Many suffer from the so-called flatland phobia, a chronic fear of leaving the confines of the environment in which humans evolved. He was the one that caused the most damage to the Ringworld village of Zignamuclikclik, and were he not a part of the Docile Kzinti project, he probably would have leveled the village to the ground. Their body composition includes ultra-cold superfluid helium. Ponyboy Curtis. Feather had located a ship that would transport them to Fafnir. Their race was formerly subjugated by the Kzinti until freed by the humans. We look hoody and they look decent. Tanya Wilson appears in the Beowulf Shaeffer story Grendel. When Bellamy tries to save his ship, it flips end-for-end, throwing him into the air to his death. Can you pick the correct characters on the Outsiders Character Map? Character Map. "[1] This indicates that the author felt constrained to develop story lines around Teela consistent with the view that luck is genetic and inheritable—any hardship inflicted upon Teela which appears unlucky on first glance must thereafter be revealed as concealing a silver lining of greater import in order to maintain indeterminacy, at the expense of dissipating plot tension (Teela was never in any danger really)—regardless of the views expressed by various characters within the narrative. Johnny can stand up to Dallas in a way that nobody else would dare. That is, he believes that Nessus only picked a person who had been lucky in her life so far, not one who actually causes luck to happen. See more ideas about the outsiders, the outsiders 1983, outsiders movie. Bellamy probably had a romantic relationship with fellow kidnapper Tanya Wilson; Margo Tellefsen told Shaeffer that Wilson might attempt to kill him in revenge for Bellamy's death. In The Outsiders, S.E. He is patient but his patience has limits, and while he is as cautious as anyone he can sometimes act without thinking, a trait that would have gotten him killed if Shaeffer had not talked him out of landing on the protosun's planet when they visited it in 2645: the planet, which they named "Cannonball Express", was composed of antimatter, which would have destroyed even Pelton's General Products-hulled ship, the Slower Than Infinity. As a form of heraldry, Belters decorate their skintight suits with elaborate (and often expensive) torso paintings. Jotok technological specialties included gravity polarizers, linguistics and biotechnology. The characters in the book, “The Outsiders” by S.E. Gregory Pelton is one of these, goading Beowulf Shaeffer into calling him a flatlander even after Pelton had traveled to a number of planets in Known Space. Nessus demonstrates traits that in humans would be diagnosed as manic-depressive disorder, displacement, and at times, extreme suggestibility. For most of the first book, Louis believes her to be only a statistical fluke. Alice Jordan is a Belter and a Goldskin, a member of the Belt Police in the mid-twenty-fourth century. Build free Mind Maps, Flashcards, Quizzes and Notes Create, discover and share resources Print & Pin great learning resources Register Now Between Shades of Gray Character Map. They, like humans, descended from a failed attempt by Pak Protectors to colonize Sol and nearby star systems. The Gw'oth resemble starfish and inhabit the ocean under the ice of their home world, the moon Jm'ho. Unimprinted adult Jotoki are considered feral, and regarded as little more than animals. Indeed, the hull eventually disintegrated due to annihilations by exposure to antimatter particles from the Fast Protosun's solar wind, but Pelton and Shaeffer were able to escape and managed to return to Jinx. The short story "Grendel" features the Kdatlyno Lloobee, a touch-sculptor who works primarily for a human audience. Sunflowers turned against their masters and burned Thrint homes to the ground. Thomas Howell (Ponyboy Curtis) Before playing the main character, the youngest of the Curtis boys, and a greaser who loves to read in The Outsiders, Howell starred in … Their reaction to changes in gravity, atmospheric composition, and sunlight hue can include nausea and continual panic attacks. Prior to his death, he had used his position to give the secret of hyperdrive to the Kzin disguised as a diplomatic packet, in the hopes of creating a lasting peace of equality between the two races. Gil finds his "imaginary arm", though not strong, to be an asset, as he can reach through walls, and accomplish tasks beyond the ability of a normal person. Gregory Pelton appears in the Beowulf Shaeffer story Flatlander and was mentioned in the stories Grendel, The Borderland of Sol and Ghost. According to the story in Ringworld (expanded in the Known Space novel Juggler of Worlds), the Puppeteers intervened with human reproduction beginning several generations in the past, with the intention of breeding humans for luck. Start studying The Outsiders Character Chart. The Socs(pronounced ˈsoʊʃɪz / so-shis, short form of Socials) are a group of rich teenagers who live on the west side, or the south side in the movie. He is also directly responsible for the presence of Sigmund Ausfaller on New Terra. This would be possible because they believed luck to be an inheritable psionic ability. Adapted Book Level 2. They do not haggle. In Man-Kzin Wars XI, it is established that surviving Jotoki swimmers inhabited a Wunderland swamp near a crashed Kzin cruiser. Ander presents himself as cool yet affable, but manages to come off (at least to Shaeffer) as being smug. Margo reveals that she is Bellamy's mother and therefore well over 300 years old. Beginning, Middle, End Level 1. Carlos and Sharrol Janss had a casual sexual relationship before Sharrol met Shaeffer, although Carlos may have been more interested in her than she in him, since he tried to convince her at one point to leave Earth with him because he felt smothered by the overprotective ARMs who were tasked with protecting his life. Select colors and a pose appropriate to story and character … Neatness counts on this map! They had the ability to force-grow clones to adulthood. This theater functions as the backdrop for rising action in The Outsiders and where the characters Ponyboy and Cherry meet for the first time.This chance meeting gets them in trouble with the rival gang, the Socs. Is violence ever an appropriate response to fear? The characters in the plot give the reader a feeling this can be a true story. When linked together – using a vestigial talent that few Gw'oth retain – they can form a powerful biological computer. The Jotoki became the slaves and food-animals of the ferocious Kzinti. He was a very competent writer, which surprised Shaeffer, and the neutron star recording sold well, as did the core piece they did together four years later. He contracted with Shaeffer to pilot a Quantum II hyperdrive ship (named Long Shot by Shaeffer) to the core of the Milky Way galaxy, where Shaeffer discovers the core explosion. While not xenophobic, Bellamy tends to not think of aliens as people; Shaeffer remembers that he had said they should wipe out the Kzinti for good and all. The Outsiders are many-limbed beings that are invariably described as a cat o'nine tails with a fattened handle. 3 Darrel 'Darry' Curtis C The second oldest in the Curtis family. Ponyboy’s English teacher. Most humans in this period of time on Earth are in excellent health, with autodocs to maintain their bodies and boosterspice to prevent aging; Pelton presumably uses both. Find out more about the characters in The Outsiders. Some Martians still exist on the "Map of Mars" on the Ringworld. The Outsiders Character Analysis | LitCharts. Other Tnuctip inventions were designed to shape Thrint society to weaken it. When Ausfaller appears to take Shaeffer into custody, along with local money (probably for bribing local officials; he never intended to give it to Shaeffer), Ander kills him with the ARM punchgun that Sharrol left in Shaeffer's hotel room and Ander took, and offers to split the money with Shaeffer for the location of Carlos's autodoc. Hinton, was filmed in Tulsa. Chapters 11-12 1. Ander Smittarasheed appears in the framing story Ghost. The Trinocs are named for their three eyes; they also have three fingers on each hand and a triangular mouth. Detailed Summary & Analysis Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Themes Emil Horne appears in the Beowulf Shaeffer story "Grendel" and is mentioned in the story The Borderland of Sol. Louis speculates that Teela's luck might work for the survival of her genes, rather than Teela herself. They do possess a "reactionless drive" technology that allows them to reach this speed almost instantaneously. Ponyboy is intelligent … Ulf Reichstein-Markham was born on Wunderland in 2390, the son of a solar system Belter. Gregory Pelton, (aka "Elephant" for a certain anatomical resemblance to a feature of the large Earth land animal), a native of Earth, is probably the richest human alive. He is a trained diplomat posted to the United Nations. Buy Study Guide. In the sequel The Ringworld Engineers Chmeee, along with Louis Wu, is kidnapped by the Hindmost (the exiled leader of the Puppeteers), who wants Louis and Chmeee to uncover the secret behind the creation of the Ringworld. The Outsiders (1983) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Forced Order. She is slim and lovely with long, dark hair that she wears in a "free fall" effect. His great-to-the-eighth grandmother invented the transfer booth. He also came under the control of a Thrint who escaped its Slaver stasis field before being destroyed by the Catskinner AI. Pierin are described as curious and friendly to the point of being nosy. Mutated racing viprin (fast-running creatures raced for entertainment and gambling) ruined the existing viprin herding business, which along with other similar inventions led to an economic depression prior to the Tnuctip revolt. The rivalry between two gangs, the poor Greasers and the rich Socs, only heats up when one gang member kills a member of the other. A lean man with a lean face, a sharp-edged nose, prominent cheekbones and dark, deep-set eyes with shaggy black eyebrows, Bellamy is in prime condition. Pelton lives in a house on the side of a cliff in the Rocky Mountains on Earth, and having spent a lot of time in space resents being called a flatlander. Get free homework help on S.E. The Regional President of Jinx appears in the Beowulf Shaeffer story At the Core. At the front of the body, low to the ground, is a large mouth adapted to scooping a form of mutated yeast out of shallow ocean-like yeast colonies. Sharrol Janss, a native of Earth, is Beowulf Shaeffer's wife and the mother of their daughter Jeena and another child, name unknown, whom she was pregnant with when Shaeffer encountered Ander Smittarasheed on Fafnir in 2655. As with most Man-Kzin Wars material, its canonicity has not been confirmed by Niven. In The Outsiders, S.E. Two-Bit Kzinti ears are hairless, pink, and shaped liked a segment of a Chinese parasol (or cocktail umbrella); they can fold back flat against the head for protection during a fight. Charles Martin Shaeffer is nicknamed "Little" Shaeffer and is known to most of his friends simply as "Lit". Though they have the technology to produce advanced faster-than-light drives, they rarely use them, preferring to travel the "slow" way, just below the speed of light. As such, the Thrintun had no objection to their large size. Get free homework help on S.E. He is recruited by Nessus, a Pierson's Puppeteer, as a member of an expedition to explore the Ringworld.[4][5]. p: 856-795-2025. f: 856-795-4611. Directed by Francis Ford Coppola. time and place written 1960s, Tulsa, Oklahoma. View Map. For each person who you come across in the story, record his/her name, and describe his/her personality and appearance. He hoped Teela would bring luck and success to the entire expedition. %��������� The Outsiders Character Chart Fill in the chart below with information about the character given. Pelton can be cordial and pleasant but also very direct and blunt when it suits him. Choose a character from the "1900s" tab to represent each of the literary characters. The CliffsNotes study guide on Hinton's The Outsiders supplements the original literary work, giving you background information about the author, an introduction to the work, a graphical character map, critical commentaries, expanded glossaries, and a comprehensive index, all for you to use as an educational tool that will allow you to better understand the work. Several other Tnuctip inventions are inadvertently discovered in the various known space novels, including a prototype hyperspace shunt, discovered during the first Man-Kzin War (in the novelette Inconstant Star by Poul Anderson). Following their return to Known Space, he is given the name of "Chmeee" (the "ch" is pronounced like a guttural German "ch", as in "ach") and given breeding rights by the Kzinti Patriarch. [6] The species is named for Lewis Carroll's Bandersnatch. Instead, Carlos ran with the children, Tanya and Louis, and managed to emigrate to Home without Feather's help. They were highly intelligent (IQ estimated around 130–140, according to the short story "In the Hall of the Mountain King") and social. %PDF-1.3 While the Thrintun believed that the Bandersnatchi possessed no intelligence, they were actually sentient beings resistant to the Thrintun's telepathic mind control abilities[9] and were used by the Tnuctipun to spy on the Thrintun until a slave rebellion. In The Ringworld Engineers, when a second expedition returns to the Ringworld, it is revealed that Teela has become a Protector-stage human. Kdatlyno are one of the few sentient races that can physically intimidate an adult Kzin, and there is at least one mention of them being used as elite Imperial Guards for the Kzinti Patriarch, presumably due to both their great strength and their uninvolvement in Kzin imperial court politics. The Gw'oth (singular Gw'o) are alien creatures first encountered in Larry Niven and Edward M. Lerner's collaborative Fleet of Worlds series of novels (a subset of Niven's Known Space future history). The Outsiders Introduction + Context. The Socs(pronounced ˈsoʊʃɪz / so-shis, short form of Socials) are a group of rich teenagers who live on the west side, or the south side in the movie. Sigmund Ausfaller, a native of Earth, is a member of the Amalgamated Regional Militia ("ARM"), working in the Bureau of Alien Affairs on Earth. It is considered equivalent to a parking violation on Earth. The Bandersnatchi also have 6 large hearts, each weighing about 11 pounds. He also wondered if Bellamy's age was a factor in his decision to kidnap Lloobee; when a person lives for hundreds of years and their politics and morals change over time, Shaeffer wondered, did they become indifferent to the idea of morality? Martians burst into flames when brought in contact with water. Plot Summary. After he involuntarily received an injection of the Kzinti analog of boosterspice, his scarring gradually disappeared. A Jotok who desires a family can simply go into the wilderness and "harvest" an adolescent of the proper age (a property that Kzin slavers later exploit). After Shaeffer is captured she returns to the campsite, the cover story for her injury being that she was scratched by one of the native species of Gummidgy. Ander Smittarasheed told Shaeffer that as of 2655 it was unclear whether Pelton was still involved in the project at all. ("They fought constantly. Beginning, Middle, End Level 1. When she realizes those instincts are driving her toward an unacceptable choice, she manipulates the other characters into killing her. The narrator of [I]The Outsiders, Ponyboy is fourteen years old and a greaser. Hinton's The Outsiders, many of the specifics of the setting are implied rather than directly stated. Some years later, Ausfaller, having almost caught up with Shaeffer on Fafnir, is killed by Ander Smittarasheed in order to protect Smittarasheed's interest in the special nanotechnology autodoc developed by Carlos Wu, left on Fafnir when Carlos escaped from Feather Filip as she shot Shaeffer in the chest with an ARM punchgun. Sharrol suffers from Flatland Phobia, a fear of changes to a person's environment, gravity, etc. Get free homework help on S.E. The Chunquen were a slave species of the Kzinti, remarkable to their captors for the sentience of both sexes. Gilbert Gilgamesh Hamilton is one of the few science fiction detectives to appear in the genre. Opinionaire. The Outsiders Adapted Book Level 1. Ausfaller appears in the Beowulf Shaeffer stories "Neutron Star", The Borderland of Sol, and "Ghost", and is mentioned in the story "Procrustes". Ponyboy is the youngest at 14 years old and is the story's protagonist and narrator. The novel A Darker Geometry by Gregory Benford and Mark O. Martin revealed that the Outsiders were created by a race of extra-dimensional aliens seeking to escape the heat death of their own universe. And Ander did not reckon, Shaeffer knew, on just how many Fafnir police were Kzinti who had elected to stay on that world when it was acquired by Earth in the Fourth Man-Kzin War. point of view Ponyboy gives a first-person, subjective account of events, explaining how we should interpret events and people in the story. They found that Peter had discovered a remnant of the Tnuctipun, a black hole powered hyperdrive that could also be used as a powerful Hawking radiation beam weapon. Character Map. The Kdatlyno are chiefly known for their touch sculpture, their sonar "vision". When Shaeffer advertised for a ghostwriter after his neutron star episode, Ander answered and managed to push himself into the situation before Shaeffer's guard was completely up. During this time he works as a member of small multi-person crews. Carlos Wu, a native of Earth, is one of only about 120 people with an unlimited parenthood license due to his incredible genius and resistance to disease and injury. The Whrloo are meter-tall insectoids with long eyestalks,[21] their homeworld has low gravity with a thick, dense atmosphere. Their most common wares are interstellar propulsion systems of various types. 2 Sodapop Curtis B The best friend of Sodapop Curtis. This species name is now in the goddam log. After Bellamy's death, Margo Tellefsen, who is Bellamy's mother, warns Shaeffer that Tanya Wilson had been in love with her son and will probably try to kill him. They are the rivals to the Greasers, and were described as having 'money, cars, and futures', according to Ponyboy Curtis. Does violence ever have a positive outcome? The gripping plot and identifiable characters, along with an excellent movie version with well-known actors, allows youths to relate the story to their own lives. Speaker is a Kzin, a member of an extraterrestrial race of large tiger-like beings. In "modern" times (i.e. As a result of their fear, Johnny and Ponyboy both resorted to violence. However, one can avoid paying the tax by smuggling one's cargo to an Earth facility, which collects no taxes. She was able to travel to Fafnir asleep inside Carlos Wu's special autodoc and later was frozen for travel to Home when Smittarasheed located Shaeffer on Fafnir. They are eyeless, earless, and have a prehensile tongue. His parents were killed in an automobile accident just eight months before The Outsiders story takes place. His face has black fur across the eyes resembling a bandit's mask, or the facial markings of a raccoon. According to Cherry and Randy, Socs had their own challenges. First and Then Comprehension Questions. That was the last Shaeffer saw of Ander until he appeared on Fafnir ten years later, looking for him. In "Peace and Freedom", it is revealed that starseeds are in fact packages of microorganisms designed to seed new planets with life, thus creating new customers for the Outsiders. Larchmont "Larch" Bellamy, a native of Earth, is a wealthy human who owns the ship Drunkard’s Walk. At the height of the occupation, he discovered a source of bizarre radiation on a world many lightyears away, and was taken to investigate by the scientifically minded Kzin who oversaw him. However, he acquired new scars after a fight with a Pak protector in The Ringworld Engineers. Hinton's The Outsiders: book summary, chapter summary and analysis, quotes, essays, and character analysis courtesy of CliffsNotes. He is 300 years old and takes boosterspice, although he was born before that drug became available; initially, like all humans before boosterspice, he relied on the organ banks to keep him healthy. The Kzinti believe that there is a free Jotoki fleet wandering amongst the stars, which would have provided their most strenuous opposition (excepting humans). Characters Map for S. E. Hinton's The Outsiders. They have horns on their heads and wide membranous wings. Use this CliffsNotes The Outsiders Book Summary & Study Guide today to ace your next test! Flatlander refers to any human born on Earth, in contrast to those who live on other planets or space habitats. Match the character descriptions with the characters found in The Outsiders. Following the occupation of Wunderland by the Kzinti in the First Man-Kzin War, at the age of 18 he joined the "Free Wunderland Navy," what purported to be a resistance group but was little more than a band of space pirates occupying the Serpent Swarm (Alpha Centauri's asteroid belt). Alice later becomes involved with Louis Wu, in (by the same authorial team) Betrayer of Worlds and Fate of Worlds. Details of this arrangement are not known. Please add information about the character as you learn new facts or descriptions. While recuperating from his injury, Gil broods over his future as a Belter. Athletic and well-built, easily able to have any woman for the asking, Ander tends to dress in wild flatlander style even when offworld. The money was deposited on accounts in Fafnir and Home, where the group planned to emigrate to, using assumed identities, after secretly arriving on Fafnir. Gil receives his new arm, but finds he can still dissociate his imaginary arm from his real one, and reach through walls, flesh, and even vidphone screens to manipulate objects he sees in them. Carlos, perhaps having a resurgence of flatland phobia, has agreed to return there with Ausfaller. Ausfaller rescues Bey and Carlos and they continue on to Earth where Bey rejoins Sharrol and their children and Carlos resumes his own life on Earth. Beowulf Shaeffer considers her lovely enough (by flatlander standards) to make a fast fortune on tridee if she wanted to. Be detailed and give as much information as possible. Darrel Curtis. and writes the... the church then... Sodapop Save Marcia Sodapop- Ponyboy's brother, a high-school dropout who works at a gas station. This Pierson's Puppeteer, a native of the Fleet-of-Worlds working for General Products in Known Space, contracted with Shaeffer to pilot a spaceship in a close fly-by of newly discovered neutron star BVS-1 to discover what killed the first two explorers to make the attempt, Peter and Sonya Laskin. Identify the major characters in The Outsiders and type their names into the different title boxes.