The lineage of this ancient, intelligent breed likely dates as far back as the 18th century B.C. Training is a challenge for some owners, so if you require a dog who will display unquestioning obedience, you should probably look elsewhere. Slipping kneecaps are also a concern, which can cause a lot of pain. Basically, the Great Pyrenees temperament can be more aggressive than some other breeds of dog. We urge adopters to follow the precepts of "Nothing in Life is Free" training and learning to be a pack leader, because these two concepts go hand-in-hand. Trainer Roman Goettfried will answer questions on  Saturdays at 1 pm during a live video broadcast on our NationalPyr Facebook page. The Great Pyrenees is not a small dog. Only certain living situations can provide the activities that keep this breed content. A dog of this breed will patrol its perimeter and may wander away if left off its leash in an unenclosed space. As for most things, there is a right way and a wrong way to crate train your dog. The History of the Great Pyrenees. A Great Pyrenees may not be right for you. He does love to romp in the snow, and pulling a cart or carrying a backpack gives him a purpose in life. Great Pyrenees puppies and adult dogs tend to bark at everything because of their protective nature. Breed Basics / Training and Behavior. Hold the dog and say “No!” loudly and firmly. Know more about Great Pyr Temperament. This article is for those who think they might be in love with a big white fluffy dog. There can be health or medical issues involved as well. You are absolutely right. I thought they might be over reacting, until last night. No part of this website may be copied, displayed on another website, or distributed in any way without permission from the author. Some Pyrenees may have neurological or immune problems as well. He has recently started having some behavior problems. Heavy shedding. Do you have a training or behavioral question? I reached for his collar to put him out and he nearly took my hand off. To learn the right way to crate train a puppy or an adult dog by taking the time to acclimate them, please go to this page. Jan 15, 2016 - The downsides to a Great Pyrenees, the possible behavior problems and issues that you may have to deal with and ways to prevent them. It is one of the main reasons why it is important that you choose a pup that has been screened and has been given a clean bill of health. Pyrenees Myth #1: “They are so big!” I know they look big. Bloating 2. Some Great Pyrenees owners have quiet dogs who do not bother a soul. Great Pyrenees have a deep, impressive bark, which they tend to use freely, especially at night when they are most vigilant. Females range in height from 25 to 29 inches, with weights starting at 85 pounds (38 kilograms). The Great Pyrenees is a calmness, hospitable, severe dog understood for his wonderful commitment to household, including mannerly youngsters. , for her booklets on being a good leader and managing various behavioral issues. … They are not to be considered "bad habits" to be corrected. The following training techniques will work for excitement barking, warning … If your pyr can’t trust you, he certainly won’t want to work with you. This is the age when dogs start feeling Middle of the Pack (adolescents) and try to establish their place in the hierarchy. At the same time, a dog that is genetically predisposition to aggressiveness can become calm and tolerant when trained and socialized. Since a Great Pyrenees can live to be 10 to 12 years … Since getting up on furniture and particularly the owner's bed, gives them the same status as the owner, this should be avoided, at the very least until your leadership is established and you decide when to invite him up on the couch or bed. Of these diseases, Great Pyrenees are on the list of giant breed dogs that are at the highest risk for developing osteosarcoma. As mentioned above, Great Pyrenees shedding can be an annoyance to pet parents. The Great Pyrenees breed is healthy with only a few notable common health problems, although this may vary because no two dogs are exactly alike: 1. Like all dogs, Great Pyrenees puppies and adults have behavior problems specific to their breed. The Great Pyrenees is patient with his own family's children, but some are overprotective when neighbors join in for rough-and-tumble play. Joint problems are not uncommon, especially in dogs that are improperly exercised. The problem is that most dog training videos on the internet are worthless, because they use the wrong training method. The Great Pyrenees temperament can be described as quietly confident with a keen sense of danger and fearless as a guardian and protector. You can substitute pulling a cart or sled, or backpacking, but without something constructive to do, Great Pyrenees are likely to become bored and destructive. Hitting, screaming, alpha rolling, or other similar behavior will only harm your relationship with your pyr. These canines are typically reliable, affectionate and also gentle, but if the need occurs, they will not wait to try to safeguard their family members and their territory. Copyright © 2000-2020 by Michele Welton. If for any reason your dog needs to be confined for medical reasons or travel, being in a crate will not be unfamiliar and frightening. As an adult, he is quiet indoors and content with long daily walks and regular opportunities to stretch out. Unless you establish yourself as the alpha (number one), the Great Pyrenees will trust his own judgment and do whatever he pleases. I know personally of two; separate tragic incidents where a Great Pyrenees reached through the fence and killed a small dog who was simply walking past the Pyr's yard. The only health problems the Great Pyrenees suffers from are a result of its size. Other disorders include cancer and bloat, a life-threatening stomach problem. Same-sex aggression in particular is a serious concern with guardian breeds and you should read more about it, You can't train out the guardian nature of the breed, but you must understand how to manage it. The Great Pyrenees (also called the “Great Pyr” or just “Pyr”) is a gentle wooly giant that requires moderate exercise, regular grooming, a patient handler, and a strong fence. The Great Pyrenees can be slow to learn new commands, slow to obey and somewhat stubborn to train. More traits and characteristics of the Great Pyrenees. This charge is less across the board agreed on. Any lameness or swelling should be evaluated by a vet immediately. That said, there is no question that Pyrs must learn basic commands and will benefit from positive-reinforcement training, which can be enhanced with clicker training. Make every day training day by incorporating these basic techniques: We endorse the use of crate training for several reasons. An aggressive dog in excess of 100 pounds is more than most can manage and a timid dog can be fearful and therefore unpredictably dangerous. Common Great Pyrenees Behavior Problems. The Great Pyrenees’s thick and long double coat often leads to some common questions about Great Pyrenees grooming. The Pyr wants you to be the leader, but if there is a void in leadership, the Pyr will step in to fill it, and that's when problems often arise. While Great Pyrenees were bred as working dogs to guard sheep and goats and thus we know have instinctual behavior tendencies, operant learning is occurring with our pets every moment of every day that they are alive. You should learn about these concerns in order to be ready to work with your puppy. The Great Pyrenees originated as a flock-guarding dog in the Pyrenees Mountains of France. $269.00; Summer Beach (Slide Cart) Rated 2.48 out of 5 $ 20.00 20.00 Likewise, he may be protective of his own family's pets while aggressively driving off others. To learn the right way to crate train a puppy or an adult dog by taking the time to acclimate them, please go to this, There are many things you can train a Pyr to do, but we are often asked how to "train a pyr not to bark," or "train out" the digging instinct, or to be trusted off-leash, or be fine with dogs of the same sex. The Great Pyrenees is an adorable gentle giant, very loyal to its family, and typically gets along very well with children. Fences must be secure, for Pyrs have a tendency to roam. Panting excessively could be a sign of neurological problems, heart problems, or a respiratory disorder. 1. This is true of many large dogs. Great Pyrenees pant for other reason too such as stress, pain, or when they are afraid. It provides a secure, familiar place for dogs to rest; canines usually find comfort in their "dens," especially during house-shaking thunderstorms or just to have a quiet place. Great Pyrenees shed a LOT. Your question is a fairly common one. Some Great Pyrenees are not safe with cats. I recommend these dog training videos that are based on respect and leadership. Training is a challenge for some owners, so if you require a dog who will display unquestioning obedience, you should probably look elsewhere.