The meeting would have had to happen by June of 1971 but at that time Jeff Fort was in jail too since April while he was on trial again for the same defrauding issues brought up in the Senatorial hearings of 1968, so there is no way this meeting could have happened before 1976. As Qaddafi spoke Farrakhan asked the El Rukns to stand up. The Rangers met with gang leader Samuel “Two Mac” Dillard and brought him and his gang into the Ranger nation and this is the story of how the Stones came to Cabrini Green in 1966. Stones often left black owned businesses alone because they supported black entrepreneurs especially since there were very few. As the mighty El Rukn empire was beginning to crumble starting in the mid-1980s, the Stones were slowly making a comeback, but it wasn’t the Titanic Stones leading the charge. The Jet Black headquarters became 54th and Bishop in the Back of the Yards community which was the same corner the El Rukns assassinated King Cobra members in 1985. The most devout and closest to Jeff wore Fulani straw hats with a chin strap. Another important reason for young Stones and the whole world to learn about Jeff Fort is because of what the cause of the Stones was all about. Frank Balistreri was then locked up until June of 1971. The fact is Hairston had become a Heroin addict so there really is no telling who could have shot him, it could have even been someone he owed money to. It is indeed true that the El Rukns did contact Libya and even paid visits to Libya and Panama to discuss negotiations for the payment of the $2.5 million but there was never a shred of evidence that the payment ever happened or that actual talks of destruction of U.S. government property transpired alongside the payment talks. This is when a group was formed called “The Gorilla Family.”  This group was led by Cooper and consisted of lower level, less known El Rukns who would distribute both Heroin and Cocaine. By 1969, a seeming war began on the streets between law enforcement and the Stones as police continued to raid Stone hangouts and brutally beat young black males in the streets and in custody, sometimes resulting in death. The beef was eventually squashed but this was a big example of how control was being lost with the community organizations. Without Jeff Fort, the program was without proper leadership and all over a murder case that was pushed on Fort and it was something he didn’t even do (The Almighty Black P. Stone Nation, Moore, Williams). Fry wanted to connect with Jeff Fort who was always the visible leader of the Rangers since the beginning as Hairston was more behind the scenes, therefore, Fort was the one to talk to. There are many Stones nationwide that have never committed a single crime and have no record. The truth is this is not completely accurate saying Jeff Fort and Eugene Hairston were the creators, they were more of the organizers of the nation and turned the Stones into an army; therefore, they get their rightful credit as the founders, but the true founders is not too much known. El Rukns were initially denied this because the El Rukn name was tied to criminal endeavors and members were criminals; however, the reason for the suit was so their criminal backgrounds could not interfere with their right to assemble for religious ceremonies. Never was Eugene Hairston’s murder charge looked into about the reason for the crime. The Rangers shot Carl with a zip gun and now the Harpers Boys were furious, and the rivalry became worse. The best way to make this revolt effective was to include the Hispanic and white gangs into this too since the gangs in general ran the prison. Thelma was the mother of Anthony Sumner who turned state’s witness in 1985 after facing charges as he was now testifying about narcotics trafficking and murder. At this intersection the Stones wanted to run out any drug dealing opposition by force and to even take it as far as running out all competition in the nearby public housing projects in the Ida B. Crowder and Bowman had moved out of the south suburbs up to Milwaukee as Crowder became the top general running all Milwaukee operations. Most boys would work as drug couriers, numbers runners and even lookouts and the syndicates loved it because they could pay them next to nothing to do these dirty and dangerous jobs, most times they were paid just a few coins and of course the best part the older guys didn’t do jail time. The Gorillas also operated in air conditioned rooms which were ideal for mixing Heroin and Cocaine in the Harper Building which was located at 64th and Harper in the Woodlawn neighborhood. I am not totally clear on how the Moroccan story coincides with the Renegade Stone history but an incident happened that caused the Prince of the Moroccans to face prison time for a kidnapping/ransom charge that turned into murder and after that the Renegade Stones became the No Limit Stones. Another order was given to shoot any other King Cobras on site too. Prince Yak was actually well into his 50s in age, therefore, he became a part of Chief’s army at an already older age which was not unheard of and became more prevalent during the these days. After the final convictions were handed down at the end of 1991, Chief called upon all Stone groups and El Rukns to unite back under one nation. Getting back on track, the People alliance was born on the same day in the same meetings as the Folk alliance in April in the year 1978 and now any beef between El Rukns and Mickey Cobras was put to an end in the prison system as the Cobras joined People and even adopted some of the Islamic doctrines. Tramell’s largest role was to interpret all the hours of taped conversations El Rukns had between each other. Eugene Hairston did not like the name “Blackstone Ranger” but because it was the recognized name on the streets and the Harper’s Boys name was not so much Hairston reluctantly accepted the name (The Almighty Black P. Stone Nation, Moore, Williams). 11. Charges were dropped against Lee Jackson, Melvin Bailey, Allen Christmas, James Lofton and Leonard Sengali. After Wakeeta took over, the Jet Blacks nicknamed the northern Englewood area “Moe Town” named after Moorish beliefs. Legends have always said that young Jeff Fort created the “Blackstone Rangers” in 1959. Wells projects that were all early Islamic converts that studied the Holy Koran 7 and wore blue fezes. Le BPS a réussi à se faire une place à travers un large éventail d'activités criminelles et fait également partie de la grande alliance des gangs de Chicago, connu sous le nom de "People Nation". This is how Jeff and Eugene learned how to be conquerors and gang leaders, from the original Vice Lords. Would Jeff Fort still be in supermax right now? One September night as Disciples were shooting dice near the building, Stones planned the “Svengali Massacre.”  That night Stones tucked shotguns and handguns in long coats. It was then said in court documents that Chief continued to run the El Rukns from behind bars by talking on the telephone in codes ordering anything from drug movement to murder. Bottom line is whenever anyone is charged with terrorism many rights are automatically removed and this was the strategy of law enforcement and the courts. At the bar they attempted to kill Chalmers but instead they hit Rico Chalmers, Glendon McKinley, and Vicki Nolden, all three were killed. Beginning in the year 1955, white flight took off to full speed city-wide and Woodlawn and Englewood were top examples of white flight having a devastating effect. This is when the El Rukns began calling the Titanics “gophers” because they popped up like gophers and he wanted to keep hitting them as they popped their heads up. By the year 1959, the Raiders were somehow having issues, perhaps declining or becoming disorganized to the point where a 12-year-old youth was able to seize control of this organization. Prince Yak was a mentor to Chief and helped him solidify the Stones during their shaky beginning in Milwaukee. Englewood was an important turnout because the Rangers were able to take over from 69th Street down to 75th Street. Le gang se spécialise dans le … All this caught up with Ranger leadership as Jeff Fort and Eugene Hairston would do some time in a juvenile detention center in 1961. Northern Englewood is the second oldest Stone section in the city that dates way back to the Raider days. The Black Gangster Disciples and Black Disciples organized the Folk alliance and brought in Hispanic and white gangs on their side, they all became known as “Folks.”  Stones and El Rukns formed a special bond with Latin Kings because they both had very similar causes for the creation of their organizations. Don't have an account? Usually when gang members commit murders against other gangs or drug dealers the sentences are often not as harsh as I have researched many killers that have been in and out of the penal system for killing other gang members. Before the contact with Libyans, law enforcement was already gunning to take down the El Rukns and was right away looking to pin a link between them and terrorist groups right away mostly because they had now adopted the Islamic faith as they also carried on as gangsters. The Stones then got into the power source for the 727 building and cut the power creating a spooky atmosphere. After this day, there wasn’t a single shooting between Disciples and Stones for an entire month. He overall hated seeing people in the black community throw away their lives and become unable to function after being addicted to Heroin but by 1985 Heroin had replaced many other drugs the El Rukns sold like Ts and Blues and Codeine. Fuddy was apparently infringing on El Rukn Cocaine operations and allegedly Chief passed down the orders to take him out. Darius Walker: You just don’t get it do you? Another rival group to form in Englewood that year was the Devil’s Disciples which was another black gang bullied by white gangs like the Rebels. This is when law enforcement dished out sloppy enforcement and set up Disciples and Stones into war with each other to lure them into a trap with phony reports and the spread of gossip. At the time when the Vice Lords were introduced to Islamic doctrines and adopting El Rukn symbols both organizations along with several other organizations found themselves in a bind behind prison walls in Statesville. The Black P Stone nation was built upon strong leadership and incredible organization which is the backbone of what creates an empire. The Stones reached the peak of frustration and were now ready to shoot any police that came near the hotel and Alfano ended up being the target. There was no evidence at all that $2.5 million was to be used to declare war on the U.S. and to the contrary the money was supposed to be used to build a temple and to fix up other properties owned by El Rukns. The bottom line is the police and feds wanted the Stones off the street mainly because of the killings between Disciples and Stones, or at least that’s what it seemed to be on the surface. Prince Yak had opened “Sons of the Ancient Israelites Holy Temple” or “The Camp” at 42nd and Prairie in the Grand Boulevard neighborhood. Another reason there was more of a spotlight on the Rangers is because they were around much longer than the Harper’s Boys although the name changed slightly it was the same older group, but the Raiders were now forgotten by 1959 and only Jeff Fort’s Rangers group were all that was noticed. This was the ultimate headquarters of all El Rukns. By the later 1960s they wore the afros accompanied with dark ray ban sunglasses, combat boots and red berets. Stevens hedged his bet on Hairston and took the Titanics under the wing of Hairston; now Hairston was running the BPSN in both prisons which was a major power move and showed that he was still more than relevant. In the year 1958, the Woodlawn and Englewood areas were invaded by a west side gang quickly on the rise out west called the Egyptian Cobras. in 1955 With the decline in property value landlords often sought to rent to blacks because they were willing to pay higher rent during the major housing crisis of the 1940s and 1950s. The sanctions were brutal with brutal hits made against Stones as El Rukns were well armed and handled business very precisely. The old story if that Mickey Cogwell was the biggest objector to the El Rukn order but as I had shown, it was Hairston who was the biggest objector. Jeff Fort himself followed these rules very easily because he was never into drinking and using drugs and was never a man to cuss to begin with. Bodies stacked up as El Rukn killer squads set out on the streets removing one target after another and dominating the streets with brutal force. The “Alahambra” located at 6417 South Kenwood Avenue at the intersection of 64th and Dorchester in the Woodlawn community. As in the case with the Titanics, the El Rukns would not shy away from a war with any Stone group. The weapons were indeed secure in the safe out of harm’s way, but police still raided the church and it was said they were verbally abusive while disrupting positive programs (The Almighty Black P. Stone Nation, Moore, Williams). The agents had also placed a tracking device inside the weapon. Also, as early as 1960, the Rangers were receiving assistance from the Woodlawn Lutheran Church and the Woodlawn Boys Club. One of the other major downfalls was the involvement in the drug game that caused many Main 21 members to feud among each other over drug profits and without Jeff there to cool things down violence between Stone groups flared up. The El Rukns wanted their right to assemble behind bars as a religious entity that would have the same freedoms as any other religion practiced in prison where they can all come together and pray. During the years 1962 until 1964 the Rangers experienced quite a bit of growth multiplying into the hundreds in size and absorbing several gangs into the Rangers but the bigger growth spurt would come in the latter half of the 1960s decade especially when money started to flow into the organization without young Rangers needing to split heads for pennies. The Prince of the Moroccans taught nationality not gangbanging. The only time harm came to people in the neighborhood is if they became too nosey in El Rukn business, hence, violence against witnesses. This was the first time Ranger leadership was locked away, but the Rangers continued thanks to the interim leadership of Charles “Bear” Edward Bey. All went well with the OEO program until November of 1967 when Jeff Fort was thrown in jail on murder charges until the following year for a murder he was later acquitted of. In November of 1982, Chief believed he had been given a sign from Allah to finish off the Titanic Stones by wiping out more of their leaders. Sometimes all the Stones would arrive on bicycles and surprise everyone when they suddenly emerged. In the Summer of 1990, The Fort was knocked down as a ceremony was held to commemorate the “war on drugs” by removing a building they felt was a symbol of drugs and gangs. that I watched as I wrote this piece that made me think of how it ties into this history. The Titanic P Stones would not return until 2003. When trying to understand how the Stones came to be never discount the area the Stones came from. Now there was an organization here in Chicago with scary looking Muslim black men that were known to be criminals now communicating lightly with Libyan contacts. Teachings also stated that Islam was the natural religion of Africans and that Jesus was of another color then killed by the Romans to create Christianity as their legends distorted him into a white man. When he caught a case and ended up in prison in the late 90s it pretty much brought about the extinction of the Moroccans. In later years, Jeff Fort converted to Islam and started a quasi-Islamic faction of the BPS, called the "El Rukn tribe of the Moorish Science Temple of America" (or … Freebasing Cocaine was first invented in 1981 in the city of Oakland, but it wasn’t sold on the streets much until 1983 and it was exclusively a west coast drug as it slowly made its way into the Los Angeles area. Hairston also opposed drugs whether it was for personal use or for narcotics trafficking. 101 - 110 of 500 . Les Black P. Stones sont le principal gang de l'alliance People Nation, opposée à la Folk Nation. It is true that Mickey did not want to convert to El Rukn and that’s when the Cobrastones split away from Chief’s army, but Chief did not sign Mickey’s death warrant. Heroin was there and it wasn’t going away, so Chief decided to cut in on it to at least control it and make the money that would already be there for the taking. All captured gang histories by active status. He joined the Rangers back in 1965. El Rukns still sported black, green and red colors. They did business but they mainly focused on maintaining order just like the El Rukns. The Rangers spread south of 67th Street out of the Woodlawn area into the South Shore neighborhood conquering an area of the neighborhood that was first being settled by blacks in the area of 67th Street on the north, 71st Street on the south, Stoney Island on the east and the Illinois Central tracks on the west by Dorchester Ave.  Rangers grew in popularity with newly arrived South Shore black youths because they offered protection, especially from rival Devil’s Disciples and Egyptian Cobras not far away. This coveted area was the intersection of Oakwood and Drexel in the Oakland neighborhood. Prince Wakeeta was put in prison in 1997 for Cocaine trafficking and since then there seems to not have been a central leader on the streets for the entire BPSN. Before shooting the men, Dennis Jackson said, ” I hear you was messin with the Chief!” (Source:  The People Vs. Hairston) Hairston was convicted and sentenced 5 to 15 years, he then was sent to Statesville. To begin the story of the Black P Stones it is first important to understand some background of the area in which the Stones began and some of the organizations that predate the Stones. This is how Maniacs developed so many killers and leaders among their ranks and since they were the only branch sanctioned to be “Stone” they were selective with allies. Frustrations boiled over until a March shooting of police officer Richard Peck brought the Stones into a bigger spotlight. The message of the Black P Stones was uplifting and with Jeff Fort taking the helm in the later 1960s he directed more organization than ever and even offered some spiritual guidance. group claims to have photos and surveillance of Stones and Italian Mafia associates meeting to discuss this business.
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