They usually burrow a hole underneath to lay and hide the eggs safely. Unfortunately not. eggs snails. Rabbit Snail Breeding & Reproduction. At first, the eggs are enclosed together in a jelly-like sac before the snail brings all the eggs … The eggs are pearly white (sometimes with a blue tinge) and smaller than a pea. It may not be the biggest nor the best, but I'm having fun! answer #2. Rabbit Snails are the most peaceful aquarium mate you will find, but they must be housed with other peaceful, non-aggressive fish. Well, they’re not! The female Rabbit Snails sometimes lays 2 or 3 eggs, and sometimes only one in a breeding cycle. Share: Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest WhatsApp Email Link These snails' bodies feature a beautiful white-spotted or yellow-spotted coloration, and their shells are light brown to black with a white crown. The amount of eggs differs per species. 5 years ago. The rabbit snail has had 3 babies already but this is the first egg I have seen and I was scared it was a ball of fungus. I have a community tank with Cichlids. The mother Rabbit Snail will then produce a pearl-like gelatinous egg. However, this egg will hatch within about an hour, as it has been incubated inside the female. The baby snail will emerge from the egg fully formed, and can be raised alongside the adult snails. Within a couple of hours, the baby Rabbit Snail will come out of the sack. Rabbit snails will lay a single egg at a time! Fishfur. They actually do have their sexy time in their little snail world. The female snails will lay only one egg at a time. Yes, it is possible it was already carrying eggs when you bought it. This It takes a couple of weeks for the eggs to hatch. I heard the rabbit snails needed a male and a female, so is it possible it had eggs when I got it? It’s impressive that they can lay about 75 eggs at a time. They need to be well-fed to induce the breeding process. I've borrowed better images from importers and others, until I take better pics myself. Rabbit snails are dioecious and have two distinct genders, even though males and females appear identical:. Rabbit snails start breeding when they reach around 1.5 inches; You will require a minimum of 3 snails to have the best chance of ensuring you have both sexes. Assassin snails and rabbit snails breed slowly while pond snails, ramshorn snails and malaysian trumpet snails can breed each month. Typically, when aqua creatures are transferred to new tanks, their breeding rate is faster than before. A website on Rabbit Snails, to provide info and personal experience, for what it's worth. As one of the largest freshwater snails in the world, Giant Sulawesi Rabbit snails are very rare within the aquarium hobby - but they are quickly gaining in popularity! The viviparous Rabbit snails are a little more challenging to breed than other freshwater snails, but only moderately so. Thanks, Ryan. Below is a compilation of the types I have, and others that can be found. Inside this egg is a single embryo that will hatch. You may be asking yourself are rabbit snails asexual? They reproduce much slower than egg-laying species, so they won’t fill your tank with offspring. In the right aquarium conditions, rabbit snails breed about every two to four weeks. Because of this, there is little chance of them taking over your tank. The mating and self-fertilizing take around two weeks before the snail starts to lay their eggs. Varieties. One thing to note is that compared to most of the other snail species who lay a ton of eggs and crowd the space – rabbit snails … Can I add some Rabbit Snails to the community ? Snails can lay eggs multiple times per year. They are laid in or on the substrate.