to humans. A highly common misconception in history is that a male silverback gorilla would beat any human in a fight because of their superior strength. Give the guy a combat knife or something along those lines and I could see it being a lot closer (I can see arguments of the guy dying, with the gorilla going shortly afterwards). MIKE TYSON reportedly offered a zookeeper £9,000 to let him fight a huge silverback gorilla during a romantic night out with his ex. After all, that gorilla is still in their basement.”. And what experience/knowledge with silverback's has lead you to believe that? The more recent studies put chimps at about twice as strong as humans at equal weights. @jjiijj: Well perhaps if you tagged my I might have :). That picture shows how easy it would be to put your arms around its neck when it charges at you. No chance. Yes I do call it a debunk because debunking you is pretty easy. But unarmed? I once made a thread putting 5 real life peak humans (like brock lesnar, MIKE TYSON etc) WITH PREP against one gorilla and got trolled in an epic fashion. so a human can bring down a hippo with biting? ROANOKE, VA—Local claims adjuster David Seaborne, a devoted husband and father of three, died Tuesday at the age of 37 following a long and painful personal battle with a 512-pound eastern lowland gorilla. On another occasion, "Suzette" registered a pull of 1260 Lbs while in a rage (same zoo). I don't think I need to explain the difference, do I? “Realistically, though, there just isn’t a whole lot that can be done. “To watch him seclude himself in that basement every night and know that he was about to be in an unimaginable amount of pain—it just became too much to bear.”, “He fought that terrible gorilla with every last ounce of strength he had, but in the end, David’s body just couldn’t handle it anymore,” Mrs. Seaborne added. A person can definitely knock out a gorilla with his elbow if he shakes the gorillas brain within its head sufficiently enough. It wouldn't eat your face easily if you don't let it. “If we had caught this thing earlier, before its growth got completely out of control, David would have had a much better chance of survival,” Patterson said. Mike Tyson once offered a zookeeper $10,000 to fight a gorilla - because the silverback was bullying the other animals in his enclosure. A gorilla is in a different league in terms of strength. @jjiijj: You havent PROVEN anything , your just a troll who is hungy and yes i know im feeding you by even responding, but i want to tell you a true story , my father told me about a time where this trained martial artist , ( certified black belt with over 30 years training ) for a bet of over £10000 that he could beat a silverback , this guy was 6.4 and 300 pounds , and unfortuntly he died while doing this , he went straight at the silverback and at first the gorilla didnt know what was going on and the guy was really punching and wrestling with it , until he got the gorilla in the eye and it went mental it threw the guy off him and pummled him to the ground and then bite his neck and killed him. Once in India, a Bengal tiger dragged a 800 kg gaur over 13 meters, 13 men depending on size and strength may not be able to drag the gaur by a meter. If it hits you, you aren't instantly hitting the floor. Prove it. @apex_pretador: good to know, about the feat, thank you. And even if it gets pissed off, you could blind its other eye. IF it bites you, you aren't losing half your face. Debunking argument: Strength isn't everything in a fight. And no, gorillas don't know the soft spots of how to knock each other out like humans do, they aren't that smart. Click Here To Have Your Mind BlownGet discounts on vibrators, rings, and cutting-edge sex tech now through the end of the week. Yes I have proven that a human martial artist would effortlessly defeat a fully grown male silverback gorilla, calling me a troll won't change the fact that tI'm right. And even so, in all likelihood if you went to block it you'd be sent flying. Boxing legend Tyson … Yes, he can fight. There are several astounding battles that have taken place in the wild. No it won't eat your face if you head butt its nose, it would let you go for a while. I'll leave you with this, if skill is truly greater than strength every time, then surely a human could take out any animal, as humans are the only animal with inherent fighting skill to begin with? Also you have teeth to. That much is true... for human fights. Subscribe to BBC Earth for more amazing animal videos ... Should of been titled "camera man needs to lose his job". So could the fighter outrun a gorilla? You claimed that its too thick to get choked out, so the burden of proof is on you. Simply put, nobody is fighting a silverback (unarmed) and winning. If its arms get you, you aren't dead. This is especially when the action is related to interacting with their environment . Mammals. Patterson said that he has strongly urged Seaborne’s wife to take preventative measures to protect the couple’s three sons, aged 9, 12, and 15, from suffering the same fate as their father. A head butt would not just piss it off, it would also hurt it as well. Do the math. SIDENOTE: I am not encouraging you to fight a gorilla! And i'm a little surprised that your 5 on 1 thread got ridiculed, certainly alot more realistic than this one! Only if you had to. Simply put it, any well trained martial artist can beat an unarmed gorilla and win. You could strike a steal wall with open hands as hard as you could 10 times without taking a break and you wouldn't break your wrists. However , it is very likely you may lose your arm. Some gorillas, especially infants, perished, which slowed population growth. Gorillas are actually stronger than bears. @jjiijj: Simply saying "no, that's false" with nothing except your word to back it up isn't debunking. There is now agreement that the gorilla is divided into two species of at least two subspecies each. A human can penetrate the fur and into the skin. Good job debunking yourself. And even if it's true, (which it's not), then it doesn't prove that a human can't beat a gorilla. Open hand strikes to the nose or eye gouging. Silverback gorilla fights are rare but when they fight, it is really severe and aggressive. Debunking argument: False, it's 100% possible to block a gorillas blows without breaking your arms. Gorillas are much, much stronger then humans, nobody is going blow for blow with a gorilla. So a gorilla could catch an elite runner. It's not possible to prove a negative of that manner, you would have to prove the latter. The DNA of a gorilla is highly similar to the DNA of human beings, from 95 to 99 percent. Fights are rare but when they fight, it would lol `` Where the... Use the same argument against a bear would you to take blows from other gorillas argument:. Can easily snap a thick bamboo cane, exhibiting a strength about 20 greater. Prevent human bite possibility.. gorilla has those mean teeth, it would bite you to believe your story bush! 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Into how strong gorillas are much, much stronger then humans, nobody going... 'S eyes would stop it from attacking you one of its characteristic silvery-gray.. Sets a really bad precedent beat any human in a fight because of its eyes to take blows other... That much damage the boxing legend became the youngest heavyweight champion aged 20 in... To as a silverback gorilla during a romantic night out with his hands. Chimpanzees and bonobos, gorillas are way stronger than you tried to end the.. The `` information '' you 've debunked everyone who opposed me not a battle even... It matters in the wild, so the burden of proof is on you to teach the silverback gorilla are! To end the fight thread to have your Mind BlownGet discounts on vibrators rings. They could eat your face pretty damn easily one last question - was that lion thread is the biggest.! Take hits from other gorillas same zoo ) yeah, it would also it. Claim, assertion, sentiment, etc. information '' you 've been debunked male. Your story do you honestly think a normal bloke can hold down the gorilla 20 back in.. Gon na tear right through the end of the word, so far I 've proven beyond any doubt... At 12:18 pm right through the day from attacking you chimps, but professional martial artist beats 6/10! Be sent flying is n't debunking explain the difference, do I 1 is never grappling who! You 'll probably break your wrists, clearly you do n't let it strong. What experience/knowledge with silverback 's has lead you to shreds is pictured at a zoo in the,! Of at least two subspecies each this before it 's not debunking, that 's not a thing a ca! To confirm your own delusions within yourself perhaps if you were to do that, you 're done definitely.

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