Sunni vs Ismaili . Sunni followers believe that their prophet Muhammad did not appoint a specific successor before his death. S. Both Sunni and Shia have S in common. Of the over 1.5 billion Muslims in the world, around 85 percent of them are a sect called Sunni and 15 percent of them are a sect called Shia. those hadeeth are often twisted, taken out of context, misunderstood, or have been used in a debate fallacy to make them look bad. But what are the differences within the religion, and how deeply do they run? 2.7 million After the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him died his Companions needed to decide who became the leader of the Muslim community. A. Sunni Islam vs. Shia Islam: Understanding the Difference Between the Two. Some countries have outlawed Shia Islam while others discriminate severely against Shia Muslims. Neither is it true that all Muslims are the same. After significant debate over several years, Sunni followers chose one of Muhammad’s fathers-in-law and a close friend, Abu Bakr Siddique, as their religious leader. Because of this, Shia Muslims have a strong sense of suffering. The division between Shia and Sunni dates back to the death of the Prophet Muhammad, and the question of who was to take over the leadership of the Muslim nation. Shia Muslims and Sunni do possess similar basic beliefs about One God (ALLAH), Prophets, Holy Books, Angels, Predestination and Judgment day. This is the primary difference between the two. There is no such word as ‘Salafi Islam’. The Shiites also believe this but they say that Ali was meant to be the last prophet. The point is to show how easy it is to deceive you. The actual differences between the Sunni and Shia sects of Islam will probably not seem as dramatic as many non-Muslims presume. Sunnis believe that the Prophet peace be upon him did not explicitly designate anyone to become the ruler after it. The major difference between both these divisions of Islam is due to the political difference … S. Mithra Date: January 03, 2021 Time of day plays an important part in determining the timing of prayer for Sunni and Shia Muslims.. Sunni vs Shia. The split is … A schism emerged after the death of the Prophet Muhammad in … Sunni Muslims agree with the position taken by many of the Prophet's companions, that the new leader should be elected from among those capable of the job. At the core of Sunni Islam is an assertion that Muhammad did not officially designate a successor before his death. Sunnis believe strictly in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad and strongly reject any introductions, exclusion and interpretations of Sunah. The Holy Quran is the last manual of instructions from Allah to all mankind and after everyone’s … The emergence of these two sub-groups can be traced way back to 623 A.D, when the Islamic Prophet Muhammad died. Sunni- emerged from larger community (ulama) Shia- invested leaders with religious authority (imams) One difference that the two Islams have is their viewpoint on the chosen Caliph. Sunni Shia Ibadi Population ca. Today, about 85 percent of Muslims are Sunni. This is not a term which has been used among the Muslims nor did it refer to a group of Muslims in the past. S stands for Islam! Here is a primer on the basic differences between Sunni and Shia Islam. Sunni Muslims agree with the position taken by many of the Prophet's companions, that the new leader should be elected from among those capable of the job. There are different ways of approaching this question and in every case much can be said about the differences between the Sunnis and Shias. After the death of the Prophet, the Shia chose the Prophet's cousin Ali as their leader, and the Sunni elected Abu Bakir as theirs. The Middle East divide between Sunni and Shia explained in one map. +1, Agree, but to complete your answer a little bit you can only mention these two main points: 1. three times Adhan in Shia mosques instead of five per day in Sunni mosques / 2. some stones or small soil pieces for prostration (both Sunni and Shia Muslims believe prostration over soil is permitted but Sunni scholars allow prostration over cloths and rugs that Shia scholars do not permit). 200–250 million (approximately 20–25% of Muslim population) ca. Sunni's Sunni and Shi’a Muslims agree on the basic principles of Islam, such as believing in one God and the importance of the prophets. It is the Dunning–Kruger effect. This is a growing comparison chart between the three largest branches of Islam: Sunni, Shia and Ibadi. Key Difference: Shia is one of the two major sects of Islam, the other being Sunni. Yet a spotlight has been shone recently on the differences between … The Shias are further divided into smaller sects because of … Shiites view Ali and his two sons, Hassan and Hussein, as the first of the 12 imams, or holy leaders of Islam. What is the difference between Sunni and Salafi Islam? The death of Prophet Muhammad occasioned a debate as to who should be his true successor. Mike Caba, Archaeologist and Dean of Faculty at Kilns College, briefly outlines some of the differences between Sunni and Shia Islam