Mary Anne Smith MacLeod was the niece of the two intercessors of the Hebrides Revival – as well as cousin to Donald Smith who was a 15-year-old convert at that revival and Duncan Campbell’s outstanding helper. God had come! THE "HEBRIDES REVIVAL" -- WE WILL SEE THIS AGAIN! Revival in the Hebrides (1949) By Duncan Campbell (1898 - 1972) PREFACE The 1st tract is a transcript of a taped message on the Hebrides Revival. --------------------, "Here is a man praying the prayer of faith that heaven must answer. 6. During the Hebrides revival of 1948-52 God's power fell upon whole towns, not merely the church buildings. Pinterest. Revival then broke out in Harris. Kenny Borthwick, a Church of Scotland minister, was the other speaker. -------------------------------------------------, "The Hebrides revival 1948-1952 - was a powerful move of God in response to the prayers of 7 men and two elderly ladies who refused to let go of God and who wouldn't take "NO" for an answer - They believed He was a covenant-keeping God and that if they kept their part, God would be true to His promise to "Heal their land. The Peckhams have impacted our entire ministry in significant ways. History of Donald Trump: Bible Hebrides Revival | Dr. Clarence Sexton. Peter Gration – Watch ALL the way through, the twist is near the end. Here are some observations that gripped me while I was in Stornoway last weekend, having  asked all the questions  I could think of. Aug 20, 2020 - It's 70 years since the Hebrides Revival took place. Many teenagers and those under the age of forty were converted. He said, 'Donald, will you lead us in prayer?' On one side many were prostrated over the seats weeping and sighing; on the other side some were affected by throwing their arms up in the air in a rigid posture for an hour. ", --------------------------- The Hebrides Revival was all about people being saved – converted. 214. They gripped each other in fear. They were mostly teenagers when they were converted. 1. Most people nowadays feel that they are entitled, or that God owes them something. She said to him, “Oh Willie, at last you have come home”. 11.People functioning with little or no sleep. Cancel Reply. WhatsApp. --------------------------------------------- April 19, 2020. By. I first heard of  the Hebrides Revival from Dr. John Sutherland Logan, the Scotsman whom God used on 24thNovember 1954 to help me see I was called to preach. Later he met one of the elders by the roadside and a circle of light seemed to envelope them. People could not sleep and houses were lit all night. ", "One of the most outstanding anointings of prayer happened when Donald was in Bernera, a small island off the coast of Lewis. Revival in the Hebrides (1949) –adapted from writings by Duncan Campbell and others Picture this in your mind: A small group of believers in God are praying, pleading with God, late into the night, begging him to save their community from the corruption and gross sins that are destroying their quality of life. Duty rather than devotion led to a lifeless expression of faith. Seven men and two old women prayed and got hold of God in a remarkable way. He paused again and then continued, 'Lord, I don�t know how the others here stand in your Presence; I don�t know how these ministers stand, but Lord, if I know anything about my own heart, I stand before you as an empty vessel, thirsting for thee and for a manifestation of Thy power.' It was so real that he leaped up in ecstasy, thinking he was leaping straight to heaven. The town was changed, lives and homes transformed and even the fishing fleet, as it sailed out into the bay took with it a Precentor (musical director), to lead them in prayer and worship singing. In America we hastily use the word “revival”; the word “mission” is preferable. Related Stories. #1: Secrets to $1,000,000,000,000 #2: Start Business At 21 Years Old #3: 20 Greatest Weight Loss Secrets Revealed! Those same men afterwards could be found three times a week with others down upon their knees before God, praying for their old associates and for the spread of revival. ], ------------------------------------------------- Duncan Campbell was assisting at a communion service; the atmosphere was heavy and the preaching difficult, so he sent to Barvas for some men to come and assist in prayer. The Hebrides Revival in many ways was a young people’s phenomenon. Just after midnight Duncan Campbell asked John, the local blacksmith, to pray. Fishermen out in their boats; men behind their looms; men at the pit bank; a merchant out in his truck; school teachers examining their papers were gripped by the power of God and by 10 -0-clock the roads were streaming with people from every direction, making their way to the church. The  opposition to the Hebrides Revival came  not from the world but from Christians. So it was in the Hebrides in 1949 and the next couple of years. The following are testimonies of those who were seekers and finders in the Hebrides Revival where Duncan Campbell was laboring. Those converted in homes after the services included those who spoke English; that is when non-Gaelic speakers were saved. This revival became known as the Hebrides Revival. 7. He saw at his feet the chains and locks of sin which had bound him. Unusual  manifestations would appear spontaneously. Duncan Campbell had become a part of the Faith Mission, an organization influenced partly by John Wesley’s teaching. READ MORE: Donald Trump’s Connection to the Hebrides+ Read More But Duncan arrived in his village. Then wave after wave of divine power swept throughout the room. William MacLeod, now 92, a retired minister in the Church of Scotland. Spontaneous conversions  happened everywhere. The actual Hebrides Revival or Lewis Awakening took place between 1949 and 1952 at a time when the church on the island was complacent and slumbering, if not dead. This revival became known as the Hebrides Revival. Mary Anne immigrated to the United States of America in 1930 and married Frederick Trump. ---------------------------, "Duncan Campbell, in his biography by Andrew Woolsey, describes the revival as "A community saturated with God." The Hebrides Revival in many ways was a young people’s phenomenon. Box 338, Hendersonville, TN 37077-0338, Kensington Temple 2019 The Colossians Series, Kensington Temple 2017-18 The Elisha Series, Chronology of Sermons at Westminster Chapel. Instrumental in this revival was the evangelist Duncan Campbell. ", "They prayed, but the spiritual bondage persisted, so much so that half-way through the sermon, Duncan stopped preaching. They were eighty-four and eighty-two years old. That night the burden was unbearable and when Duncan asked the seekers to come to the vestry for prayer - he rushed to the room to give his life to God. MI Senate Leader Says Insurrection Was "Hoax" Pushed by McConnell... Yahoo News Reporter Compares Citizen Journalist Andy Ngo to Nazis; Leave Your Comment. ", "Within 48 hours the drinking house, usually crowded with drinking men of the village, was closed. Everyone melted into tears as the presence of God filled the station. I met that  man last weekend and spent time with him – the Rev. Donald's Bible | The Hebrides Revival – YouTube There aretwo things that I wouldliketo say inspeaking about the revival in the Hebrides. Simultaneously the Spirit of God swept through the village . He was brought into the study and the minister asked him, 'What happened to you, I have not seen you in any of the services?' One day Duncan Campbell found him in the barn with his Bible open. 9. He began to sob, then lifting his eyes toward heaven, cried, 'Oh God, there is power, let it loose!' -------------------------------------------------, "Outside, startling things were taking place. The Intercessors of the Hebrides Revival . History of Donald Trump’s Bible and The Hebrides Revival. By “revival” I do not mean a planned, orchestrated series of meetings. 10. We will visit the Hebrides Islands and spend time with people who were in this awesome revival - this is wonderful opportunity to partake of these wells. for further details of the Scotland prayer/tour email Kathie at Or email Sharon at Or call: 1-800-300-9630. We were invited by the Rev. You can find many of her books on the ELIJAH LIST store at:, ------------------------------ The man kept well away from the meetings at first, but eventually gave in. One can easily find material from Google and in some books that have described this phenomenon. Between 1949 and 1952 a wide spread revival swept through the islands of Scotland in answer to the prayers of God’s people. Colin & Mary Peckham's personal testimony of the Hebrides Revival under Duncan Campbell is compelling and ife-changing. It was in this village that within 48 hours, many young people had surrendered their lives to Christ, and could also be found in the prayer meetings! ', "But conviction seized him and increased as the day went on. There are about 10,000 smiths registered in Hebrides. Duncan Campbell visited him and prayed with him. The town of Stornoway – the capital  of the Isle of  Lewis – was completely bypassed. In Callenish, he prayed until the power of God laid hold of those who were dead in sins, transforming them into the living stones in the temple of God. The top historian of the Hebrides revival says there was not a connection between them. Imagine that. [By the way, you are invited to COME WITH US -on our Scotland prayer tour - 19th June - 26th. THE SCOTLAND PRAYER TOUR with KATHIE WALTERS Duncan Campbell preached a message entitled, "When God Stepped Down." Of course people prayed that God might be pleased to do it again. Not everyone had that same spectacular experience but it was not uncommon. The church resembled a battlefield. Without telling them he was coming, he landed at Harris where people were waiting for him as if it had been planned. Many people walked several miles to reach the church, some twelve miles each way, and never got blisters on their feet or felt tired. John rose to his feet with his cap in hand and prayed a prayer that will never be forgotten by those who were present. THE POWER OF PRAYER - BERNERA 12. Peggy was blind and her sister almost… Donald became an outstanding prayer warrior and was asked often to pray in the meetings. The main person associated with the Hebrides Revival was Rev. People walked the streets in great conviction; others knelt by their bedsides crying for pardon. This year is the 70thanniversary of the beginning of the Hebrides Revival. ", The power of God moved from town to town and the presence of God fell upon whole communities [This is taken from Kathie's book, "Bright and Shining Revival"], "The little band of prayer warriors made their way to the farmhouse to plead the promises of God. 8. The Revival came only to small towns or villages in the Hebrides. Some walked many miles. There is no doubt that Christians were “renewed” – yes. ", "In the middle of his prayer he stopped and raised his right hand to heaven and continued, 'Oh God, you made a promise to pour water on the dry ground, and Lord, it�s not happening.' '", ------------------------------ 'No,' he replied, 'But, I can�t get away from the spirit. Note: The following article (a transcript of a taped message on the Hebrides Revival) was first published in 05/10/2007. To receive daily, prophetic emails from The Elijah List to your inbox CLICK HERE, Kathie Walters has followed and written books about some of the most famous Revivals, especially in Celtic Countries. The Holy Spirit was the Architect and Sustainer of this extraordinary event. I met them all. ", "The scripture, 'Wither shall I go from your Spirit, or wither shall I flee from your Presence?' I certainly hope so. In the police station one night in Barvas, he simply stood up, clasped his hands together and uttered one word - "Father." ", by: Kathie Walters Books/tapes/articles, From the book, "BRIGHT AND SHINING REVIVAL" By Kathie Walters - Available by calling THE ELIJAH LIST 1-866-881-0477, --------------------------------------------- He had difficulty in understanding the message of salvation, but eventually broke through. Revival In The Hebrides by Duncan Campbell Note: This is a transcript of a tapedmessage onthe Hebrides Revival which waspreached by Duncan Campbellin 1968. It was Dr. Logan who told me how Duncan Campbell, seated on the platform ready to speak in Northern Ireland, suddenly felt an impulse to leave at once and go to  Harris, also a part of the Hebrides. He actually prayed that God would keep Duncan Campbell away from his village; he did not want to be converted. ", "Among those converted the following night was a young boy of 16, named Donald. THE PRAYER OF FAITH The people would either linger at church or often go into nearby homes for further fellowship and singing. The purpose of the Hebrides Revival Conference was to thank God for that wonderful era. Edited & Compiled by David Smithers. Deceptive Detection 20/20. Between 1949 and 1952 a wide spread revival swept through these islands in answer to the prayers of God's people. But the stress was on the need for people to be saved. Why? People typically left for their own homes at 2 o’clock in the morning. Mary Anne Smith MacLeod, niece of the two intercessors of the Hebrides Revival and cousin of Donald Smith the 15-year-old converted at the revival, emigrated from the Hebridean Island of Lewis to America and met a gentleman named Frederick Trump. The reason for this was thought to be that the ministers in Stornoway opposed the Revival. Conversions would often take place in homes as well as in church. He halted again and after a moment of tense silence cried, 'Oh God, your honor is at stake; and I now challenge you to fulfill your covenant engagement and do what you promised to do. YOU CAN'T GET AWAY FROM GOD 1.The preaching during the Hebrides  Revival was in Gaelic. Some would get home at 5 o’clock in the morning and go off to  work at 7 a.m. and work all day without getting tired! Because true revival is a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit. He thought, 'This boy is in touch with God, and living nearer to the Savior than I am.' The only explanation given: the constable was a God-fearing man and that is why people found themselves going to that spot – each not knowing another was also coming. I see the Lamb in the midst of the Throne, with the keys of death and hell at His girdle.' ", ------------------------------------------------- When interrupted he quietly said, 'Excuse me a little Mr. Campbell, I�m having an audience with the King. The blanked words arethose that weredifficult to distinguish onthe tape. They met at a dance where they fell in love. It is time to rise up and intercede for our President and for our Nation. One night a man went to the manse in great concern of his soul. In the service Duncan Campbell made a reference to �those who had made vows to God while they were in danger at sea.� 'That�s me (his boat had been torpedoed during the war), my sister must have told him about me. 5. 8. Although Duncan Campbell remained a minister of the United Free Church of Scotland – never abandoning his robust view of the sovereignty of God, some regarded him as Arminian – which he wasn’t. A revival took place in 1949 in the village of Barvas on the largest island of the Outer Hebrides off the northwest coast of Scotland. People did not want to go home when a  service was over. WOW— Donald Trump's connection to the Hebrides Revival (Hebrides islands are by Scotland) In the late 1940’s a small cottage In Scotland on the Island of Lewis by in the village of Barvas lived two elderly women, Peggy and Christine Smith. This is SOOOO relevant for today that I had to share it even though it is not my original footage. The chain of Western Hebridean Isles nestle within sight of the Scottish mainland at the northern gateway to the Irish Sea. took on a very real meaning. I�ll settle with her when I get out of the meeting. Big Tech purged! The 2nd tract contains sermons by Duncan Campbell. Antifa Loves To Endorse What It Alleges To Hate | Right Wire Report Remembering September 11th | Right Wire Report Sunday Thoughts: The Stupidity Challenge | Right Wire Report 2. Several men were found laying by the side of the road in such distress that they could not even speak - yet they had not been anywhere near the church! 4. QMap Jackson - April 21, 2020. There was  a great sense  of the fear of God  all over the area. Seven men and two old women prayed and got hold of God in a remarkable way. This in an account and an encouragement to pray and believe God for the same kind of movement WHERE YOU ARE. Twitter. THE FAMOUS "HEBRIDES REVIVAL" Nothing stirs my heart for nationwide revival more than hearing from whose who have experienced it firsthand in their own community. Just then he noticed Donald, visibly moved under a deep burden for souls. Many who visited Lewis during this time became vividly conscious of the spiritual atmosphere before they reached the island. ', -------------------- I met them all. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. The report was given by Duncan Campbell, a preacher in the Revival. Testimony of F. Hay (A Young Woman) It was autumn in the Hebrides, the season of faithfulness and of fulfillment. He goes on, "The presence of God was a universal, inescapable fact: at home, in the church and by the roadside. Rev. Duncan Campbell (1898-1972). Nita L. 10 months ago in Opinion 0. This sort of thing – as so much as can be read about  this Revival – defies a natural explanation, especially when you consider that this movement of the Spirit lasted three to four years. Little did they know that their nephew would one day become the President of the United States of America and bring change and a move of God to the Nations. I have searched and searched and asked all the people and histories they all say “no very highly unlikely.” I think someone saw the name “smith”. And God may yet do it again! She needs 200+. Suddenly her son William was overcome with emotion and began to  cry. According to Duncan Campbell, the preaching was expository.I find this interesting. Recently (7-9 June 2019) I had the privilege of speaking in Stornoway, Isle of Lewis, Scotland. Not only did the revival reach their Island in Scotland but the Hebrides Revival became known around the world. 14 young men who had been drinking there were gloriously converted. Duncan Campbell used a phrase, “hell deserving sinners” – the sort of expression one doesn’t hear often these days. ATTENTION: ALL YQUTUBE ACCQUNTS BANNED! Revival in the Hebrides (1949) The revival in Lewis is the last (most recent) move of God in the British Isles where "God came down" in tranforming power. This report was delivered in 1968 by Duncan Campbell, an evangelical preacher who was called in 1949 to serve there in answer to prayer by 2 el-derly sisters. It was common for services –  or in people’s homes after the meetings – to go into the night and morning hours. It was regarded by some staunch Calvinists as being Arminian. 3. 5259. This video explains how President Donald J. Trump and his Bible are connected to the Hebrides Revival. I myself had read as much as I could about the Revival before I went there. STARTLING THINGS TAKING PLACE OUTSIDE THE CHURCH But little attention has been paid to the prayer warriors who paved the way before and during that mighty move of God’s presence. Many teenagers and those under the age of forty were converted. They are making every effort to prevent YOU from getting the news and information you want. Off the west coast of Scotland is a small group of islands called the Hebrides. And adopted the smith sisters into Donald family. '", "Another man was frightened by what his sister reported of the revival. They were mostly teenagers when they were converted. This in an account and an encouragement to pray and believe God for the same kind of movement WHERE YOU ARE. [By the way, you are invited to COME WITH US -on our Scotland prayer tour - 19th June - 26th. Off the west coast of Scotland is a small group of islands called the Hebrides. I wish it were not so, but I suspect that much preaching one hears today is motivational rather than biblical. 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