Drastic changes in their environment would be a good example of this. Do we though, understand and react to the unhappy guinea pig noises we hear from our pet? Also, as an Amazon affiliate, we earn from qualifying purchases. I haven't really seen it in any of the piggies I've ever had but the other ones always seemed so happy. A clean home with washed. Unfortunately, however, we don’t always take the time out to learn how our guinea pigs are feeling. We provide the best diet that we can, the best environment that we can, and all the love and affection that we’ve got. Hungry Pig; Lonely Pig; Happy Pig; Curious Pig; Angry Pig; Keep Away; Ooh Lah Lah; Stressed Pig; Chirping Pig This is an offensive vocalization, a sign of an irritated or disgruntled guinea pig. It may be accompanied by showing off teeth as an aggressive “back off”. You know your guinea pig better than anyone, and you likely know what sounds it makes when unhappy. Why Do Guinea Pigs Make Noise. A deep, relaxed purr means your guinea pig is content, and a higher-pitched one is a sound of annoyance. Again, all guinea pigs are different so not all of these will apply to your guinea pig. Chirping guinea pigs appear to go into a trance-like state and, well, chirp away. Usually you can hear a squeak when a young guinea pig is taken away from a mother. It is a sound that definitely requires little explanation. When a guinea pig growls, they are usually showing distress. This noise should not, however, be confused with the purr of a cat as it sounds nothing like it. If they are hurt or do not stop shrieking once you are with them, you should seek veterinary help. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Guinea Pigs often chatter their teeth when unhappy or agitated about something. If another pig disturbs it, or you try to pick it up, it will make a quiet 'moaning' noise, just like you would if … It is mostly a signal of physical injury or any other danger. WHINING A guinea pig’s whining sounds like a high-pitched moan. Your guinea pig may purr when they are happy, rumble out of fear, or even chatter when they are unhappy. Pretty much, it’s the sound they use to complain to us. Our GuineaDad Pea Flakes works great for this. If you or a fellow cage mate interrupts his or her nap, you may hear this noise. , nutritious veggies, and lots of love from you. Sounding like a high-pitched moan, whining is a sign that your guinea pig is making a general complaint. It is commonly associated with being happy and content, though as with wheeking, can also be a sign of the opposite. You might be asking “how to tell if your guinea pig is unhappy?” Well. For the second just either put your guinea pig back in his cage or allow him time to run free in his playpen. In this case, guinea pig sounds like it is in distress. The crumbling sound is something guinea pigs enjoy and will keep them occupied and engaged for a while. To remedy this, have enough treats nearby to hand out to everyone. Shadow almost seems depressed. (be sure to read it before or after this one), so today we’ll be talking about signs your guinea pig is unhappy. At first, guinea pigs’ noises can get very alarming, especially when you do not know the reasons why they make those sounds. This noise is vocalized when the piggy is being disturbed or bothered. Chutting is not thought to be breed specific. Teeth Chatter. And it doesn’t just happen between a male and female, but can happen with any paired piggie! Teeth chattering, hissing, growling, and whining are all some, unhappy guinea pig sounds that your guinea pig may make when they are in discomfort, with another piggie. Growling Simply pick them up and pet them very gently in order to calm them down. Our guinea pigs make this sound if we are too playful after their nap or if they have finished their lap time before you have. Learning Unhappy Guinea Pig Noises Growling. This happens particularly when a guinea pig is trying to get some sleep, or just wants to spend some time alone. Sadly, this isn’t always the case. The most important way to keep your piggy comfortable and healthy is by just providing them with what they need. They may only show a few or none at all! Sounds that, unless you have learned them, you cannot understand. As previously mentioned you will most likely hear this sound when you are petting your guinea pig. Owners often hear chuts when a guinea pig is out of their habitat exploring. If you hear your guinea pig let out a rapid succession of squeaks they are making the sound known as teeth chattering. For example, if one of the guinea piglets chews to … The most common sound that you usually hear from your guinea pig. Hissing. Rather, for some unknown reason, only certain individuals make this sound. Sometimes guinea pigs do a little “dance” called rumblestrutting. The chut is a common noise made by guinea pigs to themselves and each other. This is an example of a pig that is "barking" and it does sound much like a dog. This can be anything... Growling. Use a bowl, and … This is how a guinea pig expresses that he or she is unhappy and/or annoyed. A lot of things can elicit teeth chattering. This is another of the unhappy guinea pig noises. These purrs have different meanings. Hutchandcage is supported by its readers. Purring is a difficult sound to describe as it is very unique to the guinea pig. “Teeth chattering” is a rapid series of squeaks and gnashing of teeth. This noise is vocalized when the piggy is being disturbed or bothered. Bandit and Snowball got themselves a bath today. Teeth chattering is often accompanied by the guinea pig showing its teeth, which looks like a yawn, and it means "back off" or "stay away." Teeth Chattering: This is an aggressive vocalization that is a sign of an agitated or angry guinea pig. Teeth chattering is one of the more common unhappy guinea pig noises that you can distinguish between the others. Unhappy or Disturbed. In the end, we have to remember that most of these unhappy signs are all natural behaviors that guinea pigs make on a regular basis. According to the American Cavy Breeders Association, there are 13 recognized guinea pig breeds.And all of them, from Peruvian to Skinny pig, do most of their communicating through the same set of sounds.. Just like other animals, guinea pigs make noises to communicate both with one another. via YouTube Capture It indicates contentment in their home or surrounding. Guinea pigs do not like change and will be more than ready to communicate this. How to Know If Your Guinea Pig Is Happy 1. If you hear that a guinea pig is making a high-pinched noise, then it is feeling frightened or is in pain. Similar to the purr but with a lower pitch and vibration, the rumble is a sign that a male is looking to mate. Some guinea pigs may even intermittently chut and then purr to show just how content they are. When a guinea pig growls, they are usually showing distress. Neither one is real happy with me right now but they should get over it. Another common guinea pig sound is the purr, which can make your guinea pig sound like a cat. Whilst there may be one or two noises and sounds that guinea pigs make that we do not understand, there are plenty more that we do. It is often used to signify that they are being disturbed or bothered by someone or something. More often than not, this sound means 'feed me!' It’s normally a warning to each other not to mess with the others personal space and territory. guinea pig will have been trying to communicate, Conclusion: Noises Guinea Pigs Make When They’re Unhappy, miscommunication between guinea pig and owner. The reasons behind your guinea pig’s sounds and noises Upgrade your relationship with your guinea pigs: understand what they are trying to tell you. If your guinea pig needs a bath, make sure the water is warm but not hot. The growl sounds a little like ‘drrr drrr’ and is... Whining. Everyone wants to be the best pet owner they can, and that includes those of us with guinea pigs. Wheeking is one of the most common noise Guinea pigs produce. They will have been doing this, more than likely, by making various sounds. For example, has your guinea pig ever fluffed up his/her fur while eating delicious veggies next to a companion? Sometimes guinea pigs do a little “dance” called, . If you do this, growling should turn to purring in no time at all. ( Why do they sneeze ), When they are roused from sleep by a cage mate or yourself, When they do not want to be handled and would prefer to roam free. They also purr when they are being petted and loving it, and rumble when they are in the mood for love! Hissing: This sound may also sound like chattering teeth and is a sign that your pet guinea pig is angry or aggressive.It is often accompanied by bared teeth. If your guinea pig is performing a rapid series of squeaks and gnashing its teeth, he is unhappy or annoyed. A clean home with washed liners, nutritious veggies, and lots of love from you! (Food & Nutrition for Mice), Can Hamsters Sneeze? It is just like the hissing noise that a cat makes. Wheeking, which sounds exactly as it does when you say the word phonetically, can be the result of both being disgruntled and excited. It is important to know at this point that learning your guinea pigs noises can greatly improve their wellbeing. Here are 5 signs that your guinea pig is unhappy or depressed. disturbed guinea pig will just go back to sleep, Are Almonds Safe for mice? To remedy this, have enough treats nearby to hand out to everyone. Experts also consider this noise as a perfect example of onomatopoeia due to its distinctiveness to Guinea pigs. Other pigs will bark from fear, knowing the situation surrounding the sound can help you determine if its a happy sound or an unhappy sound your pig is making. It means that they are trying to look aggressive and bigger so that no one will come close and steal their food. Most of which aren’t a cause for concern, everyone gets the blues once in a while! It sounds just like the hissing of a cat and indicates that you have one upset guinea pig. Copyright © 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021 GuineaDad. It’s important if you hear your guinea pig shriek that you attend to them immediately. Wheeking is a purely domesticated disgruntled or happy sound. Another body language to recognize is the raising of a piggie's head and front legs and. It’s, you could say, a type of mating call that he will mix with wiggling his hips and walking around the female. is known to be a mating dance but can also be seen as an act of dominance. It may be accompanied by showing off teeth as an aggressive “back off”. Finally, keeping Guinea Pigs in a small cage or enclosure will result in them being unhappy and can lead to poor health. If the female is in season but the male isn’t trying to romance her, she too may make the rumbling sound to try to garner his interest. It should be noted, however, that not all guinea pigs chut. Every body always talks about they're guinea pigs "popcorning" and stuff. Some pigs will "bark" when they're excited or running and playing. sign that your guinea pig is making a general complaint. Wheeking sound relates to the excitement either when they are asking for or getting food, being let out, or playing. Separating the guinea pigs in question, or buying a bigger cage for both of them ought to suffice. Another indication your guinea pig is popcorning out of fear are the behaviors that accompany its jumping. In fact, they make a wide variety of noises when they communicate. And, listen for any shrieking sounds. It signals that your guinea pig is feeling in immediate danger or suffering pain. It would be remiss of us not to also mention the chirping sound that some guinea pig owners have heard their furry friends make. It is best to separate teeth chattering males and slowly reintroduce them to each other. My guinea pig that I have now is named Shadow and he's never done this. Guinea pigs make a variety of sounds and they each mean something different. If you hear your guinea pig growl, you can reassure them. We assume that we are giving the best care that we can so our guinea pigs must be happy. If this symptom lasts for more than a day, there is a problem. However, since no one seems to know exactly what this bird song means we could not put it under happy or unhappy. Hissing. Our aim is to provide the reader with information to enable them to make a good decision when making a purchase or caring for their pet. Watch out for if your guinea pig runs to hide after popcorning. Yes, guinea pigs do make a lot of noise. Unhappy or distressed Guinea pig Sounds Teeth Chattering. It may also be used by guinea pigs without babies on occasion and is thought to be a way of communicating to others in their cage that everything is OK. Another sound that is phonetic, the chut is made when your guinea pig is content, happy, and relaxed. These guinea pigs make cute noises when I take them out for their daily playtime. The chances are that the disturbed guinea pig will just go back to sleep and the other will wander away. There is no action you should take if you are lucky enough to see this ritual occur, rather you should just leave them to it. It can only be made by the throat of a guinea pig making it impossible to replicate. Being an extremely social animal, it also means that your guinea pig has a way of passing crucial messages especially you when they are happy. It is one you never want to hear. Unhappy Guinea Pig’s Noises – What does it mean when guinea pig squeaks loudly? Occasionally, you may also hear growls in cages with more than one guinea pig. The growl sounds a little like ‘drrr drrr’ and is usually caused by something nearby that they feel is a threat. To understand guinea pig language, listen for a "wheeking" sound, which means the guinea pig is happy and excited. Teeth chatter is also followed by a guinea pig showing teeth that sound like a yawn, which means “back off” or “stay away.” #5. You may have seen this when your guinea pig looks like he/she is almost vibrating. In other words, if you know what is bothering your furry friend, you can quickly fix it. I'm not sure if his cage is too small or what but I don't want him to be unhappy. Just remember that if these signs happen too frequently, pay close attention to see if there is something wrong with your piggie and their health. It is a slightly lower sound than a purr and sometimes there's a mating dance that goes along with it. Another body language to recognize is the raising of a piggie's head and front legs and fluffing up their fur. And these we should be using to not only our but our furry friends advantage. Why do guinea pigs rumblestrut? Guinea pigs also make a low, rumbling sound when they're happy, which sounds like a cat's purr. This acts as a small distraction to break up the fight so that they may all be friends again afterwards. Again, all guinea pigs are different so not all of these will apply to your guinea pig. It may be accompanied by showing off teeth as an aggressive “back off”. Although some of these signs may just signal temporary unhappiness and are no cause for worry, be sure to watch out if one of them happens frequently and extends for long periods of time. Just step away, and let them be.They can also use this sound to tell us if we are doing something they don’t enjoy. Wheeking in cavies is so common that most people consider this guinea pig sound as distinct as a “roof” to a dog or a “meow” to a cat. All Rights Reserved, Some Signs Your Guinea Pig is Unhappy, and What to Look Out For. Let your guinea pigs play with this ball of crumpled paper. You will only witness this by those housing males with females. Cooing is a sound that female guinea pigs make around 59 to 72 days after males have performed the ‘rumble strut’. For instance, if your pet is trying to nap but is being bothered by a cage-mate, teeth chattering will serve as a message that he wants to be left alone. Click here to view our available critters! The owner must not avoid this, because the pig would not be squeaking for anything. Teeth chattering, hissing, growling, and whining are all some unhappy guinea pig sounds that your guinea pig may make when they are in discomfort with another piggie. Sounding like a high-pitched moan, whining is a sign that your guinea pig is making a general complaint. , in both the sound they make and in their body language around another piggie. This acts as a small distraction to break up the fight so that they may all be friends again afterwards. the main way you can sense unhappiness in your guinea pig is through body language, sounds, and health. Ever wonder what your Guinea Pig is saying? Growl Teeth chattering is a commonly heard sound when guinea pigs are first introduced to each other. An unhappy guinea pig is prone to losing its appetite, and the unhappiness is usually caused by the guinea pig mourning the loss of a friend, feeling stressed, or something else. To be safe, always bring them to the vet to get checked up. It usually means that they are agitated, angry, or upset with a situation that they have found themselves in. It means that they are trying to look aggressive and bigger so that no one will come close and steal their food. Two happy guinea pigs talk to each other. One of the more obvious ways to tell that your guinea pig is unhappy is disinterest in everything, even veggies! Well, guinea pig rumble strutting is known to be a mating dance but can also be seen as an act of dominance. The most important way to keep your piggy comfortable and healthy is by just providing them with what they need. In the end, we have to remember that most of these unhappy signs are all natural behaviors that guinea pigs make on a regular basis. Examples of times when your guinea pig may whine include: The first of these situations can be handled by simply leaving your guinea pigs be. ... You will hear this noise when your guinea pig feels angry, unhappy or agitated. 1) Teeth chattering 2) Head tossing 3) Hair fluffing 4) Freezing 5) Inactivity ↓↓↓Little Adventures Shop Links:↓↓↓