Channeling the blasphemy of fiends into your hand, you mark your target with a brief but fundamental corruption, causing its soul to be irretrievably damned should it die within the next minute. You create an aura around the target weapon that weakens a foe’s spell resistance with each successful attack. A witch may know any number of spells. Morda can still use, No. Puts 4 HD of creatures into magical slumber. Cantrips: Like a wizard a wild mage can cast cantrips. Triggered rune wracks creatures with pain. Plant subconscious directive in target creature. At each new witch level, she adds two new spells of any spell level or levels that she can cast (based on her new witch level) to her familiar. Triggered rune puts nearby creatures into catatonic slumber. They treat cantrips as half levels for this purpose. Teleports you a short distance and produce a burst of fire. Cause divinations of the future to reveal the result you choose. Give a creature a bite attack and a hunger for its own kind’s flesh. Your. Familiars also aid a witch by granting her skill bonuses, additional spells, and help with some types of magic. Create a beanstalk that is very easy to climb. 2. | Here Be Monsters column denotes a focus or material component not normally included in a spell component pouch. A witch must commune with her familiar each day to prepare her spells. You open the minds of all creatures near you and enhance their sensory receptors. Your hex cantrips are determined by your patron theme. You know the direction, relative distance to, and condition of target creatures or objects. As many as eight subjects travel to another plane. Cantrips may be memorized just as normal mage spells are memorized. Project your soul into a creature’s body. | Swords and Wizardry SRD | Fudge SRD You create a magical field around summoned creatures you control that deflects attacks made against them. Appear to resurrect someone but instead allow a. For example, a witch whose highest level spell is third might prepare a second level spell, or two first level spells, or a first level spell and two cantrips, or four cantrips. Create a phantasm with effects for all senses. Grants a weapon the returning special weapon quality. As deep slumber and make target forgets the last 5 minutes. Create 1 unseen crewmember per caster level to attend to ships riggings and other affairs. Fills 20-ft.-radius spread with sticky spiderwebs that can. The spell at level 18 should be fiery body. Make a normal item into a masterwork one. Each alternate class feature replaces a specific class feature from its parent class. Steal the spells of a creature carrying the affected object, You change one of the extremities of the creature touched—arms or legs only—into another shape of approximately the same size and mass. This spell plants a seed of supernatural fear deep in a subject’s mind, causing self-doubt, stuttering, and evasiveness. In a flash of recognition, you learn about the geography of your surroundings within a radius of 1 mile per 2 caster levels (minimum 1 mile). Bizarre cacophony fascinates eldritch creatures. Touch attack, 3d8 damage + 1/level (max +15). Poisonous stinger deals 1d2 damage and sickens target. Once this bond is chosen, it cannot be changed. | The Modern Path SRD Cures normal or magical blindness or deafness. Enchant a target so it is nearly impossible to detect by both magical and mundane means, granting it multiple benefits. Attempt to gain a glimpse of some specific event from the Akashic Record. That is a class feature of the witch class, and the standard “+1 level of spellcasting” prestige class ability only advances spells known, spells per day, effective spellcaster level. Sundered item explodes, dealing 1d6 damage to adjacent creatures. Animate the head of a recently dead creature to serve as a sentry. | d20HeroSRD Since spellcasting is the Witch's primary feature, that's a major choice that impacts your character very heavily. Learns whether an action will be good or bad. A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the core class as another alternate class feature. I support a limited subset of Pathfinder's rules content. Screaming pain limits the target’s actions. Subject is protected from mental/emotional magic and. Outlines subject and produces light as a sunrod. Levitates the targeted creature up off the ground. Make a monstrously distorted duplicate of you and control it. 2. Give creatures bite attacks and a hunger for their own kind’s flesh. Downloads For example, as a 1st-level witch, your cantrips are 1st-level spells, and as a 5th-level witch, your cantrips are 3rd-level spells. When casting witch spell with the fear descriptor, add +? Roll d20; before end of spell, use roll to replace another d20 roll before the die is rolled. Creatures forget details about you and conversations with you. Fog obscures the vision of others and extends the range of your. Indicates direction to familiar creature. You curse a magic item, reducing it to 1/4 its normal hit point total, granting it the. If the object is touched or moves the effect is suppressed but resumes if the object is put back or when no longer touched. Affected creatures automatically donate hp to. One creature rolls 2d20 whenever it needs to roll a d20, and must take the lower result. Flying storm cloud deals 3d6 electricity damage. Log In Sign Up. Transform the target’s fins, flippers, or tail into legs and feet. The Wizard is a class in Pathfinder: Kingmaker. Add +¼ to the witch’s caster level when determining the effects of the spells granted to by the patron. Bard Cantrips. | Starjammer SRD Increase your base speed, jump more easily from one building to another, and move easily through crowds and over difficult surfaces. Cantrips: Wizards can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Wizard under "Spells per Day." Restores life to subject who died as long as one day/level ago. Cures 2d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. Regain one use of all 0-level and 1st-level spell-like abilities you can use as the result of a racial trait. The spell lists are broken up by level and school, and the spells of each level are grouped together and organized by name. You inspire yourself or a lover to a vengeful rage against a chosen enemy. You can view events transpiring along a natural watercourse you touch. You drain the might of the target and transfer that power to another creature. By: Taylor Hubler (CalebTGordan) I played a witch and enjoyed it immensely. Your arms lengthen, giving you extra reach. Prevent a target from understanding language. Echelon Reference Series: Witch Cantrips (3pp+PRD) - The Pathfinder Roleplaying Game offers a vast range of options for characters of all classes. Cantrips Witches can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Witch under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. Grants bonuses against death spells and negative energy. A paladin could, however, be both an undead scourge and a warrior of the holy light, since none of their new class features replace the same core class feature. Force a creature to see the negative side of things. Subject’s severed limbs grow back, cures 4d8 damage +1/level (max +35). A rippling bubble of calm water extends outward from you to a radius of 20 feet and remains centered on you when you move. Create a magical noose around target’s head, possibly paralyzing them. Your blood hardens when you are wounded, increasing your AC. Transform a creature into a Medium or smaller, You channel planar energy into a summoned creature. 1/rnd wielder of target touched melee weapon can reroll a failed attack roll. A wizard can prepare a cantrip from a prohibited school, but it uses up two of his available slots (see below). [bonus hex from feat; added this a flavorful/finesse option--invaluable if a witch hunter shows up] Witch Spells Per Day When the target is affected by this spell, its scales grow jagged spikes. Light wind protects one target from clouds, gases, heat, and vapors. Deals 4d8 damage + 1/level, affects 1 subject/level. Another witch "class" was the from the Glantri gazetteer. Provide another spell whose effects reverse if the target breaks a restriction. Witch Spellcasting: The Witch's spell list is determined by your choice of Patron. Target loses a 7th-level prepared spell or spell slot. You become immune to diseases and toxins, absorb one, and then spread it to others. All of the other class features found in the core class and not mentioned among the alternate class features remain unchanged and are acquired normally when the character reaches the appropriate level (unless noted otherwise). Cantrips Witches can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Witch under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. Target perfectly memorizes one page of information. Its actual name is up to the GM and the witch to decide. You create a dimensional link with a targeted creature, and switch spots with it. Grants a +2 bonus, +1 per four caster levels, on. You disrupt the conjuring energies within a summoned creature, causing it to violently explode. You understand all spoken and written languages. Spontaneous Caster (Bard, Sorcerer, etc. You infuse a target’s shadow with energies from the. One of the things that I focused on is screwing enemies over so badly that killing them is a mercy. Perceive nearby creatures that are experiencing. Kills 3 HD or less; 4–6 HD save or die, 6+ HD take. A character who takes an alternate class feature does not count as having the class feature that was replaced when meeting any requirements or prerequisites. A creature that fails its saving throw takes a –4 penalty on ability checks, skill checks, and any checks that require. Frees subjects from enchantments, transmutations, and curses. You transform the contents of a normal egg into a single dose of small. PZO1110: Bleed Cause a stabilized creature to resume dying. If reroll hits, the attacked creature suffers 1d8 cold damage, plus 1 per 2 caster levels (maximum 1d8+10). Cantrips Witches can prepare a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells, each day, as noted on Table: Witch under “Spells per Day.” These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. Temporarily mitigates the fragile quality in targeted weapon or armor. Target loses a 3rd-level prepared spell or spell slot. Compels opponents to attack you instead of your allies. You pin the target’s shadow to its current location, causing the target to become. These hours do not need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-hour increments. Locks a weapon in place on the target’s body. Check out our other SRD sites! Your familiar has one less … You temporarily grant control of your familiar to another willing creature. Targets’ physical forms undergo a bizarre transformation becoming composed of countless particles that separate and reconnect to remain whole. Plant a scrying sensor that you can use to spy on a creature, object, or location. Transfers a magical effect from touched creature to yourself. Water blunts one incoming attack or fire effect. Animate rubble or small stones into a swarm under your control. Ask extraordinarily powerful eldritch entities to find and converse with you, or they may reply telepathically. Curse a creature to attract nasty rumors. Some gain power through study, some through devotion, others through blood, but the witch gains power from her communion with the unknown. Provides useful advice for specific proposed actions. Use an enemy as a point of origin for a cone, cylinder, line, or sphere spell. Throw a conjured ball of snow at a target. | Dungeon World SRD A touched creature with an attitude toward you of indifferent or better (and not hostile toward your visible allies) must succeed a. At 1st level, when a witch gains her familiar, she must also select a patron. ): Add two additional cantrips from your spell list to your repertoire. Check out our other SRD sites! Hit Dice: The term “Hit Dice” is used synonymously with “character levels” for effects that affect a specific number of Hit Dice of creatures. In my free time, I sat down and thought about how to do that most effectively. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Bard Cleric Oracle Sorcerer Witch Wizard Source Advanced Player's Guide pg. Target creatures treats areas of earth and stone as difficult terrain. | 5th Edition SRD These spells are cast like any other spell, but they are not expended when cast and may be used again. At 1st level, a witch forms a close bond with a familiar, a creature that teaches her magic and helps to guide her along her path. Transfer a small amount of the damage you take to a reservoir of energy you can draw on for insight bonuses. You decide whether each individual mote sheds light or darkness when the spell is cast. Choose a patron; you gain a familiar with two common cantrips of your choice from your chosen patron’s tradition, but aside from the tradition, you don’t gain any other effects the patron would usually grant. Your skin hardens and takes on the color and texture of rough iron. This spell summons one or more vermin to investigate a single location or building you can see. You add or remove a creature’s face to or from your own. Sell at the Open Gaming Store! Living creature of 6 HD or less loses its next action. Trap the target in a miniature version of the. FAQ. This is a subset of the entire book, containing only the 0-level witch spells (cantrips) Cantrips prepared using other spell slots, due to metamagic feats for example, are expended normally. Temporary ability score increases should affect. Plants die, living creatures catch diseases, or. 101, Core Rulebook pg. Downloads The save to resist a hex is equal to 10 + 1/2 the witch’s level + the witch’s Intelligence modifier. Captivates all within 100 ft. + 10 ft./level. Make a target appear as an older version of itself. Temporarily curse a creature so its touch lessens the value of coins it touches. 1 Description 2 Gameplay 3 Archetypes 4 Table: Wizard 5 Class Features 5.1 Wizard Proficiencies 5.2 Wizard Bonus Feats 5.3 Arcane Bond 5.4 Spells 5.4.1 Cantrips 5.5 Arcane Schools 5.6 Opposition Schools Beyond the veil of the mundane hide the secrets of absolute power. My thoughts on the matter are below but I am opening this up to discussion and review here. Reduce one humanoid’s size by one size category (if it is larger than you) and you grow one size category. Target treats skill of choice as a class skill. Aura that makes injured creatures spray burning blood. As a witch grows in power, she might learn about the source of her magic, but some remain blissfully unaware. Target gains bonus to attack and damage rolls if it and opponent are touching water, or a penalty if they are touching the ground. Set one of a list of contingencies for your demise. The word “level” in the short spell descriptions that follow always refers to caster level. This instant familiarity grants you an. Invisible floating eye moves 30 ft./round. Polish a metal item until it’s usable as a mirror. You animate the target’s shadow with semi-living energies drawn from the. Description Source; Arcane Mark Inscribes a personal rune on an object or creature (visible or invisible). A wild surge of energy courses through your body and propels you into a sprint. Red: Bad, useless options, or options which are extremely situational. The Paizo Pathfinder Roleplaying Game rules. 1d6/level damage and 1 secondary bolt/level. Subjects within cone flee for 1 round/level. The subject is automatically considered proficient with these scale spikes. Disrupt a spell affecting a target, causing the target 1d6 points of damage for each spell with a duration of 1 round or greater currently affecting it (the spells are not dispelled or modified.).
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