I found the actual lyrics which are better than my paraphrase. I have seen many people so lost within themselves , that hundred bucks in front of them is rubbish. Lord i thank you so much for this website and for all these beautiful testimonies.Few minutes ago i was feeling so down,i was even asking God why he made me,i couldn’t stop crying because of what i was going through!Wow This website helped me so much and reading what all of you have been posting lifted me up!Thank you so much people&Thank God for his help!I LOVE YOU YESHUA.. Lord, you hear our calls, right? Although some may not call me a cristian, regardless of my title of religion, I know there is a God who loves me and see’s me through. thank you so much for renewing my spirit with the inspiring verses. It broke up the chapel service, as students stood and applauded, cried and embraced one another. Your selected verses really encouraged me.i am having a problem with anxiety. Thus we’ve seen that we all are prone to prejudice, but that God is gracious to gently break us of this sin so that He can work through us. We all tend to group people by race or occupation, and then we pigeonhole individuals and judge them because they belong to the group. He is the perfector of God’s work among God’s children. Help us to have open hearts to hear what he has to say, and may we do what you want us to do.”. Therefore in the midst of this storm I have peace … bc my heart clings to Him. THANK YOU. Notice the above verse says “ALL.” It doesn’t say “some” or “most,” but it says that He will meet all of our needs. When Peter arrived at Cornelius’ house, he was surprised not only to find just a handful of Gentiles, but a whole house full! All the time, God is good. May you all be richly Blessed by the Lord our God for you do and have done. Love him and never stop loving him for he hath given his only son for your life! This site helped me give him some words of encouragement and hope that the Lord is always with him and always will be…, May you be blessed with million fold for this wonderful website… But Peter did what he did in obedience to the Lord, and we must do the same. I have found that the key is finding specific encouraging Bible verses and meditating on them. amen. We allow our heart to tear, we allow ourselves to fall. I am in a deep sorrow and pain but now i will always remember that there HE is who is ready to carry every burdens that i have right now….Thank you Lord! So good! Proverbs 3:5,6 i believe says ” Trust in the lord with all your heart and lead not to your own understanding. The barbarian was literally a man who could not speak Greek, and so his words sounded to the Greek ear like “bar bar.” One Greek historian asked rhetorically, “How can men who can only bark ever rule the world?” Prejudice is not eradicated with brilliance, since Aristotle believed that the world’s climate maintained the difference between Greeks and barbarians. 3:6). It is well with us all. be proud of what you are doing, and may this site be blessed with His presence! Their judgement day is coming, and only one will make that decision. THE LORD is with me all the time I am dealing with my grief through only THE LORD’S help and HE walks with me daily. “Everyone needs a bit of encouragement from time to time” Isaiah 43:18. Thank you, Bob, for your words that you quoted from the bible. He is the one who giveth you life and can take it away. And so the stage is set: you have a Gentile Roman soldier, representing the despised occupation of Israel, residing in the main city of the Roman occupation. Peter’s opening comment, about it being unlawful for a Jew to associate with a foreigner (10:28) was not a rude comment, as some think. I remember reading somewhere that the higher the barriers that we face, the bigger the rewards.. I’ll include you in my prayers. The story brings out five lessons: I know what you’re thinking: “Yes, Steve, you’re right. The articles on this site should not be taken as financial advice. 3:10). the bible quotes have become a great source of encouragement and I know that God is too far bigger than my conditions, and will order them to go away,as He did in the boat on a stormy sea. You are patient, merciful and kind. We must remember that God is the one that chooses his children and not the other way around. But Peter was staying there. Thank you for those who have shared – that has been very encouraging too. My Wife left me six months ago and my Dr told me a week ago that i have a pre cancerous condition.I also have to move out of my home in three days and I have yet to find a place. The wonderful thing is that we have God to help us while going through our trials. I thank God for the things I do have…like my children, family and friends. And I believe its through Jesus I have survived happily in all those times. It is obvious that God was the prime mover in this story. That’s a ready situation for God to work, when the hearts of the people are prepared and the heart of the speaker is prepared and they gather in God’s presence to hear a message that God commanded him to give! But I am suggesting that if we do not face our prejudices and allow God to root them out, we will not be effective in reaching across cultural and personal barriers with the gospel. And, of course, this was just the beginning of the gospel moving out into Gentile territory. The word Selah is an interesting one if you search the Wiki on it. thank u very much for these messages. Note also how the Lord worked gradually with Peter. What so ever you ask the Father in my (Jesus) name, He will do it. And I have limited resources to get the type of place I desire for me and my two childern to stay during my custody time with them. great words and encoraging talk from people!! I looked up the scriptures and know that I can “press on” knowing that our wonderful God loves me. That day, with God’s mercy I understood where I went wrong. He lives through people who walk in His Word. For a Jew, it was a radical concept! As Armerding walked down the steps to go into the chapel, the Lord spoke to him about his attitude. The Jews viewed tanners as unclean, since they had daily contact with dead animal skins. Thats letting go. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’ Isaiah 41:10, For God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of craven and cringing and fawning fear), but [He has given us a spirit] of power and of love and of calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control. And HE is very PERFECT. It really broadened my understanding. Reading these scriptures have reminded me how much worse off I could be without God, and that he is working through this difficult time, even if I can’t see it. God is good all the time. Ryan, So we have continued in our walk with Christ. The United States has gotten it’s self into quite a knot. Right now I feel I want my husband back, no matter the cost. I am praying for everyone! The Bible is clear that there are none who seek after God (Rom. No sooner had the vision ended than the three visitors from Caesarea arrived. We make our own decisions, yet we blame on God because our hearts are torn. I have been through trials and tribulations, I had lost my sons father in 2006 and I am feeling that the anxiety is coming back very strong. So when I look back and see where he has brought me from. Godbless. To be prejudiced is to pre-judge someone without sufficient information. Find out more here. Thank you!! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? Then the young man began to pray: “Dear Lord, you know how much I admire Dr. Armerding, how I appreciate his walk with you. Neither am I saying that we should join in carousing with sinful people as if there is no difference between them and us. … in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”. The answer to every question is in THE BIBLE you just have to know where to find it. Since we are to testify to God’s goodness, I need to share this testimony regarding this verse – Phil 4:19. All of the sudden I heard this loud voice in my head say “My God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory.” It was awesome, so I accepted it and stopped worrying. Indeed god is great all the time.God new us before we were formed in our mothers womb surely there is a good reason why he created us ,We must use our bodies for gods glory! I am glad and thankful to come across this page right now. COST ALL YOUR BURDENS ON HIM SEES THE LORD, Thank you for these testimonies of faith. Also, he thought that it was biblically inappropriate for men to have long hair. Explore other options as that may not be His plan for your life. In God alone i can find perfect peace that the world cannot give. Everyday with Lord is sweeter than the day before. i lost my baby girl few weeks ago. Thank you so much for your website and posting. Many times in my head I tell myself I want to give up. God Is faithful! God bless u, aplenty.. But, thank God, that’s not one of my weaknesses! and he will give you the desires of your heart. Lord, bless him today. I would be afraid if I were the person that wants to TAKE GOD out of everything. She doesn’t believe in divorce and prays constantly that God will provide grace to her and her son and heal her marriage. Especially by letting us know that there is answer for “everything” through Jesus Christ our Lord. God knows his children REAL needs and He is fully capable in giving it to them. Let’s not forget to reach out to say a prayer to those who are in need, even in our own times of trouble. Praise the Lord, its well wit u. u will get there. And for those with family issues that the Lord use the present crisis for drawing closer to Him. I have seen poverty in the world around me like some only have nightmares about. We give you all we are for the Glory of your name. But i still say thank you.Praise His Name in everything and what BEWARE OF THE DEVIL HE IS IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING. He can certainy work a miracle in this situation. If we do not have a heart to reach out with the gospel across cultural, racial, and national barriers, we do not have the heart of the Lord Jesus. Thank you! Is this biblical? God is good and He loves His children – there’s always a way back to God after we mess up.