The procedure followed methods recommended by Rosch and Mervis (1975). The device of family resemblance interpreted as a frame in the sense of L. Barsalou brings my proposal closer to the actual activity of artefact categorisation. Family resemblance definitions are divided from the rest about the degree of unity to be expected among the class of things the Western academy has chosen to call ‘religions.’ The remaining styles of definition illustrate the conflicting pull of issues of scope and clarity. The researcher should also take away the credit of an attribute to any member that clearly and obviously does not possess the attribute. Ward, James and Barbara Loken (1986), "The Quintessential Snack Food: Measurement of Product Prototypes," in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. FR3 was intended to provide insight into whether the judgments made earlier improve correlations with typicality. DISCUSSION The family resemblance measure is a widely used method of studying categorization in both the psychology and consumer research fields. If they do, one might conclude that either the judges bias the measures in the expected direction, or improve the scores by in effect "reminding" subjects to accurately describe the stimuli. Each product sharing the attribute is then credited with a score equal to the number of products possessing the attribute. Seemingly routine as far as small financings go, the transaction soon attracted the attention of the Ontario Securities Commission ("OSC"), not least because both the company and its chi… APPENDIX INSTRUCTIONS FOR RATING PROTOTYPICALITY REFERENCES Barasalou, Lawrence (1985), "Ideals, Central Tendency, and Frequency of Instantiation as Determinants of Graded Structure in Categories," Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 11, 629-654. Rosch and Mervis (1975) developed a procedure for measuring family resemblance that has been widely cited and used in the psychology literature. See, e. g., Exchange Nat. approach, his data suggest that accounting for frequency of mention may improve the correlation of family resemblance with typicality. See, e. g., Exchange Nat. The results have implications for both academic and applied students of consumer behavior. Some degree of judgment enters the creation of the matrix, because subjects often use different words that appear to mean the same attribute. These factors have been shown to have an influence on typicality that is independent of attribute-based measures of category structure such as family resemblance (Barsalou 1985). The foods with the 20 highest production ranks were then chosen for the stimuli (shown in Table 1) for the next phase of the study. Indeed, it may be just a question of family resemblance. The classical approach to concepts seems to be closed for those who intend to engage rather in descriptive than in prescriptive philosophy. Author: Don Wiebe 1 View More View Less. Next, the researcher develops a category member by attribute matrix. Tversky (1977) has proposed alternative ways of computing family resemblance including giving positive weight to common features and negative weight to distinctive features, and accounting for frequency of mention. Sujan, Mita (1985), "Consumer Knowledge: Effects on Evaluation Strategies Mediating Consumer Judgement," Journal of Consumer Research, 12 (June), 31-46. In the psychology literature, Barsalou (1985) introduced a measure of family resemblance based upon the average rated similarity of category members to one another and not attribute lists. Select one: a. Tversky, Amos (1977), "Features of Similarity," Psychological Review, 84 (July), 327-352. The present results do not contradict his recommendation, but it was argued that weighting by frequency of mention may create a "hybrid" measure incorporating attribute-based aspects of category structure and another factor, perhaps similar to familiarity. ----------------------------------------, Advances in Consumer Research Volume 18, 1991      Pages 84-89, THE FAMILY RESEMBLANCE APPROACH TO UNDERSTANDING CATEGORIZATION OF PRODUCTS: MEASUREMENT PROBLEMS, ALTERNATIVE SOLUTIONS, AND THEIR ASSESSMENT. See, e.g., Exchange Nat'l Bank of Chicago v. Touche Ross & Co., 544 F.2d 1126, 1137 (CA2 1976). Next, the researcher develops a category member by attribute matrix. b. The notes bore varying rates of interest and were issued with a one-year maturity. Rebecca H. Holman and Michael R. Solomon, Provo, UT : Association for Consumer Research, Pages: 84-89. Thus, in this approach, degree of attribute sharing, or "family resemblance," determines prototypicality. For example, a study of the prototypicality of snack foods by Ward and Loken (1986) found that the consumers studied rated apples as rather prototypical snack foods. The study compares five alternative methods of computing family resemblance, and finds similarity in results for some, but not other, measures. The correlation of FR1 with FR2 was .99, and the correlation of FR3 with FR4 was .98. James Ward, Arizona State University, NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 18 | 1991, Karen Wallach, Emory University, USA The subjects were reminded to list types of food, not brands, and were asked to list the types in the order they were thought of. One approach to understanding the determinants of product categorization that has been applied by a number of researchers (Nedungadi and Hutchinson 1985, Sujan 1985, Ward and Loken 1986, Solomon 1988) is the family resemblance approach initially developed in psychology by Rosch and colleagues (Rosch and Mervis 1975, Mervis and Rosch 1981). Tversky, Amos (1977), "Features of Similarity," Psychological Review, 84 (July), 327-352. The third measure of family resemblance, FR3, was computed by relying only upon the attributes listed by the subjects. Once again, using judged data versus raw data resulted in scores that correlate highly, and have comparable correlations to typicality (about .40, as noted earlier). However, this analysis attempted to stay very close to what subjects said, and attempted to minimize the aggregation of disparate comments into single categories. Each subject listed attributes for all 20 category members. The instructions, adapted from Rosch and Mervis (1975) read, 'This is a simple experiment to find out the characteristics and attributes that people feel are common to and characteristic of different kinds of ordinary, everyday objects .... At the top of each page is listed the name of one object. The Second Circuit's "family resemblance" approach begins with a presumption that any note with a term of more than nine months is a "security." Further confirmation of our results across a larger variety of categories would increase confidence in their generality. These issues are important for two reasons. In Philosophical Investigations§65-71 the plurality of language uses is compared to the plurality of games. However, one of the main aspects in which these two siblings differ is the way in which they perceive and are perceived by the people whom they try to help – whether audience or clients. Although a number of alternative methods of computing family resemblance have been tried in the literature, no study that we are aware of has attempted to systematically vary methods of computing family resemblance on the same data set to see if 1) the scoring of unique attributes, 2) experimenter judgment, and 3) accounting for frequency of mention produce family resemblance scores that differ in their correlations with typicality, the traditional Rosch method, and one another. The study compares five alternative methods of computing family resemblance, and finds similarity in results for some, but not other, measures. For example, if "bicycles" just happens to remind you of your father, don't write down "father." A score of 20 was assigned to the first food mentioned, 19 to the second, and so on. The number of subjects who mentioned the attribute was counted (e.g., nine), and then the first weight was multiplied by the number of subjects (e.g., 11 X 9 = 99). In the consumer behavior literature, Sujan (1985) used only attributes mentioned by two or more subjects to compute family resemblance. The family resemblance measure weighted by frequency of mention across subjects (FR5) was correlated slightly but not significantly more with typicality than the other measures (.47, significant at p < .05). Paul Anderson and Melanie Wallendorf, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 22-26. In this study of eight hybrid genres—including … Family resemblance is a philosophical idea proposed by Ludwig Wittgenstein in the posthumously published book Philosophical Investigations. These results strongly suggest that, at least in the present data set, increasing the family resemblance score by "1" for unique attributes is not a significant problem. Ward, James and Barbara Loken (1986), "The Quintessential Snack Food: Measurement of Product Prototypes," in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. Don Saunders, Arizona State University Finally, FR5, the method that weighted for frequency of attribute mention across subjects, exhibited an interesting pattern of correlating slightly more highly with typicality than the other resemblance measures, but correlating poorly with these measures themselves. Some of these alternative methods have been used in the literature, but their relative performance has not been assessed. Richard Lutz, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research. Tversky (1977) has recommended weighting by frequency of mention as a means of improving the correlation of resemblance measures with typicality. FR5 was computed to introduce a new factor into the measure, the number of subjects who mentioned an attribute. Sujan, Mita (1985), "Consumer Knowledge: Effects on Evaluation Strategies Mediating Consumer Judgement," Journal of Consumer Research, 12 (June), 31-46. The family resemblance between drama therapists and medical clowns is great. Subjects were 15 undergraduate students who volunteered to participate in the study during scheduled class periods. Judging whether apples should be credited with these attributes seems necessarily subjective and difficult. Prototype Theory. Paul Anderson and Melanie Wallendorf, Provo, UT: Association for Consumer Research, 22-26. In many cases, specific securities law advice will be warranted. The local context where the topic of family resemblances appears is Wittgenstein's critique of language. Don Saunders, Steve Tax, and James Ward (1991) ,"The Family Resemblance Approach to Understanding Categorization of Products: Measurement Problems, Alternative Solutions, and Their Assessment", in NA - Advances in Consumer Research Volume 18, eds. This last result seemed puzzling, but may be because the measure introduces another factor into the family resemblance score, akin to familiarity or frequency of instantiation. Subjects were 15 undergraduate students who volunteered to participate in the study during scheduled class periods. Rosch and Mervis (1975) developed a procedure for measuring family resemblance that has been widely cited and used in the psychology literature. Solomon, Michael (1988), "Mapping Product Constellations: A Social Categorization Approach to Consumption Symbolism," Psychology and Marketing, 5 (3), 233-258. Furthermore, each member of the two pairs of measures correlates about .40 with typicality. 2 0 obj << /D [ 37 0 R /FitR 0 630 440 51 ] >> endobj 3 0 obj << /Rect [ 288.283 323.49001 307.21899 332.957 ] /Dest (CR21) /Subtype /Link /Border [ 0 0 0 ] /Type /Annot >> endobj 4 0 obj << /Filter /FlateDecode /Subtype /Type1C /Length 11506 >> stream The emergence of the Family Resemblance Approach to nature of science has prompted a fresh wave of scholarship embracing this new approach in science education. From another perspective, the results suggest that the use of judgment to decide whether products have attributes may not be an essential part of the procedure. All attributes mentioned by one or more subjects are listed on the right side of the matrix, and category members are listed at the top. using one prototype or starting point … The Second Circuit's "family resemblance" approach begins with a presumption that any note with a term of more than nine months is a "security." Nedungadi, Prakash and J. Wesley Hutchinson (1985), "The Prototypicality of Brands: Relationships with Brand Awareness, Preference, and Usage," in Advances in Consumer Research, Vol. Two of the researchers, acting as judges, first examined the applicability of each attribute to each product, as previously explained. Steve Tax, Arizona State University The family resemblance view In other word, weighting by frequency of mention may have actually reduced the measure's relationship to family resemblance (as suggested by the low correlations with other measures) but may have added an additional factor that compensatorily raised FR5's correlation with typicality. The results have implications for both academic and applied students of consumer behavior. To the practitioner, such issues are also relevant in a variety of ways. The logic for this procedure was that if more subjects mentioned an attribute, and more products shared the attribute, then it should contribute more to the perceived typicality of the category member. These findings suggest that users of the family resemblance procedure may be more confident that using the procedures recommended by Rosch does not contribute significant bias to their results. The instructions, adapted from Rosch and Mervis (1975) read, 'This is a simple experiment to find out the characteristics and attributes that people feel are common to and characteristic of different kinds of ordinary, everyday objects .... At the top of each page is listed the name of one object. From another perspective, the results suggest that the use of judgment to decide whether products have attributes may not be an essential part of the procedure. The answer to this question could influence many aspects of marketing strategy such as market segmentation, advertising (e.g., what attributes to push, what competitors to compare to), and pricing. Malt, Barbara and Edward Smith (1984), "Correlated Properties in Natural Categories," Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 23, 250269. However, there is a major problem with the family resemblance approach. Family resemblance (German: Familienähnlichkeit) is a philosophical idea made popular by Ludwig Wittgenstein, with the best known exposition given in his posthumously published book Philosophical Investigations (1953). In each case, the researchers, relying upon their own knowledge of the stimuli, decided whether the attribute might be possessed by the product or not. These factors have been shown to have an influence on typicality that is independent of attribute-based measures of category structure such as family resemblance (Barsalou 1985). In Tiffin, a private company sought to raise funds from a handful of existing clients. Theoretically, this approach is based upon the idea that category membership is a matter of degree. People may also tend to call a number of other cars "sports cars," but they may tend to regard these as less good, true members of the category. Tversky (1977) has proposed alternative ways of computing family resemblance including giving positive weight to common features and negative weight to distinctive features, and accounting for frequency of mention. The complete prototypicality rating instructions are shown in the Appendix. When I see me, I see them: my dad’s eyes, my mom’s smile, my grandma’s ears (and feisty temper), my grandpa’s hands, my sister’s chin, my niece’s mannerisms. One approach to understanding the determinants of product categorization that has been applied by a number of researchers (Nedungadi and Hutchinson 1985, Sujan 1985, Ward and Loken 1986, Solomon 1988) is the family resemblance approach initially developed in psychology by Rosch and colleagues (Rosch and Mervis 1975, Mervis and Rosch 1981). If the judges disagreed about whether a product had an attribute, a third researcher resolved the dispute. These included being round, crunchy, crisp, divisible into pieces, easily eaten "finger food", appropriate for many occasions, readily transportable, and liked by many people. The principle question addressed by the study is whether the five methods of computing family resemblance result in the same or different results. However, this measure deleted any attributes credited to only one or two products from the computation of the family resemblance scores. 14, eds. The incident has got me thinking more about the limits of a “family resemblance” approach to religion. Rosch, Eleanor and Carolyn Mervis (1975), "Family Resemblance: Studies in the Internal Structure of Categories," Cognitive Psychology, 7, 573-605. A Family Resemblance Approach to the Nature of Science for Science Education. Family Resemblance, edited by Marcela Sulak and Jaqueline Kolosov, is not only an exceptional tool for the craft, but also a vivid example of the craft. According to the family resemblance approach, the nature of science can be systematically and comprehensively characterized in terms of a number of science categories which exhibit strong similarities and overlaps among diverse scientific disciplines. Our findings are further qualified by the use of only one category for the comparison of the five measures. How consumers categorize products, and how to measure the extent to which they perceive a particular product to be a member of a category is an issue of interest to both academic and applied researchers. These correlations of the four resemblance measures with typicality are all in the expected positive direction and are all significant at the .10, but not the .05 level. Family Resemblance Approach. The present results do not contradict his recommendation, but it was argued that weighting by frequency of mention may create a "hybrid" measure incorporating attribute-based aspects of category structure and another factor, perhaps similar to familiarity. The family resemblance approach to defining religion emphasizes. Although a number of alternative methods of computing family resemblance have been tried in the literature, no study that we are aware of has attempted to systematically vary methods of computing family resemblance on the same data set to see if 1) the scoring of unique attributes, 2) experimenter judgment, and 3) accounting for frequency of mention produce family resemblance scores that differ in their correlations with typicality, the traditional Rosch method, and one another. Next it is asserted that games have common features but none is found in all of them. Alternative Measures of Family Resemblance. If the attribute is unique to only one product, the product is given a score of 1. Subjects were asked to list the attributes possessed by each item for a minute and a quarter. The incident has got me thinking more about the limits of a “family resemblance” approach to religion. Jin Seok Pyone, University of Kansas, USA. FR3 was intended to provide insight into whether the judgments made earlier improve correlations with typicality. These findings suggest that users of the family resemblance procedure may be more confident that using the procedures recommended by Rosch does not contribute significant bias to their results. The family resemblance measure is a widely used method of studying categorization in both the psychology and consumer research fields. According to Rosch and Mervis (1975), family resemblance should be measured as follows. All told, six clients extended $700,000 of debt financing on the strength of fourteen promissory notes, all of which were secured by a claim against certain assets. For example, a study of the prototypicality of snack foods by Ward and Loken (1986) found that the consumers studied rated apples as rather prototypical snack foods. The study compares five alternative methods of computing family resemblance, and finds similarity in results for some, but not other, measures. Thus, the attributes that subjects list are subject to a content analysis prior to being included in the matrix. These results strongly suggest that, at least in the present data set, increasing the family resemblance score by "1" for unique attributes is not a significant problem. Then subjects are asked to list the attributes they believe each category member possesses. To develop an overall typicality score, the scores for each of the three scale measures (typicality, representativeness, and goodness-of-example) were summed across all subjects. Each subject listed attributes for all 20 category members. To develop an overall typicality score, the scores for each of the three scale measures (typicality, representativeness, and goodness-of-example) were summed across all subjects. The most prototypical members are those that people tend to think of as the best, truest examples of the category. Loken and Ward (1987) criticized the family resemblance approach, and proposed an alternative "attribute structure" measure. The family resemblance approach revealed that apples shared many attributes with other snack foods such as potato chips and peanuts. Usually, subjects are given a minute or two to list attributes for each category member. Despite the utility of the method, close scrutiny suggests some problems and some alternative methods of computing the measure (Loken and Ward 1987). For example, a subject might list the attributes "sweet," "salty," and "coated" for M&M peanut candies but not apples. The study examines the family resemblance approach to measuring category membership. However, this measure deleted any attributes credited to only one or two products from the computation of the family resemblance scores. ABSTRACT - How consumers categorize products, and how to measure the extent to which they perceive a particular product to be a member of a category is an issue of interest to both academic and applied researchers. Barasalou, Lawrence (1985), "Ideals, Central Tendency, and Frequency of Instantiation as Determinants of Graded Structure in Categories," Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 11, 629-654. Although family resemblance is perhaps the most widely used and cited measure of how attribute sharing relates to typicality, scrutiny of the procedures for its computation recommended by Rosch and Mervis (1975) suggests several ways the measure might be improved or modified. Since this phase of the measure requires two judges to independently review the matrices and perhaps a third to resolve disagreements, its elimination might save significant amounts of time and labor, as well as alleviate whatever anxiety researchers have about introducing their own judgement into the data. The family resemblance measure is a widely used method of studying categorization in both the psychology and consumer research fields. Since this phase of the measure requires two judges to independently review the matrices and perhaps a third to resolve disagreements, its elimination might save significant amounts of time and labor, as well as alleviate whatever anxiety researchers have about introducing their own judgement into the data. Subject to a content analysis prior to being included in the five methods of computing family resemblance approach revealed apples. Research, 22-26 larger variety of ways Morris Holbrook, Provo, UT Association! 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