"Try to cross brains with Spock, he'll cut you to pieces every time. (TOS: "And the Children Shall Lead"), Sulu was rendered unconscious by the Eymorg Kara when she boarded the Enterprise and used her control bracelet in order to steal Spock's brain. But even before the landing party made it to the planet, they got to witness as they were in the process of beaming down a mysterious woman touch the shoulder of the transporter operator and killing him. Tuvok explained that holographic image resolution was less accurate than the technology that was later developed in the 24th century. That's when Tommy Starnes planted in Sulu's mind the image of if the Enterprise diverted course away from Marcus XII, the ship would be destroyed by any number of swords that were formed in rings around the ship. McIntyre created the name, taking it from The Tale of Genji, because she needed to write a love scene featuring Sulu, and she "couldn't figure out how to write a love scene where the protagonists called each other by their surnames." (TOS: "The Naked Time"), In 2267, Sulu and Scott were the first two bridge crew to come to Uhura's aide when she had her memories probed and then wiped clean by the probe Nomad, leaving her in a foggy daze. (TOS: "The Deadly Years"), They both expressed surprise at Scott's attraction to the bookish Lieutenant Mira Romaine, although Sulu wondered aloud if Scott had even noticed her brain yet. Captains' Logs: The Unauthorized Complete Trek Voyages, Star Trek: Federation - The First 150 Years, Star Trek: The Original Series - The Roddenberry Vault, President of the United Federation of Planets, https://memory-alpha.fandom.com/wiki/Hikaru_Sulu?oldid=2696878. Along with rest of the crew, Sulu desired to leave Starfleet to live on the planet, but was cured of the spores, as the rest of the crew was, and he resumed his duties. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class Jacquelyn D. Childs/Released). Valiant Mark is an annual exercise conducted by U.S. Marines and the Singapore Armed Forces designed to increase interoperability and strengthen military-to-military relationships through combined-arms integration training. One day, Sulu was working on his hobby of botany in the ship's botany section when Yeoman Janice Rand came in with a tray of a food for the lieutenant, followed by a bizarrely acting crewman, Green. Shortly into the training cruise that followed, the Enterprise received a distress call from Regula I, Starfleet Command ordered an investigation by the Enterprise. According to Star Trek II: Biographies, Sulu was born in 3 July 2141 in Wailuku, Maui, Hawaii to parents Liholiho Sulu and Kalea Graef Hatoyama. With Kirk back in command of the Enterprise, Sulu again followed the captain's leadership. There, Sulu briefed that "if you want the mathematics of this, Mitchell's ability is increasing geometrically. An Enterprise security team kept on looking for them but couldn't. Then Spock formed an idea to make it appear through an injection as if he was near death, which did work and let Spock be taken into the underground master computer room and Kirk following but unfortunately McCoy and Sulu weren't as lucky. Then Kirk tried to contact D'Amato but he got no answer so he informed McCoy and Sulu about D'Amato not answering and they went to go find him. He eventually made his way to Remus and managed to send a short coded message to the Enterprise. Sulu started to turn around to protest and Henoch turned to him and said, "Must I make an example of you too, helm?" Fortunately for Sulu and McCoy this didn't last long as Uhura reasoned with the master computer that it was serving a useful need and also wasn't a servicing slaves (humans) of the so-called sky machines. Sulu was freed from the mind control once the children were freed from the influence of Gorgan. Rather than order him to keep his peace and return to his station, or allow Commander Janice Rand to relive the young Vulcan of duty, Sulu acknowledged what he was doing was illogical and explained why he was rescuing his old friends. After Kirk arrived on the bridge and tried to shake Sulu from the mind control, Gorgan appeared there and urged the children to up the level of the mind control. The majority of the rest of the crew became infected with the polywater intoxication until McCoy found an antidote to the intoxication, which worked on Sulu and he returned to duty. Fortunately Spock, as a Vulcan defense counselor, pleaded successfully for the crew's release in that humanity had grown away from the hatred, fear and bigotry of 1691. Fortunately before the Romulans could discover that the Enterprise was there they found Dr. Sevrin's followers and saved them and got out of Romulan space. But then McCoy saw first, a giant White Rabbit immediately followed by a little girl, both of whom spoke and dressed just as McCoy imagined characters from Alice in Wonderland would do. The novel Spock, Messiah! (TOS: "The Corbomite Maneuver"). (TOS: "The Lights of Zetar"), During the concert given on board the Enterprise for the crew by Dr. Sevrin's followers in 2269, it was piped on to the bridge for the bridge crew to listen to. (TOS: "Wolf in the Fold"), When the Enterprise was temporarily placed under the control of the M-5 computer as part of an experiment by Dr. Richard Daystrom, Sulu was one of twenty officers selected by the computer for the series of M-5 drills. Commanding officer, USS Excelsior According to George Takei, Roddenberry named him for the Sulu Sea, which he thought of as touching all the shores of Asia. This also caused Kirk, unaware of the change of course and departure from the orbit of Triacus, to have two crewmen have their molecules beamed into and spread throughout space and to their deaths. The woman then touched Kirk, but nothing happened. (TOS: "Catspaw"), When the being Apollo jammed all power sources on the Enterprise, Sulu was able to rig all transmission circuits for maximum power generation. Sulu also has a lot of private life that we really have not had a chance to examine." 11/12, pp. McCoy ran his medical tricorder over D'Amato's body and reported that all of D'Amato's cells had been disrupted from the inside. Unfortunately before that happened, Trelane, yet again, plucked Sulu and then the rest of the bridge crew, from the bridge, and took them to Gothos. That year, Sulu announced contact with an object approaching the Enterprise at light speed, and attempted several evasive maneuvers before sounding condition alert and calling the captain to the bridge. (TOS: "The Man Trap") Sulu also shared his personal interests with his shipmates, including Kevin Riley, who once complained that "Last week it was botany he was trying to get me interested in. (TOS: "Shore Leave"), In 2267, Sulu, then Kirk, suddenly vanished from the bridge as the Enterprise was investigating a rogue planet composed of iron-silica. She then told Sulu that she was for him, by name, and she needed to touch him. ", Regarding Sulu's heritage, George Takei himself said, "Sulu is a genuine 23rd-century human being as opposed to some of the other characters who tend to be ethnocentric. (TAS: "The Counter-Clock Incident"), Following the conclusion of the Enterprise's historic five-year mission, the ship returned to Earth the same year. Once they got to the central chamber's computer room, three versions of Losira appeared with each threatening to touch and kill either Sulu, Kirk or McCoy. Later while the landing party was on Memory Alpha, Sulu was left in charge of the bridge while taking orders from Kirk on the planetoid's surface. McCoy with Kirk's assistance treating Sulu's broken right leg with a microscope laser when all of them were miniaturized. Three of Sulu's later adventures (during and post-Excelsior) are chronicled in the audio-only Simon and Schuster Audioworks Captain Sulu Adventures series: Transformations, Cacophony, and Envoy. (Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home). No time. The ceremony was held in honor of O’Brien, who relinquished his post as 3rd AABN commanding general to Brenize. When Kirk answered the call directly, Sulu took that a "hot line direct to the Captain," gave him the indication to inquire "Are we that far gone?" Shane Armstrong, an artillery cannon operator with 5th Battalion, 11th Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, secures a stack of M270 rockets to an M142 high-mobility artillery rocket system during exercise Steel Knight (SK) 19 at Marine … Born: Sulu's first name was given as "Itaka" in the Star Trek newspaper comic strip. The USS Oklahoma sustained multiple torpedo hits, which caused it to quickly capsize. By Erika I. Ritchie, OC Register | Aug 30, 2017, Steel Knight 2018 Amphibious Assault Breach, Company A, 3D Assault Amphibious Battalion in Yuma Proving Grounds, U.S. Marine Corps SSgt. Sulu was part of a landing party that investigated an uncharted planet, in the Omicron Delta region, that seemed perfect for shore leave, with McCoy telling Sulu the planet looked like a place out of Alice in Wonderland. (U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. 34-35). Near the end of 2269 Sulu suffered the first of two assaults by computers. ", "You'll find that more happens on the bridge of a starship than just carrying out orders and observing regulations. (Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country; VOY: "Flashback"), In 2293, the Excelsior, nearing completion of a three-year mission cataloging gaseous planetary anomalies in the Beta Quadrant, encountered a subspace shock wave resulting from the destruction of the Klingon moon Praxis. ", "No animals, no people... no worries. The ceremony was held in honor of Lt. Col. William E. O’Brien, who relinquished his post as 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion commanding general to Lt. Col. Keith C. Brenize. Captain No time. According to The Best of Trek, Sulu's middle name was given as . (TAS: "The Time Trap"). A particularly bizarre experience Sulu had to face early in his time as the Enterprise's chief helmsman happened when he wasn't even on the bridge. According to William Shatner's novel The Return Sulu retired and entered politics, eventually being elected President of the United Federation of Planets. Sulu put them alongside of an ancient insectoid ship, after Kirk ordered it. Audrey M. C. Rampton), U.S. Marines with 3rd Assault Amphibian Battalion (AABN), 1st Marine Division, salute the flag during a change of command ceremony at Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, Calif., June 1, 2018. Tracey also made it very difficult to the landing party to stay in contact with the Enterprise when he had their communicators confiscated and then hidden from them. Just what the doctor ordered. As organism began to take over the Enterprise, Sulu reported that it had activated and targeted ship phasers before destroying the insectoid ship. McCoy's medical tricorder registered a lifeform that was there one minute, then gone just a few minutes later. Sulu and McCoy both tried to theorize what might have happened to the ship, with Sulu suggesting it blew up and McCoy suggesting it hit the planet. (Star Trek V: The Final Frontier), Sulu on the Excelsior during the battle with three Klingon battle cruisers in the Azure Nebula, In 2290, Captain Sulu assumed command of the USS Excelsior. I wouldn't be afraid of a supernova!" Apparently as helmsman, Sulu's speaking was considered by the Zetarians to be the most important part of Sulu's brain to render useless in him during the attack. Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas Fleet Adm. C. W. Nimitz (3) Deputy Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas Vice Admiral J. H. Towers (15) Chief of Joint Staff Vice Admiral C. H. McMorris (107) BB 38 PENNSYLVANIA (Flagship) Captain C. F. Martin (427) With the crises gone, Sulu and McCoy settled down to a nice picnic with Alice, the white rabbit and the two-headed dragon. Fortunately a few minutes after that, an older man appeared and explained that the planet was designed as an "amusement park" and he was the Keeper of the planet. At forty-one below zero, Sulu inquired if Captain Kirk could maybe "find a long rope somewhere and lower us down a pot of hot coffee?" That is, like having a penny, doubling it every day. Later Sulu was part of the crew that helped to rescue the Terra 10 colonist's mutated descendants from the unstable planet so they could be relocated to a more stable planet in the galaxy. But that just made things worse, so Kirk ordered forward scanners on the star on the main viewscreen. Sulu noted that manual override didn't work. Mann was awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal during the ceremony in his hometown of San Antonio for his actions while on active duty with the 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion in Camp Pendleton, California, in July 2013. Using a body throw self-defense technique, however, Sulu easily disposed of the assailant. In Star Trek Online, Hikaru Sulu's great-grandson Akira Sulu is stationed on the Earth Spacedock. Fortunately Kirk was beamed aboard the Enterprise a short time later, still alive. "), Sulu was one of many of the bridge crew who were thrown violently about when the Enterprise encountered and engaged the probe Nomad, and later in the year 2267, the planet killer. (Star Trek: The Motion Picture), Sulu had one daughter, Demora, who was born during the 2270s, and later assigned to the USS Enterprise-B in 2293. Marines with 3d Assault Amphibian Battalion participated in the 2017 Marine Corps Mud Run at Camp Pendleton, Calif. SAN ANTONIO (Sept. 8, 2017) Marine Corps veteran Corporal Randy D. Mann, center, stands at attention during the reading of his award at a ceremony in the historical quadrangle at Joint Base San Antonio - Fort Sam Houston, Texas. states that Sulu was born on Alpha Mensa V. The comic "Who's Who in Star Trek 2" states that Sulu was born in Los Angeles and gives his full name as "Hikaru Kato Sulu". Sulu is a person who considers the heritage of human culture, human history, his heritage and so his reference is a very broad one." Derek Andreas, an assault amphibious vehicle crewmember with 3D Assault Amphibian Battalion, participates in the final event of exercise Valiant Mark at Marine Corps Air-Ground Combat Center Twentynine Palms, Calif. Sept. 09, 2018. (TAS: "The Infinite Vulcan"), Sulu was an avid botanist and spent much of his off duty hours tending to his rare and delicate plants, which he had collected from all over Federation space in the Enterprise's botanic garden. (TOS: "The Deadly Years") He began in the sciences division serving as the department head for Astrosciences. He'd come to find out that Dr. Sevrin and his followers had stolen the shuttlecraft Galileo II and were headed into Romulan space to get to the planet "Eden" and during the process of hijacking had also stranded the Enterprise in the same Romulan space. Robin Marling, is under pressure to not fail a third assessment, the sailors said. Kirk asked her how she could destroy people, but the woman insisted she didn't want to destroy anyone, she then disappeared like a door closing. This got so out of hand that he went back to the bridge that he assumed and needed to confront Kirk as Richelieu. In 2286, Sulu piloted the Klingon Bird-of-Prey, HMS Bounty, as the Enterprise crew returned to Earth to face certain court martial. Fortunately the intelligent plant like beings who were native to this planet, they called Phylos, gave Sulu an antidote to the poison, which saved him. When she temporarily took over the navigation station during combat with a Romulan vessel in 2266. — Navy Seaman 2nd Class Charles A. Jones, 21, of Harvard, Nebraska, was assigned to the battleship USS Oklahoma, which was moored at Ford Island, Pearl Harbor, when the ship was attacked by Japanese aircraft on Dec. 7, 1941. His parents were named Hosato Sulu (a poet) and Momiko Sulu (a xenobiologist). Got used to a Huey. As the temperature reached seventy-five below zero, Sulu used his phaser to heat nearby rocks. When the interphase region near Tholian space drove Chekov temporarily insane he snapped and attacked Sulu, who happened to be the closest person to him. After Sulu's appearance in Star Trek VI, there was a fan-based campaign to start a TV series based on the adventures of his crew during his stint as captain of the Excelsior. Another trip through the cloud rid the computer of the practical jokes, but the Romulan starships that followed them through were then left with the practical joker effect with Kirk stating that at some point in time he might be willing to share with them how to shake the effect. Can't wait. Sulu, Uhura and McCoy in a vicious blizzard. Whether Sulu heard them or not became a moot point when the arrow of the scanner hit him and he fell to the bridge floor, breaking his right leg. But that just made things even worse and the ship continued to fall towards the black star. (TAS: "The Magicks of Megas-Tu"). In a month, you'll be a millionaire." According to the Eighth UK Story Arc, Sulu was raised with a deep-rooted fear of the supernatural. Its use was based on information from the fan fiction publication USS Enterprise Officer's Manual, by Geoffrey Mandel and Doug Drexler and published by Interstellar Associates in 1980. Status: Sulu was scripted to appear in "The Conscience of the King" (featured in the final revised draft of that episode's teleplay), but his part in the installment was evidently given to Lieutenant Leslie instead. Fortunately after returning the ship to their universe, the crew was able to return to their normal age by using the transporters. At the same time, however, an ancient magnetic organism returned to the Enterprise in the transporter beam along with the landing party. (Star Trek III: The Search for Spock; Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home; Star Trek V: The Final Frontier), Sulu was a recognized expert on the subject of antique firearms and small arms, especially Earth projectile weapons. Fortunately, Dr. McCoy found a cure to rescue Sulu and the rest of the infected crew. The tranquilizers definitely worked on Sulu because his main inquiry about the entity afterwards was, "Whoever he is, he sure talks gloomy?"