Keep going down and down, there's no other way anyway. Stay away from them or they will kill Waylon if he approaches them. The door near the brick wall is blocked by a patient, so move to the left side of the court area and go through the doorway near the two standing patients - one of them will push Waylon, but he can still get by them. Grab the **"MISCARRIED PROFITS" DOCUMENT** from off the first desk to the right. While moving beside the wall to the right, look through the mesh door and film the patient that is playing basketball to get the **"THIS IS THE WHAT THE GAME IS" NOTE** before continuing ahead. Waylon steps out of the decontamination room that was locked in the Airlock Chamber Area This is the familiar room with plastic walls that has the decontamination room where the worker was trapped. Outlast Whistleblower Walkthrough Full Game Let's Play No Commentary 1080p HD Gameplay Trailer[1080P] Report. Listen to him and then press the button on the counter afterwards. The door to the left is locked and the door at the end of the corridor is locked as well, so Waylon will have to move into the space in between the walls off to the left - follow that corridor to the left. Good god, my eyes cannot unsee what I just saw! The door near the bottom of the stairs is unlocked and there doesn't appear to be anything inside but you should still search it over just in case. Continue crawling down the air duct then fall out to the room on the other side. This guy is armed with an electric buzzsaw so we sure don't want him to find Waylon. Quickly run down the corridor then make a right and go through the open doorway and then make another right to reach the front of the decontamination room. Run down the corridor to the left after exiting the control room then step into the decontamination room at the end of the corridor to escape from Frank. If you die, you will start at the beginning of the game. Enter the middle corridor from the left corridor or through the doorway on the right side of the lab room. Be sure to raise the camera and film the wooden table that Waylon was laying on to get the **"AN UNWILLING BRIDE" NOTE**. Walk toward the sliding doors and they will open. Frank is likely going to see Waylon in this area. Be sure to keep the night vision on while stepping toward the end of the corridor since something will suddenly start to chase Waylon from behind. Move toward the door near the metal crate. When Waylon steps into the outside hall, Eddie will enter the hall from down the corridor to the left. Waylon needs to get back to the decontamination room where that worker was dying from the gas inside - that was in a plastic airlock corridor. As Waylon gets up from the table, he will grab his clothes and his camera. Run down the corridor up ahead then open the door to the right before reaching the blockade of debris. Your main destination is through the mesh door in the middle of the corridor. So hurry towards the right and enter through the first door on the right. In order to get past Dennis, you need to go the way that he comes. There's a battery on top of the table. Investigative Journalists Blake and his wife Lynn, travel to the Arizona Desert to pursue a lead on a popular suicide, but are soon ambushed by a mysterious and terrifying cult. Frank's buzzsaw can be heard in the corridor ahead. The door directly ahead is blocked from the other side, so move along the corridor to the left. Waylon will have to stand next to the crate that is near the door and push it out of the way in order to open the door. Go past the mesh doorway then open the door down the right corridor - the mesh door is chained. Enter the surgery office room (plastic room) to the side and pick up the **"GENDER SELECTION IN MOUNT MASSIVE CONTRACTORS" DOCUMENT** off the table near the broken-down door that the patient beat down earlier. Make your way down the left side of the corridor in the next area. Quickly run past him and back to the stairs. FREE IOS APP. Outlast Whistleblower video walkthrough guide. Move toward the double doors and push the crate out of the way that blocks the doors in order to open them if you want. Walk up the locked mesh door at the end of the corridor then film the soldiers that stand around the body (Dr. Trager) in the lobby up ahead to get the **"SERVE AND PROTECT" NOTE**. Press the action button to send the email then turn around and walk toward the worker at the door. Our Outlast walkthrough will guide you through the beginning to ending moments of gameplay with strategy tips for this survival-horror PC game. Move through the doorway up ahead and walk in between the two shelves. Quickly turn around and look to the right and squeeze through the shelf and door to get into the side room. Push away the crate that blocks the double doors then open the side door. Two days ago I bought DLC Outlast Whistleblower,and I have a problem with it. There is a locked decontamination room off to the left while moving down the corridor - keep this in mind. He will start out near a wooden shelf in a wooden wall area. A dead body dressed in a wedding gown is propped up on the stage with... the **MALE WARD KEY** in its hand! Climb all the way up to the board up above the shelf then climb up to that board - there is a crate on it. While crawling through the vent, be sure to film the conversation that takes place below the vent covers to receive the **"A RADIO IN THE PRISON" NOTE** as well as a new objective. Waylon now has a sprung ankle and must limp to his destinations. Follow the open path between the shelves up ahead. Step through the sliding doors quickly and allow them to seal off to lose the Walrider. Before leaving check on the ground to the right of the fountain then grab the **"PROJECT WALRIDER PATIENT STATUE REPORT FOR EDDIE GLUSKIN" DOCUMENT** from off the ground. Anyway, open the door at the other end of the restroom. Waylon will step into a big lab area and Frank is somewhere in this lab - listen for his buzzsaw. Go through the doorway with the broken down door then open the next door at the end of the hall. Waylon has crash-landed through the roof of the Vocational Block. Basically, the people in charge don't want anyone contacting the outside to break the news to everyone else about what is happening here. What the hell does that mean!? Hop over the broken fence at the other end of the building then step into the guard post building. Playing next. Waylon starts out with only the battery that is currently in the camera. Walk past the wall directly ahead then follow the wall until you see a dead security guard corpse. Crawl through the vent and drop out into the kitchen once again. Don't fall into the elevator shaft since it will kill Waylon. The patient inside the room will start to bang his head against the door up ahead. At the other end of the hall, the door off to the right will lead Waylon to another control room with a flashing red light in it. It's kind of hard to sneak by Frank in this area, but if you want to try, it's best to wait for him to enter the room to the right then make sure he moves to the middle of it and then slowly walk down the hall ahead. Hi. Go to the other side of the area and find the next doorway in the fence then walk through it and round the corner then move down the stairs up ahead. Turn to the right and enter the room with the altar and there is a **"GOD AND FAMILY" DOCUMENT** on the floor behind the altar. Quickly squeeze through the table and bookcase further down the hall to lose Frank - you can go back to the hall where Frank was since he seems to disappear after Waylon squeezes through the objects in the hall. While walking back down the corridor, the Walrider will phase through the locked door at the other end. Something tells me we will find out shortly. Walk by the big pipe and there will be shelf with crates near that pipe. Run by the wheelchairs then prepare to hop over another bed. I bet Waylon's leg hurts like hell by now! A patient is beating a worker on the other side of the fallen shelf. You can try to hide out in the locker room, but Eddie will constantly move up and down the nearby hall - he will always stay close so he will see you VERY easily when Waylon tries to run. The patient that was in the hall will enter the other cell and stand near the chair. Step into the corridor with the open door to the right. The prisoners, however, launch a mutiny and start killing all the staff as well as one another. Open the door and enter the guard tower. Check out the inside of the building via the unlocked door to the left up ahead just in case there is a battery inside. Step into the cell to the right and pick up the **BATTERY** on the metal table with the camera. The DLC expansion to 2013's hellish adventure is still scary, but relies a bit too heavily on the same tricks. A patient will rush by on the overhead floor as Waylon makes his way back down the corridor. There is a set of double doors that is partially blocked by a table on the left side of the next room with tables. Waylon will come upon the end of the other side of the catwalk (which is damaged) but there is a wooden ledge across from that side. Step out into the corridor through the fallen door to the side. Follow the other side of the corridor. Your main destination is in the middle of the corridor directly ahead. Navigate through the shelves once again. No hay productos en el carrito. You'll most likely notice the burning chapel outside the windows of the corridor up ahead from the main game of Outlast. Enter the kitchen through the double doors off to the left at the end of the hall. Waylon can't really see through the window to the immediate right so work your way through the row of tables on the left side of the room. However, he gets caught in the act by his superiors and they start to carry out experiments on him too. At the top of the stairs, there is a locked gate door to the right and an open gate door to the left. There is nothing special inside of the room through either of the two doors to the right when first entering the area where Frank is, so you can skip the room that they lead to. A patient will beat down the door in the plastic room to the right - he is actually making a way out for you (little does he know, ha!). Outlast Whistleblower DLC All Collectibles Full Walkthrough (ARCHIVIST & LEGACY ACHIEVEMENTS GUIDE) Duck and move through the hole and be sure to film the body that falls from the tower above to get the **"AN EASY WAY OUT" NOTE**. Waylon will have more shelves facing him up ahead. Frank must have finished his meal in the kitchen so he is searching for something else to eat. With Shawn Baichoo, Chimwemwe Miller, Andreas Apergis, Alex Ivanovici. There is a corridor on both sides of this lab room and Frank seems to hang out in both of the side corridors for the most part. So now we know who wrote the message! You will also find additional hints from the author as for completing a … This area has several rooms in it with unlocked doors. Along with each level description there is also information on the location of batteries, which are needed for your camcorder. Climb the ladder at the end of the path. Duck up under the counter to the side then open the door across from the counter. Escape the cornfield and reach the farmstead. Hop through the open window and pick up **"THE GROOM" DOCUMENT** near the huddled patient in the left corner of the shed. Waylon still step out to a fenced stairway in an outside area after exiting the decontamination room from the previous chapter. Follow the blood trail up the stairs to the right then fall through the hole in the fence near the meat chunks on the ground. Run into the lighted corridor through the open doorway then hop over the table and squeeze through the bed frames up ahead. It's a full walkthrough playthrough of the entire Whistleblower DLC with tips, tricks and game review commentary. Up ahead is a grassy area and there is a fence to the left that is chained shut. Walk over to the right side of the area then grab the **BATTERY** from off the shelf on that side. While walking by the patient that sits in the corridor to the side, he will suddenly jump up (extremely quickly) and start to come after Waylon. Outlast: Whistleblower Trainer +4 - PC. Eddie has certainly been a busy person for a full day as a psycho, hasn't he? I loved them both, but whistleblower was what made me nearly slip off the edge of my seat. Two patients will run down the hall up ahead and then lock the door at the other end. The patient that was playing basketball will toss his "ball" at Waylon and blame him on ruining his fun. Find the sliding doors then move into the reception room up ahead. Free iOS App iPhone & iPpad. Thankfully, there is an open window to the right. Some patients are in the plastic-sealed room to the left. Walk directly ahead and search for the **BATTERY** near the security guard corpse in the grass. A security guard is huddled in corner of the restroom. Open the door to the right to continue. Follow the main hall to the other side then step into that decontamination room at the end. This section of our guide will contain a complete in-depth walkthrough of Outlast 2 from start to finish. A scene will take place as Eddie comes toward the locker - a very long and disturbing set of scenes. Run down the stairs near the elevator shaft to reach the first floor of the lobby. Your main destination is to the left - through the tunnel - but turn to the right then squeeze through the left side of the concrete wall and the pipes then pick up the **BATTERY** on the ground along the other side of the wall. --> Objective: Find the key to access the Male Ward. Run down the courtyard walkway up ahead. Enter the room with the sink further to the right and look around the side of the bed frame with the sheet on it to find a possible **BATTERY** on the small table. Server Room After the opening cutscenes of Whistleblower, you'll take control of Waylon Park two hours earlier from the opening cutscene shortly after Waylon typed up the email to Miles to get him to expose the truth of the Murkoff Corporation at Mount Massive Asylum. There is a crate that blocks a hole in the wall to the right, but before pushing that, move around the left side of the shelves up ahead then grab the **"PATIENT DENNIS" DOCUMENT** from off the small table near the bed. Walkthrough - Outlast Wiki Guide - IGN The survival-horror game Outlast follows investigative journalist Miles Upshur as he explores Mount Massive Asylum with his trusty night-vision camera, hoping to break the story of his life. Use the key on the door and a cutscene will take place. Continue along the corridor to the left and enter the elevator lobby off to the left to see Trager's body if you wish - teabag it or what have you - then enter the next few rooms and corridors. Waylon needs to get back to the air duct in the basketball court and crawl through it. Enter the side of the corridor with the blinking light and step through the doorway. Walk straight ahead and Waylon will come upon some more stairs and some bloody footsteps that lead up them. 15:40. Waylon needs to go the way that Eddie came from, so he needs to move to the other side of the shelf to the left up ahead. Find the ledge up above then jump and pull up to the next floor. And yes, Waylon has to jump into the ditch, so go ahead and fall down into the water. There doesn't appear to be anything on the side with lockers. Step into the room with the circular machines and walk toward the far wall then look to the right to find a **BATTERY** on the table to the side. Ignore the door on the left, instead keep on walking towards the area where there are large furnaces. This room should be very familiar from the main game - the TV is still on! Outlast DLC : Whistleblower Walkthrough The Laboratory. A cutscene will take place while Waylon fixes the software. Marcin "Xanas" Baran (, Author : Marcin "Xanas" Baran for Waylon will come upon a doorway in the fence. I guess Miles is down in the lab area up under the building by now. Be sure to film the doctor and the patient that enters the room afterwards to get **"THE DOCTORS ARE SICK" NOTE**. Use the action button to hit the wall and eventually Waylon will break out. Waylon will have to find the key in the order to unlock the handcuffs and the door. After the opening cutscenes of Whistleblower, you'll take control of Waylon Park two hours earlier from the opening cutscene shortly after Waylon typed up the email to Miles to get him to expose the truth of the Murkoff Corporation at Mount Massive Asylum. A patient will start to speak to Waylon - through the bookcase that Waylon squeezes through - and start to tell him about "the man downstairs". There appears to be a group of people somewhere around here - at least, that's what it sounds like...? Something tells me that mysterious guy isn't cutting a watermelon. As the elevator rises, quickly get off at the first floor that it rises too - if Waylon stays on the elevator, he will get crushed. Waylon can shimmy across the narrow ledge to the immediate right. Home > Games > Outlast DLC : Whistleblower The Laboratory Keep walking forward and head down the stairs to get to the lower level. Try to sneak by Eddie while keeping an eye on him. Waylon is now on the other side of the electric fence, across from the building that he entered to get away from the aggressive patient earlier. Waylon will get thrown into a furnace and Frank will turn the furnace on! Find the corridor to the left and take it around the side of the room that Waylon was just in - hop over the bed then navigate through the shelves. It appears the footsteps diminish and there is a blood trail to follow in the next area - seems the person collapsed. Be sure to check the fenced area over for possible battery pickups before leaving. Perform a running jump toward the wooden ledge without railing and a scene will take place that will lead to the next chapter. Go ahead and push the crate out of the way then move through the hole in the wall. If Eddie is not right behind Waylon then shut the door. Outlast DLC : Whistleblower Walkthrough Male Ward. Step through the hole in the plastic then open the door to the Surgery Room and step inside. The room that Waylon steps out of is in the side of the corridor to the left of the two rooms near the library with the hole in the wall, so run to the left after stepping through the doorway and then make a right and follow that corridor to the end (hop over the fallen bed) then jump and grab onto the top of the door and fall over to the area in front of the locked door that Waylon needed the handcuff key for. Run toward the window with the light coming from it off to the left then look to the left before reaching the window to see a table that Waylon can vault over. Face the door with the staircase in front of it then find the table with the radio and the **BATTERY** to the left of the fountain. Follow the fence path around the corner then open the gate at the end. Waylon will eventually come upon a blue door that he can open at the end of the corridor. Fall out of the vent then film the dead bodies that hang from the ceiling to get the **"BLUE BEARD'S WIVES" NOTE**. There are several mannequin torsos in the room. Outlast: Whistleblower Game Guide & Walkthrough is also available in our Mobile App. Open the door on the other side of the room then step into the corridor again. Waylon can't interact with any of the police vehicles. There is an open gate down the left path. Browse more videos. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Run to the far left and find the door - the door is unlocked, so open it quickly. Move down the corridor to the right then climb up onto the shelf and fall to the other side with the overhead light. Waylon can press the furnace buttons on the furnace to the right - there is a body inside one of them. The lever to turn off the electric fence is down the corridor up ahead, so rush toward it and pull it. Waylon will eventually reach a brick building with an open doorway. Hospital is the second chapter in Outlast: Whistleblower. Eddie will walk by in the hallway past the door and he will come to your location. It should be noted that the DLC is much more brutal than the base game and in some moments it may even be disgusting or distasteful. The players can hide in various spots in order to avoid their pursuers, such as nearby lockers, below beds, in various corners or simply blending in with the darkness. Outlast 2: Part 1 Crash land in Arizona, find the Prison Key, and then locate Lynn. Step through the bodies on the two tables in the middle of the room and be sure to raise up the camera and film the cannibal behind the glass window to get the **"IN THE CANNIBAL'S KITCHEN" NOTE**. Objective: Exit via the Administration Block. Frank is roaming the corridor through the door on the other side of the library. A patient on the other side of the wall will see Waylon - he appears to be one of that group from earlier with the racket he makes. Outlast: Whistleblower (also known as Outlast: Story DLC) is an upcoming psychological horror video game. Wait for the cell door to open then step outside. Follow the corridor toward a partially open door then bust through the door. Follow the corridor through the next doorway. Be sure to have night vision turned on then rush around the fallen shelf in the middle of the room and to the right. Waylon will have no choice but to return to the stairs at the entrance to the court area. As a former employee you cannot feel safe here, so you must leave this horrible place. Once Waylon looks back up from turning the doorknob, he will see a man looking back at him through the window of the locked door - this is Eddie! The decontamination room in the nearby corridor is now unlocked. Be forewarned that you are stepping back into the area where Waylon first escaped from Frank, so Frank IS somewhere in this hallway - you just don't know where and neither do I since it's random. A dead patient is handcuffed to the door and the door is locked. This is the other side of the Surgery Corridor that was sealed earlier. After going through the fence doorway, Waylon will need to follow the long path ahead - he will pass by a dead body that is leaning against a locked door. Go down the corridor to the right of the locked door.