What is the correct systolic/diastolic blood pressure of the patient? Physostigmine blocks the catalytic site of AChE preventing ACh from being degraded. In the Blood Sugar Lab you will learn how you digest carbohydrates, the main energy source of your body. Post-prandial blood sugar level (2 hours after taking meals) must be less than 140 mg/dL. Lidocaine inhibits the voltage-gated sodium channels. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. Which of the following could possible explain the faster contraction and relaxation speeds of the EDL relative to the soleus? What is the plausible reason why the EDL may fatigue more quickly than the soleus? Which of the following statements is true? Which energy systems contribute to ATP synthesis during a Wingate sprint? Based solely on the fiber types that you've found within these muscles, which muscle seems to be more suited to slower, sustained movements like walking? View Test Prep - Labster Carbohydrates (Blood Sugar Glucose).docx from BIOL 100 at Green River College. Which of the following would decrease FSH secretion? It can make the heart beat faster, but it also affects smooth muscle. Looking at the data, what is the most striking difference between Mike's first and last session? We know atropine affects the parasympathetic NS. What should we do to analyze how the fertilizer would affect the phosphorus cycle? Your blood sugar starts to rise soon after you start to eat and is at its highest 1 to 2 hours after your meal normal "after eating, " glucose levels are 120 mg/dl and below for non-diabetics, 159 … Reduced chance of persistence due to less migration. Which nutrient should we investigate as a possible cause of the decrease in the yield of Whean? Which of these factors did NOT contribute. Why do their legs have a wider temperature ranger than their core? c) -80 and -60 mV signals are below a threshold to cause ion channels to open to trigger depolarization. Photosynthetic organisms capture sunlight for only a part of each day. Sucrose. what will be the effect on membrane potential if Na+ ions move into the cell? After the addition of ACh there is still no change to the contraction. An increase in hormone B decreases production of hormone A, Which of the following statements is true, Steroid sex hormones suppress the secretion of GnRH, LH, and FSH. Ask questions and get answers about Blood Sugar. If the air, ground and deer body temps are all equal and at equilibrium, which of the following statements is true? Based on your sampling, was the biodiversity on Astakos IV highest at an intermediate altitude? Which molecules causes a hyperosmotic state in muscle cells during the sprint? If the humidity of exhaled air is relatively constant, how might deer increase the amount of evaporative heat loss at higher temperatures? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. At the pristine lake, the population appears to have grown and then stabilized. Which parts of the ANS are being affected not. What type of organisms are best sampled with quadrats? Create your Answer Key 2020 – Download Sarkari Exam Answer Keys The Answer Key 2020 is an essential source for the candidates to check the answers after giving the exam. Space. Therefore what kind of receptor blocker is the atropine. It is found between the lower critical and uper critical temperatures, Which of the following behaviors is associated with a higher risk of diabetes, a- feeling overwhelmed with stress because of your job. In order to do this you need thin slices, 12 micrometers thick. Which of the following would decrease FSH secretions. Using the voltage clamp to change the cell membrane potential of a neuron from -70.0 mV to -5.0 mV should cause: A current that indicated a large amount of sodium briefly entering the cell. What were the names of the doctors that developed the standard model of an action potential? Raising external K+ to 400mM? An effect on a trophic level caused by a change in another trophic level, An effect on apex predators caused by a change in primary producers. Analyze the cycle before and after adding the fertilizer. Why can't you compare data collected with different sampling methods? Knowing that the muscle is oxygenated, local PCO2 has been set at 40 torr and the pH is set to 7.4, which of the following factors that you could control would be the most strongly affect muscle function in the experiment? At what level is a Wingate sprint performed? About 3, TPR is higher at rest than during exercise. How will adding individuals of species B affect species A? over time high blood glucose levels can cause nerve damage to the eyes and peripheral body tissues as well as damage to the kidneys and cardiovascular system, _______ raises blood sugar. we also know that atropine is a receptor blocker. The human body is a very complex combination of finely-tuned machinery. at what level is a wingate sprint performed. Higher peak power indicates that exercise capacity has increased. Lidocaine inhibits motor function while Rebine does not. Why can we observe a continuous increase of RER even after the sprint? The "diD I" stands for two; … which neurotransmitter is released from the parasympathetic ganglion. What does the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) measure? Answer: A fasting blood glucose less than 100 is normal. Increased chance of persistence due to increased connectivity. This is called______. Answer: Berberine is a compound found in plants such as barberry and goldenseal. Therefore, what kind of agent does physostigmine act like? Decreased connectivity leading to decreased dispersal. If you use a CGM, you’ll still need to test daily with a blood sugar … If we remove 100% of the Clawbrutus instead of 50%, how much would the yield of Whean increase? This preview shows page 1 - 8 out of 8 pages. Can you guess which of these depicts the muscles that contract involuntarily? Look at the table, What type of fiber is cell type 2? What can we do to solve the problem with phosphorus and increase the Whean yield? All, but anaerobic (phosphocreatine) predominates. Physostigmine blocks the catalytic site of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), preventing acetylcholine from being degrades. What is the impact of living in an isolated patch on a species's chance of persistence? Which of the following reasons does NOT explain the time needed for the stream to re-balance after installing the filter? How can we control for the possible effects of the stress of oral injection and the injected oil when evaluating the effects of treatments 1 & 2? Your mom may adopt diabetic diet and do exercise (brisk walking) daily for about 30 minutes. Compare treatment 1 & 2 rabbits to rabbits injected orally with oil mixed with banana. The binding of ACh to nicotinic receptors on the postganglionic fiber triggers the opening of sodium channels and allows the impulse to continue to the muscle cell. How much did the stroke volume change in patient A? Look at the table, What type of fiber is cell type 3? What is the ratio of TPR at rest and TPR at 125 watts? Why is soluble phosphorus especially important among all the phosphorus fractions? Which of the following is a plausible explanation for the fact that the EDL generates higher force during a single twitch, but the two muscles generate similar forces when stimulated at 40 Hz. A normal fasting blood sugar (which is also the blood sugar a normal person will see right before a meal) is: 83 mg/dl (4.6 mmol/L) or less. According to the date shown in the graphs, which of the next statements is true? a) Metabolic heat production equals evaporative heat loss, The main mechanisms deer use to alter the amount of war blood that reaches their body's surface are _____ and _____, a) In the deer's leg, at cold air temperatures the arterial and venous blood are nearly the same temperature, the thermoneutral zone is where deer use the least amount of energy to maintain its body temp. Here, you can see a cross-section if a deer's winter hair. ACV is a good natural way to lower it but my Dr put me on 10 mg of lisinopril for BP. Based on your findings which process, or processes, may have primarily caused the bloom of microscopic organisms in the lake? What type of organisms are best sampled with pitfall traps? 1) your A1C test is between 5.7% and 6.4%. With which response can the acute physiological effects of a Wingate sprint be associated? If the stackarel get 80% of its energy from oxidizing carbohydrate (20.8 J/ml O2) and 20% from oxidizing lipid (19.4 J/ml O2), how much energy would the Stackarel use when consuming 50 ml oxygen per hour. raising muscle temperature from 22 to 37 degrees C. Which item is responsible for transforming the mechanical forces into electrical signals? What should we do with the 3 remaining plots? Metabolic heat production equals evaporative heat loss. If glucose has been actively transported y the intestine from the mucosal to the serosal side then; b - the concentration of glucose in the serosal lide solution should be higher. d) Cl- entry will make the inside of the cell more negative (hyperpolarizing). What does the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) measure exactly? How do you expect high winds to affect the thermoneutral zone and metabolic rate? Now that you are familiar with counter-current exchangers, choose the correct statement: In the deer's leg, at cold air temperatures, the arterial and venous blood are nearly the same temperature. ______ is recorded as infrared energy and is emitted by all surfaces. d) lowering external K+ to zero should slightly speed up repolarization; raising external K+ to 400 should block repolarization, Sensory input about temperature from your body is transmitted to the ______ in the brain to control thermoregulation. There is some clinical evidence that it may lower blood sugar and cholesterol in people with type 2 … What is the probability of surviving to age three? Why is it essential to have maintain homeostasis? What is the most likely explanation for such a low increase in the mean arterial pressure compared to the cardiac output? [ 10 marks ] FOOD GRAMS TIME HIGHEST BLOOD SUGAR Rice 63 g 20 mins 5 mM/L Ice cream 208 30 mins 5mM/L Rye bread 128 20 mins 5 mM/L carrots 819 30 mins 5 mM/L Sucrose 50 25 mins 5 … What is the significance of Rebine entering the cell through the TRPV1 channel? Intraspecific competition is stronger than interspecific competition. Look at the table, What type of fiber is cell type 1? It also binds to nicotinic receptors in the postganglionic fiber. 0, 25, 50, 75 and 100% with three repliactes each. what is the resting membrane potntial of neurons, The membrane can only return to its resting membrane potential after the _______ channels have closed. Of the four compounds below, three will suppress male fertility, and one will not, which one will be unlikely to suppress male fertility? According to the graph, what can you conclude about the rate of mortality at the pristine lake? Wherever small terrestrial organisms occur. What are the two main techniques used to study variations of electrical current in a membrane? In which Sucrose is a disaccharide. Epinephrine, also called adrenaline, can act as a neurotransmitter when it's synthesized in the neurons. One pot from each treatment should be randomly located in each region of the greenhouse. If burning a gram of carbohydrates yields 17,243 Joules (J) of energy and requires 829 milliliters of oxygen, which is the same as 20.8 J/ml. Which energy system(s) contribute to ATP synthesis during a Wingate sprint? Thanks to the Doppler effect we can calculate the velocity at which blood is moving through the aorta. Some people might feel a sudden adrenaline rush if they see this on their phones. It starts, in many cases, with high carb diets. By eliminating the Shake from the ecosystem, the fence... How does dispersal help a species persist? 18 questions, 46 members. _____ lowers blood sugar, Glucophage - stops liver from making too much sugar. 2) your fasting blood glucose is between 100 and 125 mg/dl. Browse. Labster … What kind of receptor blocker is the atropine? What determines the optimal number of quadrats? over time high blood glucose levels can cause … what will the effect o the membrane potential be if Cl- ions move into the cell? However, the strength of intraspecific competition exceeds the strength of interspecific competition. Given that resources are limited, which do you think would be the best way to ensure a stable population of Goslins? Call … Amylase. Of the three highlighted cells on the screen, which have the potential to be glycolytic? Increase volume of air exhaled per unit time. a) Na+ entry will make the inside of the cell more positive (depolarizing). Since autotrophic organisms can only take up soluble phosphorus, are organic and absorbed phosphorus compounds important for our crops? In which food chain does 100 kg of primary producers yield 11 kg of apex predators? The epinephrine will decrease its contraction. How many days could a 60 kg deer survive in the winter (at 20 degrees C) without access to food? What should we conclude when the yield of whean is OVER the 1:1 line in the graph of replacement series? In what units are values in a Wingate power spectrum presented in? DB1826 Bayesian Decision Analysis The Little Black Book of Mafia Wisdom Decorative Dough for … Look at the poster on the wall, which of the two area has greater biodiversity? During the second hour, the partial pressure dropped from 20.6 to 16 kPa. Based on your results what should we investigate next to obtain the best fertility inhibitor for rabbits? . High blood glucose levels also result in less water being reabsorbed by te kidneys, causing high amouts of urine to be produced and may result in dehydration. Use the tabs at the top of the calculation screen to compare the watts (J/s) produced by the metabolism to the watt s (J/s) lost by the evaporation. What would the effect on the membrane voltage of tripling the clamped current while applying Rebine and capsaicin together to the nociceptor? What unit are the values in a Wingate power spectrum presented in? ACh increase the force and frequency of smooth muscle . Pretend to remove Clawbrutus as a control for the removal treatment. What type of function best described this trend? The mortality of fertile adults and young Goslins has increased, No, because the population would still decline, An organism that creates biomass from abiotic resources, An organism that consumes primary producers and primary consumers. How does passive tension change with muscle length? Deer can selectively alter the surface temperature on their legs. The un-bound is then broken down by acetylcholinesterase. In fact, most artificial sweeteners are considered "free foods" — foods containing less than 20 calories and 5 grams or less of … Which neurotransmitter is released from the parasympathetic ganglion>. The EDL can pump calcium out of the cytoplasm faster, preventing tetanus at low stimulation frequencies at which the soleus calcium levels are higher. How is hyperosmosis in muscle cells counteracted during a Wingate sprint? How is hyperososis in muscle cels counteracted during a Wingate sprint? Why can we observe a continuous increase of RER een after a sprint? What results can you conclude from the experiment? You can also find Michael’s books on the original 5:2 Fast Diet, the Blood Sugar … What part of the autonomic nervous system is being mimicked when epinephrine is applied to the small intestine? Why keep blood sugar low? If Na+ entry into the axon is responsible for depolarization, what happens if we use a voltage higher than 55 mV? Enzymes. Answer all the questions below: 1. Labster answers. Our support group helps people share their own experience. Capasaicin opens the TRPV1 channels with no effect on sodium channels. Higher heart rate, lower stroke, lower diastolic and higher systolic pressure. What is another factor that can affect the colonization probability of a species? Why did yield vary among replicates receiving the same treatment? To improve the effect of acetylcholine, what should we do? labster simulation answers quizlet, Gel Electrophoresis Lab Simulation Answer Merely said, the gel electrophoresis lab simulation answer key is universally compatible once any devices to read. Treatments were stablished with some degree of error, organisms among replicates differ genetically, and yield measured with some degree of error (All of these factors could have contributed to the variation in yield). Therefore, if the air, ground, and deer body temperatures are all equal and at equilibrium, which of the following statements is true? Based on the graphs a reasonable conclusion would be: Both testosterone and progesterone exert negative feedback on LH and FSH secretion by the anterior pituitary. This causes cells to take up excess glucose. carbohydrate theory (hormone that regulates blood sugar level) Increases blood sugar level Glucagon Decreases blood sugar level Insulin 17. Since the enzyme succinate dehydrogenase is found in the mitochondria, the cells appear spotted or speckled. OL Lab 11- Carbohydrates The sugars that feed us .docx, OL Lab 11- Carbohydrates The sugars that feed us .docx, OL Lab 11- Carbohydrates The sugars that feed us .pdf, Chamberlain University College of Nursing, San Beda College Manila - (Mendiola, Manila), Chamberlain College of Nursing • CHEM 120, Chamberlain College of Nursing • CHEMISTRY 120, Chamberlain University College of Nursing • BIOS 256, San Beda College Manila - (Mendiola, Manila) • LIT 103, University of Maryland, University College, Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College • BIO 1613, Hudson Valley Community College • BIOL 125, University of Michigan, Dearborn • BIOLOGICAL 130, University of Central Florida • HUN 2002, University of Maryland, University College • NUTR 100, Lone Star College System • CHEM ORGANIC CH. The EDL uses mostly anaerobic metabolism but the soleus uses mostly aerobic metabolism. 100-120 is called "impaired fasting glucose", or pre-diabetes. Starch. b- it will allow us to convert absorbance values to a more meaningful unit like concentration, Which of these findings using the everted sac preparation would support the idea that active glucose transport is driven by a na+/k+ ATPase on the serosal side, a- Ouabain in the serosal solution blocks or reduces glucose concentration on the serosal side, treatment for infant diarrhea that involves drinking a solution of salt and glucose mixed with clean water, One of the major killers of infants is diarrhea, often induced by infections like cholera. Compare treatment 3 rabbits to rabbits injected orally with banana plus physiological saline. Check fasting blood sugar … Which receptors are possibly being blocked by atropine? As you can see from the graph, atropine decreases the contraction of our isolated system. a- the body tries to get rid of an excess of CO2. What is a reasonable conclusion you can draw from it? Which cells cause a hyperosmotic state in muscle cells dring a sprint. Search. Species A and species B compete for a certain resource. The new recipe book is out! What is the concentration of phosphorus in our water samples? Given your knowledge of landscape ecology, is the propella likely to persist in this landscape? How can we control for the possible effects of the stress of oral injection and the injected saline when evaluating the possible effects of treatment 3? b- steroid sex hormones suppress the secretion of GnRH, LH, and FSH. What is the best way to sample sessile organism with quadrats? Rebine only enter and inhibits nociceptors. The balance of hormones, water, body temperature blood sugar… Less negatively than adding individuals of species A. In landscape ecology, the matrix is defined as the background ecological system. a) it causes the direction of the current to reverse, and Na+ ions to move out of the axon. You can use a ______ to make cuts this thin, _______ are muscle contrations happening so close to each other that the contractions fuse into one prolonged contraction, a fused contraction. If you tell me, I will let Fransisco know what you found? Why do we need to create a calibration curve for the spectrophotometer before we test our samples from the intestine? Which parts of the Autonomic NS are being affected now? Because different processes occur at different rates. They can experience lower temperatures without shivering. Why do some phosphorus fractions increase more than others? Which of the issues below aligns with the data from subject E? Polysaccharides. The coronavirus pandemic created a number of challenges for the field of simulation since the virus’s onset in March 2020. What receptors are involved when adding epinephrine? the smooth and cardiac muscles can also contract due to hormones, pacemaker cells, drugs, or mechanical stretching. Besides insulin, our body also has _____ that regulates blood glucose lee in our body, High blood glucose levels also result in less water being reabsorbed by te kidneys, causing high amouts of urine to be produced and may result in dehydration. High blood sugar levels create insulin resistance, promote fat storage, and increase chronic disease risk. How did the heart rate change in patient A? Together, all the experiments so far are consistent with: Rebine require open TRPV1 channels in order to inhibit voltage-gated channels. What can you conclude about deer during the winter from this data? How do hollow hairs help deer thermoregulate at cold temperatures? Looking at this first year of study, how would you characterize the recent growth of the population at the pristine lake? Yes, nutrients from the fertilizer may have leached into the lakes. Given that cardiac output did not increase as much as the oxygen consumption rate (which increased 8x), what is the most likely mechanism that could allow increased oxygen delivery by the cardiovascular system? Slower reflex due to less sensitive to pain. Several factors prevented the ecosystem from collapsing from phytoeaston was limited by the filter. What does the power output measured during the Wingate sprint indicate? A change in one environmental factor could threaten the ecosystem. Glucose. Vasodiliation reduces the resistance to blood flow. Start studying Labster - Endocrinology, Labster, Labster answers. Phosphocreatine brakdown, Glycolysis, and Oxidative phosphorylation (All of them). Remember we are using an isolated system. DMAU likely suppresses sperm production and morality due to negative feedback of testosterone on LH and FSH secretion. Of the three highlighted cells on the screen, which are considered fast? Which molecule buffers the lower pH caused by the hydrogen ions release from muscle cells? What process can transform rocks (phosphorus minerals) into soluble phosphorus? Correct Answer: This simple sugar is the main source of energy for all the cells in your body. Click on the "View image" button if you want to have another look at the paper. 3) your oral glucose tolerance test is … What receptors are involved when adding epinephrine to smooth muscle? To test for competition, we will remove clawbrutus from 3 plots while leaving Whean. The body tries to get rid of an excess of carbon dioxide. Interspecific competition is stronger than intraspecific competition. With which response can the acute physiological effects of a wingate sprint be associated? Disaccharides. How did the measured cardiac variables differ in subject E from the other individuals? If hormone A causes the production of hormone B which of the following is an example of a negative feedback mechanism? Assuming a 60 kg deer has 5 kg of fat and it will die if all of its fat is burned. The two species, Whean and Clawbrutus, seem to compete. neurotransmitters: acetylcholine, norepinephrine, and dopamine, Knowing that the muscle is oxygenated, local PCO2 has been set at 40 torr and the pH is set to 7.4, which of the following factors that you could control would most strongly affect muscle function in the experiment, b- raising muscle temp from 22 to 37 Celcius, Which item is responsible for transforming the mechanical forces into electrical signals, ______ determines whether smooth muscle will contract or relax, Double innervation refers to smooth muscle being controlled by both the _____ and ______, parasympathetic nervous system and the sympathetic nervous system (the 2 parts of the ANS), the binding of ACh triggers opening of the sodium channels, allowing the impulse to travel to the muscle cells. In this simulation, you will learn about the basic workflow behind the homeostatic process, through the examples of body temperature, blood pressure and blood sugar … Generalists persist longer by colonizing more landscapes. I am trying to control my blood sugar with diet and stay off meds. How would you describe the connectivity of the matrix in which the Propella is found? ______ tension is a measure of how tense the muscle is without being stimulated. How does active twitch tension change with muscle length? … How do these corridors and stepping stones affect the Propella's chance of persistence? Given a solubility of 0.272 ml/L*kPa and a volume of 40 liters of water, how much oxygen did the stackarel consume? Births, deaths, immigration and emmigration. What is the impact of the new lava fields on the ecological processes of this landscape? when someone has high blood sugar, which of the following is a common symptom? As a muscle stretches, passive tension increases. Overlapping generations, discrete reproductive events. Deer are better adapted to maintaining a constant body temperature in the cold. The legs have a larger surface to volume ratio making them good heat exchangers. If repolarization is caused by the outward flow f K+ ions, what should be the effect of lowering external + to zero? Looking at the graph, these data are consistent with which statement below? Many normal people have fasting blood … What option best describes the life history of Goslins? Why are multiple species of primary producers for a robust ecosystem? In smooth muscle epinephine decreases contraction s and causes them to occur less frequently. What does a longer latency to withdrawal time reflect? A: You are considered to have pre-diabetes when either. The nerve fibers lie along the smooth muscle cells and release the neurotransmitters from swellings in the fiber called, The preganglionic fiber of the SNS (sympathetic nervous system) also releases ACh like the PNS. You can see the data points representing deer during winter on the graph now. The blood sugar level between 140 to 200 mg/dL is considered as prediabetes. Why do you think there are no changes in current with the membrane clamped at -80 or -60 mV but at all subsequent voltages there are current events? d) K+ leaving will make the inside of the cell more negative (hyperpolarizing). Membrane voltage will increase without an action potential occuring. Add fencing to restrict access during the breeding season. Which do you think is the best stage-based model to describe the growth of the Goslin population? Dr. Donald … What is the central focus of the field of landscape ecology? What should we conclude when the yield line of Whean is UNDER the 1:1 line in the graph of a replacement series? 100 % with three repliactes each measured during the winter ( at 20 degrees ). Does this output tell us about the rate of mortality changed at the data points representing deer during winter the... 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