Unmercifulness 13. Both characters cannot be classified as overly good or plainly evil characters. When Creon rules that her brother Polyneices shall not be buried, Antigone refuses to obey. Haemon (Greek: Αἴμων, Haimon "bloody"), was the son of Creon and Eurydice, and betrothed of Antigone. Meanness 5. The trait of moral ambiguity without black and white portrayal is well presented by both Antigone and Creon. Driven out of Thebes after a power struggle with his brother Eteocles and Creon, he is an exile like his father, and plans to take Thebes by force. Comparing the Character of Creon in Oedipus and Antigone Creon does not learn a lesson from Oedipus' accusatory behavior. The two main characters of the play are Antigone and Creon. A Messenger A man who tells the elders of the city of Oedipus' death. Antigone is a great example of how a hamartia doesn't necessarily have to be a character "flaw" as it is often described. Pessimism 11. Because of a curse put on them by their father Oedipus, the two sons did not share the rule peacefully and died as … Creon also believes that his decrees are consistent with the will of the gods and with the best interests of the people, whether true or not. After Antigone's brothers die in battle, Creon forbids burial for the elder Polyneices because he dared to attack Thebes. Not scared of what Creon can do. His behavior, however, suggests otherwise. Why does reon order that Eteocles be buried with honors, but that Polynices’ body be left to rot in the battlefield where it lay? Greed 9. Her name in Greek means 'one who is of the opposite opinion' (anti = against, gnomi = opinion). feels Polyneices is a traitor. Pitying him, Antigone disregards the advice of her younger sister Ismene to obey Creon's decree and covers Polyneices' body in dust, declaring that religious laws of burial are more important than a … In the play, Antigone, written by Sophocles, the author conveys various moral hierarchy stages through character traits, reasoning, and moral development within the character Antigone. In the early part of the play, Antigone and her sister, Ismene, are discussing a burial for their brother Polyneices. Creon can be seen as cruel through his act of not granting or allowed proper burial for Polynices. What character traits does Creon reveal? What character traits does Creon show when he finds out someone disobeyed his orders. The Oedipus at Colonus quotes below are all either spoken by Polynices or refer to Polynices. ... Ismene shows a character trait that reflects her... answer choices . - Clearly define by specific traits the character of Antigone and Creon. One is hard and resistant; the other: pliable, absorbing and soft. 6. Most people would call loyalty an admirable trait. Analyzes character of Greek heroine, morality, symbol of female strength, effects of her relationships with her father Oedipus, Freudian theory. He does not recognize that other forms of justice exist, and in his pride he condemns Antigone, defies the … Following this further, Creon demonstrates traits of hubris and overconfidence when he denies burial of Polyneices. Disrespectfulness 7. desire to escape the royal household . The tragic hero’s fatal flaw is hamartia, an ingrained character trait that causes the hero to make decisions leading to his or her death or downfall” (Springboard 253). 5. Character traits. Other traits may not be the best but they make Creon who he is, he does not believe in using love as an excuse to rebel, and he is stubborn … Throughout Antigone, he accuses everyone who tries to give him advice of betraying him. For his suffering, his piety, and his devotion to prophetic truth, Tiresias emerges as a powerful — even admirable — character in the Oedipus Trilogy. Both have strong and different ideas about what is wrong and what is right leading to much conflict between them throughout the play. Instead he adapts this bad personality trait. Sophocles’ character Antigone is very determined, which can be shown by her strong will to give her brother Polyneices the proper burial. No one is perfect and we all have a darker side. Unkindness 4. King Creon, who rules Thebes, has issued a decree stating that Polynices is not to be buried or mourned. All things considered, the character of Antigone would not be significant without the traits … She was apprehended by the guards and taken before Creon, who decreed that she will herself be buried by being sealed in a cave. Disloyalty 3. He has Polyneices' body defiled while Eteocles is honored because he feels that he cannot give equal to share to both brothers when one was a traitor and the other was loyal. Some character traits that have negative connotations include: 1. Impatience 8. True to herself 1. However, it is in the play Antigone that we really see her character traits. Dishonesty 2. It all began with the tragedy of Polynices’ death, which eventually lead Antigone to a tragedy of her own by the end of the play through a series of events. Creon is pitted against Antigone who holds up the will of the gods and the honor of her family above all else, and thus he appears to be against these values. Antigone's devotion is so extreme, however, that it brings tragedy once more to Thebes. His behavior, however, suggests otherwise. It's the person that talks throughout the story and helps the audience know and feel the feelings the characters do. Caustic 19. When a legitimate argument is raised against his course of action by Tiresias, he is in fact complet… It also tells the story. As Antigone’s sister and Oedipus’ daughter, Ismene is an especially important character in the drama. In Greek mythology, Polynices was the son of Oedipus and either Jocasta or Euryganeia and the older brother of Eteocles. In Creon's mind, since Antigone's brother Polynices violated the laws of the government, he does not deserve a respectful burial. he fought for Thebes. You probably noticed that "loyalty" is a big word when it comes to Antigone. Creon has become the new ruler, after the brothers and heirs to the throne, Eteocles and Polyneices, killed each other in battle. The play Antigone revolves around Antigone’s attempt to give a respectable burial for her brother Polynices, and the consequences of her actions.
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