Because the computed field updates automatically, if you ever edit a value in the “Revenue generated per gig” field or add any new gig records for a particular artist, the “Total gig revenue” field will also update automatically. Fields like “Product ID” or “Sales Invoice Number” are often created for this purpose. Templates A well-designed relational database will ensure your team's data is accurate, consistent, and reliable. About us Airtable was founded on the belief that software shouldn’t dictate how you work—you should dictate how it works. Because you’ve already established a relationship between the “Gigs” and the “Artists” table, you can use that relationship to look up data from all the relevant gig records per artist. An Airtable base contains all of the information you need for a particular project or collection. The best product and UX teams are using Airtable to coordinate launches, plan new features, organize research, and stay on the same page. Liat Bycel. Fortunately, if you have followed the previous steps and set up a robust underlying database structure, it should be relatively easy to adjust your field- and relationship-specific business rules down the road without having to restructure your entire database. Unlike a traditional spreadsheet or project management system, Airtable … Because business rules are so closely tied to the specific ways in which your organization does its work, your most valuable resource will be, once again, managers and end users. Developing an explicit list of objectives—like “Know the status and location of each of the pieces of art in our collection at all times,” “Produce monthly reports on customer sales,“ or “Maintain complete records for each of our clients”—will help you determine an appropriate structure for your database as you work through this design process. Find what’s right for you and your team. We also offer paid plans with additional storage, features and support. You can use the grouped records feature to create reports in Airtable.. For example: suppose you have a sales pipeline in Airtable. Since this new computed field in the “Agents” table is connected to the “Gigs” table via the “Artists” table, it will also be updated automatically if the values in the “Gigs” table change, even though there is no direct relationship between the “Gigs” and “Agents” tables. Pivot table. If this all sounds unfamiliar or overwhelming, don’t worry—there is a systematic process you can follow that will ensure your relational database follows good design principles, is well-suited to your organization’s needs, and avoids common pitfalls. In the productivity niche: Airtable – a spreadsheet system, that’s more than your average Google file, and, a top-notch project management tool.. Bottom Line Up Front Summary: Airtable … Do the relationships between my tables make sense. (More on this in the next step.). A few questions to ask yourself as you look over every table, field, and relationship: If everything looks good to you, you should run the final product past the end users and managers who will be interacting with the database. For example, if you were designing a sales pipeline database, your “Deals” table might contain a “Sales Rep” foreign key field, which would link to your “Sales Reps” table; if you were designing a content calendar database, your “Pieces” table might contain an “Editor” foreign key field and an “Author” foreign key field, both of which would link to your “Staff” table. Let’s return to our talent management database example. We’re going to take a look at two giants Airtable vs Whatever the case, it’s worth taking the time to identify the intended purpose of the database you’ll be creating. Airtable is a low-code platform for building collaborative apps. If you need to streamline your team’s operations, ensure that multiple teams in your org are working from a single source of truth, maintain a canonical inventory, or perform any other data-related responsibility, your team can benefit from a relational database. Ideas become reality faster with Airtable. Airtable branding within bases cannot be removed on the pro plan or any other plan. Be sure to take their feedback into consideration and further refine your lists as appropriate. This is an example ER diagram for our talent agency database. Case studies. Cross-functional Collaboration Explore what businesses have built with Airtable. Primary keys have been marked with “PK” and foreign keys with “FK.” The different shapes at the ends of the lines note the types of relationships between the entities: the crow’s foot shape represents “many,” whereas the dash represents “one.” So, for example, the line between the “Artists” and “Agents” tables can be interpreted as: each artist is associated with one agent, but each agent can be associated with many artists.