He is warning his sister against being seduced and abandoned by Hamlet. 60 What is Laertes' advice to Ophelia? A modern explanation would be that Laertes is telling his sister of Hamlet. He warns her to stay away from Hamlet and tells her to protect her virtue. He provided advice to Ophelia pertaining to her relationship with Hamlet. Laertes warns Ophelia against emotional and physical intimacy with Hamlet, urging her to distance herself from him. Laertes enjoins his sister not to take any expressions of love from Hamlet seriously and to protect her virtue. Polonius continues to sound off many lines about what Laertes should act like in order to succeed in France, and lastly informs Laretes about how the France show their social status purely by their clothing, and as such, he should choose his apparel with much though. But Laertes cannot resist a last word of warning to her about Hamlet. What is the content of Hamlet's letter to Horatio? Polonius, their father, enters and gives Laertes some advice of his own: a series of cliché platitudes meant to help his son navigate the world. She promises to take his advice and to lock it safely in her heart. He has some brotherly advice for her: don’t trust Hamlet, or his confessions of love. This adds a humorous view of a very seriously written scene. How is Laertes similar to his father, Polonius? Ophelia confesses that they had been talking about her relationship with Hamlet. Finally, their anger, and urge for revenge also form basis for comparison. Hamlet. In Act 1 Scene 3 of Hamlet, both Laertes and Polonius advise Ophelia to stop seeing Hamlet, in their own ways. Laertes is headed to France, and he bids farewell to his sister, Ophelia. That Laertes is a terrible brother That he loved Ophelia in ways that no one could understand That he vows to take his own life now that Ophelia is dead That he feels Ophelia… Laertes tells Ophelia that to remain afraid of this outcome is the best way for her to remain chaste, and honorable, while he is away. Mobile. Both Hamlet and Laertes respect their father and even elaborate plans to kill the King (Downer, 162). OPHELIA 'Tis in my memory lock'd, And you yourself shall keep the key of it. Polonius asks her about her relationship with Hamlet. 14. 11. Polonius sternly echoes Laertes' advice, and forbids Ophelia to associate with Hamlet anymore. Works Cited C. He tells her she would be better off going to a convent than marrying any one of her suitors. 6. When Ophelia saw Hamlet, what was his appearance like? Flashcards. Help. 17. ... Quizlet Live. He reminds her that she is the mere daughter of the King’s advisor and that he is the Prince. • Hamlet seduces Ophelia and makes her fall in love with him out of pure infatuation while Laertes shows true love for his sister Ophelia as he truthfully seeks the best for her. Polonius, their father, enters and gives Laertes some advice of his own: a series of cliché platitudes meant to help his son navigate the world. Ophelia was untrue to herself; she gave her brother the key to her memory and let her father tell her what to think: LAERTES. Polonius asks Ophelia what she and Laertes were discussing, and she tells him that Laertes advised her about Prince Hamlet. 13. Immediately in the clip, Ophelia is seen with brightly painted nails and in what seems to be a much modernized library with Laertes. D. Report This. 12. Ophelia is also looking at an actual picture of Hamlet. Laertes / l eɪ ˈ ɜːr t iː z / is a character in William Shakespeare's play Hamlet.Laertes is the son of Polonius and the brother of Ophelia.In the final scene, he mortally wounds Hamlet with a poisoned sword to avenge the deaths of his father and sister, for which he blamed Hamlet. answer choices . What is Laertes advice to Ophelia 13 What is Poloniuss advice to Laertes 14 At from LITERATURE Shakespear at Piscataway Twp High Laertes’ advice to Ophelia about Hamlet is that she should stay far away from him. Laertes attempts to defend his families honour by getting revenge for his father's death. Polonius asks Ophelia what she and Laertes were discussing, and she tells him that Laertes advised her about Prince Hamlet. Hamlet jumps in the grave with Laertes to prove that he really did love Ophelia, they also fight. The advice also causes Ophelia to distance herself from Hamlet, which raises some red flags in Hamlet’s mind and causes him to think that her family has something to do with it. He reminds her that she is the mere daughter of the King’s advisor and that he … Does Polonius' shallowness serve to highlight Hamlet's thoughtful nature? Ophelia. He approves the judgment of Laertes… Tags: Question 20 . Ophelia fights back a little, pretty much telling Laertes not to be hypocritical. Laertes gives advice to his sister in Act 1, Scene 3. 2. Laertes is headed to France, and he bids farewell to his sister, Ophelia. What I have said to you. He has some brotherly advice for her: don’t trust Hamlet, or his confessions of love. Laertes thinks Hamlet is primarily interested in a sexual relationship with Ophelia. He … what is laertes advice to his sister, ophelia, in regards to hamlet? How do you suppose might ophelia's obedience to her fathers common affect him. What plan do the King and Laertes discuss to kill Hamlet? 4. Diagrams. Farewell, Ophelia; and remember well. I do not know, my lord, what I should think. In Poloniuss house, Laertes prepares to leave for France. In the latter part of the play, Laertes is an instrument of a king skilled at using As Laertes is about to leave, his father, Polonius, arrives. Share a link to this question via Google+, Twitter, or Facebook. This passage establishes that Ophelia and Hamlet have some sort of relationship. Relationship between Ophelia, Hamlet and Laertes In the play Hamlet, from the opening, Shakespeare uses the influence of dialogue to show the noticeable ill-treatment of Ophelia through the arrogant tone and improper speech of her father and brother. Polonius, their father, enters and gives Laertes some advice of his own: a series of cliché platitudes meant to help his son navigate the world. Ophelia responding her brother and advising him on not doing the opposite of what he proclaims, gives the spectator the sense that they care about each other and they also need each other.Ophelia after learning about her father’s death goes mad. 0 … Farewell, Ophelia; and remember well. Over-mastered by curiosity, he insists on knowing the import of his son's advice. This shows that there is a sense of love and loyalty within Polonius' family. Both siblings are deeply influenced by their father and his death ultimately causes their own deaths. Ophelia pledges to obey. Overall, Laertes and Ophelia are strikingly similar. 1 answers. According to Charney, Hamlet without words is opposed by Laertes’ clamour, noise, and commotion to show Laertes commands. 20 seconds . What does Laertes think of Hamlet? Laertes agrees, telling Polonius that he really must be going, and reminding Ophelia of his directive to her. Ophelia tells him that Laertes gave her some advice about Hamlet. He says, Give thy thoughts … To conclude, Laertes and Hamlet have their respective concerns for Ophelia as they both have an extensive love for Ophelia as proved when they fought during her funeral. Ophelia, daughter of Polonius and love interest of Prince Hamlet, helps her brother Laertes prepare for his impending journey to France. Is Polonius a foil to Hamlet? Polonius gives his son, Laertes, lots of advice prior to Laertes leaving Denmark to return to the European continent. Laertes says that Hamlet's affections for Ophelia are essentially flirtation and are going nowhere.Polonius, Ophelia's father, gives the same advice for a different reason. Laertes is headed to France, and he bids farewell to his sister, Ophelia. Since Hamlet is responsible not only for his own feelings but for his position in the state, it may be impossible for him to marry her. aboard, aboard, for shame! She tells him that Hamlet claims to love her. Polonius tells Laertes to not always voice his thoughts, to be familiar but not vulgar, to hold on to his closest friends, to beware of getting into quarrels, to listen to everyone but not to always give advice, to listen to others' opinions without always judging them, to Above all, Laertes reminds Ophelia of the importance of her virtue. Polonius gives Laertes a blessing and a battery of advice before sending his son on his way. In Act 1 Scene 3 of Hamlet, both Laertes and Polonius advise Ophelia to stop seeing Hamlet, in their own ways. OPHELIA 'Tis in my memory lock'd, And you yourself shall keep the key of it. Approved by eNotes Editorial Team Sign up. She sings songs about death, love, and flowers. Polonius. Just then, Ophelia enters, acting utterly insane. Look over Polonius' famous monologue in which he gives his son, Laertes, many pieces of advice. don't get attached with hamlet because he cannot marry you so it won't go anywhere, what are six of the bird of wisdom polonius wants laertes to remember as he faces the world, don't borrow or spend too much money; be true to yourself; have good friends; take everyone opinion but trust yourself; don't always say what your thinking; don't act on unwise thoughts, what does ophelia's response to her father show us about her character, easily swayed, obedient, or could be lying, hamlet is dealing with grief and rage about his father, mother, and uncle. Ophelia says that it was “something touching the Lord Hamlet” (I.ii.89). answer choices . Laertes' advice to Ophelia was to be far from Hamlet and do not sleep with him in any condition. How do you suppose might ophelia's obedience to her fathers common affect him, he's already dealing with the death of his father and he doesn't need something else to deal with. Oh no! In addition, after Polonius' death Ophelia goes mad, indicating that there is a sense of attachment and love the Ophelia, Polonius, and Laertes feel towards each other. Polonius gives Laertes a blessing and a battery of advice before sending his son on his way. As Laertes is about to leave, his father, Polonius, arrives. 19. Laertes says that he and Hamlet are both of noble birth and knows well how they view women that they will not wed. 13. Ophelia is taking her brother’s advice, and compares it as a “steep and thorny” way to heaven, happiness. He has some brotherly advice for her: don’t trust Hamlet, or his confessions of love. What news does the Queen bring Laertes? What are the contents of Hamlet’s letter to Claudius? He warns her to stay away from Hamlet and tells her to protect her virtue. I do not know, my lord, what I should think. Laertes gives advice to Ophelia; Polonius gives advice to Laertes before his departure. What's Ophelia's response to her brother? Both Polonius and Laertes give advice to Ophelia in Act 1, Scene 3. Over-mastered by curiosity, he insists on knowing the import of his son's advice. Polonius says he’s noticed that Hamlet and Ophelia have been spending a lot of time together, then asks Ophelia to tell him what’s going on between the two of them. This is portrayed by his advice to her to reject Hamlet. 3. 15. Your sister's drowned, Laertes." Q. Laertes approves heartily of Ophelia's relationship with Hamlet. I believe Ophelia is characterized as a young and immature woman. In addition, after Polonius' death Ophelia goes mad, indicating that there is a sense of attachment and love the Ophelia, Polonius, and Laertes feel towards each other. How does Laertes react to Ophelia? Give thy thoughts no tongue, Nor any unproportioned thought his act. Honor Code. Polonius advice to Laertes is to not always voice his thoughts, to be familiar but not vulgar, to hold on to his closest friends, to beware of getting into quarrels, to listen to everyone but not to always give advice, to listen to others' opinions without always judging them, to buy good clothes, to not be a borrower or lender, and above all else, to his own self be true. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Answered by Anonymous on 11th March, 2012. • Hamlet publicly apologizes for everything he did to Laertes. L… 2. It looks like your browser needs an update. +1. His words sufficed to rouse the old courtier's prying instinct. He believes Hamlet is speaking of love to get Ophelia … What treatment is Ophelia receiving for her breakdown? Start studying Laertes's vs Polonius's advice to Ophelia. Both Polonius and Laertes give advice to Ophelia in Act 1, Scene 3. Polonius, their father, enters and gives Laertes some advice of his own: a series of cliché platitudes meant to help his son navigate the world. There are clear floor panels and modernized stairs throughout the house that it takes place within. Some would describe Ophelia as perceptive, loyal and fragile. He advises Ophelia to keep her virginity or "maidenhead" by ignoring Hamlet's attentions. Bidding his sister, Ophelia, farewell, he cautions her against falling in love with Hamlet, who is, according to Laertes, too far above her by birth to be able to love her honorably. 18. Laertes’ advice to Ophelia about Hamlet is that she should stay far away from him. What I have said to you. Explain the reasons that Laertes and Polonius give Ophelia to convince her not to trust Hamlet's love. 58) In William Shakespeare’s classic drama, ‘Hamlet’, the titular protagonist, Hamlet, is a … He tells her of his concerns for Hamlet’s true intentions and wishes that she be very careful. Laertes tried to stay out of Ophelia 's love life for the most part, but Polonius … Laertes is drastically angered by the death of his father and seeks for revenge against Claudius. He tells her that Hamlet has deceived her in swearing his love, and that she should see through his false vows and rebuff his affections. How does Laertes react? ( Act 4 Scene 7, 162-163) By: Monica, Zach, & Brett Ophelia Text Evidence for Ophelia On the other hand, Ophelia, Laertes' It looks like your browser needs an update. They can also be compared in the way they both love and respect their families. Polonius’ Advice to Laertes Hamlet I, iii, 55-81 LORD POLONIUS Yet here, Laertes! Ophelia said she would consider their advice What is the significance of Polonius' advice to Laertes? False. 2. Laertes and Ophelia Text Evidence For Ophelia Video Clip "One woe doth tread upon another's heel, So fast they follow. Does Ophelia understand Laertes' true nature? This shows that there is a sense of love and loyalty within Polonius' family. 3. In Act I Scene III of Hamlet, Laertes is about to depart for Paris, where he will return to his studies. Polonius' rapid advice given to Laertes right before he leaves is somewhat random advice that should be learned rather than told so briefly. Laertes agrees, telling Polonius that he really must be going, and reminding Ophelia of his directive to her. Asked by Anonymous on 29th November, 2009 about Hamlet Study Guide. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Q. Laertes’ and Polonius’s speeches tend to create the impression that Hamlet has probably professed his love to Ophelia, and that this scene is going to lead to conflict and misunderstanding between the lovers. 16. He is warning his sister against being seduced and abandoned by Hamlet. There; my blessing with thee! What is Laertes' advice to his sister, Ophelia, in regards to Hamlet? Gertrude can make neither heads nor tails of what she’s saying, but Ophelia’s songs hint at Hamlet’s betrayal and her father’s death. Ophelia agrees to attend to his lesson. In Act 1, Scene 3 of Hamlet, Laertes is about to embark for France to attend the university. SURVEY . Laertes attempts to defend his families honour by getting revenge for his father's death. Both siblings cause their own deaths through their rash decisions. Ophelia says she’ll keep Laertes’s words close to her heart—but cheekily urges him to follow his own advice upon returning to France.
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