A “joint heir” clearly implies a different heir and not the exact same one. 5 - Five Characteristics of the Bride of Christ. This will probably be the most in depth and comprehensive Bible lesson that you have ever read on the subject of the Bride of Christ and it will probably take a long time and a lot of lessons to complete. May you be blessed for opening our minds to the truth. You are inspiring and encouraging indeed in your writing and your understanding of His heart . In the book of Revelation, the bride of Christ is specifically identified as the New Jerusalem. A bride is somebody comparable to her bridegroom. The Bible says there is but one body, or church, into which Jesus calls His end-time people—the bride of Christ. Ephesians 5:23–32 reveals that earthly marriages are a picture of the church's union with Christ. It is funny how one preacher will say something totally opposite to what another will teach. God does everything in an orderly legal fashion. As you read the rest of this blog series you will soon discover why Satan wants to convince the Body of Christ that they are not the bride. Many times a judge will give established case histories where similar rulings were given and then explain why he ruled the way that he did. In present day Christian circles much confusion exists as to who or what constitutes the Bride. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I guess I will stop right here and address another issue that I heard one minister say. Christian denominations, the Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Shepherd’s Chapel believe that the Bride of Christ is the term used for the worthy 144,000, redeemed by God and free from sin. Interestingly, the “Bride of Christ” is an unscriptural phrase that is foreign to both programs of God. All the redeemed of all other. You see based upon their logic and the verses in Revelation, if this city New Jerusalem is the bride of the church then we are the Lamb. Though the New Jerusalem is not the bride of Christ, it complements Ephesians 5 in showing the loving relationship between Christ and His people. As the bride of Christ, we need to prepare ourselves and be ready for the wedding feast. Their illogical thinking places us on equal ground with Jesus Christ and they make us equivalent to God in every aspect and feature. The bride can be referred to as a future “daughter-in-law” or the “sons” wife. The Fragrance of the Bride of Christ: Understanding the Spiritual Meaning of Essential Oils in the Song of Solomon (Fragrance Series) - Kindle edition by Totilo, Rebecca Park. How is a marriage related to this subject in the eyes of God. A year or so ago the writer heard a fundamental believer boast that he would give a thousand dollars to the person proving from Scripture that the church is ever identified as the Bride of Christ. However, what I like or don’t like and what you like or don’t like doesn’t really mean anything. P. Majoros Kende: When We Understand We Are The Bride of ChristRevelation 22:17, Matthew 6:10, 1 Thessalonians 1:10, Romans 7:21 Why does the Judge feel obligated to include similar case rulings in his decision process? 21:2,9; Rev. However, after I studied this subject I could not disagree more. The word bride is used only 5 times in connection with believers (John 3:29; Rev. In Legal terms, precedence is when a judge gives a ruling, he is obligated to explain why he ruled that way. This will help you develop holy passion for Jesus Christ. For I feel a divine jealousy for you, since I betrothed you to … Thank you also Michael, for lavishing your deep and unbridled love upon Him, my soul is delighted when I hear of or see one of His lovers adore Him. Satan is all too ready to pounce on error and use it to cause a split or an offense against other Christians in the church. Nothing really. That might shock some people to learn that truth. The Old Testament helps us explain the New Testament and vice versa. It seems this identity crisis has crept into the church. First to hide this information from His enemies who were led by Satan and then second to conceal the truth for us (the Church) to find at the right time. I will give you scriptural evidence and a bunch of it so that it is clearly understood. Do you think that God cares nothing about any of these subjects to discuss them directly? What is a Blood Covenant? Encounter Today 981,912 views. In this session, we look at the book of Ruth to see how the betrothed bride matures in devotion to her Bridegroom King. October 22, 2020 October 22, 2020 / PJ Hanley. Answer from an EPM volunteer, approved by Randy: In some passages the bride is the Church. According to him he was struggling in thinking of himself as a spiritual woman or the bride of Christ, because he was a man and a normal natural man has a problem with identifying themselves as a spiritual female. All the redeemed of all other. In addition, the New Jerusalem described in Revelation 21 is called "a bride." If you are a male and have a problem identifying yourself as a spiritual woman and I did say spiritual then you need to repent and figure out what God thinks about it and not worry about your appearance or feelings on the subject. This session looks the Father’s love for the Son and the bride and the Son’s love for His bride. This class will unlock the mystery of the bride of Christ as you discover the depth of God’s love for you as His betrothed bride. A Deeper Understanding of John 3:16 and How God Makes Sinners the Bride of Christ by Tom Smith | 7 Comments “John 3:16” —it’s been printed on the bottom of soft drink cups, put on posters, waved at athletic events, and flashed across people’s TV screens. It is quoted in its entirety below. The more you study the truth, the false teaching becomes laughable and easily recognizable. Bible verses about Bride And Bridegroom. Never once in the King James Bible do we find the term, “the Bride of Christ.” That is a religious term, and frankly, it is a core doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. Jerusalem but it will not be the exclusive bride of Christ. “People of God” is another image of the church. They are simply making a comparison of our relationship to Him. Paul most clearly spoke of the Church being the Bride of Christ in Ephesians 5. So normal men don’t like being thought of as a spiritual female. This one minister just couldn’t identify with such a thought being a male. The goal of this study is to examine whether the teaching that the Church, the body of Christ, is the bride of Christ has Biblical merit. 4 - Esther and the Bride of Christ. THE BRIDE, THE LAMB’S WIFE Revelation 19:7, 8; 21:2, 9; 22:17. 8 - Mature in Love. We become a bride when we say “yes,” but no bride shows up on her wedding day wearing rags. A bride is somebody comparable to her bridegroom. If you can understand this it will help you a whole bunch in trying to figure out what the Bible really means. You can so easily see why Satan wants to keep the church in confusion so that they don’t understand who they are and why they are here. Mat 22:2  The kingdom  of heaven is like unto a certain king, which made a marriage for his son. So now we need to determine what is a spiritual woman, who is this spiritual woman and what is a spiritual marriage in the eyes of God. In this way I will be upfront with you and you can see this popular illogical reasoning as being an error. The church will become a part of the bride when its members begin to live in the New. Ok, that was a legal term and what I really meant to say was there a valid pattern, a type and shadow given to us in the Old Testament that would mirror and confirm to us this New Testament truth? ages will also be a part of the bride (Rev. It consists of many different threads that fit together closely and that are overlapped with other threads that all reveal God to us. What a male chauvinist attitude. The term \"Bride of Christ\" is nowhere in the Bible. Jesus Christ lived a perfect sinless life for us. It is the place where all of God's people will dwell here with Him for all eternity. Smith Wigglesworth's Vision of an End Time Revival - Duration: 21:51.
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