Gauthier, J. and Y. Aubry (eds.). Evening Grosbeak is a stocky, boldly coloured songbird, with a massive greenish-yellow bill. 1987. and A.G. Futcher. Girardin, C. Périé, P. Legendre, and Y. Bergeron. Hoffman (2009) used banding recovery data on Evening Grosbeak from across the species’ range (breeding and wintering grounds) in North America from 1955-2008 (n=14,224 birds) to model an average annual survival rate (i.e., maximum likelihood estimates of survival and reporting parameters) of 72.4% (95% CI: 35.8 to 85.0%). Wilson Bulletin112:373-387. Between 1969 and 1980, outbreaks were reported in every province except Newfoundland and Labrador. Royal British Columbia Museum. 2016). 1987. Daoust, P.-Y. Is there sufficient habitat for immigrants in Canada? The Evening Grosbeak in Ontario. The effects of silvicultural treatment on forest birds in the Rocky Mountains: implications and management recommendations. Canadian Atlas of Bird Banding, Volume 1: Doves, Cuckoos, and Hummingbirds through Passerines, 1921-1995, Occasional Paper, Canadian Wildlife Service, Environment Canada. Chapin III, T.V. Fantastic Large Home for Sale in a Central Pflugerville location, walking distance to restaurants and coffee shops. Experimental Infection of North American Birds with the New York 1999 Strain of West Nile Virus. 21 years of winter bird counts in Ontario, Canada. 1991. Hobson, K.A. and E. Bayne. Version 95.1. Longevity records of North American birds: Coerebinae through Estrildidae. Winter distribution of age and sex classes in an irruptive migrant, the Evening Grosbeak. Studies in Avian Biology 15:191-201. Trofymow, and L.A. Venier. Ecological factors explaining the location of the boundary between the mixedwood and coniferous bioclimatic zones in the boreal biome of eastern North America.Global Ecology and Biogeography 16:90-102. Banding data from across North America indicate that during periods of low budworm density, the maximum likelihood estimates of survival and reporting parameters of Evening Grosbeaks are very low in comparison to levels during Spruce Budworm outbreaks (Hoffman 2009). 2007. 2015. According to Parks Canada’s Biotics Database, Evening Grosbeak is present (during the breeding season, migration or year round) in 14 protected areas managed by the Parks Canada Agency (Parks Canada 2013). The young leave the nest in 13 to 14 days (Gillihan and Byers 2001). The annual abundance index fluctuated greatly during an overall decline from 1971 to 1998, but largely stabilized between 1999 and 2012 (Figure 6). In Colorado, most nestlings fledged by late July (Scott and Bekoff 1991). 2003. 2015. In this month's Ask Kenn!, bird expert Kenn Kaufman shares the surprising origins of the finch's moniker. Light Colors = Latilong has a sight record of a review species, but no Rare Bird Report has been submitted to IBRC. Forest Chronical 83:867-869. At the local scale, the West Nile virus has also caused mortality in Evening Grosbeak in the eastern United States (Komar 2003). The impact of this threat is unknown, as the scope is small and the severity is unknown. Erskine. Nesting habitat of C.v. vespertinus generally features large mature and old mixedwood forest stands with a high proportion of fir, White Spruce (Picea glauca) or Trembling Aspen (Populus tremuloides), with a diversified structure and a relatively open canopy (Langelier 1983; Peck and James 1987; Schieck et al. NABCI International. Is there an [observed, inferred, or projected] decline in [area, extent and/or quality] of habitat? Criterion C (Small and Declining Number of Mature Individuals). First documented breeding records in eastern Canada vary from 1920 in Ontario (Godfrey 1985) to around 1940 in the Maritimes (Sabine 2010). Provincial breeding bird atlases, the Étude des populations d’oiseaux du Québec (ÉPOQ), and Project FeederWatch also generally show declining trends. Ecological Applications 13:1222-1232. comm. These abundance estimates likely correspond to normal population levels between peaks of Spruce Budworm outbreaks because data are mostly available for years with low to intermediate Spruce Budworm abundances. Winter survey data reveal range-wide decline in Evening Grosbeak populations. In the eastern part of the species’ range, courtship and mating occur from early April to May (Shaub 1954; Downs 1956). Pages 311-319 in J.S. Other insecticides (Mimic) is being used as well that may affect EVGR but data are lacking. Response of birds to thinning young Douglas-fir forests. Between 2001 and 2006, Evening Grosbeaks continued to decline significantly at feeders across Canada except in Newfoundland, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba. Weckstein. Pages 633-691 in D.F. Various types of diseases have been reported as causing mortality in Evening Grosbeak in Canada. 2008). Number of “locations” (use plausible range to reflect uncertainty if appropriate). Jennings. 53 pp. comm. ... and they expressed their status by pecking at each other. American Naturalist 110:559-571. 1990. In a large sampling of grosbeaks in Pennsylvania during winter, males weighed from 38.7 to 86.1 g (1.37 to 3.04 oz), with an average of 60 g (2.1 oz), while females weighed from 43.2 to 73.5 g (1.52 to 2.59 oz), with an average of 58.7 g (2.07 oz… Hoffman (2009) presented three hypotheses to explain the relationship between survival and irruptions. Conner. Songbird community composition versus forest rotation age in Saskatchewan boreal mixedwood forest. Brunton, D.F. Cumming, E.E., and A.W. Bredin, A.R. Song. 2004; Siegel et al. Habitat available for C.v. vespertinus has likely increased since 1850 as the interval between forest fires in Canada lengthened, resulting in higher Balsam Fir (Abies balsamifera) abundance across the boreal forest (Bergeron and Leduc 1998). Nealis, V.G. Moreover, with climate change, fire frequency is expected to increase, especially in central and western Canada (Bergeron and Flannigan 1995; Krawchuk and Cumming 2011), which could result in a decrease in the quantity of suitable habitat for Evening Grosbeak. Seed production is usually much reduced in the years following masting, driving Evening Grosbeaks to search elsewhere for food and overwintering habitat. 1967. Choose a temperature scenario below to see which threats will affect this species as warming increases. [accessed January 2015]. Bird-Banding 27:166-170. In recent decades, eastern population has declined again, but reasons are poorly understood. Photo: © reproduced with the permission of Cadman et al. Reproduction by an altricial songbird, the Red-winged Blackbird, in fields treated with the organophosphate insecticide fenthion. For example, both the abundance index of Evening Grosbeak from CBC data for North America and the total defoliated area in Canada start to increase sharply in mid-1960s and both reached a peak in 1972 and 1975 respectively, then values of both decreased gradually until approximately 1994 (Figure 6 and Figure 17). Population dynamics of the Spruce Budworm. A significant decline of between 10 and 82% was observed in each of the four atlas regions, and was most pronounced in the Hudson Bay Lowlands. 2000. Dover, New York. The most dominant individual, the alpha bird, could peck any member of the flock. Wilson Bulletin 98:308. Elizabeth Kolbert on How We're Trying to Change the Ways We've Changed Nature. In such cases, some restrictions on the use, reproduction or communication of such copyrighted work may apply and it may be necessary to seek permission from rights holders prior to use, reproduction or communication of these works. In Colorado, 35 of 64 nests (54.7%) followed during breeding were successful (fledged at least one young) (Bekoff et al. Green, E.D. Blue Jay 52:138-139. 1977. Successful nests in Colorado produced on average 2.90 ± 0.98 (SD) young per nest (Gillihan and Byers 2001). Couturier (eds.). It shows that areas of high-quality habitat based on abundance data are located mainly in northwestern Ontario (BCR 12), central Quebec (BCRs 8, 12, and 14), New Brunswick, Nova Scotia (BCR 14) and eastern and central Newfoundland (Figure 4). The birds of the Monteregian Hills and the Montreal region of Québec, Canada. 1974. Handbook to the Partners in Flight Population Estimates Database, Version 2.0. Recent data analysis from this project suggest that the average flock size of Evening Grosbeak at feeders has fluctuated somewhat between 1990 and 2014, but in most regions showing only a small overall decline; the percentage of feeders visited by Evening Grosbeaks was greatest in western provinces, with particularly high values between 1989 and 1993 (Figure 8; Cornell University 2015). Evening Grosbeak. 2001). The challenge of Bacillus thuringiensis. Van Wilgenburg, S.L., pers. Canada accounts for 56.9% of the North American population, or roughly 2.2 million breeding birds (Table 2). Ethology 83:177-194. Woodsworth, B.T. Survival in wintering areas is density-dependent, such that an irruption with a large number of birds exceeds the wintering region’s carrying capacities or results in more birds in “sink” regions, thereby decreasing survival rates. 1996). Over the past decades, some data suggest a further decline of nearly 40%, while other data indicate stabilization at a lower level. 2001). Cooper, G.W. Salmonellosis in passerine birds in Maryland and West Virginia (PDF Version; 198 KB). Couturier (eds.). Preston, and D.M. 2004; Haiman 2011). 2014. 1979. Royal Ontario Museum. Nest failure was due primarily to predation, severe weather, and nest abandonment during nest building. Scott, A.C. and M. Bekoff. 2014. A minority of the population is expected to be exposed to this risk, and of those, probably only a small fraction would suffer mortality, especially as some of the roads are likely to be lightly traveled. 2007. Fillman, D.K. A model of the distribution of Evening Grosbeak is also provided by the Boreal Avian Modeling Project (2014). 2001. Response Statement - Evening Grosbeak (2018-01-18) This large finch is widely distributed across Canada’s forests, but has exhibited significant long-term declines (77-90%) over most of its range, since 1970. Five-year Review of Progress: Code of Practice for the Environmental Management of Road Salts. Thogmartin, and the Partners in Flight Science Committee. 1. Mortality due to road collisions when individuals feed on grit and road salt, Direct mortality due to ingestion of sodium chloride along roadsides. The top map showing the distribution (based on grid cells) of Evening Grosbeaks in Ontario from 2001 to 2005 based on Ontario Breeding Bird Atlas data. Predicting the effects of climate change on fire frequency in the south-eastern Canadian boreal forest. Atlas of the breeding birds of Ontario, 2001-2005. 2012. Evening Grosbeak migratory movements can reach up to 3,400 km (Brewer et al. 1996. When cone crops in northern coniferous forests are poor, Evening Grosbeaks “irrupt” in fall and spend the winter far south of their normal range. Detailed data on acute toxicity of salt on Evening Grosbeaks and other songbird species is currently lacking, but exposure modelling studies on other birds (i.e., House Sparrow, Passer domesticus) indicate that overconsumption of sodium chloride could cause a series of symptoms, including reduced vigilance and motor function (Mineau and Brownlee 2005), which might be linked to the likelihood of vehicle strikes when flocks of Evening Grosbeaks feed on roadside (Taylor 1997; Mineau and Brownlee 2005). Evening Grosbeak numbers between 1960 and 1998. Pp. The Boreal Avian Modeling Project. 2016). Is there an [observed, inferred, or projected] decline in extent of occurrence? Bird predation and Spruce Budworm populations. Multiscale impacts of forest degradation through browsing by hyperabundant moose (Alces alces) on songbird assemblages. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) status reports are working documents used in assigning the status of wildlife species suspected of being at risk.
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