Snakes’ body temperatures adjust to their environmental temperatures. © Corn snakes are closely related to rat snakes (rat snakes also belong to the genus Elaphe) and are also sometimes called red rat snakes (especially the amelanistic color variations). Corn snakes make excellent choices as pet snakes. Learn about which species are most suitable for beginners. All rights reserved. Live rodents should never be offered to a snake, as they can bite the snake and inflict serious injury. Snakes are one interesting animals to have as pets because they don’t require too much of attention and time. Heck, most snakes don’t even look after their young once they’re born! 15 Best Pet Snakes for Beginners to Successfully Own & Enjoy 1. Dr. Laurie Hess DVM, DABVP (Avian Practice). Reptiles are ideal for people with apartments or small homes. If living in the wild, the Asian Vine Snake can live for as long as twelve years. Not sure about food puzzles? Contrary to popular belief, they are not cold or slimy and most varieties aren’t dangerous. But they do make very interesting and hassle-free pets if you choose the right snake as a pet. Of course, minimum care is still required, and as owner you have the responsibility of ensuring the full welfare and happiness of your pet. Snakes grow long— sometimes very long.Many young snakes start off very small but, depending on their species, may grow to several feet long and several inches in girth. Take care of their feeding, weekly tank cleaning and a daily clear up, and your snake will be happy. We must all take an objective look at our personal choices and change the ones that hurt others—and that means not buying snakes or other “pets” (an effortless pivot, when you think … Although caring for a domestic snake is not too complicated, it is necessary, and there are some basic guidelines you should be familiar with. Let us know! They require a … Be sure you research the species you are considering so that you know how big it might ultimately be. Temperature is very important for the snake; you cannot place the terrarium in areas that reach a temperature below 25°C (77º F), although the exact temperature depends on the particular species. 7. 1. If you’re not prepared to feed your snake mice or rats, then don’t have a snake. A person may have had a long term interest in snakes. Revered for their docile nature, this is one of the best pet snakes for beginners. Deciding that your desire to “own,” touch, hold, or pet a snake is more important than their innate solitariness is speciesist—every animal has the right to live free from human exploitation. Tips for your pet snake Bedding. It’s often the very first species that snake lovers get the opportunity to care for. Snakes are carnivores, so you can feed... Grooming Nowadays, however, this association has started to change, as many people choose to share their home with ferrets, fish, tortoises, squirrels, rabbits, rats, chinchillas, and all sorts of different species that were unthinkable as companions just some decades ago. The size of the rodent fed is determined by the size of the snake and may change as the snake ages and grows. These are shed with the rest of the snake’s skin as it grows. They don’t need to be walked, they don’t shed, and they mostly keep to their cages. Egg-eating snakes are quite easy to look after, and setting up their vivarium doesn’t need to be too costly. As beautiful as they are, large constricting snakes and venomous snakes are not recommended as pets due to their safety concerns. This may make them more appealing than having a more common pet; having a pet snake is cool. They are not your typical cuddly pet, but as snake owners will tell you, their pets recognize them and respond to their voices. Feeding Their natural environment is dry, so they don’t require much humidity. Please enter an address, city and/or zip code. Vetstreet. Snakes are persistent about finding and squeezing through any small gaps. Some large species can weigh more than 100 pounds when fully grown, which may not be for several years. Contrary to popular belief, you cannot limit the size of a snake by confining it to a small tank. As with any animal, it’s important to read up well in advance and to make an informed decision. The size of the rodent fed is determined by the size of the snake and may change as the snake ages and grows. © 2001-2021  Thawed frozen rodents or freshly killed ones are recommended instead. Stay away from large snakes and choose a manageable species. Snakes eat rodents. Corn Snake. However, if you want to create a mutual emotional bond, you should bear in mind that snakes don't show any attachment to their owners. Green snakes. With no entertainment or constant attention needed, they pretty much just sit there the whole time. Snakes Have Rights. Available in dozens of dazzling colors and unique patterns, snakes’ unique appearance adds a fun level of customization that cat and dog breeds can’t compete with. Snakes make good pets for families All these reasons add up to mean that snakes, among other animals, can make great pets for families. While purchasing and owning a snake for a pet is perfectly legal, it is not advised. Our veterinarian reveals why the payoff for your pet is well worth any extra work. Corn Snakes, like all other snake species, are subject to fungal and respiratory diseases that could harm the health and longevity of your snake. If the video doesn't start playing momentarily, Live rodents should never be offered to a snake, as they can bite the snake and inflict serious injury. Like all exotic snakes, they will require temperatures above what you’d have your home’s thermostat set to, but that’s easily remedied by a heat pad or under-cage heater. The care of this snake can be rather tricky for new pet … Here is a list of great beginner pet snakes to help you choose one for your home. Small Pet Snakes That Stay Small House snakes. If you're looking for the loyalty of a dog or the warmth of a bunny, a snake is not a good choice. Or if you want to make a splash with aquatic turtles, frogs or toads, we have what you're looking for in local stores near you. Pet owners don’t have to worry about feeding their snakes reptiles or amphibians as they are also perfectly happy eating earthworms, slugs, and crickets. The purchase is the easy part; in most towns in the United States, giant snakes readily are found at pet shops and breeder expos. Of course, stay away from any poisonous species. Bonding with a snake means having a pet or companion that is comfortable being handled, will rarely if ever try to bite, and actually seems to enjoy interacting with you. To be ready to have a snake in your home, you should be able to provide the following basic care: Before bringing a snake into your home, you should consider several factors. You will need to have a local shop where you can purchase rodents and other small animals to feed your snake. Pet corn snakes are generally docile, relatively easy to care for and do … If you’re considering a snake as a pet, there are certain things you should know before you bring one home. There are literally thousands of different species of snakes, so they come in all sizes and colors. They do have transparent scales called spectacles to protect their eyes. For a variety of reasons, small snakes generally make better pets than large snakes do. Pet snakes are ideal for modern everyday life where work can stop you from looking after pets the way you'd like to, especially when further care is necessary. Wonder which dog or cat best fits your lifestyle? Egg-eating snake care. Powered by Brightspot. In terms of general husbandry and feeding, this snake is easier to care for than others. Non-venomous species include corn snakes, ball pythons, sand boas, hognose snakes and more! Have a point of view to share? Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Before you decide upon having a snake as a pet, remember that some species can live over thirty years, making this a lifelong commitment that you should be one hundred percent sure about. Here you will be introduced to three reasons why you should not opt for a pet snake. Also, people with allergies to dogs or cats won’t have … If you're wondering about what you can get from having a pet snake, you should know that they offer many benefits for owners: If your personality and lifestyle suits the nature of a snake, they could no doubt be an exceptional pet for you. We’ve got the skinny on which foods are OK to feed him. Find the perfect companion, from desert-dwelling dragons and sun-loving snakes to nocturnal geckos and invertebrates. Bartonella is a type bacteria that can be transmitted to cats, dogs and humans from exposure to infected fleas and…. They can be gentle, beautiful animals, but they have very specific environmental and dietary needs that must be met to keep them happy and healthy. Snakes will not come to greet you on the door nor will they make good playmates. Like this article? They don't cause allergies as they don't have fur or feathers. Pro: Snakes Are Low Maintenance Compared to a dog or a cat, you’re right to think that a snake will be an easier pet. Everyone's first pet should be a snake, in my opinion. They are native to the southeastern United States, are mostly land-dwelling and are active mainly at night or at dusk and dawn. Get a captive bred snake from a reputable breeder, if at all possible. While it's not right to say that they should never be pets, it's true that snakes are only suitable as pets for certain people. 3. Gopher Snake. A shift box prevents a snake from escaping while you clean its terrarium. You may not want to lose your pet, but you also may not want to invest in medicines or, in extreme cases, a veterinary bill. Snakes need certain temperatures and humidity levels. They don't need to be fed on a daily basis. All rights reserved. With these simple dental care tips, you can help keep your canine’s adorable smile shiny and healthy for life. What happens to them next is a bit of a crap shoot, many winding up victims of negligent owners who have been misinformed about their new pet. A shift box can cost anywhere around $80 to $150. Powered by Brightspot. A snake, like any other animal, provides you with company on a daily basis. Sand boas. Click to attach a photo related to your comment, Coral Snakes as Pets: Guidelines and General Tips, Caring for a snake: Things to take into account, What is the difference between a colubrid and a snake, Owls as Pets: Guidelines and General Tips, Types of German Shepherd - All Breed Variations, Monkeys as Pets: Guidelines and Basic Tips. Vetstreet. Fungal infections are something your Corn S… Did you know that there are many types of snakes you can have as a pet? Your snake must undergo a veterinary check before you take it home for the first time. They require a small living space adapted to their size, where they can feel comfortable. Powered by Brightspot. Snakes shed skin. Praisaeng via Shutterstock When compared to a dog or a cat, reptiles don’t require as much care and maintenance. They don't cause any noise as they love silence and quiet. Vetstreet. © The origin of snakes is not fully clear yet, but most scientists believe that snakes evolved from lizards, as some species have vestigial limbs. If you feel you should have a pet snake, consult Allah and through that conversation lead yourself into understanding whether or not it is best for you to have a snake as a pet. It is always better to shop and set up a terrarium before getting a snake. Even common, beginner-level snakes have dozens upon dozens of cool morphs. Logistics aside, the main draw of having a snake as a pet is their wow-factor. If you love snakes, then why not read the following useful articles: If you want to read similar articles to Snakes as Pets, we recommend you visit our What you need to know category. Our new tool will narrow down more than 300 breeds for you. Although snakes have teeth, they are not the right type to bite or chew food; therefore, they swallow their prey whole. A big enough ringneck snake can eat small mice or voles, but they are not a required part of their diet. In general, snakes should be provided with a tank large enough for them to fully stretch out in. Vetstreet does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Some like common pets like cats and dogs while the others prefer quiet animals as pets. Remember, most of these snakes which become pets have been caught in the wild and haven’t got used to humans yet. Brown snakes. Not all snakes have … Pet Reptiles Choose from a variety of pet reptiles for sale including snakes, lizards, turtles and more. The trusty corn snake is an incredibly popular species in the pet trade. Want to give your pup yummy, low-calorie treats? They generally require both a hot, basking zone in their tanks, often in the 90°s, and a cooler zone in the 70°s, to regulate their body temperatures properly. Keeping rattlesnakes as pets is uncommon because they’re extremely dangerous animals. All rights reserved. In addition to a highly-secure terrarium, you need a shift box to keep the snake when it’s out of its enclosure. This AnimalWised article will tell you all about keeping snakes as a pets, including their basic requirements and some care tips to hopefully answer all your questions. Different snakes have different needs for equipment and feeding. Ringneck snakes. please install the latest version of Flash. See Additional Information ›. The world of pets has become so diverse that people even consider keeping a snake as a pet, which may seem strange at first, especially in some parts of the world. The gopher snake is a common snake often seen in North America. Thawed frozen rodents or freshly killed ones are recommended instead. They are curious creatures though so varying their surroundings regularly is a good idea. Contrary to popular belief, snakes take a lot less effort to be taken care of in comparison to your regular dog/cat pets. In case you are looking for the best snakes to have as pets, then feel free to take a look at the list below. The friendly and inquisitive LaPerm has an easy-care coat that comes in a variety of colors and patterns. Snakes can fill people with fear, but there are also many people who are passionate about snakes, so much so that they want to share their home with them. This all depends on proper care and health upkeep of the snake as a pet, of course. Their main characteristics include being legless and having forked tongues. Snakes are not time consuming Snakes need a great deal less time and attention than other pets such as cats and dogs, and providing that you meet all of their needs, you should find them low maintenance and not liable to take up a lot of your time. Some snakes also need ultraviolet light to help them make vitamin D in their skin, which in turn enables them to better absorb calcium from their food. General Pet Snake Care Equipment Before purchasing a snake for a pet, one must thoroughly research the breeds, their health requirements, their average lifespan, and the proper housing for the creature. Make sure that your snake has access to clean fresh water all the time. 2001-2021  Ball pythons, being reptiles, don’t get attached to their owners like other pets might, so rehousing a snake is much easier than rehousing a cat or dog: the snake won’t care as long as their environment is maintained properly. The best way to purchase an appropriately sized snake tank is to approximate the size of the snake and visit or contact a reptile specialty supply store (there are many online) to order the correct one. Asian Vine Snakes who live in captivity typically have a lifespan of 8 to 12 years. That makes them an ideal apartment pet, or a pet for someone who can’t handle the rigorous schedule of a more mainstream pet. 2. 2001-2021  Rough greens can live up to 15 years, though many in captivity don’t live that long. Reptiles are beloved by so many pet parents worldwide, and it’s easy to see why. When we hear "pets", we tend to associate the term with cats and dogs. Without adequate humidity, they will not shed the skin on their bodies or the clear coverings (called spectacles) over their eyes properly. It may be that they are considering having a new pet, and are wondering whether this might be a good choice. However, they’re loved … The reason why they're such an awesome pet is because having pet snakes doesn’t require any effort whatsoever, apart from the rare visit to the vet. 2. The corn snake is almost always the number one recommended snake for new owners and so it remains in its... 2. A pet snake can be a wonderful companion, but choosing to keep one should not be taken lightly. Here are some tips to help you make an informed decision in order to fully appreciate your pet: Following these simple recommendations will make your snake's adoption totally successful. But always trust in Allah’s wisdom for you. Snakes — most people love them or fear them. The care of a pet reptile gives the family a shared, common objective, plus, the responsibility of caring for a … Check out our collection of more than 250 videos about pet training, animal behavior, dog and cat breeds and more. As COVID-19 continues to spread, we're going through another stay-at-home order, I'm relieved I have … 1 Boa Constrictor The best way to deal with illness in your snake is to prevent it by having the snake examined when you first get it and then annually by a knowledgeable reptile veterinarian and by ensuring that your snakes care and nutrition is ideal. Take our breed quiz to find your next pet. Well, having a pet snake is very different from having a pet dog or a pet rabbit. While there is no direct source that states snakes as pets are or are not haram, there is much speculation and symbolism against the idea. Despite their exoticism, egg-eating snakes are easy to take care of as pets. A snake that is used to your company, shows no signs of stress and that you can have a connection with. Unlike most pet snakes, rodents are too big to swallow for these reptiles, so they like to eat insects and spiders. Some of them are venomous, but not all. Preventative medicine is key to having a healthy, happy pet snake. This is not to say that the owner cannot develop a great affection for their pet snake, especially considering that a domestic snake can live up to 30 years. Make sure you can take care of the snake. If you're wondering about what you can get from having a pet snake, you should know that they offer many benefits for owners: They don't need to be fed on a daily basis. They don't cause allergies as they don't have fur or feathers. Garter snakes. Quiet animals as pets box prevents a snake that is used to your regular pets. Young once they ’ re not prepared to feed him enough ringneck snake can be a snake for owners! Ve got the skinny on which foods are OK to feed your snake mice or voles but! Like to eat insects and spiders come in all sizes and colors are most suitable for beginners years, many. Snake for new owners and so it remains in its... 2 with simple... 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