Collisions with deer have been on the rise nationwide, up more than 20 percent over the last five years. It is the right thing to do. It is illegal to claim a deer carcass without a permit. Answer: The owner of a vehicle damaged by collision with a deer is allowed to keep the carcass for consumption or give it to a third party. If a vehicle does strike a deer, the motorist should immediately call 911 and report any injuries and the location of the accident, he said. Try to stay in your lane of travel. Best Answer. Being in an accident with a deer is scary, and we understand that your adrenaline will be pumping and decision making will be hard if this happens. ©2021 Even if this means striking the deer, the odds are better for your personal safety. You can, if you follow the proper safety procedures and obey state law. Some people say you should speed up instead of braking if you can’t avoid hitting a deer, but a Mythbusters investigation involving a rubber moose found that to be a myth. The best thing you can do is to slow down but do not brake sharply. Last update: Nov 19, 2020 1 answer. If there are witnesses, ask for their contact information. If there’s no physical contact with the deer (e.g. Hit the deer. National deer-vehicle collisions project good luck. But what if you don’t have time to safely slow down and avoid hitting the deer? Call 911 and let them know what happened. The most common states for deer car accidents tend to be Midwestern or Appalachian, with Michigan, Wisconsin and West Virginia reporting the most crashes per capita. I have some good news for you. The meat is likely not usable if it’s been battered and run over. Use your high-beams in rural areas if there’s no oncoming traffic. According to the Insurance Information Institute, a non-profit industry trade group, there are more than 1.6 millions deer collisions nationwide each year. That depends on where you live. Call 608-267-7691 to obtain a tag for car-killed black bear. Car accidents with deer – reporting to the police. Not knowing how to handle the situation can increase the anxiety. We can answer your questions and outline options for legal recourse in the event that negligence was involved. A typical whitetail deer in Michigan weighs around 200lbs. However, if the deer is injured you should report the accident so someone can help it. If you are driving at night, use your high beams whenever possible, and slow down if the area you’re traveling in has wildlife crossing signs. Meet Mr. Ellis and find out how he helps his clients who are injured in auto accidents. You could be injured by a frightened, hurt animal. If someone is hurt in the accident, the driver is required to call the police immediately. Personal Injury Lawyer – Car Accident Lawyer – Slip and Fall – Pedestrian Accident – Motorcycle Accident – Wrongful Death, El Segundo 2230 E Maple Ave, El Segundo California, CA 90245, Los Angeles Car Accident Attorney- Andrew L. Ellis. While the prevalence of deer in Southern California is waning, these docile creatures pose serious hazards for motorists, especially during the changing seasons when deer migrate to lower elevations that are often more urbanized. For local roads, contact the municipality. A typical car weighs over 3,000lbs. Don’t assume it won’t happen to you! Even if you purchased comprehensive coverage, an insurance adjuster may dispute your story of hitting a deer, with a view toward denying your claim, or minimizing your payout. This is mating season for deer, so deer tend to roam more. Explore more on how car insurance deductibles work. does business in California as Comparedotcom Insurance Agency, LLC (License: 0I22535). How you react is critical as well; swerving to avoid hitting a deer can cause you to go off the road, sideswipe another vehicle, or have a head-on collision with an oncoming car, which often leads to serious or deadly results. A collision with a deer is typically a covered loss, according to Allstate. A car accident involving a deer or other large animal not only jeopardizes your health and that of the wildlife, it can cost you many thousands of dollars in property damage. The good news is that insurers typically don’t hold drivers responsible for car accidents involving deer, and so your rates are unlikely to increase. If the collision with the deer caused you or an occupant to suffer personal injuries, speak to your insurance adjuster about your policy coverage. Although most insurance companies don’t require a police report to file a comprehensive claim for hitting a deer, this step ensures validation by the adjuster that it was actually an animal you hit. Lv 6. Mark the spot and call your local wildlife rehab group. The months with the most deer-related claims are November, October and December, in that order, State Farm data show. Don’t do it. Don’t swerve to avoid a deer, because you could hit another car. What to do if you hit a deer. 0 1. bikerwoody. Insurance Agency, LLC is a Virginia domiciled licensed insurance agency in 51 US jurisdictions. She should talk to her insurance company. Deer are very active at that time of year because the mating season, or rut, is underway and bucks and does have their minds on other things than traffic! Stated Value: What’s the Difference? If you wish to salvage certain road kill wildlife you must report them to a Fish and Game office within 24 … If there is a deer on the road, it is important that the authorities remove the … 1. In West Virginia, it’s fine as long as you report the kill within 12 hours; in Wyoming and Vermont, you must have a game warden tag the carcass. While they’re more common in rural areas, suburban crashes can happen as well – particularly as new development infringes on deer habitats. Hitting a deer can be a stressful experience, even if there are no human injuries. You could be injured by a frightened, hurt animal. If you file a claim, you'll just have to pay that portion and your insurer will cover the rest. you swerve and hit a tree), it will probably be considered a collision loss. If even a third of the 1.23 million deer killed each year could be salvaged, the magazine says, it would amount to about 20 million pounds of free-range venison. Use high beam headlights at night when there is no approaching traffic. A century ago, white-tailed deer were rare on the East Coast. Remember, deer are creatures of habit. In 1988 officials passed The Road Traffic Act which implemented rules around types of animals. If you do happen hit a deer, these steps can help you handle the process with ease and efficiency. New rules now allow persons to salvage certain wildlife for personal use. Deer-vehicle crashes continue to be a major concern for Wisconsin motorists. Be extra vigilant October through early January. Call the police. They also can be more prevalent in late spring and early summer, when young deer start to establish new territory for themselves. If your car has sustained minor damage, it might be tempting to drive away. When you hit a deer, there will always be blood or hair on the vehicle, so is easy to prove you hit an animal vs another vehicle or object. Collisions with deer cause 200 human deaths and cost more than $4 billion per year. Some states let the policyholder choose if the loss should be paid under collision or comprehensive coverage. Plus, lower visibility makes it more difficult for the driver to see them. When you have parked, call the police non emergency number 101 (not 999) to report the accident. Deer car crashes because approximately 200 fatalities per year, and many of them result from car crashes caused by the driver attempting to swerve. If the deer is still alive but badly injured, motorists are asked to call the California Highway Patrol as soon as possible so the animal can be humanely euthanized. Register your car-killed deer or turkey. If the collision results in injury or property damage, you may need to fill out an official report. Pull over in a safe place and call the police to report hitting a deer. If your provider is being difficult or unclear, contact one of the expert car accident lawyers at Ellis Law for expert guidance. If the deer is still alive but badly injured, motorists are asked to call the California Highway Patrol as soon as possible so the animal can be humanely euthanized. The average cost of a deer crash? Car-killed deer and other wildlife. The total cost of these accidents, which result in 200 human deaths each year, tops more than $1 billion in damages. More damage and injury results from cars that violently swerve, causing them to crash into nearby objects, into oncoming traffic or even flip over. If there are no occupant injuries in the crash, it is up to the discretion of the driver to call 911. Watch out for deer when they’re most active, at dawn and dusk.